God of Destruction

Chapter 4682: A word in the festival wakes up the dreamer

Chapter 4688 A word awakens the dreamer

A loud noise of "Boom!" came from the Netherworld, and a thunderstorm fell from the void, as if there was a great evil about to appear in the Netherworld. The entire Netherworld was turbulent and ups and downs. The changes in the prehistoric world, the whole prehistoric world is ups and downs, the endless evil spirits gather, aggravating the aura of the world-destroying catastrophe!

"I understand, it turns out that the Netherworld has lost the repression of the master, and the power of the suppression will disappear little by little, and the real power of suppression is not the origin of the Netherworld, but the tunnel itself, after the tunnel escapes. , the world of Zhenfeng will appear, it is no wonder that Di Zun will cooperate with me, he is worried that his departure will bring disaster to the prehistoric world, he is looking for help!"

When feeling the changes in the Netherworld, the Yin-Yang Daoist finally figured out the problem and understood the calculation of the Earth Venerable, but this is nothing to the Yin-Yang Daoist, and now the shocking changes in the Netherworld can also allow him to see through the prehistoric more clearly. world.

The turmoil in the nether world has made the entire prehistoric world turbulent, and the world has fallen into crisis. Such changes are the greatest threat to heaven and humanity. The last thing they want to see is such a terrible upheaval, but they did not Ways to stop this from happening, they should have thought of this when they got out of the way!

"Yan Luo, how are you?" At this time, Daoist Yin and Yang called out to Emperor Yan Luo in secret. Will the turmoil in the nether world bring destruction to Emperor Yan Luo? The authority of the world, when the nether world is in turmoil, will it bring new harm to the former world master of the Yama Emperor Group? This requires the Yin-Yang Taoist to be careful. After all, this is likely to happen. Insidious calculations!

"My deity, I am afraid that I will fall into a deep sleep. When the last point of origin is completely wiped out, my soul has suffered a devastating blow. Even if we have made a lot of preparations before this, there is no way to avoid it. This influence, in the future, no matter what, do not reconcile your primordial spirit with the world, this is a disaster, a hidden danger! Unless we really can give up everything and enter Nirvana before the world is completely destroyed, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous, and Nirvana will lose all its power, really start from scratch, there is no shortcut to take!"

When these words fell, Daoist Yin-Yang felt heavy in their hearts. In order to keep Emperor Yama, he made a lot of efforts and paid a huge price, but the result was still the same. If what happened to Emperor Yama was related to the The ancestors are the same. For the twelve ancestors, this same relative is a devastating disaster. How did the emperor Jiang Zuwu survive this disaster?

Pangu! In an instant, Taoist Yin-Yang thought of Pangu. It was the power of Pangu who sheltered Emperor Jiang Zuwu. As the inheritor of Pangu's bloodline, Emperor Jiang Zuwu was protected by the power of Pangu at the most dangerous time. The power of Pangu helped him to disappear. The most terrifying disaster, but all this is not even known to Emperor Jiang Zuwu, this may have been a conspiracy from the beginning, Pangu's conspiracy against the world master, becoming the master of the world will be implicated by the source, and the destruction of the world will give Self-destructing blow!

For the Yin-Yang Daoist, it is a bit too late to understand. For the Wu people, the power of Pangu can be used to eliminate this terrible disaster, but whether there are other problems with Pangu's power is also unknown, so the Yin-Yang Daoist does not Longing for the power of Pangu, the power that belongs to oneself is the most suitable for oneself and the best!

After Emperor Yan Luo's words fell, the Yin-Yang Daoist lost contact with him soon. He could only feel the depressed breath of Emperor Yan Luo and fell into a deep sleep. Now Emperor Yan Luo has no origin, all origins. The power of the emperor was dissipated, and Emperor Yan Luo said that he was in a deep sleep, but it was better to say that he was carrying out a nirvana, a nirvana between life and death!

