God of Destruction

Chapter 4693: knot pressure

Chapter 4699 Pressure

"Okay, everyone, act quickly, don't waste your precious time, yin and yang daoists don't need to worry about us, and hurry up to digest the previous gains!" Soon after the Tuzu Wu stood up to resolve this embarrassing situation, So as not to let this embarrassing situation affect the relationship between each other, there will be a rift between the Wu clan and the Yin-Yang Daoist! Excessive doubts will inevitably affect the Yin-Yang Daoists' perception of their witch clan. This is not what the Houtu ancestors want to see, and the same consequences are not something they can bear.

In fact, the ancestors of Houtu thought too much, the Yin-Yang Taoist was not so stingy, and the reaction of the twelve ancestors was as early as expected by the Yin-Yang Taoist, but the Yin-Yang Taoist did not want to hide this secret, even if the twelve ancestors did not I would believe that Yin-Yang Daoists must also fulfill their responsibilities as allies, and they must also open their mouths to remind them to be careful. Whether they accept it or not is their own problem!

Dao calamity, why is it called dao calamity? This is the calamity of proving the Tao, the calamity of the Dao, and transcending calamity is the perfection of oneself. Without transcending calamity, the realm will break through. During the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, there will even be a Great Tribulation of World Destruction, and everyone has time to polish themselves! Although the Twelve Ancestral Witch can choose to use combat to sharpen themselves, it is impossible to know the effect. Spiritual sublimation, Dao Tribulation is not only a test, but also a chance. Heavenly tribulation contains the mighty power of heaven and earth, and contains the profound meaning of the Great Dao, so in the eyes of yin and yang Taoists, heavenly tribulation is very important.

For all the things in front of him, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not care about it. He could see the cautiousness of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, but in the eyes of the Yin-Yang Daoist, it was unnecessary. If you absorb this power and feel the Hunyuan Dao, you will definitely be able to prove the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal. It is hard to say how many chaotic beasts are absorbed in order to prove the Dao Primordial Primordial. If the origin of the chaotic beasts with the same attributes is different, the speed of the chaotic ominous beasts can naturally be accelerated. Otherwise, it will take more time and energy to find the chaotic ominous beasts that suit you. Origin is not an easy task!

The Yin-Yang Taoist smiled indifferently and said: "Everyone, let's take action, time is life, the sooner you break through the Primordial Golden Immortal, the sooner you will have the power to protect yourself. I look forward to the moment when everyone breaks through the Primordial Golden Immortal, maybe the world will be destroyed. When the catastrophe broke out, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian no longer had the ability to protect himself and needed more power!"

Does Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian have a way of cultivation? Yes, in the perception of Yin-Yang Daoists, there should be twelve levels of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, each level is a transformation, and each three is a stage, one to three is the early stage of Hunyuan Daluojinxian, and four to six are mixed. In the middle stage of Yuan Daluo Jinxian, the seventh to ninth layers are the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the tenth to twelfth layers are the perfection of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the twelfth layer is the extreme point of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If you want to go further, you need chance and break yourself. The limit of , entering the thirteenth level, but in the perception of the Yin-Yang Taoist, only Pangu has this power, and the other three thousand chaotic gods and demons do not have this power.

For the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, they think that after the consummation of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they will open the way, open up their own way, and become a way-opener, and Pangu may be opening the way, but Pangu failed. As for whether this is a calculation, no one can Not sure, maybe only Pangu himself understood everything about the creation of heaven and earth.

In the perception of the Yin-Yang Taoist, the Daoist is above the Dao, getting rid of the shackles of the chaotic gods and demons, truly mastering his own Dao, and becoming an existence that can be paralleled with the Dao, and how to complete this step, no one has. Experience, if you have to say that someone has it, it is only the great **** Pangu, so the three thousand chaotic gods and demons are all thinking of the prehistoric world!

