God of Destruction

Chapter 4707: conspiracy to destroy the world

Chapter 4713: The Destruction Conspiracy

"Hehe, it's interesting, this little world is so vulnerable, is this because the power of this world's lord is too weak, or my power to destroy the world is too strong, the destroyer of the world, the curse of the world The power has a huge blessing on the power of destroying the world, and has a powerful boost?" Feeling the powerful attack that broke through the world's defenses with one blow, the Yin-Yang Taoist muttered in his heart, and at the same time, he was constantly groping for what he wanted to do. This world-destroying power mastered!

Although it is not the first time that the Yin-Yang Daoist has taken charge of the power of destroying the world, the powerful blow of the power of destroying the world is beyond his imagination. You must know that the result this time is really shocking, and the Daoist Yin-yang did not think of himself It can tear apart the defense of the world with a single blow, and can directly penetrate into the core of the world, directly obliterating the origin of this world!

"If it is said that every time a world is destroyed, the power of destroying the world will have such an astonishing increase, perhaps the power of destroying the world is my most powerful killer in the world-destroying catastrophe, but this power is very dangerous, a little careless. It will backfire on itself!" Soon the Yin-Yang Daoist calmed down, saw through the weakness of the world-destroying power, and understood that if he madly destroyed the world without preparation, he would only plunge himself into a crisis of death and suffer from the world's Backlash!

Although on the surface it seems that as long as you constantly destroy the world and strengthen the power of destruction, you can master powerful power, but there is a premise that you can resist the backlash from the world, the curse from the world, if you can't stop it If you live, you will inevitably be hurt by it, fall into a desperate situation, and even be assimilated by the power of destroying the world, becoming a puppet of destroying the world.

Not everyone can have such a sense of yin and yang, and can think so thoroughly when they are rapidly growing their own strength, even if the yin and yang understand that they have the chaotic treasure of destroying the world. The treasure in hand can help you eliminate the curse and backlash of the world, but can you really destroy the world endlessly?

No, the Yin-Yang Daoist understands that he can't do this, and he can't do it. Even if there is a world-annihilation at hand, the backlash that he can bear is limited, and he needs time to digest the growth of the world-annihilation power and balance it. One's own state of mind, the power of the curse cannot be completely swallowed up by the 'Damaging of the World', let alone completely absorbed by the chaotic world. The chaotic world of oneself has limitations, and the same is true of the 'Damaging of the World'. But if you lose your mind, even if you get the most powerful power of destroying the world, it will be of no use. It will only be devoured by the power of destroying the world and become a puppet of the world!

"Destroying this world, I need to retreat, I need to readjust myself, and I cannot be affected by the power of destroying the world in any case. Even if the benefits of destroying the world are more, I must be careful and deal with it carefully, not I don’t know how to restrain and continue madly. The curse of the world cannot have only such a little power. If I immerse myself in the destruction of the world, I will only plunge myself into a greater crisis. I need to have a clearer understanding of myself. !"

"Kill!" When the decision was made, the Yin-Yang Taoist sighed, the power of destroying the world broke out again, and the world-destroying gods and demons evolved again. Everything is destroyed, yes, the yin-yang Taoist did not absorb the curse of the world, did not devour the origin of the world, but completely wiped it out, and destroyed everything with the world-annihilating supernatural power. The curse of the world is destroyed, is it possible to reduce the impact of the destruction of the world on oneself!

"It can't be done, even if the power of destroying the world evolves the supreme supernatural power, it can't completely obliterate all of this. The curse of the world cannot be destroyed, and the origin of the world cannot be destroyed. What is going on? It's mine. The power of supernatural powers is not strong enough, or the curse of the world is not as simple as I thought, and the origin of the world has unimaginable power!"

When he saw that his world-destroying magical power had not destroyed everything, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help but feel heavy. This was not a good thing for him. The world-destroying magical power could not destroy everything, which meant that he could not use this method to destroy everything. Eliminate the backlash from the world, the backlash from the power of destroying the world, and the power of destroying the world will continue to grow as it destroys the world.

