God of Destruction

Chapter 4709: festival freedom

Chapter 4715 Free

The loud noise of 'Boom Rumble' constantly resounds in the chaotic world of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the source power of the 'Destruction of the World' is constantly being consumed, and the Yin-Yang Daoist is carefully testing the source condensation and magical powers again and again. The creation of seeds, but the failures are constantly being staged, and the eyes of the Yin-Yang Daoist are shining with endless anger!

"Damn, I failed again, this time the power of the source is still too big, not too small, not too big, it is really difficult to complete this magical seed, this is the hundredth failure, the source of the chaotic world All have been affected. If it continues like this, it will have a huge impact on the chaotic world. Is my idea wrong? It works in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. No one can grasp this. proportion of power?"

After repeated failures, Daoists of Yin and Yang could not help but wonder if their plans were castles in the air or not. Planning, doubting one's own thinking is simply a mistake.

"No, I can't just give up, although it's just a theory, but as long as the theory can work, it must be done, but it's just a hundred failures, I have to continue, although the source of chaos consumes a lot, but I You can first restore the power of the source of chaos, first carefully explore the power of the rules of destroying the world, and have a stronger control over the power of destroying the world before continuing the experiment!"

After repeated failures, although the power of destroying the world was suppressed by the original treasure of the 'Destruction of the World', a small part of it still spread into the chaotic world that he opened up, losing the origin of the chaotic world. Hundreds of times. Failure also seriously damaged the origin of the chaotic world, so the Taoist Yin-Yang had to pause, and had to put down the cohesion of the seeds of supernatural powers, and turned to the mastery of the rules of annihilation and the control of the power of annihilation, so that the origin of the chaotic world could be Get restored!

It is not an easy thing to master the rules of destroying the world and the power of destroying the world. After all, Taoist Yin and Yang practice the Dao of Yin and Yang. Even if they have the treasure of destroying the world, it is still difficult to destroy the world. It takes time and energy to master the power finely. For Yin-Yang Daoists, Qiaqia lacks both of them.

Time, today's world-destroying catastrophe has been continuously accelerated, and the prehistoric world is constantly changing, not to mention energy, the previous failures have already consumed the huge energy of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and now we have to continue. Investing in the mastery of the rules of destroying the world and the power of destroying the world has increased the burden on the Yin-Yang Daoist.

Yes, the pressure on the Yin-Yang Daoist is too heavy now, so heavy that the Yin-Yang Daoist can't hold on, but he has to persevere, because the Yin-Yang Daoist understands that he can't shrink back, let alone be discouraged. No matter how heavy your burden is, you must persevere and persist to the end. Only in this way can you be able to survive the many crises and the enemy's serial calculations. Down to seize the chance of life!

Since the deity is already a taboo creature and has been rejected by the world, why should there be any more consideration to create a clone of the cursed king to carry all its own dangers, even if this will be a new taboo creature, it's no big deal Yes, as long as we can seize a glimmer of life in this world-annihilating catastrophe, no matter how big the difficulty or how terrible the danger is, we can accept it!

"The plan didn't change quickly. I didn't want to take this path, but I had no choice. This is the only way to survive and the only way to break the situation. As long as the plan is successful, the clone of the cursed king will be able to recover. Although this path It is very dangerous, but it also has endless opportunities. Although the price paid is high, the reward is equally large. As long as the avatar of the cursed king recovers, all dangers will dissipate, and the deity will completely ignore Rui and truly restore his freedom!"

Abandoning the original plan would also have an impact on the Yin-Yang Daoist, but for the safety of the deity and for survival, the Yin-Yang Daoist has only this way to go, and can only bite the bullet and continue on this crazy road.

One hundred failures cannot stop the Yin-Yang Taoist. Although it is difficult to grasp the power of the rules of destroying the world, the Taoist Yin-yang has not flinched. The perception of the rules of the world deepens the mastery of the rules of the world, and gradually increases the power of the rules of the world.

Although this long growth is very slow, it is effective. For Yin-Yang Daoists, as long as it is effective, they must persevere. Even if their time is very tight, Yin-Yang Daoists will not give up, nor will they take shortcuts because of this. The Yin-Yang Taoist understands that there is no shortcut to this path of cultivation. If there is a shortcut, it will only be compatible with the world-destroying catastrophe. To make such a choice is completely suicide, self-destruction, and becoming a world-destroying great calamity. The puppet of robbery.

No one wants to be controlled by the Great Tribulation and become a slaughtering puppet under the control of the Great Tribulation. If Daoists of Yin and Yang can't see the situation clearly and do not understand the horror of the Great Tribulation, they may still do so, but all this is at the mercy of the Daoists of Yin and Yang. In perception, how could the Yin-Yang Daoist make such a lowly mistake, put himself in a desperate situation, and put himself into a situation of doom!

Time is passing little by little, the Daoist Yin-Yang's grasp of the rules of destroying the world is constantly increasing, and the power of the original source that he has consumed before is also recovering, but the Daoist Yin-Yang's will is going through a terrible tempering. For Yin-Yang Daoists, every minute and every second is a huge temper, tempering one's own will, tempering the primordial spirit.

Under such terrifying pressure, and constantly insisting, this is of great benefit to the yin and yang Taoist's will and xinxing, as well as the primordial spirit, but it is very dangerous to do so. After all, there is too much risk in doing so, but the Yin-Yang Daoist persevered, seeing the rapid recovery of the source, the Yin-Yang Daoist saw new hope, and saw the hope of condensing the source of the cursed king. Seeing the cursed king Doppelganger's hope of recovery.


