God of Destruction

Chapter 4702: World Destroyer

Chapter 4708 World Destroyer

With the destruction of the world, when the last trace of the origin of the Thunder Realm was wiped out, the Yin-Yang Daoist felt a terrifying force falling from the void. After the destruction of the Thunder Realm, a strong curse was formed and the power falling from the void merged. Together, wrapping his body in an instant, the power of the curse formed a brand, entangled in his body, and wanted to erode his soul, and wanted to be completely integrated with himself!

"Is this the curse of the world? This power is so terrifying that it can actually erode the soul. Unfortunately, this power is not enough to break through my defenses and turn it into my nourishment, swallow it!" After the power of the curse of the world, he will immediately open his own chaotic world, guide the power of this curse into his own chaotic world, and become the nutrients of the 'world-destroying mill'. Although the power of the curse can be eliminated, the world will be destroyed. The identity of the world destroyer will not be erased. After the Yin-Yang Daoist destroys the Thunder Realm, the identity of the world destroyer will always accompany him and be rejected by all the origins of the world!

Destroyer of the world, this is a heavy burden and a curse, but also a kind of glory. Destroyer of the world has not only disadvantages, but also advantages. Everything has two sides. Although there is this curse, all the world They will choose to reject themselves, but they will not reject Chaos. On the contrary, they will accept his existence. The destroyer of the world is beneficial to Chaos in a sense, and the destruction of the world will return to Chaos.

Of course, this is not absolute. After the Yin-Yang Daoist destroyed the Thunder Realm, its origin turned into its own nutrients, and it did not return to chaos, but was swallowed up by the chaotic world of the Yin-Yang Daoist and became the source of its own chaotic world. The power of the curse is both a burden and a grind. In the constant erosion of the power of the curse, it will have a huge grind on one's soul. If one can resist the impact of the power of the curse on oneself, it will definitely become a grind to strengthen one's own practice!

For many creatures, they are unwilling to accept, nor dare to accept the identity of the world destroyer, because they cannot bear the curse from the destruction of the world, but this is not the case for Yin and Yang Daoists, who have their own chaotic world and who suppress their own world. The world-destroying treasure 'Destruction of the World', for Yin-Yang Daoists, the curse that others can't avoid will not cause harm to themselves, but will become the nutrients for their own growth, but now all this can't be exposed.

In order to confuse the enemy and prevent his secrets from leaking out, the Yin-Yang Daoist condensed his expression and shouted in a deep voice: "Break it for me, the yin-yang cycle will wipe out all beings, and all methods will not invade!" Falling down, a powerful source of Yin-Yang Dao exploded instantly, breaking just the little bit of the power of the curse, so that others could not see the real situation of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and the power of the curse had actually been destroyed by the chaotic world. Devoured by the origin of the world, it has become the nutrient of the 'world-destroying mill', growing this terrifyingly terrifying world-destroying treasure!

"Impossible, how can this lunatic Daoist Yin-Yang break the curse of the world? What is going on? Could it be that his Yin-Yang Dao has reached such a level that he can ignore the curse of the world, even if the origin of the Thunder Realm is weak, This is also the backhand left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, the Thunder God and Devil is not the weakest existence among the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, how can the heritage he left behind be so vulnerable!" When the world was cursed, Daozu Hongjun's expression changed greatly. It would be normal if the Yin-Yang Daoist was injured by the power of the world's curse, but now it's unbelievable. In the prehistoric world, except for Pangu Yuanshen, no one is better than him. Learn more about the power of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and the terrifying curse of the world!

"Could it be that the power of time left by the origin of the time gods and demons can be combined with the Yin-Yang Avenue, and can destroy the curse of the world from the long river of time?" For a moment, Hongjun Daozu set his sights on the power of the time gods and demons. Above, after all, the Yin-Yang Daoist was born from the flesh of the Time God and Demon, and he took the source of the Time God and Demon as his own!

The power of the time gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu knew, how much Pangu paid to kill the time gods and demons at the beginning, he is also clear, but even Hongjun Daozu did not know whether the time gods and demons were really destroyed, really He was beheaded by the Great God Pangu, but his physical body and his companion treasure really stayed in the prehistoric world, in the tunnel.

