God of Destruction

Chapter 4685: Festival teamed up

Chapter 4691 join forces

Out of control, the prehistoric world is out of control, this is the first reaction of Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin. With such an amazing upheaval, Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin have to be careful, and they have to be careful. At that time, they all felt that the terrible disaster was eroding themselves, and they were also caught in this terrible threat of killing!

"Damn, we are in big trouble!" After carefully inspecting the environment of the prehistoric land, when he felt the terrifying aura from Buzhou Mountain, Taishang Laojun's expression changed greatly, his eyes revealed endless anger, he understood I was caught in a big crisis, and the power of death was eroding myself, but when this power poured into my own source, it was when I died, and the power of death was vaguely related to myself. There is a trace of connection with the great land!

"We are indeed in big trouble. This power of death is actually related to our origin and to the great land. We have suffered the backlash from the great land. If we can't resist this power, death and destruction await us. !" Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes also showed endless anger at this moment, anger towards the prehistoric land, his three brothers are already helping the prehistoric earth, helping the prehistoric world, and maintaining the balance of heaven and earth, but the result has been exchanged for such an end, How can this not make Yuanshi Tianzun angry, how can you not make Yuanshi Tianzun angry, but this is the reality!

"We were abandoned, abandoned by the great land. The power of the great land is madly destroying all living beings in the world. It is about to destroy the world. The irony of this, we paid such a huge price and effort, only to be abandoned by the great land, this is really ridiculous!" Tongtian sect master also revealed endless anger in his eyes, but once he failed to resist, he didn't say anything. And metaphor!

"The three of us are still facing such a crisis, and judging and receiving are no exception. It seems that this time we have become abandoned children of heaven and earth. Maybe this is our destiny. In exchange for a sincere return, it is betrayal, the betrayal of the great land, perhaps our original choice was really wrong!"

"Yeah, if we, like Taoist Yin-Yang, Twelve Ancestral Witch, Ancestor Styx, and Empress Nuwa, all gave up the prehistoric world and entered the ancient star field, it would not be such a tragic situation, and we would not have to pay a huge price. , in exchange for betrayal!"

"What's the use of talking about these now? For us, we should think about how to change our own crisis and how to get out of this disaster. Since Honghuang Tiandi betrayed our efforts, there is no need for us to continue to stay in Honghuang. Above the earth, it is our best choice to break free from the slaughter of the primordial land and enter the ancient star field. Now even the human race is gathering its own racial creatures, what else do we have to wait for!"

The behavior of the human race was seen by Sanqing, and they also understood why the human race was. The human race had already made a choice for self-protection, giving up their protagonist position in the prehistoric world, and even the protagonist of the world could give up. How big is the sacrifice, what is Sanqing to hesitate and care about at this time, any interests are not as important as their own safety!

"Perhaps it is not the will of the prehistoric world that betrayed us, but the way of heaven and humanity. Today's prehistoric world has lost its balance because of the departure of the authentic way, so the way of heaven and humanity wants to sacrifice the entire prehistoric world. At the price, let the prehistoric world restart and get rid of the threat of the catastrophe!"

"Whether this is the case or not, it has no value to us, we have become abandoned children, we can't exchange our lives for the restart of the prehistoric world, and we are not merciful enough to sacrifice ourselves in exchange for the restart of the prehistoric world. , make the final preparations, restore your own strength with all your strength, and when the time comes, we will directly tear the void into the ancient star field!"

At this time, Taishang Laojun has given no hope to the prehistoric world. For him, since the prehistoric world cannot tolerate him, he will leave. Without the prehistoric world, he is still able to survive, even if the world-destroying catastrophe comes. , Destroying the prehistoric world, I don't care, living is the hope, I don't want to exchange my life for the restart of the prehistoric world!

"Senior brother, maybe we should talk to Zhunti and Jieyin, just relying on the strength of our three brothers may not be enough to break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, and it is not enough to cut off the murderous intention of the prehistoric world. With people helping each other, the chance of success will be higher, but unfortunately we can’t contact the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witches right now, otherwise our chances of survival will be better, after all, they have long noticed the crisis in the prehistoric world!”

"Okay, time waits for no one, we will contact Zhun mention and lead, I hope they can understand the situation and will not make wrong choices, but we don't have much time, if they refuse, we will just give up They, we don't have time to discuss too much with them, once we miss the opportunity, we will stay in the wild land forever!"

"I believe that Zhunti and Jieyin will not be so stupid, I will contact them now!" When talking about this, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately contacted Zhunti and Jieyin, and colluded with them, just because of the drastic changes in the prehistoric world, even if it was In the same prehistoric land, Yuanshi Tianzun would have to pay a considerable price for contacting Zhunti and Yingyue, and he would also have to bear the resistance of the prehistoric world!

"Damn the prehistoric land, it is using the power of the source to block our connection with the outside world. Senior brother, Tongtian junior brother, help me!" Facing the blockade from the prehistoric land, Yuanshi Tianzun had no choice but to confront Laojun Taishang and Tongtian. When the sect master asks for help, just relying on his own strength is difficult to break through the blockade of the great land in a short period of time. The consequences will be unimaginable in a long time. The three of them do not have so much time to wait and can be wasted!

When they heard Tianzun Yuanshi's request for help, Taishang Laojun and the sect master of Tongtian couldn't help but change their expressions greatly. The blockade of the earth made them dare not hesitate any more, and immediately went all out to help the Yuanshi Tianzun, combining the power of the three to break the blockade of the prehistoric land, break the blockade, and get in touch with Jieyin and Zhunti.

"Quiz mention, receive and lead, come and join us, tear the void with the power of all of us, and enter the ancient star field!"


