God of Destruction

Chapter 4701: Destruction of the Thunder World

Chapter 4707: Thunder World Destruction

No, there is nothing wrong. For the prehistoric world, when the external crisis is getting bigger and bigger and has gradually threatened its own safety, anything can happen. If the situation is really irreversible, it really has to go Destruction, the sleeping Pangu Primordial Spirit will recover, and perhaps a real catastrophe will break out at that time. The real natural disaster will shroud all living beings, and Pangu's anger will cause harm to all living beings.

One's own world was taken away by the enemy among the marmots. All beings in the world chose to betray, and no one could accept such a result. Generally, when such a situation occurs, the entire prehistoric life will inevitably be wiped out. It is not impossible to open a world, no matter how generous Pangu is, he will not let the creatures who betrayed him control the world he opened up!

As time went on, the aura of the Yin-Yang Taoist became more and more violent, and he did this to such an extent that he still did not change the will of the primordial source, and still did not attract a catastrophe, which made him completely lose his thoughts on the primordial world. , if the previous explosion was just another test, this time the Yin-Yang Taoist really had to stop doing any temptation, although he was unwilling to carry the title of world destroyer, and he was unwilling to suffer the curse of the world, but now It's all up to you.

"Fellow Daoists, hurry up and complete the baptism of thunder, there is not much time left for you. After a while, I will completely destroy this world, seize the source of the thunder world, and destroy everything!" The ears sounded, warning them to prevent the twelve ancestors from completely immersing their minds in the baptism of guiding the thunder, and getting involved in their own destruction of the thunder world!

When the voice of the Yin-Yang Taoist rang in their ears, the minds of the twelve ancestor witches were all shocked. Although they had expected it, when the moment of real destruction of the world came, their minds were still unavoidable. Turbulence and ups and downs, this is the destruction of the world, the destruction of the world will cause terrible disasters, and the destroyers of the world must bear the curse from the origin of the world.

While shocked, the Twelve Ancestors tried to persuade the Yin-Yang Daoist not to rush for a while, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't say it. From their point of view, they might be able to endure and choose to compromise, but to the Yin-Yang Daoist It is already impossible. Now the Yin-Yang Taoist has an arrow on the string. If he does not destroy the Thunder Realm, everything he has done before will be in vain. Not only will he lose face, but also his reputation will plummet. Form a threat!

"Little sister, have you all completed the baptism?" Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help but ask Houtu Zuwu, the ancestor witches who have not experienced the tribulation of Taoism. After all, time is limited. If it is not completed, it will greatly affect the They will practice in the future.

"Come on, it will be done in just a little more time, big brother, you guys help us to speed up the guidance of Tianlei!" At this time, Houtu Zuwu didn't dare to be careless, and immediately asked Emperor Jiang Zuwu to do it. Out of the request, to use the power of other ancestors to mobilize more powerful Tianlei, complete this baptism, and withdraw from this terrifying duel!

Time waits for no one, and these ancestor witches knew in their hearts that once the time passed, there would never be such an opportunity again, so they did not hesitate to immediately give their all to help, and the terrifying thunderbolts were led by Emperor Jiang Zuwu and the others. Down, the ancestral witches who were in the process of baptism were slammed down, and the source of the thunder world was struggling frantically at this time, as if feeling the coming of death!

Yes, death is about to come to the Thunder Realm, the aura of the Yin-Yang Daoist is becoming more and more terrifying, the power of destroying the world is constantly growing in his hands, and the origin imprint of a terrible avenue of destroying the world is forming, but this When the Dao brand is formed, the Thunder Realm will be completely destroyed, and there will be no chance to turn over again. It is precisely because of the terrifying threat of this origin imprint that the Thunder Realm is struggling frantically, while the Thunder God and Demon in the chaos He was also furious, and his mind was constantly warning him.

The Thunder God and Demon really wanted to be distracted and enter the prehistoric world, but unfortunately, the barriers of the prehistoric world are still strong. It is said that he wants to save his back-hand in the prehistoric world and save this Fang Leijie, which is something he can't do anyway.

