God of Destruction

Chapter 4699: festival destruction

Chapter 4705 Destruction

"Damn, who is destroying my thunder world, who is going to break my brand in the prehistoric world!" When the origin of the world was madly destroying the origin of the thunder world, the **** of thunder in the chaos was The anger, the mind is warning him that the backhand left in the prehistoric world is being destroyed, once the existence of the thunder world is lost, the thunder gods and demons will not be able to come to the prehistoric world smoothly, which is for the thunder gods and demons. Undoubtedly provocative and unacceptable, he wants to fight back.

The Thunder God and Demon madly hooked up with the imprint he left in the source of the Thunder World in the prehistoric world. Unfortunately, it was too late. If the source of the destruction of the world has not confronted the source of the Thunder World, the God of Thunder The devil can still affect the Thunder Realm, but it is too late now. The original imprint he left in the Thunder Realm is constantly being wiped out by the power of the world-destroying source. Devour, and turn it into the nutrients of the Dao of Destruction.

"Destroy the world! This madman is destroying the world. What happened to make Daoist Yin-Yang dare to do this, and dare to be the enemy of the prehistoric world?" Looking at the terrifying shock wave that erupted in the void, feeling the emergence of the origin of the world, too Shang Laojun's face became extremely gloomy. This was not the result he wanted, but now everything is not in his control. Today's world has undergone an amazing change, and the power of destroying the world has really exploded!

"There is nothing that a lunatic Daoist Yin-Yang dare not do. For him, as long as it is beneficial to himself, he can do anything. This time the behavior is the same. He wants to destroy the Thunder Realm. The destruction of Xiaoqian World brought the power of large-scale explosion of taboos, which led to the Great Desolate Heaven Punishment. If the Heaven Punishment appeared, his conspiracy would be successful, and he would be able to get back everything he lost, master the origin of the Great Desolate World, and take the initiative. !"

"Yeah, once the world-destroying catastrophe breaks out, everything will develop in his favor for the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist. After all, he has the most terrifying power, and the power of the world-destroying source is the real taboo. Even if three thousand chaotic gods and demons dare not confront it head-on, the power of destroying the world is not something that anyone can fight against!”

"What should we do now, this lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist has desperately launched such a terrifying suicide attack, how do we face all beings in the prehistoric wilderness, if it continues, the whole prehistoric world will fall into crisis, and it will become the hunting of Daoist Yin-Yang. It's just that what he hunts is not living creatures, but the world, and the origin of the world is the best nutrient for the power of extinction!"

Stop, what to stop, although everyone understands the direction of the development of the situation, but they really have to go on this road of no return, they can't bear the suppression of the prehistoric world, they cannot grasp the general trend of the prehistoric world, and they cannot condense the real world master. The power of the power of the sect cannot alone control the power of heaven and earth, control the life and death of all living beings, and control the life and death of all living beings, which means that the power of the sect cannot resist the ferocity that comes from destroying the world. Endless corpse!

"God's punishment, maybe only the god's punishment can stop this madman, so that he can calm down and know what can be done and what can't be done! It's just that when the god's punishment comes out, it will also take away from this lunatic's heart and make him conspiracy. Succeed!"

Yes, everyone knows why Yin-Yang Daoists are so crazy. They really have to mobilize the power of Heavenly Punishment to stop Yin-Yang Daoists from destroying the Thunder Realm, and they will also follow the calculations of Yin-Yang Daoists, but without Heavenly Punishment, Yin-Yang Daoists can use it The power of the origin of the world-destroying catastrophe destroys the thunder world, and devours all the origin of the thunder world into its own nutrients. If this lunatic really masters the power of destroying the world, this is not a good thing for everyone, and the destruction of the thunder world will inevitably happen. Make the power of destruction more powerful.

