God of Destruction

Chapter 4683: festival fear

Chapter 4689 fear

"Damn it, the thing we are most worried about has happened, Heavenly Dao, if we can't stop the shocking change in the Netherworld, the situation in the entire prehistoric world will get out of control, and no matter how much power you and I put in, you can't stop the opening of the world! "

"What can we do to stop it, now that the saints of heaven have already made betrayal, even if they are blocked, it will not work, that **** is determined to take action in advance, to break free from the shackles of the deity, it's just this bastard's Crazy has hurt you and me. Heaven is fine. With Hongjun as a helper, the change is not too big, but the great land is different. The aura of the deity is constantly rising. It will recover, it will be a disaster for you and me, and it seems that our plan has to be terminated."

"Terminate, how to terminate, you have worked hard for endless years, and you give up like this, are you willing?" Human Dao was a little excited at this time, and asked him to give up everything now. This is unacceptable to him. Only after seeing the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the world and the possibility of freedom, how could it give up!

"What if you don't want to, is it possible that you want to accompany the entire prehistoric world for a long time to come, you think the deity will let you go after the recovery of the primordial spirit, and give you a new life, stop dreaming, the authentic **** saw this, so he You will be the first to take action. Although you have paid a huge price, you have taken the initiative. Don't worry about the backlash from the origin of the prehistoric world! It's just that the pressure is on you and me. If we also retreat, we must face the anger of the origin of the prehistoric world. You and I both thought that the tunnel was weak and the most ignorant, but now it seems that the most ignorant is not him, but us, and we are the stupidest people!"

"To gather the power of all beings in the entire prehistoric world, can you suppress the change in the nether world?" Human Dao said in a sullen voice. Grab that ray of life, so that the accumulation of your endless years will not disappear because of this shocking change!

"If you can't do it, even if you gather the power of the entire prehistoric land, you can't do it. If Emperor Yan Luo is still there, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are still there, together with their strength, they may be able to suppress this shock, but it is a pity that they They have already escaped, especially the Daoist Yin-Yang who has now proven the Dao Jinxian of Hunyuan, and has been rejected by the origin of the prehistoric world. There is only one thing, that is to let all this continue to be destroyed, no matter what, or to cut off the nether world directly from the prehistoric world, but this also has to bear the backlash from the origin of the world, if you and I share the impact of backlash, we will We can hold on to it, but we don’t know what the result will be once we do this, and how it will end. This is not a trivial matter. Once the three worlds of heaven, earth and man are divided, the origin of the world will be damaged. You and I Being one of the world's three realms is bound to suffer backlash!"

"Dividing the three worlds of heaven, earth and human, evolving one world on its own, completely cutting off the deity and three thousand chaos gods and demons, this sounds like a very good plan, but it is very difficult to really implement it, we really do not have such ability, maybe When the **** was there, there was still a chance for the three of us to work together. Now there is no chance at all. Perhaps it is because the tunnel has seen through this point that he will act so decisively. We all underestimate this bastard, he is the last Born, but the most insidious and cunning!"

"It's useless to say these things now, we must do everything possible to get out of this crisis, instead of continuing to be bound by this catastrophe and falling into this terrifying desperation. Your choice, my power is unable to suppress this shocking change in the nether world, and my source power cannot directly point to the nether world through the vast land, this requires your efforts, only you can change everything, and only you Is it possible to stop this?"

Stop it, what humanity can do to stop it, even if it integrates the power of the entire prehistoric land, it can't do it, because the current nether world has long been out of control, without the existence of the world's lord, without the protection of the world's lord, the nether world is instantly plunged into Among the most terrible disasters, the creatures in the nether world become crazy and cruel, and they all want to compete for a chance of survival.

At this moment, the nether world has long been in chaos, and there are people with any ideas. Some people want to take the opportunity to rob, some people want to take the opportunity to seize the authority and power of the nether world, want to become the master of the world, and even want to become the master of reincarnation. And their ideas can be realized, because there is no resistance for them, all they have to do is to defeat themselves, defeat those opponents who want to compete with them for opportunities, as long as they can do it, they can achieve their wishes!

"These **** in the nether world don't know, once the earth-shattering fear changes in the nether world, the first one must be them, how could they let it all break out so madly, and the **** Hongjun, he also Sitting on the sidelines, this is a big hidden danger for us, and their existence is our biggest weakness!"

"How can those ants know how to advance and retreat? For them, they don't know what is the catastrophe of the world. They only have interests in their eyes. For them, as long as they compete for enough power of origin and authority, this is the Hope, this is life, their vision is destined not to look too late, this is human nature!"

"Hehe, human nature, what is human nature under the calamity of destroying the world, this is just the beginning, if we really have to let it go, all the creatures in the entire nether world will be wiped out, such a huge karma for the prehistoric world. It will be a devastating blow to heaven and earth, we need to prepare as early as possible!"

"Prepare, now you and I are trapped in our own world, how to prepare, do you have a new idea and found a way to break the game?" Tian Dao revealed a faint shock in his eyes for a moment, and said ask!


"How could it be so easy to think of a way to break the game? What I can do is to protect ourselves. The most important thing for us now is how to protect ourselves. Since the shocking changes in the nether world have completely broken out, we don't need to care about him anymore. , what we have to do is to protect ourselves with all our strength, shield the connection with the nether world, and cut off the connection between the nether world and our world, so that we do not have to face the backlash from the wild world, and can directly reduce the relationship between ourselves and the nether world. contact?"

