God of Destruction

Chapter 4708: to resolve the crisis

Chapter 4714 resolves the crisis

Does anyone care for the Yin-Yang Daoist? No, no, for these powerhouses, although they understood that the Yin-Yang Daoist suffered from the origins of the prehistoric world, fell into this terrible trap, and carried the notoriety of the world destroyer, they did not sympathize with the Yin-Yang Daoist. On the contrary, many of them have a feeling of joy in their hearts. They are all eager to see the Yin-Yang Taoist fall into the calculation of the origin of the prehistoric world, because in their opinion, they are in a competitive relationship with the Yin-Yang Taoist. There will be more opportunities, and even better opportunities!

People are sinister, and this is a manifestation of human nature. When there is a conflict with their own interests, they instinctively consider themselves, not for the so-called fairness and justice. For many strong people, they have never thought about it. To hold injustice for the Yin-Yang Daoist, I don't think there is anything wrong with killing the Yin-Yang Daoist in the origin pit of the prehistoric world!

In fact, Daoists of Yin and Yang have never taken the creatures of this prehistoric world seriously. In the eyes of Daoists of Yin and Yang, they are all just 'ants', and Daoists of Yin and Yang have never taken the idea of ​​'ants' to heart. If these If 'ants' dare to block their own way, then there is only one way to die. Daoists of Yin and Yang will not be soft-hearted, nor will they let them die.

In the entire prehistoric world, only the Twelve Ancestral Witches can be admired by Yin-Yang Daoists. Besides the Twelve Ancestral Witches, only Empress Nuwa is not bad. Even the ancestors of Ming He and Yin-Yang Daoists are not I don't care about his life or death. After all, the behavior of the ancestors of Ming He made Daoists of Yin and Yang disdain. A person who can't see the form is not worthy of the attention of Daoists of Yin and Yang, and Ancestor Ming He is such a person. Daoists of Yin and Yang gave him a lot of money. It's a pity that Old Ancestor Ming He didn't grasp it and missed it!

Perhaps for Sanqing, Zhunti and Xieyue, they are willing to win over the ancestor of Ming He, but for Yin-Yang Daoist, the ancestor of Ming He is optional, and with the ancestor of Ming He, he will not add to himself. How much power, without Old Ancestor Ming He, it will not cause any loss to himself, and Old Ancestor Ming He is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Yin-Yang Daoist!

When he realized that he was caught in the calculation of the origin of the prehistoric world, the Yin-Yang Daoist stopped attacking and destroying the world, but the Yin-Yang Daoist was not reconciled. Opportunity, this is not the result that Yin-Yang Taoists are willing to accept. Since the enemy has already made plans to plot against him, and he has seen through it, then this matter cannot end like this. The enemy must pay for it, otherwise it will only become his own. Heart demon.

Yes, for any cultivator, once they are obsessed with hatred, the power of hatred will form an inner demon. Even if the yin and yang Taoist's state of mind is good, it is impossible to easily let go of the calculation of the origin of the prehistoric world. , Now that the enemy has taken action, this war will not end, it will not end until the enemy dies, and the Yin-Yang Taoist will not compromise.

"There must be a way to change, although I am caught in the game, but I have already noticed this calculation, no matter how good the calculation is, it is impossible to have no flaws, there is no way to resolve it, this is definitely not a dead end, there must be vitality. , but I didn't think that even the calculations of the Great Dao had a chance to survive, let alone the calculations of the prehistoric world. There must be something I overlooked, and this neglected place may be the solution to the problem! "

The Yin-Yang Daoist suddenly had such an idea in his heart. Although he was in adversity, the Yin-Yang Daoist would never compromise. The previous thought was only because the sudden shock was too great. I chose to protect myself. After all, only by protecting myself can I have the opportunity to fight back. When I woke up, I gradually calmed down the many thoughts in my heart, and the obsession in the heart of the Yin-Yang Taoist also reappeared. The hatred and killing intent towards the enemy. It also appeared involuntarily, which made the Yin-Yang Taoist involuntarily start to find a way to break the situation, rather than compromise such a concession.

