God of Destruction

Chapter 4684: out of control

Chapter 4690 Out of Control

After a long time, Tian Dao finally woke up, and there was a faint greed in his eyes. At this time, greedy desire and hope flooded into his heart, only to hear him whisper: "Humanity, you have some confidence that you can succeed, This is not a trivial matter, once we fail, you and I will end up very badly. We must know that the prehistoric world is already out of our control. Even if we have many back-ups, once we fail, we will only end up dying and disappearing. , after all, the whole pattern of heaven and earth has been destroyed by that bastard!"

"If you are very sure, you will never believe it! Of course, I don't have such confidence. After all, we are facing the creatures of the entire prehistoric world, and we are facing the wrath of the deity Yuanshen. If we can work together, There is still a 70% certainty. After all, we have the advantage of the home field in this battle, and now is the calamity of the world, and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons have also left behind their own hands in the prehistoric world. We contain many powers of this deity!"

"I'm 70% sure, this **** is still trying to deceive me at this time. If I can be 40% sure, it's pretty good, maybe it's a little lower and only 30%. However, at this stage of the situation, I really have nothing else. Choose, if you don't cooperate with Humanity, you will lose control of the prehistoric world bit by bit, and then be pulled into a place of doom!" Tiandao was secretly scolding Humanity for being shameless, but he also understood that he had already lost the current situation. The right to choose!

"Well, since you want to fight, let's give it a go, strangle all the creatures in the entire prehistoric world, condense their origins to complete this life-and-death confrontation, and kill a **** path that belongs to us from this desperate situation! "

At this time, Tian Dao also had to accompany Human Dao to give it a go. In his opinion, this is his only chance to come back. If he refuses, he will never have the possibility to come back again, and it will become this world catastrophe. The nutrients of the body are completely dissipated in the prehistoric world, and the soul is truly gone, and there is no possibility of returning!

After Tiandao agreed with Humane's suggestion, the atmosphere of the entire prehistoric world became more violent, endless murderous intent shrouded the prehistoric land and the heavens, and all creatures felt the endless killing intent from the void, making them unable to help themselves. The fear and anxiety that comes from the bottom of my heart, as if I will become a dead person in the next moment, and my body will die!

Yes, this is the consequence of the cooperation between Heaven and Humanity. When Heaven and Humanity cooperate, the entire prehistoric world will be affected by it, and they will all pay a heavy price for this. It will be a catastrophe, and countless creatures will be destroyed because of this crazy catastrophe!

"Damn it, why is my mind suddenly afraid? What major event happened in this prehistoric world that actually caused the mind to warn me. Is this threat from external forces or from within itself? What force dares to be so arrogant?" When the strong people noticed the change in their minds, they couldn't help but swear, as if scolding could help them suppress the crisis in their hearts, solve the terrible disaster they are facing right now, and give them a chance to escape!

"Yes, I also have the same feeling. What happened in the prehistoric world, which actually affects your safety and mine? Could it be that there are more powerful enemies in the prehistoric world, and the target will be yourself?" Powerhouses with a clear mind and agile mind are sending a fierce counterattack, pity they can't get rid of this crisis no matter how shrewd they are, this is the crisis of the evolution of the general trend of heaven and earth, obscuring the perception of many people, making them feel the way of heaven in their hearts No more fear!

When the heaven and the earth change again and again, and the threats come to them again and again, the creatures in the entire prehistoric world are inevitably angry and unwilling, but they can't change it. For these prehistoric creatures, even shaking the heavens Without the ability of human beings, naturally there is no threat to heaven and human beings. In the eyes of heaven and human beings, there is no need to make a big move at this time, and the Yin-Yang Daoist is a life-and-death enemy in vain!

For the sentient beings in the prehistoric world, when such a shocking change occurs, when they determine all these changes, they no longer believe in the way of heaven and human beings in their hearts. Now they only believe in themselves, and everything else can be give up!

Among the killings mentioned by Humanity, Heavenly Dao had the least pressure. The Heavenly Realm had already been dilapidated in the previous catastrophe. There were not many living beings, and there was no threat to Heavenly Dao's strength. Naturally, the pressure was much less. In contrast, the pressure of humanity is heavy. Not to mention the many ethnic civilizations in the prehistoric world, just Sanqing is enough to make them have to be vigilant. Sanqing is a part of Pangu Yuanshen, and even Sanqing is still Pangu to a certain extent. The representative of Yuanshen, once Sanqing is stimulated by external forces, will it stimulate the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, and will the entire prehistoric world undergo a shock change? This is what humanity must pay attention to, no matter how much humanity has Thoughts, can't stimulate Pangu Yuanshen and make himself into a desperate situation, at least it is like this, once the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen will greatly affect people's calculations!

Humanity and Heaven can't kill these wild worlds head-on. They want to hide the sky and cross the sea, and kill Sanqing without disturbing any wild powerhouse. This is almost impossible. What is the foundation of Sanqing? I don't know, under the circumstance that I don't have any understanding of Sanqing at all, taking a rash move will only ruin my life!

How to kill these prehistoric creatures before they cause everyone's hostility? With the help of the power of natural disasters, no one will feel that this world and man-made disaster is controlled by someone in a short time, and this person Qiaqia is a **** who can do this. When this power is in their hands At that time, the entire prehistoric world ushered in a terrifying natural and man-made disaster, causing the entire prehistoric world to continue to be destroyed!

