God of Destruction

Chapter 4700: section study

Chapter 4706 Learning

In the eyes of the Twelve Ancestors, no matter how the world changes, there will always be a turning point. They do not believe that Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu can ignore the destruction of the flood and the outbreak of this natural and man-made disaster. They can ignore it, and the Twelve Ancestors can naturally do the same. Today’s Twelve Ancestors are no longer as ignorant as they used to be. They know what convergence is, and what to do and what not to do in such a situation!

Taking the initiative to attack when everything is unclear, this is not what the Twelve Ancestors want, which means that they will take boundless risks and risk their own lives. If they are just alone, maybe they will choose Doing so, but each of them bears the lives of countless witches! Under such circumstances, even the most violent Zhu Rong Zuwu would not dare to act rashly or do whatever he wanted, after all, he could not bear the risk of failure.

It is precisely because the Twelve Ancestral Witches are very aware of how much responsibility and heavy responsibility they bear, so they will be more cautious, will gather their minds little by little, and no longer act recklessly. After the life and death of the entire witch clan, the Twelve Ancestral Witches really changed completely. From their minds to their behavior, there were earth-shaking changes, and they were all changing for the better. This change also allowed them to gradually change from passive to active. Today's Twelve Ancestors have long been unable to look at them with their original eyes. If anyone wants to continue to look at them with their original eyes, they will inevitably pay a heavy price.

For the Twelve Ancestors, they are all able to withstand the temptation of external forces, especially after they are well aware of their own shortcomings, they are constantly looking for ways to change and overcome. attention, one after another of divine power restrictions are placed on their minds, in order to resist the erosion of the enemy or external forces, and it is this prudence and caution that Qiaqia has allowed them to survive this catastrophe and let them They are not affected by external forces!

This scene started by Yin-Yang Daoist and went to Di Zun to open the door of the world, which caused a huge change in the direction of the entire prehistoric world, causing the heaven and earth to shake. Where is the future of the Wu clan? Although they have not been affected by external forces, for them, the outbreak of the Yin-Yang Daoist has made them see a hint of crisis. In the crazy actions of the Yin-Yang Daoist, they finally understand that there is a Taoist tribulation. What an astonishing difference from the Heavenly Tribulation without Proving Dao!

The transformation of the prehistoric world has caused some of them to lose the baptism of the proving of the Tao. Although this reduces the danger, it also reduces their own background. The gap between gain and loss is very large. If you only pursue short-term Survival, such a change may be a good thing, but in pursuit of the ultimate vitality of the world-annihilation catastrophe, such a change is the biggest hidden danger and the biggest crisis. , With the continuous accumulation of one's own practice, this hidden danger will become larger and larger, and eventually become a fatal threat to oneself.

"Brother, we also need to change and learn from fellow yin and yang daoists. We can no longer ignore the importance of proving the Dao of the Heavenly Tribulation. Although we have escaped the danger now, it has huge hidden dangers for further progress in the future. , maybe we don’t pay attention to it, and there will be no moment of proving the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the future. When proving the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, we will either be blocked from the door of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, or at the time of proving the Dao. Because of the lack of his own background, he will directly die and his soul will disappear!"

"Little sister, do things really have to be as serious as you said?" At this time, Di Jiang Zuwu's eyes could not help revealing a hint of shock. For him, the impact of this news was a bit big, and he couldn't help it for a while. Know what to do! If you learn Yin-Yang Daoist, it is dangerous for those ancestors who have not crossed the Taoist Tribulation, but if you ignore it directly, it will also cause a lack of background and bury a huge hidden danger for your own cultivation, which is also an unacceptable consequence.

"It's really so serious. If there wasn't this terrible natural disaster caused by the yin and yang daoists, I don't understand why the yin and yang daoists are so obsessed with proving the calamity, and they have to use the power of the calamity to improve themselves, but now I finally understand We must not ignore this hidden danger, we cannot afford the hidden danger it brings!"

