God of Destruction

Chapter 4706: Festival borrowed a knife to kill

Chapter 4712 Borrowing a knife to kill

"Damn, this lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist is going to destroy the world again. He really is not afraid that the gods and demons of chaos will come to Honghuang and settle all the causes and effects. Don't he know that he has memorized the big cause and effect, the gods and demons of time, and the gods and demons of thunder. , If you carry more chaotic gods and demons on his back, no matter how powerful he is, there will only be a dead end. He is just a first-level Primordial Primordial Daluo Jinxian, and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons have not recovered the power of the heyday. , it is definitely not something that he can fight against as a little Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian first-level realm, what does he want to do, dare to be so crazy, so desperate?" Hongjun Daozu was screaming frantically in his heart, he wanted to Stop the Yin-Yang Daoist, but whenever he has such thoughts, he can feel the threat of death. It is obvious that the Yin-Yang Daoist is a madman who really has the intention of killing, and he really has the determination to stop people from killing people and demons to kill demons. If you dare to intervene, what awaits you will be the worst death, destruction!

This day has come so fast that Hongjun Daozu is a little unbelievable, but this is the truth. When the general trend comes, Hongjun Daozu can't do anything. Whether all this is God's will, man-made, human heart or accident, this is very difficult Sure! But there is one thing that Daozu Hongjun understands that he can't stand out. When he has a crazy killing heart, the Yin-Yang Daoist will be the most terrifying existence. As a world destroyer, the horror will explode in an all-round way. Under the power of destroying the world, The Taoist ancestor Hongjun also retreated, because this is the world-annihilation catastrophe, and the destroyer of the world can collude with the world-annihilation catastrophe. Once it enters into one with the great destruction of heaven and earth, the yin and yang Taoists are the gods who block the gods, and the devils block the killing. Demon, no one dares to confront him head-on, the power of the world-destroying catastrophe will be fully blessed on him!

"This madman may be the real one who should be robbed. He is the most terrifying **** in the world-destroying catastrophe. Once this madman grows up and makes his world-destroying power even more terrifying, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Pangu to recover. Stop his destructive power!"

How terrifying the power of destroying the world is, Daozu Hongjun knows clearly in his heart, but once the power of Daoist Yin and Yang grows, the mad killing intent in his heart skyrockets, and no one in the entire prehistoric world can stop the Daoist Yin and Yang. Step, the destroyer of the world has an advantage that no one can touch in the world-destroying catastrophe. It's time to face off against the Yin-Yang Daoist!

"Damn bastard, who is behind the calculations behind all this, but once the yin-yang Daoist is really transformed into the world's destroyer, combined with the catastrophe of heaven and earth, it will make its own power of destroying the world even more terrifying, even more terrifying, the whole prehistoric The world is going to be destroyed. With the power of destroying the world growing again and again, he will truly become the arbiter of eradication, who can judge the life and death of the world, the life and death of living beings, and truly master the force of eradication and the rules of eradication! "

Fear, at this moment, Hongjun Daozu had endless fear in his heart. He didn't want to see the growth of Yin-Yang Daoist in the power of destroying the world, but he was unable to prevent this from happening. He didn't know the **** behind him. After calculating all of this, it actually gave such a crazy change to the Taoist Yin-Yang. This is a natural disaster and a man-made disaster for all living beings in the floods. It is also a natural disaster and a man-made disaster for the three thousand chaos gods and demons. If the Taoist Yin and Yang swept the ancient stars Those small thousand worlds in the domain, let him condense more sources of world destruction, let the power of destruction continue to grow, and even the curse of the world continues to grow, it will only accelerate the fusion of Yin-Yang Daoist and the catastrophe, only Let this world-destroying catastrophe come even more ferocious and terrifying!

Block the Yin-Yang Taoist? No, Daozu Hongjun did not have such a kind heart, and it was impossible for him to do such a stupid thing to sacrifice himself for others! Yes, in the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, sacrificing oneself to save others is a 'stupid' decision, and he has no responsibility to do so. He is no longer the ruler of heaven, and has long been separated from the prehistoric world. During the change, Daozu Hongjun has always suspected that this was caused by the origin of the prehistoric world. Since everything originated from the origin of the prehistoric world, this responsibility must also be resisted by the origin of the prehistoric world. If he can't resist it, he will pay a heavy price. , must bear the anger from the Yin-Yang Daoist, bear the impact of the world-annihilating catastrophe!