Of course, all of this is just the yin and yang Taoist's own calculations. Whether things are really like this, there is no way to gain or lose, at least the three thousand chaos gods and demons will not admit it. Without fully digesting the benefits gained from the catastrophe, and without truly turning everything into its own heritage.

If the yin and yang daoist's proving of the Tao has no accident, and is not blocked by anyone, and can truly survive a complete proving robbery of the Primordial Daluo Jinxian, he may know more secrets and get more useful information. , and can also sharpen himself more, but unfortunately everything is disrupted by the 'enemy' shot, and the opportunity passes by himself! Even if it is only from the incomplete and incomplete Taoist Tribulation, Yin and Yang Daoists have also obtained some important information about their cultivation. The division of realm is one of them, but this information is only obtained after killing the chaotic beasts!

In the hearts of yin and yang Taoists, they believe that the proving of the heavenly tribulation is the direction of spiritual practice. Although the proving of the heavenly tribulation is dangerous, there is a great opportunity. As far as gods and demons are concerned, what they are missing is the Heavenly Tribulation of Proving the Dao, so that when they reach the 12th level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they can’t help but have no conflict at all, but Pangu has completed a breakthrough and saw a further direction. There will be such a feat!

Although there are some sources of chaotic beasts in the hands of Yin-Yang Daoists, this source is too little for their own practice. The sources that Yin-Yang Daoists need now are massive. After all, the essence of Yin-Yang Daoists has changed. It is not an ordinary world, but a real chaotic world, a chaotic world with endless potential, endless evolutionary ability, and a chaotic world where the ultimate treasure of the world destroys itself to suppress itself, so today's Yin-Yang Daoist really embarks on A path that belongs to oneself, a path that the great **** Pangu has never traveled, a path that belongs to him alone, perhaps this can be regarded as a way to open the way, but the accumulation of yin and yang Taoists is still too far away, and it is impossible to truly grasp this path. strength.

Is the avenue of power really the power that the great **** Pangu has innately mastered? After learning more about the Heavenly Tribulation, the Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help but wonder, is the original Dao of Pangu really the Dao of Power? Perhaps this is not the case. The Dao of Strength is the product of Pangu Dao’s breakthrough to the thirteenth level of the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan. , and there is everything that the great **** Pangu opened up the heavens and the earth to evolve all beings in the heavens and the earth, gave up all his own power of origin, and evolved into the prehistoric world!

auzw.comUnfortunately, the yin and yang Taoists have no way to confirm their guesses, everything can only be buried in their hearts, they have such doubts, will the three thousand chaotic gods and demons have no doubts, Hong The reason why Jun Daozu and Luohu are so enthusiastic about the mastery of the prehistoric world, maybe they want to explore the secret of the opening of the Dao by the great **** Pangu, and learn more about the opening of the way. Who makes Pangu the only opener, the only one who dares to fight against the Dao and dare to let go Give it a try, the person who pioneered the world!

The more you know, the greater the pressure on yourself. This is the true portrayal of the Yin-Yang Taoist, so there will be persuasion and warnings to the twelve ancestors before, but unfortunately, the twelve ancestors did not listen to these words. , and did not take it to heart, so the good intentions of the Yin-Yang Daoist were wasted, no matter what the reason was, but the Yin-Yang Daoist understood that he could not do more things, and could not interfere with the decisions of the Twelve Ancestors. Otherwise, it's not good for you!

Taking a deep breath, the Yin-Yang Daoist continued to devote his mind to the sea of ​​​​soul consciousness, to continue to feel the trace of the source power that was plundered in the robbery of the self-certification, and to feel the hidden source of the robbery. More information, and even want to find something useful to me from this information to make up for my lack!

Yes, the Yin-Yang Daoist wants to get back the proving catastrophe that he is missing, and wants to get back the chance that belongs to him. If his idea is known, he will be scolded for being crazy, and he will get through the proving catastrophe well. That's enough, I want to have another catastrophe, this is too crazy, crazy to the point of unacceptable, for all the creatures in the prehistoric are unwilling to accept the baptism of catastrophe, even if it is a chance, no one is willing to face it. Yes, once you fail, you will die!

