God of Destruction

Chapter 4696: Jiejie

Chapter 4702 Leijie

Just when all the wild creatures were frightened and uneasy, many back-hands of the chaotic gods and demons appeared, speeding up the process of the catastrophe, and letting them see a trace of vitality, and this vitality was the chance left by the chaotic gods and demons. There are a lot of chance and secret realms in the three realms, all attracting countless prehistoric creatures to explore one after another.

There was a loud noise of 'bang', and a shocking thunder exploded in the ancient star field. Endless thunder and punishment were born from the void. The violent thunder was madly raging in the sky and the earth in the ancient star field. The origin of the terrible thunder road. Crazy shocking everything around, the origin of the thunder road is spreading, the world of thunder, the world left by the thunder gods and demons among the ancient three thousand chaotic gods and demons has appeared, and the thunder circles are emerging from the ancient stars. In the domain, endless thunder light bloomed.

Yes, the Thunder World was born, and the ancient star field was directly torn apart by the birth of the Thunder World, and the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestor Wu Qiaqia were in this Thunder World, and the birth of the Thunder World directly affected them. The terrifying violent thunder was raging wildly, shrouding the world in an endless sea of ​​thunder, as if to destroy everything.

For the twelve ancestral witches who are practicing, the sudden appearance of such a sudden change is extremely shocking and extremely frightening, especially those ancestor witches who are about to break through the primordial golden immortal. Appeared, but the violent thunder did not hit them, but enveloped the cracked world, not aimed at them, which made them breathe a sigh of relief, and the tension and anxiety in their hearts also followed. It dissipated away, and in addition to this shock, the ancestors suddenly found that they had unknowingly broken through the Primordial Golden Immortal in surprise, and they really did not prove the Dao Heavenly Tribulation as the Yin-Yang Taoist said.

"Is it true that the Yin-Yang Taoist is right, without the baptism of proving the Dao Heavenly Tribulation, my strength is really insufficient?" After realizing their own breakthrough, these ancestors were all proving the Dao with Di Jiang and the others. Compared with the strength of the ancestors of the witches, their strength is indeed a little bit different, although the gap is not big, but there is still a trace of worry in their hearts!

Compared with the surprise and worry of the Twelve Ancestors, Daoist Yin-Yang showed endless joy in their eyes. Although this violent and venting thunder was not a catastrophe, the Daoist Yin-Yang saw a chance from this thunder. , to reconnect with the opportunity of his own catastrophe.

"Fellow Daoists, hurry up and leave here, don't be affected by the thunder, don't get involved in the thunder calamity caused by me!" Without hesitation, the Yin-Yang Taoist immediately opened his mouth to persuade the Twelve Ancestral Witch to break away from himself, so as not to be caught by himself involved.

Yes, the Yin-Yang Daoist wants to use the birth of the Thunder Realm and the violent sky thunder to trigger his long-dissipated Proving Dao Tribulation, and to continue the Proving Dao Tribulation that he was taken away, although this idea is crazy, but There is a chance of success. After all, the birth of Thunder World, the origin of Thunder Dao is frantically condensed in this world. If the Yin-Yang Daoist provokes the origin of Tianlei at this time, and let go of his own breath, there is really a chance to prove Dao Tian. The robbery was motivated, but what he motivated might not be the Heavenly Tribulation to Prove the Dao, but the Heavenly Punishment, the Heavenly Punishment from the Thunder Realm, but for the Yin-Yang Daoist, whether it is the Heavenly Tribulation to Prove the Dao or the Heavenly Punishment, as long as To be able to wash oneself, to enhance one's own strength, and to consolidate one's own origin, this is the result that one wants.

"Daoist Yin-Yang, you really have to provoke Tianlei. This is not a trivial matter, and now we are in a dangerous place, and if there is a slight error, we will fall into a desperate situation!" Facing the crazy actions of the Yin-Yang Daoist, Houtu Zuwu couldn't help it. To persuade!

"I have made up my mind, fellow Daoists should leave quickly, don't be burdened by me, otherwise you are likely to be motivated by your own proving the heavenly tribulation, or even turn into the proving the heavenly punishment, for all of you, this is It's not a good thing!" The Yin-Yang Taoist was not moved by the persuasion of the Hou Tu Zu Wu, but continued to warn the Tu Zu Wu to leave early.