Nirvana, in desperation, Emperor Yama had to give up all his powers by performing nirvana, and his soul instantly returned to the most primitive state. This was not completely forced to Nirvana, and part of it was Emperor Yama's own thoughts. Only then can we be reborn, and we can completely recover the wounds on the soul, otherwise, even endless years may not be able to erase the wounds on the soul, after all, the wounds are deeply imprinted on the soul and the soul. above the source.

"Okay, this is also a path, a path of vitality. As long as you can pass the Nirvana period, everything will have hope, and there will be opportunities in life, but how much memory can you keep after Nirvana?" Thinking of this, the Yin Yang Taoist couldn't help but feel Di secretly sighed, and sighed at the sacrifice of Emperor Yan Luo, this is fate, this is the cruelty of the weak and the strong, his own strength cannot transcend the prehistoric world, naturally he will be bound by the prehistoric world, and he must accept this fate!

When he saw the Yin-Yang Taoist lost his mind for a long time, the ancestor Ming He couldn't help but said: "Yin-Yang Taoist friend, will the world in the origin of the nether world be the same as the chaotic little world we contacted before, and there will be a time limit? "

When Old Ancestor Ming He said these words, he immediately woke up the absent Yin-Yang Taoist, then shook his head gently and said, "It's hard to say, the Fang Xiaotiandi we encountered is probably more mysterious than other worlds. , I once suspected that it was a fragment of the world that collapsed in the war between the three thousand chaotic gods and demons and Pangu. Of course, it may not be the case. As for the world sealed by the authentic source, I am afraid that there are many dangers in it. If there is a time limit, it is almost impossible. Possibly, unless the 3,000 chaotic gods and demons are afraid that the prehistoric world will devour the world they created, which is impossible, the idea that the 3,000 chaotic gods and demons have been attacking the prehistoric world can make the great **** Pangu separate the power of the primordial spirit. Sealing it with the origin of the world shows how dangerous it is!"

"Daoist yin and yang think what we should do now, how can we survive this sudden change, and how can we get rid of our own crisis?" Daoist Yin-Yang asked, survival was the most important thing to her, but this world-destroying catastrophe came too fiercely.


"I don't know, to be honest with you fellow Daoists, I don't know what to do now, don't think that I am very powerful when I become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In today's prehistoric world, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not as powerful as you think. The power of the prehistoric world is suppressing me. This is still the case in the ancient star field. If it is in the prehistoric land, the pressure I have to face will be even more terrifying, and there will even be life worries, so you ask me I don’t know what to do, after all, for us, we don’t understand everything about the prehistoric world, and we don’t understand the battle between Pangu and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons.”

Speaking of this, the Yin-Yang Daoist sighed deeply, and then continued: "Although the Earth Venerable has communicated with me, I am not sure about many things, and the paths we pursue are different, so now we If the two fellow Taoists feel empty, they might as well hunt and kill the chaotic beasts, as long as they are careful to deal with the origin of the chaotic beasts, and don’t let their origin contaminate their source avenue!”

Can you fully believe the words of Di Zun? No, Taoist Yin-Yang can't believe it at all, even if his words are true, but as long as the earth respect has some key reservations in these words, if he is not careful, he will be plotted against him, and in such a terrifying environment Under the circumstances, once you are in crisis, you will inevitably die. There are too many enemies, and the taboo creatures will be hated by all the prehistoric creatures, and they will never be merciful if they have a chance!

"Daoist yin and yang, I don't know if you can sense the existence of our former world. I sensed that it appeared in the chaos outside the prehistoric world before, but some time ago, there was a sudden news about it. Knowing what has changed in that small world, with the ability of fellow Daoists, is it possible for us to re-determine its existence?"

Since the world in the source of the nether world cannot be used, the ancestor Ming He turned his attention back to the world where he had obtained the opportunity. It is a pity that the ancestor Ming He did not know that the world he longed for had already been controlled by the Yin-Yang Taoist. Refining has merged with the Chaos Pearl, the treasure of Chaos, and evolved into a Chaos World that belongs to the Yin-Yang Taoist!

