God of Destruction

Chapter 4698: parting ways

Chapter 4704 parted ways

"Fellow Daoists, you have recovered now, and I have an agreement with the Yin-Yang Daoist that I will not continue to accompany you here, and retire first!" Before waiting for the ancestors of Minghe to speak, Mother Nuwa was the first to mention to Sanqing and Zhun. Say goodbye to reception.

Before Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin could react, Old Ancestor Ming He also laughed and said, "Yes, I also made an agreement with the Yin-Yang Daoist before, so I won't be here to accompany you fellow Daoists, so let's say goodbye. I hope that you fellow Daoists can achieve what you want and get everything you want in this great change!"

When the ancestor Ming He also stood up to say goodbye, Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jie Yin couldn't help but look solemn. They were not fools, and they all knew the intention of the mother Nuwa and the ancestor Ming He to say goodbye at this time. It brought a huge impact to them and made them extremely annoyed in their hearts, but they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

However, Zhunti quickly reacted and stopped him ruthlessly: "Fellow Daoist Nuwa, are you looking down on us? You think we will implicate you, so you have to leave in such a hurry. In your eyes, we will Isn't that worth mentioning?"

As soon as Zhunti's words fell, the expression of Nuwa's mother changed greatly. She never thought that Zhunti would be so shameless, that she would put all the responsibility on herself, and that she would make things so naked, naked, and naked. He opened it up without leaving any face, perhaps he never cared about any face in Zhunti's heart. For him, interests were everything, and everything else could be put down!

Sanqing's face showed a hint of joy at the sudden outburst of Zhunti, while Jie Yin sighed secretly. He knew in his heart that Zhunti said such words at this time, that he was completely abusive. Empress Wa has been offended, and there is no room for easing. As soon as these words fall, the relationship between the two parties will also drop to a freezing point. In the interview, Zhun's interest is too heavy, and he has already done everything. If it is possible , Jie Yin didn't want to see all this happen, but now that everything has happened, Jie Yin can't stop it even if he wants to, he can't ignore Zhunti's face!

It's a pity that Zhunti paid such a high price, and her disregarding behavior did not get a response from Empress Nuwa. Empress Nuwa just gave Zhunti a faint look without saying anything, and there was a hint of indifference in her eyes. of disdain.

At this time, Taishang Laojun's expression changed greatly. He understood that if this continued, it would only make the goddess Nuwa turn around and leave. He had to do something. We must also stand up and take responsibility for ourselves, and we must also prevent Empress Nuwa from leaving, in order to ensure the safety of everyone.

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa, you really have to disregard your face. If you want to leave everyone at this time, under such circumstances, you really have no mercy at all? Is everything really as Daoist Zhunti said, in your heart at all Didn't take us seriously?"

When the Taishang Laojun stood up again, there was a trace of anger on the face of Mother Nuwa. She was even more annoyed at Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin. She had already stated that she wanted to leave, but they were still entangled. She kept her face, which made Empress Nuwa a little bit unbearable, and the anger in her heart was about to burst out, and she was going to provoke a furious rebuke with Sanqing and Zhunti!

At this moment, just when the anger in her heart could not be suppressed by Empress Nuwa, a cold snort sounded, and I saw Old Ancestor Ming He sneered with disdain: "Hehe, it's so ridiculous, you don't even want your own face. , so confounding black and white, what does this have to do with fellow Daoist Nuwa, before helping you, helping you to protect this already rare friendship, but now you are putting on such a face, using these ridiculous words to persecute women Daoist friend Wa will continue to help you. What qualifications do you have to ask Daoist Nuwa friend? When we needed you to judge, you were there, how did you do it, and now you have to force Daoist Nuwa to ask Daoist Nuwa, do you have such a face? Do you have the qualifications, put away this trick, we don't take this one! Daoist Nuwa, let's go, it's not worth paying for these people, they are not worthy of making us pay."