When the words of the ancestors of the ancestors fell, the other ancestors fell silent and learned from the Yin-Yang Taoist. This is not something that everyone can do, and in the face of such a terrible natural disaster, none of them have the confidence to survive. , If under the natural disaster, once they get on it, I am afraid that they will be destroyed in an instant, and they will die!

Seeing the hesitation and worry flickering in everyone's eyes, Houtu Zuwu couldn't help but sighed, and he also understood everyone's consideration. Although they haven't experienced the Dao Dao Tribulation and have hidden dangers, they feel that they will have time in the future. It is possible to eliminate hidden dangers, there is no need to learn how yin and yang Taoists are so crazy, pulling themselves and the witch people in their own world into danger!

"Brothers, in fact, we are not without the possibility of success. Now the yin and yang daoists have motivated the source of the Thunder Realm to destroy the entire Thunder Realm. This is our chance. If we can draw a little bit of the source of Tianlei from it, it will be enough to wash away. Self, improve our heritage, and eliminate some of the dangers that hidden dangers bring to us!"

Yes, in the eyes of Houtu Zuwu, there is no need for everyone to be afraid, and they can rely on the power of Yin-Yang Daoist to profit from the confrontation between the power of destroying the world and the source of the Thunder Realm, even if it is only a little bit of inspiration. Lei Benyuan is a great benefit to them, and because of the relationship between their twelve ancestors and the Yin-Yang Daoist, they will not be questioned by the Yin-Yang Daoist!

auzw.comIn an instant, Di Jiang Zuwu's eyes flashed, and he nodded cautiously and said, "Yes, this suggestion from the little sister is feasible, if we are careful, there is no danger to our lives, we can also Eliminating the hidden dangers on your body, even if there is only one point, is a great gain for us, and the opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come again, not all the time there is such an opportunity!"

With the approval of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the ancestor witches who had just proved the Taoist Primordial Golden Immortal and the Houtu Zuwu carefully attracted the origin of the Thunder Realm above the void. The origin of the world does not have the energy to pay attention to these little 'ants', even if these 'ants' stimulate a trace of the origin of the Thunder World, they are not valued by the Thunder World. For the Thunder World, everything is the focus. Put it on the Yin-Yang Daoist, once it fails in the duel with the Yin-Yang Daoist, the only thing waiting for the Thunder Realm is destruction, and the whole world will be blown up by the power of destroying the world, and it will really be wiped from the heavens and the earth!

When the Houtu Zuwu first acted, the Yin-Yang Taoists who had been battling the Thunder Realm instantly felt the change. When they saw the Houtu Zuwu and the others were learning to evoke the origin of the Thunder Realm, the Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help but smile indifferently and secretly nodded. "Yes, it seems that the Wu people are not dead brains, and they also know how to make changes. With the help of the origin of the Thunder Realm, although it cannot completely make up for the impact of the lack of proving the heavenly tribulation, it can also consolidate its origin and eliminate its own hidden dangers. It's a pity that my ultimate power of destroying the world has already erupted, and it still hasn't attracted divine punishment. It seems that the prehistoric consciousness is determined to cut off my way forward!"

When he thought that the origin of the prehistoric world did not fight back against his madness, Taoist Yin-Yang had endless anger in his heart. Use the power of destruction of the Thunder Realm to strengthen the Dao of World Destruction that you have mastered!

Although this move is feasible, it is also very dangerous. Once the power of destroying the world grows in its own hands, even if it only destroys the small thousand worlds left by the Chaos Gods and Demons on the Leijie side, it will be very important to the entire prehistoric world. It is a great provocation, and it will inevitably suffer the rejection of the greater prehistoric world, even the rejection of all the worlds in the prehistoric world, and the ancient star field is no exception!

It can be said that the Yin-Yang Daoist destroyed the Thunder Realm at this time, and it did more harm than good to him, subjecting himself to the hostility of all forces, and even to the rejection and curse from the origin of all the worlds. After all, this is the real destruction of the world. He is really using the destruction of the world to strengthen the Dao of Destruction and to enhance his own power to destroy the world!