"I also felt his existence, but unfortunately, like fellow Daoist, I lost the sense of it in the end, but it is impossible to determine its existence with our strength. According to Earth Venerable, the Chaos Xiaotiandi is likely to go away. At the end, assimilated by chaos, this opportunity is completely cut off from us, of course, maybe one day we can re-sensitize its existence in chaos!"

For the words of Daoist Yin and Yang, Ancestor Ming He frowned tightly. The situation was more serious than he imagined, but now he needs to quickly increase his strength in order to compete for the front line in this world catastrophe. vitality. Empress Nuwa also frowned at this time, obviously influenced by the words of the Yin-Yang Taoist.

Seeing the hesitant expressions of the ancestor Ming He and the Empress Nuwa, Taoist Yin-Yang sighed softly: "Two Taoists, I don't owe anything to me, but in my opinion, you have now lost You have become indecisive when you have become rational. Maybe you have too many worries in your hearts, but what I want to say is that if you continue like this, the consequences will be unimaginable, and you will even trigger your own inner demons, causing yourself to fall into a place of doom. It is a catastrophe that will destroy the world, and we need to keep calm at all times!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist said it very easily, but in fact, there are many people who can do this, almost non-existent. In the face of such repeated shocks, it is not easy for Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa to stand here safely. .

"Actually, both of them have lost their minds by the temptation of Di Zun, and they have forgotten one of the most important things. There are 3,000 chaotic gods and demons fighting against Pangu, there is a small world in the sea of ​​blood, and there is a party in the ancient star field. The small world and the nether world also have such a sealed world. Even if it is calculating the heaven and the wild land, there are only a few worlds at most. Can the real good people have the backhand of three thousand chaos gods and demons? Maybe the arrival of this natural disaster is Crisis is also an opportunity, all the chaotic gods and demons in the great wilderness will be triggered, and it is too late for the three thousand chaotic gods, at least there should be hundreds or even thousands of inheritances left!"

A word awakened the dreamer. When he heard the words of Daoist Yin-Yang, the ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa instantly became full of fighting spirit, and there was no longer any hesitation before. Just as Daoist Yin-Yang said, three thousand chaos Do gods and demons only have these few worlds that they know about? Even they can create the world and create life. Can three thousand chaotic gods and demons not be able to do it?

Instead of putting your energy into the world you already know, it's better to let go of the burden in your heart and look for the inheritance and opportunities of other chaotic gods and demons. As long as you can succeed, everything is hopeful, but it's just that the two of them are really successful. Can you explore the unknown worlds in the prehistoric world, and can you withstand the pressure from the outside world?

Such thoughts disappeared in the hearts of Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa in just a flash. Although there were such worries in their hearts, they soon gave up. This is a catastrophe, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, You have to put in 100% of your efforts, only in this way will you have a chance to seize that chance.

"Thank you for your guidance, we know what to do. For the Daoist and the twelve ancestors, the wild land is dangerous, but for us, maybe that is our real treasure, the place where we prove the Way. !" Empress Nuwa said with a hint of joy in her eyes, as if she wanted to understand the key, and her whole person became different!

Ancestor Ming He also nodded his head in agreement. The prehistoric land is dangerous for Yin-Yang Daoists and the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Stepping into it is likely to stimulate killing intent from the prehistoric world and fall into a desperate situation, just like Yin-Yang Daoists. As said, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not absolutely safe in the flood, and there are more dangers.

Once the primordial spirit of Pangu recovers and the great **** Pangu returns to the prehistoric world, the twelve ancestor witches live or die, whether their blood will be recalled by the great **** Pangu, and how Sanqing will end everything, no one knows. But they all understand that once this happens, it will be a disaster for them, and they will pay a heavy price for it, and this price is likely to be their lives, and they will die. Here, the great **** Pangu is their root, and when Pangu returns, whether they are alive or dead is only within Pangu's thoughts!

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