"What was it that I ignored?" The Yin-Yang Taoist asked himself secretly again and again, and he was constantly thinking about all his previous actions, thinking about everything he had done, from the beginning to destroying the world, one after another. Studying little by little, the Yin-Yang Daoist must carefully check every detail, confirming over and over again that he has not overlooked the places that he has overlooked. A hint of joy.

"I understand, it turned out that I ignored the most important issue, the power of the curse, although the curse of the world is also a threat to me, a threat that increases exponentially, but I forgot that the power of the curse can be transferred, I There is no need to obliterate it at all, I and the avatar of Emperor Yan Luo have not recovered, and a huge source is needed to wake him up, and the power of the world's curse can also become the source of awakening Emperor Yama and become his nourishment!"

When thinking of the crux of the problem, there is joy in the eyes of the Yin-Yang Daoist, but more killing intent, as long as you solve the impact of destroying the world, everything is easy to say about the crisis of the deity, and the solution is your own The avatar of Emperor Yama, this avatar of Nirvana, must allow the avatar to withstand the power of the world's curse and turn it into its own nourishment. This requires some changes to the avatar of Emperor Yama, more precisely, the origin of this avatar is new. planning.

The Curse Avenue can carry the power of the curse of the world, and can turn the power of the curse of the world into its own nutrients. This requires the power of the Curse Avenue, although even the cursed gods and demons are unwilling to accept the power of the world's curse, after all, this is The world's backlash, but it is not impossible for Yin-Yang Daoist to bear, because Yin-Yang Daoist has the power to curse the gods and demons.

The Dao of the World is opposite to the Dao of Destruction. The Daoist of Qiaqia Yin-Yang is also proficient in Dao of Destruction. With the help of the world-annihilation treasure 'Destruction of the World' in his chaotic world, he creates his own magical powers of Destruction. The power of the world's supernatural powers is the seed, and condensing a cursed clone with the origin of the world's extinction can perfectly resolve this crisis, and even get rid of all the dangers after the world's extinction, turn the curse of the world into the nutrients of the clone, and speed up the death of Emperor Yama. recovery!


Why did the Yin-Yang Daoist not directly cultivate the Dao of Destruction? Taking the Dao of Destruction as the source of Emperor Yan Luo can also resolve the curse of the world, and it can also swallow the backlash of the world, and the effect is faster than compatibility. After all, they specialize in the Dao of Destruction. The source of cultivation must be purer and more powerful, and it is easier to obliterate and digest the power of the world's curse and backlash!

The reason why Yin-Yang Daoist did not choose to specialize in the Dao of Destruction of the World is because he has concerns in his heart, and he is worried about the great catastrophe of the world. The world's catastrophe, once the world-annihilation catastrophe breaks out in an all-round way, the clone can easily become a puppet of the world-annihilation catastrophe, making the deity lose control of him, and even become a crisis of backlash against himself. .

With the previous experience, the Yin-Yang Taoist will not give the enemy another chance to reckon with himself, nor will he leave such a big hidden danger for his own cultivation. Specializing in the Dao of Destruction in the Great Tribulation of the World is self-destruction. It is not that the Dao of World Destruction cannot be cultivated, but it cannot be cultivated exclusively, and it cannot fully condense a true World Destruction Source Avatar. This will be a huge hidden danger and disaster for itself. Once the World Destruction Tribulation comes, the first one will Devour your own annihilation source clone.

It is precisely because of the reason of the great calamity that the Daoist Yin-Yang will use the Dao of Curse as the core and the Dao of Destruction as the auxiliary to create the clone of the King of the Damned. As a resistance, it can not only devour the power of the curse and turn it into its own nutrients, but also eliminate the backlash from the world and turn it into its own nutrients. It can be said that the Curse Dao is used as an auxiliary, only to cultivate supernatural powers, not to cultivate. avenue.

Yes, this is the solution of the Yin-Yang Daoist, condensing a powerful world-destroying **** and demon in addition to the source of the curse, using the supernatural powers as the defense of the avenue of the curse, as the shell of the source of the avenue of the curse, so since this cursed clone of himself It will speed up, and it will not be affected by the Great Dao of World Destruction. Even if the World Destruction Tribulation comes, the clone of the cursed king will not have much impact, and it will not lose control and become a puppet of the World Destruction Tribulation. It will not backlash against the deity.

