God of Destruction

Chapter 4695: Festival curse

Chapter 4701 Curse

In the eyes of Di Zun, no matter how deep the way of heaven hides and how fast he escapes, the curse from all beings in the prehistoric world cannot be escaped. As long as he is still alive, the power of the curse will find him through the endless void. , make him pay a heavy price, this is the responsibility he must bear, this is the backlash he gave up on the prehistoric world!

The first one to break free from the shackles of the primordial source is naturally much easier and less damaged, while the second will suffer a huge hit. After all, the primordial source at this time has long been prepared, not to mention that he has to do with humanity before the way of heaven breaks free. After getting through, although Human Dao will not stop him, or even cooperate with him, the origin of the flood will not let Tian Dao so easily, so for Tian Dao, even if he has made a lot of preparations, he will suffer more trauma than the authentic Dao. much heavier.

What is humanity doing? Is he really able to enjoy the authority of the three worlds of the prehistoric world, dominate the general trend of the prehistoric world, and become the real master of the prehistoric world? No, Di Zun does not think that Human Dao has such ability and can do this. If there is a master in the prehistoric world, there is only the deity Pangu. They are only a part of the primordial spirits separated by Pangu, and they are just the prehistoric world. Their agents, they will never be able to master everything in the flood and become the masters of the flood. They can't get around the primordial spirit of the deity. This is only discovered after the deity is freed from the bondage.

It’s a pity that Human Dao doesn’t know all of this. Human Dao is still holding on to the dream of dominating the prehistoric world. He is still clinging to it madly. The most fundamental point, if the deity Pangu wanted to give the prehistoric world a master, how could he divide three primordial spirits and let them control the three ways of heaven, earth and human, but only one primordial **** to dominate the prehistoric world, not to mention. It is said that there are also three clear and twelve ancestors, all of which show that the deity of Pangu has a plan, and wants to seize the authority of the prehistoric world from the deity of Pangu. This is just a joke, a delusion that can never be realized. Humanity was deeply involved in it, and he didn't see through everything. Everything he did was just to accumulate for the primordial spirit of Pangu's deity. The more he did, the closer he was to the moment of death.

The power of the curse is indeed accompanied by the way of heaven. After the way of heaven broke free, I also felt the power of the curse, and this power is not just as simple as the Earth Venerable thought, this power is not only from the prehistoric world. The curse of all living beings also has the curse of three thousand chaotic gods and demons. You must know that the Dao of Heaven is the second person to break free from the shackles of the prehistoric era. When he broke free again, the power of the curse followed, causing Tiandao to fall deeply into this terrible curse.

"Damn three thousand chaos gods and demons, these **** have left behind such a vicious means, they dare to curse me, how come that **** is not affected by it, but I have this evil result on my back?" At this time, When he felt his own situation, Tiandao couldn't help scolding. Although he was prepared, he was caught off guard in the face of this sudden change, and he had to take out the background of his own preparations to eliminate his fear. The power of the curse, can't let the power of the curse deeply erode into one's own origin, and can't let one's origin be affected!

What kind of background can be fixed point? Naturally it is a clone, even Yin-Yang Daoist can be a clone, how can Tiandao not have a clone, not to mention that Hongjun has already made a clone when he fits into the heaven, and the heaven naturally knows how to make a clone, so before breaking free from the **** , he was prepared for the worst, and once there was a crisis, he would use his avatar to bear all the karma, and now the power of this curse forced Tiandao to take action, and he had to sacrifice himself. 's avatar!

With a thought, Heavenly Dao will curse the power to guide all the karma to be endured in his avatar, and imprint a little of his soul in his avatar, so that it can bear all the evil consequences, Similarly, the existence of this avatar is also a threat to the deity Yuanshen. Once the deity Yuanshen is born, he wants to take charge of the prehistoric world and take back all power. The existence of the deity will not doubt it!

