God of Destruction

Chapter 4703: saving calculation

Chapter 709 Calculation

"Damn, it's fortunate that I have your reminder, little sister, otherwise I will really be lost by this temptation. Once we force the World Destruction War, that is when our bodies and souls disappear, we don't have the power of yin and yang daoists. Ignoring the curse of the world, it seems that the world-destroying catastrophe is really about to break out completely, and the temptation from the outside world is getting stronger and stronger!" When he said this, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help but sighed, and he was a little bit worried about the hidden dangers of the Wu clan. Anxiety, once this hidden danger breaks out, the consequences are really unimaginable!

It would be a lie to say that the heart complained about Pangu, the Father God! In the past, the Twelve Ancestral Witches did not care about the lack of primordial spirits in the witch race, but after this series of drastic changes in the world, they deeply felt how dangerous the hidden dangers of the lack of primordial spirits were, and they risked entering Gu Jizhi again and again. , the root cause is the defect of one's own primordial spirit, which is unacceptable to anyone.

"Brother, don't worry too much, this is our destiny, the defects of the primordial spirit cannot be solved now, we still have to look forward, survival is the most important thing for us, and the rest can be put aside for the time being. !" Zhu Fenyin stood up to persuade Emperor Jiang Zuwu, as he said, everything is a foregone conclusion, the Wu clan can only look forward, perhaps when the entire prehistoric world will be destroyed by a catastrophe, the catastrophe will destroy the prehistoric world. When heaven and earth, they can find a solution to their own shortcomings!

Is there really no way to make up for the lack of primordial spirit? No, yes, this is Pangu Yuanshen, or Sanqing. If the Twelve Ancestral Witches can kill Sanqing, devour their origin, maybe they can improve themselves, and they can eliminate the defects of Yuanshen! Of course, it can also be Pangu Primordial Spirit, but Pangu Primordial Spirit must be treated with caution even by Daozu Hongjun. Obviously, it is not something that the Twelve Ancestral Witch can seize. Perhaps they have become the nutrients of Pangu Primordial Spirit before they can take action!

The Twelve Ancestors will not risk their own lives, and only Sanqing can do it for them! However, Sanqing is not so easy to deal with. There are also killers. Once they fail, they will die. They all know in their hearts that it is almost impossible to plunder the primordial spirit of the same origin. The only way can only be from their own Xunqi, in the hearts of Emperor Jiang Zuwu and the others, there is a doubtful idea, the reason why they have no primordial spirit is because of the power of the curse in the blood!

Perhaps the world-destroying catastrophe will come, three thousand chaotic gods and demons will come, and the real killing will start, and the curse in oneself will disappear. At that time, there may be a chance to solve one's own shortcomings, but this is just speculation, no one can confirm it. All of this, they can only continue to endure now, there is no other way.

"I understand that it's just unacceptable for a while, and being subject to the flaws of the primordial spirit again and again has a great impact on us. A little carelessness will result in the death of the body and the soul. If it is possible, I really don't want to. Faced with such a test once again, this is a huge blow to the body and mind, and in the calamity of the world, we are the weakest, so we have become the easiest target, the most vulnerable to external influences, and fall into To the land of doom!"

When Emperor Jiang Zuwu said these words, the twelve ancestor witches fell into silence together. Why didn't they know the danger was terrible, but there was no way to do this. To make up, the only thing everyone can do is to be patient and wait for the time to come. Everything in the world has a chance of life, and their witch clan is no exception.

Soon the Twelve Ancestral Witches calmed down, but for the entire prehistoric world, this shocking change has just begun. The Yin-Yang Taoist directly dismantled everything and shouted angrily, making the entire prehistoric beings feel the threat of death urgently. , urgently feel the terrible pressure from the outside world, everyone can't wait to seize all the benefits and opportunities that can be seized, as for the suppression of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings have long been forgotten, and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons are left behind. The land of inheritance, those small thousand worlds, have welcomed a lot of wild creatures, and they can't wait to rush in and plunder all the resources that can be seized.