As soon as the words of humanity fell, the expression of Tiandao changed again. This suggestion sounds good, but it is only good. It is still far from the problem that Tiandao wants to solve. It is necessary to know the disappearance of the authentic. The loss of the world's master in the nether world has completely shaken the foundation of the nether world, as well as the foundation of the prehistoric world. The foundation of a world has been shaken, and it is conceivable that this world will slide in which direction, but it cannot be stopped. , It will be a disaster for all the creatures in the entire prehistoric world, and everyone is in crisis. This is the danger of heaven and earth catastrophe!

"Humanity, we are now grasshoppers on a rope. Once the prehistoric world falls into a catastrophe, the deity's primordial spirit will definitely be awakened. At that time, I can't escape you, nor can I escape, what is there? The solution is to say it bluntly, don’t hide it, if you just want to protect yourself like this, it is a daydream, it is impossible to achieve, don’t forget what is in the origin of our two worlds, once they erupt, the consequences will be unimaginable! Now that power in the nether world is about to explode, you should understand the danger and the impact on the prehistoric world!"

"Okay, I'll just talk about my thoughts. Since the disaster has come, it's unavoidable, and we can't stop it, we'll speed up the pace of progress. Isn't the catastrophe to destroy all creatures in the world and let the world start anew? ? We can take the initiative to complete all of this on its behalf. If we can devour all living beings in the prehistoric world, can we avoid the outbreak of the world-annihilation catastrophe? What reason exists!"

"Hey! You're crazy, do you know what you're talking about? You know what terrifying consequences we will bring to you if we take the initiative to destroy all beings in the prehistoric world, and how much karma will be stained on your body. The world has forged a huge cause and effect, and it has also forged a great cause and effect with the three thousand chaotic gods and demons!"

At this time, Tian Dao was also shocked by the crazy idea of ​​Human Dao. He did not expect that Human Dao, who was very patient, would come up with such a crazy solution at this time. Do you have a chance to break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world? It will always be shackled by the prehistoric world, and it will never be possible to escape!

"Crazy, I am not crazy, but this world is too crazy, I have to make such a choice, if it is not for the prehistoric world to force us to take this road again and again, how can I choose such a decision, I naturally I understand the serious locust fruit of doing this, but has the prehistoric world given us a chance to choose? No, it has not given us a chance to choose at all, and has always forced us to take this road of no return, to this dead end. And only by doing this, can we survive from the dead, and fight our own **** path from this terrible natural and man-made disaster. Only by living can there be hope, right?"

Only by living can there be hope. This sentence makes Tiandao's expression change again and again. Why doesn't he know this, but is it worth living like this? With such a big karma, there is still a chance of survival. Kill a **** path of your own? For this statement of humanity, Heavenly Dao is somewhat unacceptable, and it is also difficult to accept!

Of course, it's not how kind and benevolent the way of heaven is, but that the way of heaven is different from the way of humanity. There are countless prehistoric beings in the prehistoric land controlled by the way of humanity. There are not so many living beings in existence. It can be said that the gap between today's heaven and the wild land is too great. Even if the way of heaven and the way of humanity act together, the ultimate benefit will only be the way of humanity, not the way of heaven. It is precisely because Tiandao can see all this clearly that he chooses to refuse and warns humanity not to be so crazy!

"No, humanity, we can't do this, it will put us in a place of doom, and we will really die!"

"I have no other way, and I can't find any other way. I even wonder if this will be everything that the deity and the three thousand chaos gods and demons have designed a long time ago. Once the situation develops to this stage, we will all fall into In such a predicament, the tunnel is insidious and cunning, and it is possible to escape early, but you and I are deeply caught in this big pit. There is only one way to get rid of this, and the only way to get rid of all the creatures in the prehistoric world is to cut off. , Let the creatures start anew, we have a chance of life, as long as we are still alive, everything is possible, if we fail once, we can do it again!"

"Humanity, have you thought about if all of this really has something to do with the deity and the three thousand chaos gods and demons, what are the consequences of doing this, will it directly stimulate the deity's recovery, let you and I both die, and become the deity again. a part of?"

"I thought about it, how could I not have thought of such a possibility, but we really have no choice, even if there is such a danger, how can we be reconciled if we don't let go, and if the deity's primordial spirit recovers, will it fall directly into weakness? In the middle, the deity Yang wants to devour us. Given the absolute weakness of the deity's primordial spirit, can we take the opportunity to fight back, kill the deity's primordial spirit by surprise, and divide up everything in the deity? If we can do it, everything will be complete. isn't it?"

I was dumbfounded. Originally, Tiandao thought that Humanity was just trying to beat all living beings. I didn't expect that this lunatic didn't even plan to give up the primordial spirit of the deity, but wanted to devour it and turn it into a part of himself, just as he said. , once they succeed, they can indeed replace it and completely eliminate the huge threat of the deity Yuanshen, but the price they have to pay is huge, even if they are not careful, they will still fall into a desperate situation of ten deaths and no life. , Such a choice is a double-edged sword. When hurting others, it will also seriously hurt itself, putting itself into a huge crisis!

Rejection, if you reject Humanity's suggestion, Tiandao can't think of a solution, and he can only sit and wait, and this disagreement is a result that Tiandao can't accept, so Tiandao quickly fell into thinking, thinking Calculate the pros and cons of this!

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