Seeing the crazy look on the Taoist Yin-Yang face, the Twelve Ancestral Witches could only sigh and give up the persuasion. At this time, they understood that even if they said more, it would be useless. Incite your own catastrophe! For Yin-Yang Daoists, they have enough confidence to face the calamity and even the punishment, but the Twelve Ancestors do not have such self-confidence, so they have to retreat. At the same time, they also want to know whether the idea of ​​the Yin-Yang Daoist is possible!

Soon, the Twelve Ancestral Witch quickly flew out and left. They didn't want to be locked by the Tianlei led by the Yin-Yang Taoist and became the target of the Tianlei attack. The whereabouts of the Second Ancestor Witch and the Yin-Yang Daoist were immediately sensed by a group of strong people, and everyone was shocked at this time!

"How is this possible, the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestors are actually trapped in the newly born Thunder Realm, how did they lock the inheritance place left by the Thunder God and Demon before the Thunder Realm was born? Could it be that? The Yin-Yang Daoist has the power of supernatural powers that we do not know, and can lock the ruins of the chaos gods and demons, if this is the case, then his strength is terrible!"

"Yeah, if the Yin-Yang Daoist can really do this, his strength is really terrible. This is not a good thing for us. If we let the Yin-Yang Daoist as a bastard, our situation is very dangerous. After all, in the eyes of Taoist Yin-Yang, we are not friends, and we have to be careful about this."

At this time, the hearts of Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin are all extremely heavy. For them, they do not want to see the strength of Yin-Yang Daoist increase again. They must know that Yin-Yang Daoist is already Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he is already strong. As for them, if they go a step further, what do they use to fight against Yin-Yang Daoist friends, and to compete with Yin-Yang Daoist people, after all, the chance in the catastrophe is limited!


"No, I don't think it's dangerous. On the contrary, the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch can really do this. Then they will definitely enter the ruins of the Chaos Gods and Demons first and be able to explore the way for us. And if everyone is worried that there will be a conflict with the Yin-Yang Daoist, and will face the twelve ancestors, we can choose other relics of chaos gods and demons. There is no need for us to compete with the Yin-Yang Daoists." Compared with the worries of Sanqing, Zhunti, and receiving them, Empress Nuwa's mood was very calm and not too careless.

"Having said that, I'm afraid that things won't be as Daoist friend said. You have seen the performance of Yin-Yang Daoist before. He didn't take us seriously at all, or even was hostile to us. Daoist Nuwa thinks that we should How can we handle ourselves? We can't surrender to the Yin-Yang Daoist, let him take us in, we can't do such a thing!" Jie Yin couldn't help but sighed, his eyes showed a hint of loss and anxiety!

Regarding the accusation of the reception, the mother of Nuwa shook her head gently, she did not say anything else, at this time, she deeply understood the idea of ​​the reception and Zhun mentioning them, and understood why these people rejected the Yin-Yang Taoist so much. Interests, because they are all in the ancient star field, they are worried that all the opportunities will fall into the hands of the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestors, so they want to win over themselves and the Old Ancestor Ming He to fight the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestors together. Wu, can get more benefits in this competition!

The idea of ​​receiving, judging, and sanqing is good, but the reality is cruel. Empress Nuwa doesn't want to get involved in this fight, so after understanding the intentions of these people, she no longer has any illusions. , For this group of people, Mother Nuwa has completely given up the idea of ​​cooperating with them. At this time, they are still fighting infighting, and they have not seen how dangerous the current situation is. Self-protection is the most important thing, not with What are the yin and yang Taoists and the Twelve Ancestors fighting for!

It's just that Empress Nuwa can't withdraw immediately. After all, it's a bit late to leave now, so she can only barely stand with these people, but because of this sudden change, it also disrupted Sanqing, Zhunti and Reception. Therefore, the strength of these five people has not returned to normal, they are still very weak, and the goddess Nuwa is not afraid that they will pose a threat to herself!

Compared with Empress Nuwa's vigilance, Ancestor Ming He's eyes revealed a faint strangeness, and he didn't know what he was thinking. When the Twelve Ancestral Witch attacked, he still wanted to report Sanqing, Zhunti, and Xieyue. No one could see through his heart, and the strangeness in his eyes was lost in a flash.