The gate of the world suppressed by the origin of the tunnel has the mighty power of the time gods and demons. Di Zun is eager to enter the gate of the world. Perhaps it is precisely because he wants to get the chance left by the gods and demons of time in the gate of the world. In the heart of Daozu Hongjun, he suspects that the greatest benefit of the time gods and demons is not obtained by the yin and yang Taoists, but is mastered by the tunnels that have been hidden in the dark. own power!

However, it seems that this may not be the case now. The Yin-Yang Dao may have been inherited no less than the authentic Dao. After all, the Yin-Yang Daoist broke the power of the curse that erupted from the destruction of the world in one fell swoop, and got rid of the damage caused by the curse of the world to himself. Although the world destroyer The stigma of Daoist cannot be shattered, but now the Yin-Yang Daoist is really not affected by the destruction of the world, this is the unbelievable place, even Hongjun Daozu is not confident that he can do this!

Daozu Hongjun really wants to know what happened to the Yin-Yang Daoist, what power he has, what kind of magical powers he has mastered, he can do things that other people can't do, and he can ignore the power of the curse of the world! It is a pity that Daozu Hongjun can only think about it in his heart, and he does not dare to explore this secret at all, and he does not dare to expose himself at this time.

auzw.com "Crazy, this **** Yin Yang Daoist is really crazy, he dares to destroy one world, even if it is only a small world, but he really destroys one world, he has to bear the world's Damn, how dare this lunatic do this!" Zhunti's mood was also extremely heavy at this time, and he also knew how serious the consequences of the destruction of the world would be.

"Yeah, he's really crazy, in order to be able to go a step further, in order to get rid of the catastrophe, this **** is really crazy, desperate, even the world dares to destroy, now it is even more difficult for him to enter the three worlds of heaven, earth and human beings, the prehistoric world He will be even more repelled from his existence, he is already a true taboo creature, and he is a forbidden creature who has mastered the power to destroy the world!" When he said this, he couldn't help but sigh, and there was a faint shock in his eyes. with fear!

Sanqing's eyes at the moment also reveal endless fear and anxiety. The destruction of the Thunder Realm will be a natural disaster and a man-made disaster for the entire prehistoric world. It is also a huge impact to them. The destruction of the Thunder Realm will awaken The consciousness of the world has awakened the power of the origin of all the worlds. As a part of Pangu Yuanshen, all the three Qings have felt the anger from the prehistoric world, the anger from heaven and earth, and the yin and yang Taoists have caused great disasters, and the consequences of this are the whole All beings in the prehistoric world have to bear part of it!

After destroying the Thunder Realm, Daoist Yin-Yang has a deeper understanding of the Dao of Destruction, and has also integrated the perception of the Dao of Destruction into his own Dao of Yin and Yang, strengthening his own origin, although the destruction of the world is only a momentary thing , but to experience the destruction of the world in person is of great benefit to the Yin-Yang Daoist, and truly feel all the changes in the destruction of the world. This kind of change is a feeling that I have never experienced in the inner world of the time gods and demons. With this understanding of the Dao of Destruction, if the Yin-Yang Daoist is willing to practice the Dao of Destruction, he can go a step further, and even if he is willing to take the risk of cutting out a clone, he can also condense the true body of the Dao of Destruction.

However, the Yin-Yang Taoist does not want to do this anymore. Now his Yuanshen can no longer be divided. The previous division has greatly affected Yuanshen. If he continues to divide Yuanshen, it will only hurt the root of Yuanshen. When it comes to his own practice, this is not the result that Yin-Yang Daoists are willing to accept. No matter how strong the clone is, it will not be of much use in the world. At that time, the enemies he had to face were all of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level, and a clone of a Hunyuan Jinxian had no ability to protect himself at all.

Although he said that he can also strengthen the power of the clone and let the clone practice the Dao of Destruction, but this requires too many resources, and I don't have so much time to waste on the clone, not to mention I have the Emperor Yama. The clone has not been awakened. If possible, the Yin-Yang Daoist would rather give the source of the Dao of Destruction to Emperor Yama, and use it to awaken Emperor Yan Luo and master the power of the source of the Dao of Destruction!

