God of Destruction

Chapter 4694: saving calculation

Chapter 4700 Calculation

Facing the opposition of humanity, Tiandao was extremely annoyed. If you don't get the cooperation of humanity, it would be too difficult to get out of this world catastrophe, but there is no way for Tiandao to take humanity. Without the help of Daozu Hongjun, and lost many of the original calculations, the power between the Dao of Heaven and Dao of humanity is now almost equal!

In Tiandao's view, it is better to give it a shot than to wait for death. If you continue to delay, the consequences will be disastrous, but in the eyes of humanity, it is completely different. Tiandao has its own calculations, and humanity has its own calculations, and both sides have their own trump cards. , Under such a situation, Tiandao is naturally anxious and wants to make every effort to change. It is a good thing for him to change, but it is not necessarily a good thing for humanity. Also different, the mastery of power is even more different!

"Humanity, it seems that our cooperation is coming to an end. If you insist on insisting, I have no choice. I will not accompany you to wait for death to come. Maybe you have your own ideas and calculations. If I can resist the threat of the deity, I can ignore the threat of the deity, but if I can't do it, our cooperation can only end!"

"Tian Dao, it seems that you have also made up your mind to give it a go, to follow the tunnel, or whatever, we are good to get together, I hope you can achieve what you want and get rid of all the shackles, just after taking this step, you will There is no way out, the origin of the prehistoric world will completely leave you, do you really have to do this?"

"Hehe, things have come to this point, do you think I have any other choice, you don't have to be so hypocritical, if I also give up the power and authority of the heavenly way, you can truly master the three ways of heaven, earth and man, maybe this is yours plan, but I want to remind you that things may not be as simple as you think, the power of heaven and earth is not so easy to conquer, you can do it yourself, don't feel that I and earth have given up everything, you can do what you want !"

When Tiandao said this, he couldn't help sneering again and again, and his words really hit the thoughts in Humanity's heart. Humanity does have this intention. If Tiandao also gave up everything, as the last Humanity among the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings Naturally, there is an opportunity to unify the origin of the great and desolate world, to master the power of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, and to combine the authority of the three ways, but this is only possible. Good luck!

The three ways of heaven, earth and human are all calculating each other, and they are all thinking of the prehistoric world, and now Tiandao can't bear to give up everything. Now the general trend is in humanism, and humanism has occupied the upper hand. It can be said and done, everything in Honghuang will be in the hands of humanity, and humanity will have the last laugh! It's just that it's hard to say whether he can achieve what he wants, can really take charge of everything in the prehistoric world, become the master of the prehistoric world, and face the threat and pressure of the deity.

Today's prehistoric world is constantly changing. For all the prehistoric creatures, this is a disaster, a disaster of extinction. As the master of the prehistoric world, it is natural to bear the greatest impact, so it is very difficult for humanity to stand firm. Importantly, if he can't do it, what awaits him will not be a harvest, but death, and all the previous harvests will be turned into sharp arrows, killing humanity.

Of course, there is a more important question, that is, whether the Pangu Yuanshen in Buzhou Mountain can suppress the Pangu Yuanshen is the most important thing. Once Pangu Yuanshen is awakened, the Human Dao may directly turn into Pangu Yuanshen. The nutrients of , will become the first object to be swallowed by Pangu Yuanshen, and will become the first object of sacrifice among the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings!

"Yes, I do want to thank you for your exit, which really surprised me. I thought you would continue to fight against me and wait for my exit, but I didn't expect that it was just after such a short time, just in the face of this It's too unexpected for me, and it's a little incredible!" Humanity didn't feel that he had anything to object to, and directly admitted everything that he thought in his heart, without a single bit of it. feel something is wrong.

"Hehe, I did disappoint you, but your energy failure is still a big problem. Anyone who underestimates the origin of the prehistoric world is a fool. I believe you should not be a fool. Before the recovery, master the entire Three Realms of the Great Desolation, hold the authority of the three worlds in your own hands, and become the true Lord of Heaven and Earth!"

For the humane answer, Tiandao didn't think there was anything wrong. Since the other party was so happy, why didn't he sneer a few words. In Tiandao's eyes, the situation was really bad to a very dangerous level. If this continues, the entire prehistoric land will fall into In the terrifying desperation, they will be destroyed by natural and man-made disasters. At that time, whoever is the ruler of the three worlds of heaven, earth and man, who is about to face the backlash of death, will follow the endless red lotus karmic fire of the evaluation!

Tiandao doesn't think that he has the ability to ignore this terrible threat, to break through the backlash from heaven and earth, to become the master of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, to take charge of the life and death of the wild creatures, to attribute all authority to himself, and to become the master of the wild world. , but all of this disappeared with the sudden change of the world and the situation!

Looking at Tiandao's answer, the humane did not respond. He was waiting for the moment when Tiandao really let go, not these words. As long as Tiandao did not let go of all authority and power for a moment, the humane would not dare to act rashly, and could not take action. The power of all authority in the prehistoric world, grasp the general trend of the prehistoric world!


"Don't worry, I will not regret it, you can prepare now and accept everything, I will give up all authority and power, I hope you can withstand the backlash from heaven and earth, and be able to block all disasters alone! "

Yes, Tiandao has never repented. In Tiandao's heart, he still hopes that humanity can do everything, support the general trend of the prehistoric world, and buy enough time for himself to be able to calmly escape from the prehistoric world. Humanity can support for a period of time, and Heavenly Dao will be safer, but Heavenly Dao is not optimistic about Humanity's ability!

"Are you really ready?" When he was ready to escape, Tiandao asked Humanity again. Although the relationship between the two was not friendly, Tiandao was still willing to give Humanity more help. This is not only For humanity, it is for himself, so in the face of such a dangerous environment, Tiandao still has to compromise with reality.