The sudden outburst of Ancestor Ming He changed the expressions of Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyue, filling their faces with endless anger, and endless killing intent in their hearts, but they did not dare to act rashly. , Because Ancestor Ming He is full of fighting spirit, it seems that Ancestor Ming He has already made preparations for a confrontation.

"Damn Styx, how dare you do this, you **** can leave if you want, why are you ruining our good deeds!" At this time, Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin were all scolding Old Styx in their hearts. Ancestor, and their eyes revealed endless anger!

It's a pity that the ancestor Ming He didn't seem to see all this. He nodded to Empress Nuwa, and then turned around to leave. In front of them, they don't care that the other party may launch a sneak attack on them, and they will fall into crisis!

Seeing Old Ancestor Ming He standing up to help her, Empress Nuwa smiled slightly, nodded and left with Old Ancestor Ming He, leaving this ridiculous place of right and wrong, and completely parted ways with Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin. , there is no longer a trace of contact, this time to leave, will be to cut off all the friendship between them!

auzw.comIn the calamity of heaven and earth, no friendship is more important than survival, and no benefit is more important. Falling into a bigger crisis, after anger, they still need to gather their minds to face all this, which is the situation they will inevitably face.

After parting ways with Sanqing, Zhunti, and Xieyin, Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He did not go to the Thunder Realm where the Yin-Yang Taoist was located, nor did they go to join the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch. It was just an excuse for rejecting Sanqing, Zhun mentioning and receiving. There is only one dead end for the powerful strength to wait for them. Even the Yin-Yang Daoist can be so crazy that they can urge the source of the Thunder Realm to wash themselves and improve themselves. What reason do they have to stop.

If there was a little bit of estrangement between Empress Nuwa and the ancestor of Ming He before, the estrangement has completely disappeared now, and the two have also reached a tacit agreement to advance and retreat together in this world-destroying catastrophe. They both understand that individual The power of the company is limited. Only cooperation can have a chance of survival and survival. Survival is the foundation of everything!

The Yin-Yang Daoist does not know how much impact he will bring to the prehistoric world and the sentient beings in the world. As he frantically challenges the origin of the Thunder Realm, the Yin-Yang Daoist feels more pressure. The source of the yin and yang no longer meets the needs of the yin and yang daoists.

In an instant, an even crazier thought came to mind, looking at the world of thunder shrouded in thunder, looking at the many backhands left by the gods and demons of thunder, the eyes of the Yin-Yang Daoist flickered with crazy flames, destroying the world , use the power of destroying the world to destroy the world of thunder, destroy everything in the world of thunder gods and demons, and use this most domineering and craziest means to provoke divine punishment!

Although the existence of the Thunder Realm has always been sealed, but now the seal is opened and the Thunder Realm is born. At this time, if the Yin-Yang Daoist destroys it with the power of destroying the world, it will be a disaster for the entire prehistoric world. The expected consequences will make the situation develop in an unknown direction, which may be beneficial or harmful to oneself, but Daoist Yin-Yang wants to give it a shot, wants to bet on his destiny, and wants to see if he can achieve his wish, even if it is his own behavior. Let Pangu recover no more!

"The power of destroying the world!" With a soft drink from the Taoist Yin-Yang, a trace of the power of destroying the world, the treasure of the chaotic world that has been suppressing his own chaotic world, is activated. When this power of origin is activated, the entire The prehistoric world is also changing madly, and the endless aura of annihilation is rushing towards Taoist Yin and Yang, causing a robbery cloud formed by the power of annihilating the world to condense above the void of the thunder world. It appeared, which shocked the entire prehistoric world and made all living beings terrified. Everyone felt the terrifying power contained in this robbery cloud, and even Hongjun Daozu did not dare to take the blow of this robbery cloud. !