"This is really a big problem. Fortunately, all this needs to be decided by the prehistoric world itself, whether to block the Yin-Yang Taoist, break the idea of ​​destroying the Thunder Realm, or let this madman destroy the Thunder Realm and destroy all the opportunities in the Thunder Realm! "

Chance, in the eyes of all beings in the prehistoric times, the secret world left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons is a chance, even if there is a great danger in this chance, but in their view, this is still a chance, and it is still worth fighting for! However, this act of Daoist Yin-Yang also caused a huge impact on the lives of all the people in the prehistoric wilderness. The opportunity left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons is not as strong as imagined. If the inheritance of the Thunder World is strong enough, how could Daoist Yin-Yang destroy it? , Even if the Yin-Yang Daoist mastered the power of destroying the world, it is impossible to destroy a world with a powerful source, and it is impossible to make such an earth-shattering disturbance!

When some people are lost, some people are happy. When the Yin-Yang Daoist madly attacked the Thunder Realm and forced the Thunder Realm to a desperate situation, the Di Zun was very happy. The opportunity he was waiting for finally appeared. Now everyone's energy, even Hong Kong The origin of the world is all staring at the ancient star field, staring at the thunder world, so the honor can quietly open the seal of the nether world, enter the world that he has always wanted, the power of the nether world to seal Under the influence of the Earth Venerable, it was quietly opened!

Even the human beings did not feel the changes from the nether world. After Di Zun rushed into the world of Zhenfeng, the entire prehistoric world shook again. A dark gate suddenly appeared from the depths of the nether world, terrifying darkness. The power swept through everything in the nether world frantically, the entire nether world was shaking, and there were shocking spatial fluctuations in the power of darkness.

Opened, Di Zun opened the seal of the nether world, and opened the door of the world that had been sealed for a long time! Yes, the Earth Venerable opened not the world channel, but the world gate, a world gate condensed by the source of darkness. When this world gate appeared, the entire prehistoric world was in turmoil, and the nether world suffered terrible. Because there is no master of the world, no one presides over the overall situation of the nether world, it has suffered huge trauma to the nether world, and this trauma is directly reflected in the human body, causing the human to suffer a terrible backlash in an instant. He was seriously injured!

auzw.com "Damn, how could this happen, the gate of the world sealed by the nether world suddenly appeared, it was that **** who broke the seal and ruined my event!" Crying wildly, venting the anger in his heart, you must know that this backlash has directly ruined the opportunity for humanity to condense the authority of the three worlds. If you want to reconsolidate the authority of the three worlds, it will take more time, and now the lack of humanism is time!

"It must be that **** from the Earth Lord. He is the only one who knows the nether world best, and only he knows the gate of the world sealed by the source of the nether world. This **** is too insidious. He was the first to jump out and escape, and now he is blocking me Mastering the Three Realms, this **** just wants to cut off my chance and not give me a chance to condense the authority of the three worlds!"

Soon Humanity thought of who was blocking him, and the Earth Venerable was locked by him in an instant. Unfortunately, all of this has already happened, and the Earth Venerable has already rushed into the gate of the world, no matter how angry Humanity is, it is useless. The important thing is that when the gate of the world sealed in the nether world is opened, the gate of the world sealed in the primordial land and the source of the heavens also undergoes changes. They must break through the power of the seal and want to appear in the primordial world. , is announcing their existence to all living beings in the wild!

"Damn, suppress me!" Human Dao had to devote his energy to suppressing the gates of the world that were just about to move, and wanted to suppress the two world gates in the heaven and the prehistoric land with his own strength. This is too much pressure for humanity. Now, if I hadn’t suffered a backlash because of the birth of the World Gate sealed by the Netherworld, and I had condensed the authority of the three worlds, this threat would be nothing, and I could suppress these two World Gates by myself. , But now Human Dao does not have this strength, nor can it do this. At this time, Human Dao can't help but think of the words when Tian Dao left.

"Perhaps that **** from Tiandao saw this day long ago and knew the idea of ​​this **** to fight the gate of the world sealed by the Netherworld, so this **** would run away. If this **** told me earlier, things would not have happened. This is what it looks like!" Soon Human Dao put the blame on Tian Dao again, thinking that it was Tian Dao who pitted him!