Of course, to do this, it needs to pay a lot for the Yin-Yang Taoist. To condense a powerful world-destroying magical power, just the world-destroying origin on the deity is not enough. After all, this deity's own way The supernatural power is a supernatural power condensed with the help of a trace of the origin of the 'Damaging of the World', and to really complete the cohesion of the origin of the cursed king's clone, it requires the power of the bloodline, which belongs to the power of the bloodline of the origin of the curse, and the 'Damaging of the World'. 'The supernatural power seed evolved by condensing the most pure world-destroying origin power, once the safety power of the cursed king's clone of the world-annihilating origin, can cut out the supernatural power seed of this world-annihilating origin.

The idea of ​​the Yin-Yang Daoist is indeed feasible, but it is not an easy task to achieve this. The power of the bloodline that curses the source is not a big problem for the Yin-Yang Daoist. The beast has the blood of the origin of the curse. It only needs to be fused with its own blood, and then the source of the curse can be integrated into its own blood to create the power of the blood. The most difficult thing is to destroy the world. How does the source condense the seeds of supernatural powers.

The supernatural power seed condensed by the pure and pure world-destroying source is too powerful, it will wipe out the power of the bloodline of the cursed source, and it will damage the power of the cursed source. Since then, the clone of the cursed king has defects, and the potential will inevitably be damaged, and this is not the case. Daoists of Yin and Yang are willing to accept that if the power of the divine power seed condensed by the source of extinction is too weak, and it cannot achieve the effect of protecting the source of the curse, how can the power of the divine power seed condensed by the source of extinction be the most suitable, this is the key, also The hardest question!

Deduction, this requires constant deduction, and to do this requires more energy from the Yin-Yang Daoist, although this will affect one's own practice, you need to put your energy in the chaotic world, with the help of this The power of the origin of the world-destroying treasure will inevitably lose some of the origin of the 'world-destroying grind', but the Yin-Yang Taoist thinks that this can be done, and it works!

"If I want to take the lead in this world-destroying catastrophe, not be calculated by the origin of the prehistoric world, and break the shackles that bind me, I must do this. This is my only chance. If you don’t open the shackles, you will only be subject to the origin of the prehistoric world, and you will be **** in the next battle. You will not let go of your hands and feet, and you will be subject to the calculations of the prehistoric world. Once such a situation occurs, it may be the death of me. Disaster, to the beginning of destruction!"

For the calculation of the origin of the prehistoric world, the shackles of the curse of the world, the crisis of the world destroyer, the Yin-Yang Taoist must be cut off. Threats, without any influence, can break the calculations of the prehistoric world and walk out of their own avenues.

"It's not just a bit of source consumption, it's not a big deal, as long as you can cut off your own shackles, even if the will of the chaotic world recovers later, it's not a big deal, as long as the cursed king's clones condense, no matter how big the price is. Earth, no amount of effort is worth it, as long as I can cut off the shackles on this deity, even if Pangu recovers, I have nothing to fear. I can also do what the deity can do, and the deity dares to let go. Fight, what can I do!"

In order to survive, in order to get rid of the threat of Pangu Yuanshen, Di Zun can give up everything and open the door to the world. In order to get rid of the influence of the curse of the world on the deity, the yin-yang Taoist can naturally consume the magical seeds that he wants to evolve from the source and complete himself. The condensed avatar of the cursed king, even if it is a big price, the yin and yang Taoists are willing to bear!

When danger comes to the deity, when the deity falls into a big crisis, in order to ensure the safety of the deity, no matter how much the price is paid, it is worth it, not to mention that once his plan is successful, the clone of the king of curses will condense, As long as you let go of your hands and feet and continue to destroy one world after another, you can make the clone of the King of the Damned grow faster, eventually recover, become your new strength, become your own killer, and be able to give the enemy a fatal blow at a critical moment!

In the eyes of Yin-Yang Daoists, as long as a small part can be achieved, it is worth paying, so when such a decision is made, Yin-Yang Daoists do not hesitate to play the role of the cursed king!

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