"Damn, what's going on, the environment of the great land has become like this, and some ethnic civilizations are constantly being destroyed. Could it be that because of the drastic changes in the world, the world-annihilation catastrophe began to break out wildly, and the outbreak of the world-earth catastrophe was accelerated!" In the human race world, those powerhouses are contemplating, for them, the great changes in the prehistoric world now make them feel uneasy.

auzw.comThe human race has its own world and there are such fearful people, and other race civilizations can be imagined. As natural and man-made disasters continue to expand, gradually more race civilizations Falling down in this terrifying storm has made the entire prehistoric world shaken even more violent, and the creatures of all ethnic groups who have joined the gang gradually feel the horror of this source, and worry about their own safety one by one , I am afraid that the terrifying power will come to my head in the next moment, and my racial civilization will also be destroyed in this terrifying natural disaster, and my dead soul will disappear in this wild world!

As soon as death came, all the creatures were afraid, and they did not dare to interfere with the madness of heaven and humanity to stop their slaughter. In fact, even if these prehistoric creatures were aware of it, it was useless, their strength was too weak, in the prehistoric world Among them, being weak is a sin, and they should suffer such a catastrophe when they are weak. Strength determines everything!

"I don't know, maybe it's another heavenly change. This heaven and earth catastrophe has changed and changed again and again, which has far exceeded our imagination. It is no longer something we can intervene. Surviving in the calamity is the best result, and living is the greatest benefit of our human race!"

The elders and powerhouses of all the tribes are discussing this sudden change, and they are all afraid of this natural change in the prehistoric world. For them, this seriously threatens their own safety and threatens the survival of the human race. Let them Uneasy!

"Perhaps we should give up everything in the prehistoric world and bring all the clansmen into the world given to us by the mother god. Our human race has our own world, and this is our biggest retreat. Now I think it is time to do so! "Finally, the strong man of the human race expressed his worries, and also revealed the last retreat of the human race!

Abandoning everything in the prehistoric world is a huge problem for the human race. If the human race does this, it means that the human race has given up everything in the prehistoric world, which means that the fate of the prehistoric world will be stripped from them. It is difficult for high-level people to accept it. After such a long period of time and such a terrible disaster, the human race waited for the opportunity to become the protagonist of the prehistoric world, and now they give up like this, they are really unwilling.

"Everyone, don't hesitate any more, otherwise our human race will lose even more, even if we give up the prehistoric world, even if we lose the prehistoric fate, but we have our own world and can survive, this world catastrophe has exceeded the human race. Don’t let the fire of civilization of the entire race go out for the sake of the immediate benefit, the survival of the race is the most important thing!”

Yes, for the human race, the survival of racial civilization is the most important thing, and everything else can be abandoned, but although this sentence is very correct, it is difficult for the high-level human race to give up, after all, they are deeply involved. I feel the importance of the fate of the human race, and I also understand how powerful the fate of the protagonist of the prehistoric world is, and how important it is to enhance the racial civilization!

"I don't understand what you are hesitating about. In the original catastrophe, the patriarch sacrificed himself for the human race. Now you can't give up such a little luck. Do you really have to risk the entire human race for the sake of luck? The human race is in danger, if you do this, how will you face the sacrificed martyrs, how will you be worthy of the people who trust you!"

When these words fell, everyone was moved. These words are really heavy, but the high-level human race also has their own ideas and concerns. Losing the luck of the protagonist of heaven and earth, the human race will be very important if it wants to grow and develop. It is difficult, and the human race has given up the innate origin for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, which is too much sacrifice for the human race.

"Well, at this stage of the situation, we have no choice. We must have heard of the shocking changes in the netherworld. Emperor Yan Luo and the Wu clan have both abandoned the netherworld. What else do we humans have to worry about? For the sake of racial civilization. To survive, sacrifice is necessary. If someone resents, if someone blames, then I will bear all this. From now on, the human race will transfer to the world given to us by the mother god, and do everything possible to ensure that the fire of racial civilization will not be extinguished! "

When this voice fell, the entire human race high-level sighed, they all understood how terrible it would be to bear such a big cause and effect, and how terrifying the pressure would be, but this is the responsibility that the patriarch must bear, and Now the new patriarch, who everyone just prepared to elect, takes on this heavy responsibility alone!

Sacrifice yourself, save the entire human race, and let the fire of human civilization not go out! This is the backbone of the human race, and this is the greatest support of the human race. Every strong person is willing to sacrifice himself for the human race, and is willing to bear all the responsibilities of the human race.

When the human race began to evacuate from the prehistoric world in an orderly manner, the whole prehistoric world became more chaotic and crazier. The terrifying calamity of the prehistoric land, felt the amazing killing aura, and this killing aura had already shrouded the entire prehistoric land.

At this time, Sanqing finally understood that the thing they were most afraid of happened, the thing that they were most worried about happened, the entire prehistoric world would fall into a terrible massacre, and all racial civilizations would experience a terrible massacre. , countless creatures will continue to fall in this terrifying catastrophe, and countless creatures will be destroyed!

At this time, it was not only Sanqing who felt the terrifying disaster, but Zhunti and Yingyue were also a little dumbfounded. The western land was also in the midst of this natural disaster, and they were also deeply affected by such a terrifying change in the world. Affected by the terrifying killing aura, the entire Western land was also caught in a terrifying slaughter, and even the disciples they educated were deeply affected by this killing aura, and the West itself was plunged into crisis. Among them, such a shocking change made Zhunti and Jieyin extremely distressed and shocked. This power was beyond their grasp, and the world robbery was out of control!

Yes, when Heaven and Humanity made crazy decisions, the entire prehistoric world lost control, and all order collapsed completely. Even if there was no world-annihilating catastrophe, the entire prehistoric world would face a calamity. Doomsday!

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