Faced with the question of the Daoist Yin-Yang, no one stood up to answer. The entire prehistoric world still has no one to stand up. Everyone is patient. Even the origin of the prehistoric world can be ignored. The madman forges a deep hatred that never ends, not to mention that the more violent the yin and yang daoists are, the more beneficial it is to them, the less the pressure on them will be, the origin of the prehistoric world will not make calculations against themselves, and the yin and yang daoists will attract everyone. Firepower!

On the surface, things seem to be like this, but in fact it is not. However, other prehistoric creatures have no such ability, how could the origin of the prehistoric world put all their energy on the Yin-Yang Daoist, even if the Yin-Yang Daoist is crazy, the origin of the prehistoric world will not care, but will be careful to guard against other prehistoric floods. sentient beings.

The stronger the strength, the more careful and careful handling of the origin of the prehistoric world must be, and the decision cannot be made rashly in the face of a slap in the head. Even in the face of the provocation of the yin and yang Taoists, the origin of the prehistoric world will take the initiative to choose to ignore it, rather than directly deal with it. Head-to-head confrontation, this is meaningless to the source of the prehistoric, even if it can kill the Yin-Yang Taoist, what is the price that the source of the prehistoric world has to pay for this, can this price be bearable by the prehistoric world? Can you easily suppress the threat of Yin-Yang Daoist?

Impossible, this is still impossible, the strength of the Yin-Yang Daoist is not as simple as it seems, the heaven, the earth and the human beings have not shot against the Yin-Yang Daoist, how can other people be enemies with the Yin-Yang Daoist, so under this war, all the Leading a group of powerhouses is the leader of various forces, and their goals are very simple, only the inheritance of 3,000 chaotic gods and demons.

In the absence of any reply and the inability to completely solve their own situation, the Yin-Yang Taoist can only give up and can only retreat first. Although the harvest is not great, the impact on the Yin-Yang Taoist is extraordinary, which can be seen from his own provocation. At the origin of the prehistoric world, all the forces in the prehistoric world are unwilling to act against themselves. They are all keeping their name and restraint, and they are unwilling to have a life-and-death confrontation with the Yin-Yang Taoist at this time, wasting their time and energy, and also Waste your power!


In the void, feeling the aura of chaos and the barriers of the prehistoric world, a crazy thought flashed in the mind of Taoist Yin-Yang, "Maybe I should take this opportunity to test the defenses of the prehistoric world and see the prehistoric world. No matter how strong the defense of the world is, how much power does three thousand chaos gods and demons need to be able to break the defense of the world."

With a thought, the power of destroying the world in the hands of the yin and yang daoists flashed again, and an axe condensed by the power of destroying the world was held in the hands of the yin and yang daoists. Thought, this is the impact of the power of destroying the world condensed by the God-opening God Axe. Although the God-opening axe condensed by the power of destroying the world is very strong, it is still far from the world-destroying grind that he has mastered, but It is enough to test the strength of the barriers of the prehistoric world!

"Open it up for me, open up the world, and all things are born!" With the deep shout of the Yin-Yang Taoist, the power of destroying the world broke out frantically, directly slashing at the barriers of the prehistoric world, and the divine axe condensed by the power of destroying the world burst out in an instant. The terrifying shock wave made the entire prehistoric world tremble, but such a powerful blow was cut through the barriers of the prehistoric world. Such a yin and yang Taoist was disappointed. It seems that things are not so simple, even if you know the barriers of the prehistoric world. It is also very difficult to destroy the reality of the situation, and he still attacks from the inside out. If he attacks from the outside in, the pressure will be even weaker.

"It seems that the prehistoric world is still safe in a short period of time. The barriers of this prehistoric world have changed, but I don't know whether this change is the evolution of the prehistoric world itself, or someone deliberately manipulated it. Those chaotic beasts can enter the prehistoric world. There is a big conspiracy behind it, otherwise they can't shake the defense of the prehistoric world with just that little power!"

Soon the Yin-Yang Daoist figured out everything, but now the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't leave. After a blow, the Yin-Yang Daoist felt the original aura of the prehistoric world flashed by under his attack, and it was obvious that this power was the prehistoric Yuanyuan's blocking of himself, he really had to be targeted by Honghuang Yuanyuan, the 'enemy' has been calculating himself.