"Hehe, when is this all, I still have this worry in my heart, it's really ridiculous, since the prehistoric world doesn't give me the opportunity to prove the Dao Heavenly Tribulation, what else can I take care of, I don't have the Dao Heavenly Tribulation, Then I will destroy the Thunder Realm. With the help of the destruction of the Thunder Realm, I will strengthen the power of destroying the world. After the destruction of the Thunder Realm, I will see how this prehistoric world will react. Will I be punished by heaven so that I can improve myself? !" Soon the Yin-Yang Daoist woke up from the hesitation. When the situation has developed to this stage, as long as he wants to go further on the path of cultivation, he can't have too much consideration, and he has to give it a shot!

"Kill! Yin and Yang destroy the world, destroy the void for me!" When the decision was made, the Taoist Yin and Yang launched the final attack with a cruel heart. The source of pain kills the killer, the terrifying source of yin and yang blends with the power of destroying the world, forming a terrifying storm of destruction, madly impacting the thunder world!

"Damn, this lunatic is really a killer. He really doesn't take the prehistoric world seriously, and dares to directly destroy the Thunder Realm!" When he saw the fatal blow of the Yin-Yang Daoist, Hongjun Daozu was also a little dumbfounded. In such a situation He didn't expect it. In his opinion, Daoist Yin-Yang would not do such a crazy move until the last moment, but he was wrong. He underestimated Daoist Yin-Yang's determination, when he didn't get the punishment he wanted. , you really have to do one thing and two, and directly destroy the Thunder World!

"Mad, this is really a madman, what force created such a madman, could it be said that the time **** and demon really left behind in the small world he opened up to create such a madman without a car, dare to In the face of all the lunatics, he really is not afraid of death, and can he really ignore all threats and only for detachment?" As a Tiandao, after feeling the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist, he was also amazed at it. beyond his imagination.

Earth Zun is crazy enough to open the gate of the world sealed by the source of the nether world at all costs, and the Yin-Yang Taoist also made the decision to destroy the Thunder Realm when he saw no hope. For these two lunatics, they In their eyes, they only have their own thoughts, and they don’t care about the lives of other creatures. As long as their plans are beneficial to them, they can do anything without the slightest worry or fear. They only have themselves in their eyes!

When the power of destroying the world was fully promoted by the Taoist Yin and Yang, the storm of destroying the world finally broke out in full force. The world-destroying storm began to devour little by little. In the face of the world-destroying power, the source of the thunder world was vulnerable and had no ability to resist at all.

The world is trembling, and a trace of the primordial spirit of the **** of thunder hidden in the thunder world is terrified. When the Yin-Yang Taoist frantically erupted with such terrifying power, the primordial spirit of the **** of thunder felt the threat of death. , although he really wanted to find a way to resolve the crisis, but he couldn't do it, he couldn't do it at all, the entire thunder world was beyond his grasp, and the initiative had fallen into the hands of the Yin-Yang Daoist, who dominated everything and dominated The life and death of the Thunder World!

"It seems that the prehistoric world really gave up the attack on the Yin-Yang Daoist, and really did not give him any opportunity to borrow strength. The catastrophe shrouded in the heads of the prehistoric beings is dissipating. There will never be another Heavenly Tribulation to prove the Dao, as long as the strength is reached, the realm is enough to easily improve!" Feeling the changes from the prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu's eyes flickered with a touch of unease, uneasy about the changes in the prehistoric world. , If you let go of the shackles of all living beings, the entire prehistoric world will pour out more Primordial Golden Immortals, and there will be more Primordial Powerhouses appearing, which is greatly detrimental to the plan of Hongjun Daozu. Hongjun Daozu is difficult to feel at ease, which threatens Hongjun Daozu's bottom line!

At the same time, there is also Tiandao who is uneasy. There are people. They all understand what the emergence of more Primordial Golden Immortals means to the flood and to themselves. Maybe the real natural disaster is coming, and the three thousand chaos gods and demons will Appeared in the prehistoric world in advance, otherwise such a shocking change should not have occurred!

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