"Damn Yin-Yang Daoist, what do you want to do, even the power of the origin of the world-annihilation catastrophe is motivated, forming a terrifying robbery cloud, you don't want to live, but don't involve the entire ancient star field, you **** do this again. Going down, the situation in the entire ancient star field will undergo unimaginable changes, and endless karma will fall on your head, this is the origin of the world, it is a forbidden power, how dare you touch it!" Hong Jun Daozu was secretly scolding the Yin-Yang Daoist, knowing that the sudden and repeated upheaval has seriously affected the plan of Hongjun Daozu, and Hongjun Daozu couldn't help but have endless anger in his heart.

"No, this is the fluctuation of the power of the origin of the world. Could it be that this lunatic practiced not only the Yin-Yang Dao, but also mastered the world-annihilation Dao, this terrible taboo Dao, if so, this lunatic is too terrible, this But the power to destroy the world, even if it is the power that even three thousand chaotic gods and demons dare not control, is the ultimate power of destruction in the real Dao of Tribulation!" In an instant, Daozu Hongjun's expression changed greatly, and his eyes showed A trace of shock and fear!

Yes, it is fear! At this time, Daozu Hongjun had a trace of fear in the heart of Daoist Yin-Yang, and the source of this fear was the robbery cloud condensed by the source of extinction. For the entire prehistoric beings, it is a disaster and a threat to the three thousand chaotic gods and demons.

The power to destroy the world can only be obtained and mastered when the world is going to be destroyed. Daozu Hongjun did not know where the Yin-Yang Taoist mastered this power, but the appearance of this power made him feel uneasy and fearful. It is the power that can really kill the chaos gods and demons, the power that can destroy everything, even the world will be terminated!

"Yin and yang are reversed, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!" In the shock of Daozu Hongjun, a deep shout resounded through the void, and as the voice fell, the robbery cloud moved, directly hitting the source of the Thunder Realm, directly impacting At the core of the Thunder Realm, the power of destroying the world erupted in an instant, and the power of destroying the world impacted everything in the Thunder Realm, making the Thunder Realm fall into the shroud of World Destruction!

"Bastard!" When he saw the World-Destructing Tribulation Cloud crashing into the source of the Thunder Realm, Daozu Hongjun finally couldn't hold back his anger and cursed loudly. The power was fully stimulated, and the terrifying power of annihilation raged wildly in the prehistoric world, and the annihilation began. For those weak creatures, when the power of annihilation was stimulated, the shadow of death has come. , death took away their lives in an instant, just for a moment, countless creatures in the prehistoric world fell, the wise and the wise were all under the shadow of death, and they were all taken away by the world-destroying catastrophe. life!

"No, it's impossible!" When Daozu Hongjun cried out in surprise, the humanities in the prehistoric land also lost their voices. The catastrophe broke out. The terrifying source of extinction hit the humanities and the world of the prehistoric world. In the three worlds of human beings, the terrifying resentment erupted from the creatures that were destroyed by the world-destroying catastrophe, and this resentment was madly impacting humanity, making humanity fall into crisis!

"The breath of world-annihilation, the breath of Yin-Yang Daoist, it seems that this lunatic triggered the outbreak of the world-annihilation catastrophe, ridiculous humanity, this time you will pay a heavy price for your ignorance and stupidity, I hope you can block this impact , otherwise it will only be shrouded in endless resentment, and will only fall into the endless abyss, but I don't know if such a crazy explosion of the origin of the world will awaken the primordial spirit that has been sleeping in Buzhou Mountain. Will the backhand start right here!"

As Heavenly Dao, when he felt the terrifying aura of the World Destruction Source raging wildly, his eyes flashed with a smile of madness and joy. Although this shock came very suddenly, he did not care about Heavenly Dao, as if Everything is under his control, and he has long known that such a situation will happen, and he does not care about the shock of the prehistoric world.

This is a natural disaster as well as a man-made disaster. The yin and yang Taoists' crazy attack, the collision between the origin of the world and the thunder world, made the thunder world fall into destruction instantly. The thunder world just born is facing the threat of destruction. Destroying all the vitality of the Thunder World, to completely wipe it out, the whole world is shaking, in fear, the Thunder World instinctively feels the threat!

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