"After destroying such a world, how much my power to destroy the world has grown, and how much will it increase if I use the 'world-destroying treasure' to devour the curse of the world, and I have to bear it myself. How big is the backlash!"

Soon the Yin-Yang Daoist acted immediately, feeling his own changes little by little, feeling the changes in the chaotic world. The result shocked the Yin-Yang Daoist. If he destroyed the first world, that is, the Thunder Realm, he would suffer. The curse of the world he arrived at is one, and now destroying one world is two. The power of the curse and the power of backlash are multiplying, and the power of destroying the world that you have harvested is also multiplying. It's not a good thing to say!

If every time one destroys one more world, it grows exponentially, which is a huge danger to oneself. This time, oneself can withstand the curse of the world, and can withstand the backlash of destroying the world, but next time, if it is four times the backlash , Can you still bear it? No matter how strong you are, you can withstand the backlash of four times the world and the curse of the world four times. strength!

Every additional brand of world destruction is a great pressure for oneself. The more the brand of world destruction, the greater the danger to oneself. It seems that my plan has failed again, even if I want to start a massacre. , it is impossible to madly destroy the world to strengthen myself, I need time to digest, need time to eliminate the imprint of my own destruction.

In the eyes of the Yin-Yang Taoist, if he wants to avoid the terrifying impact from the destruction of the world, he must find a way to eliminate the imprint of the destruction of the world. I am worried that after destroying the world, I will fall into a terrible crisis, and I have to bear the power of backlash several times!


Unfortunately, how can we remove the brand of world destruction? The Yin-Yang Daoist is also at a loss for this, and can't think of a solution. You must know that the imprint of this world's destruction is very powerful, even the power of destroying the world can't shake it, let alone erasing and eliminating it. This is very distressing. If you can't do it yourself, it means that you don't dare to easily kill the world, let alone improve your combat power and improve your own strength!

Although the power of destroying the world is powerful, it is easy to improve. As long as you keep destroying the world, you can improve indefinitely. However, the hidden dangers caused by this improvement are also extremely terrifying. Let yourself fall into a desperate situation, or even become a puppet that destroys the world, losing self-consciousness, seeing such a danger, the Yin-Yang Daoist is silent!

"Hey, Daoist Yin-Yang, this lunatic stopped. He just destroyed a world and then stopped. What is he thinking? Could it be that there is something hidden in this? You need to keep destroying the world, if that's the case, maybe this is the turning point!" Seeing that the Yin-Yang Daoist stopped and didn't move at all, Daozu Hongjun's eyes flickered with a gleam, guessing the real situation of the Yin-Yang Daoist!

"That's right, if the power to destroy the world really grows so easily, who else is there in this world's catastrophe, and what power can stop it, the power of the world has hidden dangers that no one knows about, maybe this is the limit of heaven and earth on the avenue of destruction. , is also the limitation of the world-annihilation catastrophe itself, the world-annihilation catastrophe does not mean that the living beings in heaven and earth have no chance of life!"

Soon Hongjun Daozu thought of the key to the problem. It was only terrible that Hongjun Daozu could not be sure of the guess in his heart, and once his guess was wrong, it would be a terrible disaster for the entire prehistoric life. Daozu Hongjun can't bear this disaster, nor is he willing to bear this disaster!

"Perhaps this is not the conspiracy of the origin of the prehistoric world. It has always indulged the Yin-Yang Daoist to let the Yin-Yang Daoist go to destruction. As long as the Yin-Yang Daoist dares to destroy the world continuously, he will bring about his own destruction. Although the power to destroy the world is strong, it is not without it. It is limited, and the origin of the prehistoric world, Qiaqia, understands all of this. Perhaps it should be said that Pangu understands all of this. Damn Pangu, he concealed such important information. Everything is for this moment, in order to kill the Yin-Yang Daoist, without any karma, this **** is too insidious!"