The Yin-Yang Daoist was watching the situation of the Twelve Ancestors while condensing the world-annihilation brand. Although the time was a little tight, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not urge the Twelve Ancestors again, but was quietly waiting for them to complete the baptism. Leaving from the Thunder Realm, the strength of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is also a good thing for Yin and Yang Daoists, and such opportunities do not always come, and it is impossible for me to destroy one world and another world again and again. !

"Retreat!" After Tuzu Wu and the others completed their baptism, they immediately issued an order to retreat. Time did not wait for anyone. They didn't dare to stay in the Thunder Realm, and they didn't dare to watch the Yin-Yang Taoist destroy the Thunder Realm so closely. , You must know that there is still a trace of the origin of the Thunder World on their bodies. If one is not careful, it is very likely that they will be involved in this terrible world destruction!

As the voice fell, the Twelve Ancestral Witch instantly turned into a meteor and rushed out of the Thunder Realm, because at this time the Yin-Yang Daoist was trying his best to contain the source of the Thunder Realm, and their retreat was not hindered by any obstacles, and they smoothly escaped from the Thunder Realm. Lei Jie escaped. After leaving Lei Jie, the twelve ancestor witches stood in the void and quietly watched the duel between Yin-Yang Taoist and Lei Jie. They didn't want to miss watching the war that destroyed the world up close. Destruction is a rare opportunity for any practitioner!

Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin, Empress Nuwa, Old Ancestor Ming He, and even Dao Ancestor Hongjun in the ancient star field all long for such an opportunity, but they have their own concerns and cannot show up in Lei. Outside the world, the strength of Sanqing and others does not allow them to do so. They are worried that they will fall into crisis. Hongjun Daozu does not want to reveal his whereabouts at this time. It is difficult to get rid of the locks of the three worlds, even the locks of the world-destroying catastrophe, Hongjun Daozu is not willing to take this risk and put himself in danger!


"Destroy the Thunder Realm, destroy the world and wipe out everything!" With the deep shout of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the world-annihilation brand condensed in his hands turned into a terrifying shadow of the world-annihilation, directly shrouding the Thunder Realm. , the phantom of the World Destruction Mill started instantly, and the terrifying World Destruction Power frantically began to obliterate everything in the world, and everything disappeared completely after being swallowed by the World Destruction Mill.

Yes, at this moment, the Yin-Yang Daoist condensed a shadow of the world-destroying mill with the power of destroying the world, and the core of it was the world-destroying brand. Fortunately, the Yin-yang Daoist did not want to reveal that he had the terrible thing of destroying the world. The world-destroying treasure, but launched this devastating blow in the form of supernatural powers, as if he had realized this terrible world-destroying supernatural power from the world-annihilating avenue!

"Destroying the world, what a yin and yang Taoist, such a powerful world-destroying supernatural power, how long after he was born, he has already realized such a terrifying world-destroying supernatural power, this world-annihilating supernatural power is his natural supernatural power, or is it acquired the day after tomorrow. The supernatural power?" Hongjun Daozu was shocked when he saw the phantom of the world-annihilating great mill. This supernatural power made him feel the threat of death, but once he was locked by this world-annihilating supernatural power, There is also the danger of dying and disappearing, and the annihilation of the world is enough to wipe out all vitality!

"Damn, this lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist really desperately wants to destroy the Thunder Realm. This lunatic has made a big disaster!" Compared with Daozu Hongjun, who only shocked the Yin-Yang Daoist's world-destroying magical powers, Heaven and Humanity are afraid of the Yin-Yang Daoist's madness. , the destruction of the Thunder World will become the fuse for the drastic changes in the prehistoric world. The destruction of the Thunder World will make all the three thousand chaotic gods and demons in the prehistoric world feel threatened by the small world, which will make these small worlds explode. Move, let the situation spiral out of control!

Although Tiandao broke free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, and had already arranged a follow-up, but when he saw such a shock, he was still afraid and uneasy. The three thousand chaotic gods and demons in the chaos will inevitably feel this threat, and they will inevitably accelerate the erosion of the prehistoric world.