"When you're ready, you can withdraw at any time, don't worry, I will never take advantage of people's danger, take the opportunity to meet you, and I won't stop you, you can devote yourself to this battle to break free! "Human Dao finally responded to Tian Dao's inquiry, and also made a guarantee, a guarantee to Tian Dao, although this guarantee is not worth mentioning in Tian Dao's view, he does not think that when he is breaking free, Human Dao has any power to stop himself, If you want to grasp the general trend of the prehistoric wilderness, all human energy will be devoted to the stability of the prehistoric world, and you have time and energy to care about your own situation, but even if you have such thoughts in your heart, Heavenly Dao can’t show it, let alone say it. Exit, no one knows whether Humane will be desperate to kill himself in anger and anger!

"Okay, thank you for your kindness, I hope you can achieve what you want, and I also wish you success, I'm about to start! Open up for me, open up the world, tear the void, and escape the primordial spirit!" Drink, an axe light appeared from the heaven, directly tearing apart the void, and the powerful force made the prehistoric world tremble. The primordial spirit fled away in an instant, and took away all the power that he could take away!

Unlike the tunnel, the way of heaven disappears without a trace in an instant. It seems that the way of heaven is not an idea that came before. He had already prepared for the worst, otherwise it would be impossible to do so with the things behind him. It's amazing, so that other people can't notice their whereabouts and disappear directly into the prehistoric world. This means, this magical power is really too powerful!

When Tiandao broke free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, the entire prehistoric world was shaking and fluctuating, and the three realms of heaven, earth and man frantically erupted with bursts of destructive power. The three realms of heaven, earth and man were losing their balance, and everyone in the ancient star field also felt They were all shocked by the disaster that came from the prehistoric world. They never thought that Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin had just escaped from the prehistoric world, and even Tiandao gave up the prehistoric world. Why is this? I did it, and now Tiandao has done it too!

"What a way of heaven, what a powerful method, to be able to make myself retreat in this situation, it seems that I really underestimate your ability, I really underestimate the power you got from Pangu, maybe I am too selfish Big, too self-righteous, the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings have the powerful backing of Pangu, otherwise it is impossible for heaven and earth to retreat like this, and it is even more impossible for humanity to support the entire prehistoric world. There is no destruction! But, are you really able to resist all erosion, can you block all enemies from the prehistoric world?"

After carefully feeling the current prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu's eyes showed endless surprise. This result shocked him. He just relied on the power of humanity to resist the backlash from the prehistoric world. The power of the authority of the three realms of heaven, earth and man in the prehistoric world has condensed little by little to humanity. He wants to take charge of the power of authority in the whole prehistoric world, gather the authority of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and become the real master of the prehistoric world. !

For Hongjun Daozu, what he worries about is not the threat of Heaven's Dao after breaking free, nor the power of Human Dao to gather the authority of Heaven, Earth and Human beings to become the master of the prehistoric world, but the worry about the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, especially That Luohu, who has always been closely related to the prehistoric world, if Luohu is really allowed to seize this opportunity, for all sentient beings in the prehistoric world, there will be a terrible natural disaster, a devastating natural disaster, then At that time, I lost the help of Heavenly Dao and Earthly Dao, and it was just whether the Human Dao could suppress Luohou. Once Luohou succeeded, would other chaotic gods and demons also enter the prehistoric world? Once the connection with the prehistoric world, or even the channel, will be opened, what direction will the world-annihilation catastrophe develop in?

Hongjun Daozu is worried, but worry can't solve the problem. Now everything has happened, and he can't make the decision. Although Hongjun Daozu has the intention to stop all this and block the threat of chaos gods and demons from the prehistoric world, but He is really powerless. Today's Hongjun Daozu is no longer the Daozu who was in charge of the prehistoric world with his body in line with the heaven and the earth. Now he has no ability to resist such a situation.

Everything has changed, everything has become so unhappy, everything has become so dangerous, everything is developing in a direction that I don't want to see, everything is out of my control, this pair has always had many calculations. For Daozu Hongjun, the impact was too great, which made him a little unacceptable, but he had to accept it and had to face it.

For the creatures in the entire prehistoric world, they have not recovered from the departure of Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyue, and now they have to face the danger brought by the way of heaven to break free, and the prehistoric shock caused by this. A terrible natural disaster, for them, this is another terrible disaster, a test of life and death, which brings disaster to them.

Negative forces such as resentment, scolding, curses, etc. are frantically erupting, and the entire prehistoric world is once again caught in a terrifying natural and man-made disaster. Countless creatures are cursing the way of heaven. For them, even if it is humanitarian charity To be able to accept it is to be unable to accept the betrayal of Tiandao, because the master of the prehistoric world at the beginning is Tiandao, and Tiandao has mastered the general trend of the prehistoric world, but at this critical moment, Tiandao actually abandoned everyone, which made all living beings in the prehistoric impossible. accept!

"Hehe, Tiandao really did a stupid thing. He thought that he could retreat from the prehistoric world just like me, and he could not be attacked by the prehistoric world, but he forgot the most important thing, the three ways of heaven, earth and people are The difference is that he dominates the endless years of the prehistoric wilderness, and has forged a great cause and effect with all the creatures in the prehistoric world. How could he retreat so easily? I can be unaffected, but he can't do it, he has to do it for himself. His actions pay the price, and pay a heavy price!" At this time, the Earth Zun was sneering again and again, despising the Heavenly Dao who disappeared without a trace, and the Heavenly Dao made such a decision is wrong, unacceptable, and also for himself. The irresponsibility is self-destruction, self-destruction, and does not see how much karma is burdened by oneself.

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