Soon Hongjun Daozu thought about the worst situation, and felt that all this was a conspiracy and a calculation. The Yin-Yang Daoist was calculated from the beginning to the end, and now the Yin-Yang Daoist seems to have woken up, so he took the initiative to accept it. Hand, did not step into the conspiracy trap laid by the origin of the prehistoric world, and did not madly destroy the world.

"The origin of the damned prehistoric world, it can calculate the Yin-Yang Taoist today, and it can play the conspiracy so crazy, then it can have the same calculation on me. In the future, you must be careful, don't be careless, and can't be tricked like the Yin-Yang Taoist. I still don’t know, when I knew it, I was already trapped in the pit. The identity of Daoist Yin-Yang, the world destroyer, is really miserable. He was calculated to this step. It is only because of the three ways of heaven and earth, that the **** escaped, maybe it is because he knows all this and some of Pangu's calculations!"

The more he thinks about Hongjun Daozu, the more he feels that he is right. He can't stand on the bright side at this time, otherwise he will step into the footsteps of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and he will also be secretly plotted by the origin of the prehistoric world. The Yin-Yang Daoist can If he stopped in time, it was his luck that he was able to wake up from this crazy destruction, but if he was also calculated by the prehistoric world, would he be able to have the ability of the Yin-Yang Daoist, would he be able to wake up in time and avoid danger? ?

Hongjun Daozu doesn't think he has such ability, and he doesn't think he can have the confidence to avoid the calculations of the prehistoric world, so now Hongjun Daozu is even more determined and will not take the initiative to show up, and will not go to the origin of the prehistoric world to stare at Let him have the opportunity to plot against himself, the Yin and Yang Taoist is a lesson from the past, and he can't follow in his footsteps!

Hongjun Daozu felt that he had seen through all the calculations of the Yin-Yang Daoist and the sinister and sinister methods of the origin of the prehistoric world. At the same time, Tiandao and Humanity also noticed that something was wrong, and also felt that the Yin-Yang Daoist was calculated, but They didn't think as much as Hongjun Daozu thought. After all, they were not in the ancient star field, and they didn't watch the changes of Yin-Yang Daoist up close, so they didn't have as many ideas as Hongjun Daozu.

As the Yin-Yang Daoist stopped, the ancient starfield stopped shaking. The murderous aura of the Yin-Yang Daoist was dissipating little by little. Without the terrifying and terrifying aura before, the Yin-Yang Daoist burst out with all his strength. At the time of the supernatural power, the ancient star field really felt the breath of destruction and the breath of death.

What is Hongjun Daozu? He is also one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. When he thinks that he has seen through everything, even if he cannot show himself, he will not sit back and ignore it. The calculation accidentally fell into the ancient star field, and also let Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin, Mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Minghe know.

Yes, Daozu Hongjun is helping Yin-Yang Daoist people, passing on the sinister and sinister calculation of the origin of the prehistoric world to other beings, and warning all beings in heaven and earth, let them be careful about the origin of the prehistoric world, and don't accidentally fall into the origin of the prehistoric world. In the calculation, not everyone can have the strength and luck of the Yin-Yang Daoist. They can wake up in such a terrifying and dangerous situation and stop in time. There is no way to go to the dark and to self-destruction!

Precisely because of the 'help' of Daozu Hongjun, all the creatures in the ancient star field soon knew the horror of the origin of the prehistoric world, and they had to be cautious, and had to secretly raise their vigilance, for fear that one would accidentally fall into it. In the calculation of the origin of the prehistoric world, they will become the next Yin-Yang Daoist and step into the footsteps of the Yin-Yang Daoist, but they have no confidence that they can have the 'luck' of the Yin-Yang Daoist and can retreat completely!

Does anyone doubt the 'help' of Daozu Hongjun and the truth of what he said? No, a slightly sensible person thinks carefully and thinks that this is the truth. The Yin-Yang Taoist really fell into the calculation of the prehistoric world from the very beginning. He was trapped so badly that he became a taboo creature with the destruction of the world on his back. notoriety!

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