In fact, it's not the way of heaven, but his own greed. If he didn't have such terrifying greed and crazy ambition, nothing would have happened, so he shouldn't blame the way of heaven, but blame himself too much. Greedy, it's a pity that the current humanity can't see itself clearly, and has fallen into endless anger. The power of backlash has traumatized his mind, caused a crack in his heart, and he has fallen into a huge crisis!

He can't even see himself clearly. It can be seen that Human Dao has completely entered the game and entered the vortex of this world-annihilating catastrophe. Now it is impossible for him to escape. , From the moment he wanted to become the master of the prehistoric world, he had entered a desperate situation and could no longer escape from this world-annihilating catastrophe.

Although it is said that the catastrophe is a calamity, it is also a chance, but today's humanism can't even recognize itself. Even if there is a chance in front of him, he can't see it. Some of his heart is just anger, and some is just against the way of heaven and earth. Zun's resentment and killing intent, under such circumstances, how could he withdraw, death may be his destination.

When the gate of the world sealed by the underworld world opens, for the entire prehistoric world, is there only one human being who suffers? No, that's not the case. Humanity is only suffering for the entire prehistoric beings. If humanity is powerless to seal the gate of the world among the three realms of heaven, earth, and human, the entire prehistoric world will usher in a terrible natural disaster, and this natural disaster is caused by the gods of the earth. Open with one hand!

"The gate of the world sealed by the underworld world is now open, Di Zun, do you know what you are doing? In order to get rid of the threat of Pangu Yuanshen, you can sacrifice everything, regardless of the life and death of the prehistoric world. ?" Feeling the changes in the nether world and the gate of the world exuding endless darkness, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but sighed, this situation is really out of control, first there is a lunatic Daoist Yin-Yang who wants to destroy the Thunder Realm. Now there is this **** Di Zun who sacrificed the entire prehistoric world in order to get rid of the threat of Pangu Yuanshen. All this is messed up!

Stand up to stop this from happening? Such thoughts flashed in Hongjun Daozu's mind. It was impossible for him. Even if the sudden changes in the prehistoric world affected his layout, Hongjun Daozu still did not mean to stand up. , Now is not the time for Daozu Hongjun to approve, so he will not take action. All the consequences must be borne by Humanity alone, and by all beings in the wild. Perhaps this shock can speed up the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, which will make the prehistoric world suffer. More amazing changes!

At present, the matter of the Yin-Yang Taoist has not been dealt with in time, and there has been a shocking change in the Netherworld. What is more serious is that the gate of the world sealed by the heaven and the prehistoric land has also changed. It is just that those prehistoric creatures did not notice the arrival of danger, and what they saw in their eyes was only chance.

As soon as the shocking change in the nether world came out, the expressions of Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyue changed greatly. They all felt the changes from the prehistoric world and felt the threat of death, especially Sanqing, who appeared at the gate of the world. For a moment, they couldn't help but have an impulse in their hearts to destroy the gate of this world, as if the existence of the gate of this world would threaten their own lives!

Sanqing has such a reaction, does the Twelve Ancestral Witch Guild feel nothing at all? Yes, to the Twelve Ancestors, they did not have the same extreme reaction as Sanqing, they just felt the fluctuation of blood power, the appearance of the gate of the world, there was such a slight temptation for them, which made them have a kind of thought. The idea of ​​returning to the underworld!

This does not come from the temptation of the gate of the world, but more from the temptation of the world-destroying catastrophe. The most important thing is that now the twelve ancestors are all golden immortals. When they are united, even if there is no Open the 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons', the connection between the bloodlines is enough to allow them to avoid many threats and allow them to deal with many crises.

Of course, part of the reason is that they are in the Thunder Realm. Today, the Thunder Realm is being attacked by Yin-Yang Daoists and is on the verge of destruction, whether it is the full explosion of the source of the Thunder Realm or the world-annihilation triggered by Yin-Yang Daoists. Force, the influence from the gate of the world has been weakened to the minimum, and it is precisely because of this reason that the twelve ancestors can still face everything calmly, without shaking their minds because of this external force, and can wait for new ones calmly. Changes appear, waiting for a turnaround!

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