Of course, there is another possibility, which is to revive Pangu Yuanshen. The recovery of Pangu Yuanshen can stop the possibility of Yin-Yang Taoist slipping to the side of the world-destroying catastrophe and become the judge of the world-destroying. The recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, right Whether Pangu has any influence is not in the consideration of Daozu Hongjun, and in his opinion, if all this is really caused by the origin of the prehistoric world, he will not care about the madness of the yin and yang Daoists. To clear the field of all beings in the world, to clear the field of three thousand chaotic gods and demons, if you do not have the ability to survive this catastrophe, then you will go to destruction and become the nutrients of the prehistoric world!

Crazy? Is it scary? There are indeed some, but this is the reality, this is the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the catastrophe of the world. In the catastrophe, it is so cruel and ruthless, and the fittest survives. Everything, no one can do it, the catastrophe will be a disaster for all beings in the world, and it is also a disaster for the world!

"The power of destroying the world is the most terrifying power between heaven and earth, and it is also the most terrifying power and the most dangerous power in the chaos. Even the avenue of power cannot be compared with it, but the prehistoric world is step by step. Entering the crazy road of the world's destroyer, and constantly stimulating the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, the situation has repeatedly undergone unimaginable changes. What does it want to do? Is it really not afraid of the threat of world-annihilating power? ?"

At this time, Daozu Hongjun had too many doubts in his heart, and he really wanted to figure out the true intention of the origin of the prehistoric world. What was the purpose of persecuting the Yin-Yang Daoist so madly, so that a lunatic who was originally insane was going on the road This terrifying and ferocious road to destruction of the world, does the origin of the prehistoric world really have enough ability to ignore this threat, to suppress the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, to grasp the general trend of heaven and earth, so that everything will not fall into the abyss?

Daozu Hongjun couldn't believe it in his heart. As one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, he deeply understood the possibility of the power of destroying the world. He understood that once the destroyer of the world grew stronger, the consequences would be unimaginable. The terrible power of destroying the world. It can be destroyed, even the Chaos Gods and Demons dare not confront the World Destruction Judge who is in charge of the World Destruction Rules.

A madman who really masters the power of the rules of destruction can judge the life and death of all living beings, and the chaos gods and demons are no exception. , and this is almost impossible. When the world-annihilation catastrophe comes, the world-annihilation rule is the largest between heaven and earth, and the origin of the chaotic gods and demons is not enough to fight against the world-annihilation force, because the world-annihilation rule at that time will be the world. It is impossible for the chaotic gods and demons to fight against the general trend of heaven and earth!

auzw.com "Kill, destroy the world and destroy the world!" When the voice of the Yin-Yang Daoist sounded again, his world-destroying supernatural power reappeared, the world-destroying grind reappeared, and the ancient star field was in Trembling, to be afraid, although the Great Destruction of the World is only a condensed magical power of Yin-Yang Daoist, the terrifying power of destroying the world is not fake, even the ancient star field would not dare to face this terrifying power!

As soon as the annihilation of the world came out, it rushed directly to a small world, a small world left by the chaotic gods and demons. Under the supernatural powers of the world, the defense of the world was broken directly like a fake, the terrible power of destroying the world. It is madly erasing everything, erasing the origin of this small thousand world. Before everyone could feel the origin of this small thousand world, the power of destroying the world has already penetrated into the core of the world and directly tore it apart. All the defenses of the world, this is the power of destroying the world that devours the power of the origin of a world, and now the Daoist Yin-Yang masters the power of destroying the world, which is even more terrifying and cruel.

"It's over, this lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist is really unstoppable. The power of destroying the world he masters has increased too much, beyond imagination, beyond the limit that those small worlds can withstand, and it will break open with one blow. He has broken all the defenses of the world and entered the core of the world, if this madman is allowed to destroy this world again, he will really be unable to stop him!"

Hongjun Daozu was muttering to himself, but the prehistoric world did not respond, and the origin of the world did not prevent the Yin-Yang Daoist from destroying this small world, allowing the Yin-Yang Daoist's world-destroying supernatural powers to wreak havoc. The power of destroying the world is destroying this world, as if intentionally indulging the yin and yang Taoists to destroy the world so madly!