When Yuanshi Tianzun was in contact with Zhunti and Receiver, he did not do any unnecessary collusion. He directly stated his intentions and did not give Zhunti and Receiver any time to consider. Time is very precious to him. I don't want to waste it on this dispensable collusion. Once I miss the opportunity, the consequences will be unimaginable, and I can't bear it!

When they received the notification from Yuanshi Tianzun, the expressions of Zhunti and Yingyue changed greatly. Although they were worried and doubtful, they instinctively let them understand that their time was short, and they had to think too much at this time. There are too many things to take into account, and there is only one dead end waiting for you. Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Sect Master are likely to give them up directly, and directly join the power of Sanqing to tear the tiger empty and leave. They were thrown into the great wasteland!

I saw that Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other, and saw a trace of worry and fear in each other's eyes, and then immediately responded: "Okay, three fellow Daoists stabilize the void, pull our brothers over, and we will meet!"

When he heard the response of Zhun mention and received, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. With the return of Zhun mention and reception, things would be much easier to handle. With the strength of the two of them, they had to break free from the flood. The **** and slaughter of the earth, the grasp is even greater!

Sanqing didn't say much, and did his best to stabilize the power of the void, so that Zhunti and Jieyin could feel their coordinates, and they could tear the void along their power and descend to Buzhou Mountain, join them together, and face each other together. to this crisis!

"Let's go!" After feeling that the void was stabilized, Zhunti and Jieyin snorted immediately, gave up everything in the west, and immediately retreated, tearing open the void and descending directly outside Buzhou Mountain, and before they tore the void At that time, terrifying killing intent came from the western land, and they wanted to cut off Zhun mention and accompany them, and prevent them from escaping!

"Damn, go back for me, great sealing technique!" With a deep shout, he directly exploded all his power, unlocking the power of supernatural powers to seal the killing intent that erupted insanely in the western land, so as not to let it affect himself and the prospective The escape plan mentioned!

"Quick, senior brother and junior brother Tongtian, hurry up and pull the quasi-promotion and lead, they have suffered the backlash from the western land!" When he felt the terrifying war fluctuations in the west, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately told Taishang Laojun and Tongtian The priest asks for help!

At this time, neither Taishang Laojun nor Tongtian Sect Master dared to be selfish, and dare not make any reservations at this time. If they don't help, perhaps death will be waiting for the judging and receiving. Their joint plan will be It will be shattered, but once the quasi-promotion and reception fall down, it is very difficult for them to escape from this disaster just by relying on the strength of the three of them!

Although they were weak, annoyed and even despised by Zunti and Zunti in their hearts, Tongtian Sect Master and Taishang Laojun had to take action. The two of them worked together to tear open the void and grabbed the bodies of Jieyue and Zunti, frantically smashing them. Pull to different mountains!

"Okay, it's really great, Sanqing actually helped!" When they felt the power of Taishang Laojun and Tongtian Cult Master, Zhunti and Jieyin were overjoyed, without any resistance, they fully cooperated with their pulling, and At this moment, the western land was trembling, and when it was blocked by the incoming attack, the western land was angry, and an even more terrifying killing intent erupted. The terrifying Void Web is slowly forming!

"Damn, what are you two **** waiting for, hurry up, once the net of void condenses, there is nothing we can do, the whole West will be completely blocked!" When feeling the terrible breath from the West, Yuanshi Tianzun's I was very annoyed in my heart, and I frantically shouted at Zhun mentioning and receiving, venting my dissatisfaction and uneasiness!

Zhunti and Jieyin are also very resentful. It's not that they don't want to get out quickly, but the power of the western land is too strong, preventing them from leaving, and their escape plan is severely hindered, preventing them from getting out. back!

"Junior Brother, use our trump card to detonate the origin of the West. Since the Great Land has abandoned us, there is no need for us to make such reservations. It won't give us a way to live, and we won't make it any better. If it really doesn't work, we will use the last resort. The power of the power!" At this moment, Jie Yin was also cruel, because he understood that if he still had reservations at this time, he would be the only one who would suffer and be unlucky in the end, but once the situation exceeded the range that Sanqing could bear, They will be abandoned. This can't be blamed for Sanqing being too selfish. If it was them, they would have made the same choice, so in order to survive, they can only do their best!

Although he was a little reluctant to give up, Zhunti also understood how dangerous the current situation was. If he hesitated and wasted his time, he would be the only one who would be unlucky, so when he heard the words of the receptionist, he immediately motivated him, who had already stayed there. The power of the origin of the western land, a terrifying force was instantly detonated from the depths of the western land, and a terrifying storm hit the origin of the western land in an instant, causing the entire western land to tremble, and the force of destruction swept the entire western land. earth!

"Go!" When the storm of destruction formed, the terrifying power of destruction frantically destroyed everything in the West. The power of the West that had blocked Zunti and Zunti instantly collapsed, but now Zunyin and Zunti seized the opportunity , fully cooperated with the help of Sanqing, got rid of the blockade of the western land, and came to Buzhou Mountain through the void.

When passing through the void passage, the terrifying void force is frantically tearing apart the bodies of Zhunti and the lead, making them feel the terrifying power of destruction in the void. Yu Jie Yin paid a heavy price. In just a few breaths, their bodies were already covered with scars. If the time was a little longer, I am afraid that their origin would be severely damaged by the terrifying power of the void, not now. It's just a physical injury!

It can be said that in just a short time of counting interest, Zhun mention and reception faced a terrible death crisis. Fortunately, they responded quickly enough, and with the help of Sanqing, they were able to get out of this death crisis. Survive! If they hesitate a little bit and delay a little bit, what awaits them must be death, even if they are not destroyed by the power of the void, they will be abandoned by Sanqing, after all, Sanqing will not give them waiting time!

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