It's just that after doing all this, the power of the source left by the Tao of Heaven is less than one-third of the heyday. It can be said that the price is too great, big enough to shake the foundation of the Tao of Heaven, but Tao of Heaven feels that all this is It is worthwhile, the only thing that makes Heavenly Dao reluctant is that the source of the clone is too large, and the soul is seriously damaged, and this cannot be recovered in a moment!

Of course, at this time, Tiandao did not dare to stop too much, and did not dare to have too much contact with the avatar. Otherwise, he would inevitably be eroded by the power above the avatar, and he would fall into a crisis and expose himself. Existence, after the avatar bears all karma and all evil consequences, the Tao of Heaven directly cuts off all connections with the avatar and cuts off all dangers.

Tun Dao incarnates Earth Zun, but Tian Dao does not call himself Tian Zun. Tian Zun is just the title of Tian Dao clone, just to deal with the existence of all crises, and the true origin of Tian Dao has also not evolved into chaotic gods and demons, or even innate gods and demons. It is a true acquired spirit, an acquired spirit that captured the origin of the stars, an origin creature with the inheritance of the gods and demons of the stars, a star beast born from the source of the acquired stars, and a star beast that devoured the origin of the saints and saints in the original ancient star field. !

Yes, this is the backhand of Tiandao. Although only one-third of his own origin is left, he used the power of this one-third of the origin to condense the Houtian star beast, and devoured the previous star saint, and The power of the source of the ancient star field has a part of it, and it is hidden in the dark, even if the ancestors of Hongjun have discovered all this!

Terrifying, terrifying, this is the sinister and sinister way of heaven, and the current identity of the way of heaven is the swallowing star beast, the top star beast born in the chaos of the day after tomorrow, if it can devour the ancient star field, or even the stars of the prehistoric world, it can easily be transformed into Innate gods and demons, but Tiandao did not do this, but continued to use the swallowing star beast as the body to hide in the darkness.


What does Tiandao want to do? He is fighting the idea of ​​the group of chaotic beasts. He wants to go to the sky and evolve directly into chaotic beasts. This is his real goal, and now as long as the Tao of Heaven does not explode the source of the Tao of Heaven that it hides. Power, he will not be aware of his existence by the deity, so he is now a beast of the stars 'star swallowing''!

The swallowing star is the name of Tiandao now, and his identity. In the future, the identity of Tianxing beast is born, and it also carries a part of the origin of the ancient star field. Unless Tiandao intentionally exposes himself, otherwise no one in the entire prehistoric world can know his identity. No one can even detect his existence, this is the last reliance of Heaven!

Yes, the Earth Venerable looks down on the Dao of Heaven, but although the Dao of Heaven is angry with its own source and consumes a lot, and also hates the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, the Dao of Heaven is very well prepared, and is prepared for the worst, even if it is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. No matter how ferocious it comes, even if the deity's primordial spirit recovers, the Tao of Heaven can still hide in the darkness and not be discovered by outsiders!

In fact, in Tiandao's original plan, it was Hongjun who protected himself from disasters. Unfortunately, he underestimated Hongjun's insidiousness and cunning. Before pulling Hongjun as a dead ghost, Hongjun Daozu did not break free from the shackles of Tiandao. Just run away, as one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu is more powerful than Tiandao imagined. Even if he has been together for endless years, Tiandao still has not figured out the truth of Hongjun Daozu, and Hongjun Daozu also They didn't understand the truth of heaven, both sides were calculating each other and guarding each other, so endless years passed, they didn't get everything they wanted, they were lamenting each other's insidiousness and cunning, and both felt that they Being calculated by the other party, endless years were wasted in vain.

"Heavenly Dao, it's really powerful, and it can disappear without a trace in an instant. What are you calculating, or what is Pangu calculating? How many secrets are hidden in this prehistoric world?" Yin Yang, who has never been caught in the practice The Taoist also felt this shocking change in heaven and earth for the first time, and also felt that the breath of heaven and earth disappeared in an instant. Even as a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he could not perceive the aura of heaven and earth, as if from this moment, heaven's way really Disappearing in the prehistoric world is really a complete loss, but the Yin-Yang Taoist knows that this is impossible, and the way of heaven cannot be destroyed.