"Are you trying to kill people with a knife? Do you want to use the world-destroying power of the yin-yang Daoist to destroy the back-hands of three thousand chaos gods and demons? But once you can't control this crazy and cruel blade, it will inevitably devour the prehistoric world itself. , even if Pangu recovers, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop the outbreak of the rules of destroying the world, the power of destroying the world is too strong, and the whole world will be destroyed!"

Although Daozu Hongjun didn't want to see this happen, he was really powerless to stop it, he just sighed in secret, he could only watch the crazy outbreak of everything, and watch the situation gradually move towards what he didn't want to see. direction!

Hongjun Daozu is in fear, and Tiandao is also terrified. At this time, Tiandao is madly scolding humanity. In Tiandao's view, all this is caused by this bastard. If it is not that humanity is too incompetent and ignorant, how can the situation make the situation worse? Once it got out of hand, how could the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist give up the Yin-Yang Dao and choose the World-Destruction Dao instead!

Yes, in the eyes of Tiandao, the Yin-Yang Daoist has given up the practice of Yin-Yang Dao at this moment, but has turned to the Dao of Destruction. He really wants to take the crazy road of the Destroyer of the World. The Great Dao of the World, combined with the Great Tribulation of World Destruction, becomes the real person who should respond to the catastrophe. Once the Yin-Yang Daoist completes the integration with the Great Tribulation of World Destruction, he will be immortal, immortal, and annihilated before this catastrophe is over. The world will never retreat, and the yin and yang Taoists will not die.

Blending with the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth means conforming to the rules of World Destruction, fitting into the Dao of Destruction of the World, and controlling the mighty power of destroying the world. , the chaotic gods and demons that exist to destroy the world, even Pangu's recovery may not be able to fight against them.

Is this really a humane fault? No, Humanity has nothing to do with all of this. Humanity is instead scolding Heaven and Earth. If these two **** hadn't given up their responsibilities, how could such a crazy thing happen, and how could I fall into such a situation? In a terrifying crisis, under such terrifying pressure and danger!

Everyone was complaining to each other, but no one stood up to stop all this, no one was willing to face death, and when the Yin-Yang Taoist shot again, a terrifying roar broke out in the chaos, and a three thousand chaos gods and demons felt it. Crisis, the power left in the prehistoric world is being destroyed, and the destroyer of the world has shot again!

"What happened in the prehistoric world, why are two small thousand worlds destroyed in a row, what does this **** Hongjun want to do, and what does Pangu want to do?" At this moment, even Luo Hu, the **** of destruction, felt the pressure , felt the threat, this is the real power of destroying the world, this is the real destroyer of the world.

Luohu really wants to descend into the prehistoric world, even if it is just a trace of primordial spirit, as long as he can understand the situation of the prehistoric world, even a small price is acceptable, but Luohu cannot do it, the barrier of the prehistoric world. He is still preventing him from coming, and there are no practitioners of the Dao of Destruction in the prehistoric world. Luohu has no backhand to come to the prehistoric world. He can only be anxious and can only curse the ignorance and madness of Daozu Hongjun!

Yes, in Luo Hu’s view, all this was done deliberately by Hongjun Daozu, and he could fit in with the way of heaven. How could Hongjun Daozu have no ability and no way to prevent this from happening. The only explanation is that Hongjun Daozu was using a knife to kill people. With the hands of the World Destroyer, he will destroy the layout of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons in the prehistoric world, so as to enjoy all the benefits of the prehistoric world.

In Luo Hu's heart, Hongjun Daozu is the manipulator of all these conspiracies. It is Hongjun who is deliberately guiding everything to happen, making the situation in the flood so cruel. After all, the three thousand chaotic gods and demons and Hongjun Daozu are in competition. In order to ensure his own interests, Daozu Hongjun had good reasons for doing this. After all, the interests of the prehistoric world were too great, and it would be reasonable for Hongjun to want to take everything for himself, but Luo Hu never thought that the current prehistoric situation was already over. It is not that Hongjun Daozu is in charge, everything has already been out of control. At this time, Hongjun Daozu can only watch from the sidelines and dare not intervene in all this!

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