"Bastard, don't pull us if he wants to die. This time Human Dao can no longer suppress the other two gates of the world, and the trouble is big!" Tian Dao's eyes showed a trace of anger and unwillingness at the moment, this was not what he wanted to see As a result, if you know that your escape will make the situation uncontrollable, Tiandao will not make this decision lightly, but unfortunately everything has happened now, regret is useless, the only thing Tiandao can do is to be vigilant!

Under the attack of the world-destroying mill, the Thunder Realm kept screaming. This is the world's lamentation. The origin of the world was obliterated by the world-extinguishing mill. A terrifying aura continued to emerge from the Thunder Realm. This is the curse left after the destruction of the origin of the world, the curse of the world on the destroyer, and the actions of Taoist Yin and Yang touch the curse of the world.

"The power of the curse, this is the power of the curse that destroys the world. It is indeed a bit unusual, but is this power really able to stop me? Swallow it for me! Yin and Yang swallow the sky, swallow everything!" The power of the curse, the Yin-Yang Taoist gave a heavy drink, and the source of the Yin-Yang Dao erupted with a terrifying phagocytic power. In an instant, his body seemed to turn into a black hole, pulling the cursed power of world destruction into his own chaotic world.

Yes, the Yin-Yang Daoist wants to use the 'Destruction of the World' in his chaotic world to annihilate the power of this curse and turn it into the nutrients of the 'Destruction of the World', instead of strengthening the imprint of the origin of the era in his hands. , this is just a brand, a magical power. Even if you increase your power, it will not help you much. On the contrary, if you let the 'Daima of the World' absorb it, it will enhance the power of the 'Daima of the World', which will make the world more powerful. His trump card is even more powerful.

"It's over, the Thunder Realm has really been destroyed!" Watching the Thunder Realm continue to shrink, Sanqing's eyes revealed a touch of loss and fear. The strength of the Yin-Yang Taoist exceeded their imagination. Destroying one world is so simple. The most important thing is that the prehistoric world didn't react at all, allowing the Yin-Yang Daoist to destroy the Thunder Realm like this.

The sky has changed, the sky in the prehistoric world has changed, and it has become so inhospitable, so terrifying, that Sanqing couldn't help shivering, and the human body to the soul felt a burst of coldness, such a terrible shock was overwhelming. They were a little breathless, making them think about what they should do next and how to face this sudden danger.

With a loud noise of "Bang!", the last trace of its origin was also wiped out by the phantom of the 'Destruction of the World', the Thunder Realm was completely destroyed, the entire prehistoric world was trembling, the ancient star field was trembling, and there was a burst of lament, Who let the Daoist Yin-Yang, the world destroyer, stand not far from the ancient star field. With such a terrible enemy, how can the origin of the ancient star field not be afraid, how can it not be afraid, if this madman will keep his eyes on it again If you kill yourself, the consequences will be unimaginable!

struggle? Resist? The ancient star region does not have this ability, and the backhand left by the gods and demons of the stars is not enough to resist the world-destroying magical power of the yin and yang Taoist. Once the ancient star region is targeted, it will not be able to get rid of this crisis. The Xiaoqian world left by other chaotic gods and demons hidden in the dark is also trembling, and the destruction of the thunder world has brought them a huge impact.

When the Thunder World was completely destroyed, the Thunder God and Demon in the chaos couldn't help but let out a groan, a blood arrow shot out of his mouth, and his soul was devoured! I saw that the Thunder God and Demon shouted angrily with a gloomy face: "Damn, the Xiaoqian world I left in the prehistoric world was completely destroyed, and the world's destroyer appeared in the prehistoric world. Pangu, what do you want to do? Even ignoring the birth of the World Destroyer, what happened in the prehistoric world!"

No matter how angry it is, it is useless. The gods and demons of thunder who are in chaos cannot come to the prehistoric world, let alone take revenge. For him, he can only endure it now, and the appearance of the world destroyer has also made He felt a huge threat and could destroy the existence of the Thunder Realm. How strong is his strength, how could the prehistoric world allow such an existence.

It's a pity that the Thunder God and Demon didn't know that the prehistoric world had already changed, and the general situation of heaven and earth had become blurred. The world has lost its original general trend of heaven and earth, and everything will start anew. All living beings will face a terrible natural disaster, and will face the coming of the world-destroying catastrophe. Whether they can live or not depends on their own creation!

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