When they didn't get the response from Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He, and when they didn't get everything they thought, Zhunti, Jieyin, and Sanqing all sighed secretly in their hearts. The situation was a bit unfavorable for them, but it happened Now they can't take the initiative. This is not the great land, it is not their home field, this is the ancient star field. For the ancient star field, Mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Ming He are more familiar with them than they are, so their situation at this time is Very bad!

In the discussion of these people, the Yin-Yang Taoist finally started his own action, a powerful breath rushed into the sky in an instant, collided with the boundless sky thunder above the thunder world, and a loud noise instantly resounded throughout the ancient star field , A terrifying shock wave erupted above the Thunder Realm. The Yin-Yang Daoist did not hide anything, and used the most direct method to stimulate the power of Tianlei. He fought against it head-on, without the slightest retreat or the slightest idea of ​​easing, directly showing Your own domineering intentions!

"Damn Yin-Yang Daoist, this madman actually wants to use the power of the source of the thunder world to stimulate the power of the catastrophe. He wants to use the power of the catastrophe to retrain his body, rebuild his foundation, and improve himself. If this lunatic succeeds Now, I am afraid that he will go further on the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, instead of entering Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian for the first time. Once he succeeds, his strength will increase rapidly. Is he really not afraid of confronting heaven and earth, really not afraid of falling into a desperate situation in?"

At this time, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help showing a touch of shock and unease in his eyes. He didn't want to see Daoist Yin-Yang improve his combat power and improve himself again and again. Going further, this will greatly threaten the safety of Hongjun Daozu, and will make the situation in the prehistoric world out of control.

Stop the Yin-Yang Daoist and prevent his plan from succeeding? No, Hongjun Daozu did not dare to do this. Once he did, he would not only provoke a life-and-death enemy for himself, but also expose his whereabouts. This would be very unfavorable to Hongjun Daozu. One of the chaotic gods and demons, whose whereabouts are exposed, the consequences are unimaginable. All three of the heavens, the earth, and the people may attack him, or even tacitly surround and kill himself and put himself to death.

It was because of Hu Guo's worries and fears that Daozu Hongjun couldn't take action. He could only watch the Yin-Yang Daoist fight against the origin of the Thunder Realm, and he could only watch the origin of the Thunder Realm erupt under the stimulation of external forces. A terrifying killing power.

When the huge shock wave swept through the void, the origin of the Thunder Realm instantly locked on the Daoist Yin-Yang, an enemy who dared to provoke him. Although the Thunder Realm was just born, the origin of the Thunder Realm is the Dao of Thunder. Condensed in the sky above the thunder world, the terrifying source of thunder is frantically condensing, as if to mobilize a more powerful force of thunder and punishment!

"It's here, it's finally here, I hope you don't let me down. This little power of thunder and punishment is far from enough for me to re-refine my true body and origin. As the **** and demon of thunder, the origin of the avenue of thunder must be able to motivate me. The thunder and punishment between heaven and earth can mobilize the most powerful killing force, come on, let this storm come more violently!" The Yin-Yang Taoist muttered to himself, his eyes flashing with terrifying fighting intent!

After provoking the origin of the Thunder Realm, the Yin-Yang Taoist did not rush to launch an attack, and defeated the source of the Thunder Road before it was condensed. The power of punishment continues to grow, and in the hearts of Taoist Yin-Yang, the stronger this thunder punishment, the better, and the more opportunities it can give him to improve himself.

The Yin-Yang Taoist once again provoked thunder and punishment. Could it be that the power to block the Yin-Yang Taoist will not reappear, and won't they stop all this? Yes, no, and there is no such ability. This is the Thunder World, a world where the ancient star field is broken. In this world, it has been affected by the origin of the Thunder God and Demon. If the power of the origin of the prehistoric world thinks To block it will only make this thunder penalty even more out of control, and will only greatly stimulate the origin of the thunder world. After all, the prehistoric world and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons are opposites. The source of divine punishment will only make the situation worse, let the Yin-Yang Daoist conspiracy succeed, let this thunder turn into the real source of divine punishment, and make the situation out of control!

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