"Not enough, the power of this source is far from enough to awaken Emperor Yan Luo, and it is not enough to make the source go further, even the master of the chaotic world can't be awakened, my practice needs more source, the **** of Thunder God and Demon will stay The power of the source that came down is too small, and this power is not enough to make me go further in the cultivation of the Dao!" Thinking of this, the Yin-Yang Taoist sighed secretly, although he carried the world's destroyer on his back, But he doesn't regret it.

"Heaven and earth are injustice, and all things are regarded as dogs. The origin of the prehistoric world has lost its justice, and the order of this world has been completely shattered. In this case, what qualifications do you have to influence all beings in the world! Three thousand chaos gods and demons, what are you waiting for? , Tiandao, what are you waiting for, Daozu Hongjun, what are you waiting for?" After a little sigh of relief, the Yin-Yang Daoist shouted to the void, directly saying the destruction of the prehistoric world order, directly in the Question to the three thousand chaotic gods and demons and Tiandao!

"Damn Yin-Yang Daoist, what do you want to do?" At this time, Tiandao was very dissatisfied by the Yin-Yang Daoist, with endless anger in his eyes. He didn't want to be mentioned again and again, and he didn't want to be the target of everyone, but the Yin-Yang Daoist didn't. How can he not be annoyed by being willing to let himself go, if he is targeted by the enemy, perhaps the previous layout will fail.

"Hey! I don't know what Daoist Yin-Yang is trying to do. He made such a crazy move at this time. Could it be that there are more secrets hidden in the destruction of the Thunder Realm? Why did he question the three thousand chaos gods and demons and Tiandao? ?" Houtu Zuwu couldn't help frowning, and there were many doubts in her eyes, although she also felt the destruction of the Thunder Realm up close and gained a lot, but she still didn't understand what the Yin-Yang Daoist did. !

"Little sister, let's not care what fellow Yin-Yang Daoists do. Since he has his reasons for doing so, as long as we can improve our own combat power, we can watch the destruction of the Thunder Realm up close this time. It has great benefits, and when the thunder world is destroyed, we can all get a trace of the original aura, which is of great help for us to strengthen our inner world. If we can collect more of the world's original aura, maybe our inner world can be advanced. !" When raising the harvest, Dijiang Zuwu's eyes flashed with a frantic look, and such a harvest made him involuntarily give birth to the idea of ​​​​that he should not have the idea of ​​fighting the worlds left by other chaotic gods and demons.

In Dijiang Ancestral Witch, the Yin-Yang Daoist can destroy the Thunder Realm in one fell swoop, and can devour the origin of the entire Thunder Realm, and he must have an amazing harvest. If it is replaced by their twelve Ancestral Witches, they should also be destroyed by condensing the real body of Pangu. The ability of one side of the world, if they can obtain the complete world origin of one side, how helpful will it be to their twelve ancestors!

"Brother, don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have, what the yin-yang daoist can do, we may not be able to do it, the yin-yang daoist can ignore the curse of the world, but we can't do it, don't forget the share in our blood. Hidden danger, if the hidden danger is awakened on impulse, it will be a life-and-death crisis for us!" When he saw the light flickering in the eyes of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, Houtu Zuwu hurriedly spoke up to discourage him, not wanting to let Emperor Jiang Zuwu temporarily Impulsively make crazy moves that bring them a life-or-death crisis!

When he heard the words of Houtu Zuwu, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help shivering. He woke up from the fantasy, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, and he was unknowingly tempted by external forces. , almost stepped into the trap of death, but once he made the choice to destroy the world, the consequences would be unimaginable, their twelve ancestors could not bear the power of the curse generated by the destruction of the world, their bloodline There is a curse of 3,000 chaotic gods and demons in Zhongyuan! However, because of a momentary greed, he launched an attack on the worlds left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and really destroyed one world. Perhaps when their twelve ancestors died, the power of the curse broke out. The consequences could be disastrous!

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