Daoists of Yin and Yang are continuing to seek more power from themselves to make up for their lack of power, but for those ancestral witches who prove the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal, they are not in a hurry to refine the origin of the chaotic beasts in their hands, but for The ancestral wizards who are making breakthroughs are also worried that the origin of the chaotic beasts is insufficient, so that some ancestral witches lose the opportunity to prove the Tao.

It can only be said that these ancestral witches have thought too much. The origin of the chaotic beasts they possess is enough for other ancestral witches to break through. What’s more, before the breakthrough, they have distinguished the origin of all the chaotic beasts, and will be the most suitable. The origin is given to the most suitable person, and the greatest help is given to these ancestors who have not proven the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal.

After the whereabouts of the Twelve Ancestors and the Yin-Yang Daoist disappeared, when they couldn't feel the breath of them, Tiandao and Humanity felt extremely heavy. Because of their intention to release water, they wanted to use Sanqing, Jie Yin, and Zhunti to understand the situation of the ancient star field when they entered the ancient star field, but unfortunately they could not feel the situation of the twelve ancestors and the Yin-Yang Taoist. It shocked them!

For Tiandao and Humanity, if they want to stop Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin from getting out of the prehistoric world with all their strength, it is not the price of this little bit at the moment. Qing and Zhunti were not clear about mentioning and receiving, they all felt that they had broken free from the calculations of heaven and humanity.

"How could this be, we can't even notice the aura of the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Yin-Yang Daoist, Hong Jun's aura is in our hands, how could they escape our search? What happened in the ancient star field, they What kind of power do you have to have such an ability to evade our detection?"

"We underestimate the Yin-Yang Daoist, maybe the tunnel is right, we shouldn't underestimate anyone, we shouldn't underestimate this catastrophe, our plan is good, but the reality will not be the same as our plan. For example, with the opening of the world-annihilation catastrophe, everything has deviated from our grasp. Maybe now we can perceive that Hongjun is only what the other party deliberately made us aware of. We should break away from our original thoughts and no longer Act on your own imagination!"

"Tian Dao, you want to give up everything, and also want to get out of trouble like Tun Dao, do you know how much it will cost? Once we do this, the entire prehistoric world will immediately usher in a drastic change like the sky and the earth cracking. We are instantly caught in a crisis, even a desperate situation, after all, we are different from the tunnel!"

"I know, but do you think we have other options now? If we continue to act according to the original plan, we are very likely to go to destruction little by little, and we won't see any vitality at all. Don't say that we are digesting and absorbing all the accumulation. After that, you can break free from the shackles of the deity and get rid of the threat of the deity. It is impossible. Perhaps only by giving up the current strength can we truly gain a new life. Only by giving will we gain. If we don’t want to give anything, we cannot see it at all. to life!"

"No, once we do that, we'll die faster because the situation is different from when the tunnel broke free, and now we're doing it without any preparation, only to put ourselves in a corner, and not To get out of trouble, unless we can really suppress the primordial spirit of the deity and ensure that he will not recover in a short time, but we can't do this at all, Buzhoushan is not in your grasp at all, endless years have passed, You have calculated so much, but you still haven't shaken the power of this deity in Buzhou Mountain, so I don't think you can succeed!"

"Humanity, you are too embarrassed to say that, if it wasn't for your blocking, how could I fail, if you are willing to cooperate with me, the power of this deity in Buzhou Mountain will have been eliminated long ago, we have not had so much trouble, more I won't accept the threat from this deity, and I won't be caught in the dilemma that I have now!"

"Tian Dao, no matter what you say, I will not agree. For us, there is no way out now. If we make a little mistake, we will be dead. You want to risk your own life, and you want to let go. Boo, I won't do this!"

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