Being able to block his own attack, but not blocking the attack of the chaotic beasts, one can imagine how many secrets there are in it, perhaps not only three thousand chaos gods and demons, but also Honghuang and Huanghuang were attacked by those chaotic beasts. Origin, even has always been in the calculation of the origin of the flood, if you think in a worse direction, there may be a bigger conspiracy in all this.

"If we attack the barriers of the prehistoric world with all our strength, can we elicit the will of the origin of the prehistoric and desolate world, and can we lead to divine punishment?" In an instant, such a crazy idea arose in the mind of the Yin-Yang Daoist. This has become the inner demon of the Yin-Yang Daoist, so that he will think in this direction unconsciously, and he can't help thinking about whether it will lead to heavenly punishment!

If the source of the prehistoric world still ignores it and allows itself to attack, what will be the result? Will it continue to consume with myself, or will I allow myself to break the barriers of the prehistoric world? Everything, to be detached from the world, and to go further on the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

The Yin-Yang Taoist was thinking, countless ideas were constantly colliding in his mind, and he was calculating all the possibilities. In the end, the Yin-Yang Taoist had to give up this crazy idea, even if he finally broke the barrier of the prehistoric world, and also It is impossible to have too much help in cultivation. The origin of the prehistoric world cannot give itself the opportunity to capture the power of the origin. Leaving the prehistoric world by oneself will not only be of no help to one's own cultivation, but will also cut off one's own chance, even three thousand chaos. The gods and demons care so much about the prehistoric world, leaving behind in the prehistoric world at all costs, and I just just proved the Dao Jinxian of Hunyuan, so I left in such a hurry, didn't I lose the opportunity of this world-destroying catastrophe in vain.

Thinking of this, the Yin-Yang Daoist sighed softly. Sure enough, things couldn't go as smoothly as he thought, even if he knew some secrets and noticed a lot of problems, but he wanted to solve the problem. There is no such thing. Ability, my own strength is still far from enough to complete all this, strength is the foundation of everything, since Pangu opened up the world, the three thousand chaotic gods and demons who have left the prehistoric world, to what extent have their strength recovered, and have they returned to chaos? Yuan Da Luo Jinxian's Consummation?

Daoist Yin-Yang attaches great importance to this issue. After all, it is related to his own life and death, and when he destroyed the Thunder Realm, he and the Thunder God and Demon formed a causal relationship and had a deep hatred. When the three thousand chaotic gods and demons come, I am afraid that my situation will be very dangerous, maybe I should talk to Daozu Hongjun!

Yes, at this moment, Daoist Yin and Yang thought of Hongjun Daozu. As one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, he should know the strength of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons best. If Daoist Hongjun is unwilling to talk about it, Yin and Yang Daoist also has preparations. He is also one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and he is a mortal enemy with Hongjun Daozu! It's just that Mozu Luohou's reputation is not very good, unless it is a last resort, the Yin-Yang Taoist is not willing to deal with him!

The more you think about it, the more yin-yang Daoist feels that the pressure on his body is more amazing. It seems that with the arrival of the world-annihilating catastrophe, the pressure will continue to increase, and he has no chance to get rid of it at all. The heavier it is, the more terrifying the dangers that one has to face. For all this, Daoist Yin-Yang has a very complicated mood.

No matter what direction this world will develop, one thing is certain. Three thousand chaotic gods and demons will definitely come to the prehistoric world. It depends on Pangu, and now the Yin-Yang Taoist has no idea what the great **** Pangu is planning, what kind of game he is planning in this wild world, whether the final decisive battle will break out, and whether the chaotic war of the year will continue until In the prehistoric world?

If you can't figure out all this, the yin and yang Taoist's mood will not be able to be implemented, and there will be a lot of consideration in the heart, and there will be more worries about this world catastrophe, and the world will be destroyed. Under such circumstances, the yin and yang Taoist will You need to constantly look for a solution to the problem, you must not dare to take risks, but you are being targeted by the origin of the flood and desolate, and you have lost the opportunity to prove the Tao and wash yourself. This has to make the Yin-Yang Taoist more worried. Once, once it fails, it must be the death of the body and the soul, and it will be completely lost, and there will no longer be any vitality, because this is the catastrophe of the destruction of the world!

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