"Come on, let all this come more violently, let my primordial spirit, will and xinxing be baptized, let my state of mind be higher, gather me!" The power of the origin of the world once again condensed in the hands of the yin and yang Taoists, and the yin and yang Taoists once again tried to condense the origin of the cursed king.

I have to admit that after going through a lot of hard work and having a new understanding of the Dao of Destruction, my mastery of the origin of Dao of Destruction has gone a step further. It didn't waste too much time, and it was more accurate than before, even consuming less source.

"No, the power of the supernatural power seed is still too powerful. I have improved my grasp of the rules of the world, and I have more insight into the rules of the world, so that my own way of destroying the world will go further, and I must condense new supernatural power seeds. , can't use the previous concept, otherwise it will only be a waste of time and energy, and there is still only one way to fail!"

Soon Daoist Yin-Yang understood his own problems, and realized that after he had a new understanding of the Dao of World Destruction, the power of the source of the world-annihilation catastrophe he mastered was also increasing, and he could no longer look at problems with the old eyes. After completing the cohesion of the magical power seed, the Yin-Yang Daoist failed again this time, but this time the failure made the Yin-Yang Daoist achieve hope.

His own mastery of the rules of the eradication of the world, and the enhancement of the power of eradication of the world, make the Yin-Yang Dao feel a feeling that he sees the hope of success, and the theory can really be realized. No longer threatened by any force, not bound by any force, the world will be destroyed again!

When the yin and yang daoists condense the origin of the curse, that is, when the extinction of the world reappears, it is the time when the yin and yang daoists attack again. The Yin-Yang Taoist's state of mind has become extremely peaceful, so that the Yin-Yang Taoist really no longer has any worries, and can really breathe a sigh of relief.

When Daoist Yin-Yang saw hope, the entire prehistoric beings felt the warning from the heart, as if something big would happen again in the prehistoric world. Even the ancestors of Hongjun felt the warning from the soul. This is the origin of the prehistoric world. A warning to all living beings, because the origin of the prehistoric world also felt the arrival of the crisis.

When Taoist Yin-Yang saw the hope of success, it was a huge crisis for the origin of the prehistoric world. This is a situation that it does not want to see. It is a pity that the origin of the prehistoric world does not know where the crisis is coming from, and does not know the crisis. How will it appear, so it instinctively warns all the prehistoric creatures, and wants to find a way to resolve it.

It is a pity that the origin of the prehistoric world did not do it, even if all the prehistoric creatures felt this spiritual warning, but no one paid attention to it. For most prehistoric creatures, they thought that this spiritual warning was because of where they were. The chance world left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons thought it was a dangerous world of chance, but in their hearts not only were they not afraid, on the contrary, they were excited about it. In their opinion, there is danger and there must be opportunities, so they found three thousand The chance left by the Chaos Gods and Demons.

It is precisely because these ignorant prehistoric creatures have such ridiculous thoughts in their hearts that they all become crazy about it, and they all speed up their explorations madly, thinking that as long as they are quicker, they will definitely find the opportunity. , and they don't know that they are walking towards destruction and death step by step!

Of course, this is not all the prehistoric creatures will be destroyed. Some people can really find the opportunity left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. After all, there is no way out, no matter how terrible the crisis is, there is still a chance of survival. Those lucky creatures will naturally be able to Get everything you want, but for most creatures, it is going to destruction and death.

Accelerating the pace of exploration made them ignore their own protection, let them fall directly into the trap left by the three thousand chaos gods and demons, and directly die and disappear, and the origin of the prehistoric world that caused all this must be responsible for this. Responsibility, bear the consequences and the backlash of cause and effect, it is precisely because of its warning that this situation occurs, it must bear the curse of those souls that die, this cause and effect cannot be erased, it must be endured .

In just a moment, countless creatures fell into the Xiaoqian world left by the chaotic gods and demons, were destroyed by the traps in the Xiaoqian world, lost their lives, and they died. All the time, he is cursing and scolding the origin of the prehistoric world, scolding this ridiculous spiritual warning, thinking that it is because of this spiritual warning that his death is caused.

This is the human heart, this is human nature, when they are in a desperate situation, they will immediately attribute the responsibility to others. , which led to their impulsive walk on this road of no return and ruined their lives. They all believed that this was a trap and a conspiracy, so they were all madly cursing and scolding the origin of the prehistoric world, and ascribed all responsibility to on the opponent.

The Yin-Yang Daoist did not know that his actions would have such a great impact on the entire prehistoric world, and would cause such a terrifying death frenzy in the entire prehistoric world, but even if the Yin-Yang Daoist knew about it, it would not change, nor would he have any thoughts of remorse. , the Yin-Yang Taoist will not stop his actions, stop his own condensation of the source of the cursed king.

At this time, Daoist Yin-Yang is speeding up the cohesion of the source of the king of curses, and failures are being staged again and again, but each failure gives Daoist Yin-yang a newer understanding. Further, it can be said that every failure of the Yin-Yang Daoist has a huge gain, and has more insights on the cohesion of the source.

"Soon, I will succeed soon. As long as I succeed, all the pressure on me will dissipate, and all my restraints will dissipate. At that time, there will be no power to stop me. The origin of the prehistoric world, you will be responsible for your own behavior. And regret, regret for plotting against me, it was you who gave me this opportunity and let me see another world!" The Yin-Yang Taoist muttered to himself, his eyes constantly flashing with terrible rays of light, failure not only It did not make the Yin-Yang Daoist retreat, and the people were inaccessible. On the contrary, it accelerated the speed of the Yin-Yang Daoist, allowing the Yin-Yang Daoist to continuously accelerate the condensation of the source of the cursed king's avatar, and accelerate his own perception and mastery of the Dao of Destruction!

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