With the disappearance of the Tao of Heaven and the sudden changes of the prehistoric world, there is no way of heaven and earth, and the power of humanity is eroding the origin of the prehistoric world with all its strength, and is constantly gathering the authority of the two realms of prehistoric land, which brings a lot to the whole prehistoric beings. The huge impact has also made the prehistoric world more turbulent and uneasy, and the world of the chaotic gods and demons suppressed by the prehistoric world has continuously poured out a series of precious lights, attracting all the living beings in the prehistoric wasteland and attracting them. to break the seal.

Opportunities continue to emerge in the prehistoric world, as well as in the ancient star field, and all these changes have led to more killings, more wars, for the powerful inheritance of the Chaos Gods and Demons, all The prehistoric world has become extremely crazy and cruel. In the face of chance, they can kill everything and plunder everything without thinking. And it is precisely because of this frenzied killing and plunder that the changes in the prehistoric world have been accelerated, and the process of destroying the world has also been accelerated.

The world is changing, the catastrophe is also changing, and the world-destroying catastrophe is changing even more. This is the general trend of heaven and earth. He still has no ability to change the general trend of the world, and there is no way to prevent this from happening. His energy is invested in the grasp of the origin and authority of the prehistoric world, and he has no power to distract himself from other changes and prevent it from happening. Outbreak of killing!

"Come on, let everything become more crazy, only when the entire prehistoric world becomes more chaotic, will I have the opportunity to regain the opportunity that belongs to me, the power of the calamity that belongs to me, and be able to completely improve myself, humanity, you But don't let me down, only you can meet my needs, and only you can give this help!"

The Yin-Yang Daoist whispered to himself, his eyes revealing endless fighting intent. Although the disappearance of the Heavenly Dao brought a huge impact to the Yin-Yang Daoist, it did not attract the Yin-Yang Daoist's attention and concern. For Yin-Yang Daoists, there is not much temptation. On the contrary, Humanity allows Yin-Yang Daoists to see new hope and hope to improve themselves.

If humanity really can master the authority and origin of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings in the prehistoric world, and can become the master of the prehistoric world, even if it is possible, it is possible to inspire the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the catastrophe that belongs to the master of the prehistoric world. But when such a catastrophe occurs, the opportunity that the Yin-Yang Daoist looks forward to will appear.

Yes, there is a crazy plan in the hearts of Yin-Yang Daoists, which is to use the calamity of other creatures to wash themselves, to seize the opportunities they have lost, and to seize the source of their own calamities. Although this plan is crazy and dangerous, But once it succeeds, the Yin-Yang Daoist can quickly make up for what he has lost, completely improve himself, and make his own way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian further. Among the twelve realms of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian There are stronger breakthroughs.

Of course, this calculation is not absolute, but there is hope. Everything depends on the efforts of humanity and the ability of humanity. If humanity cannot stimulate the catastrophe, the yin-yang Taoist’s calculation will only fail, so although this opportunity exists, it is not It will not necessarily appear, and the Yin-Yang Daoist can only hope that the Human Dao can be more powerful and stronger.

It's a pity, for all beings in the wild, they don't want to see all this happen. They don't want to see humanity dominate everything in the world, and they don't want to let their life and death depend on the control of humanity, because they are worried that humanity will take them Turn them into nutrients and kill them completely. After all, the crazy methods of Heaven and Humanity made all living beings fear it. Many people also want to block humanity, but when they have such an idea in their hearts, they suddenly find that they can't do it at all. They have no way to lock humanity, and there is no way to attack humanity. Humanity has disappeared in their senses. No matter how hard they try to sense the origin of humanity, even bombarding the land, they can't feel the origin of humanity, which makes all living beings in the terrifying fear!

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