God of Destruction

Chapter 4714: arterial dissection

Chapter four thousand seven hundred and twenty blood stripping

"Damn, this is the power of the world's brand. The original will of the prehistoric world dares to use the power of the world's brand. What does it want to do? Could it be that it can't bear to do it by itself, and directly kill the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist and kill him. In the ancient star field, remove this hidden danger!" Feeling the changes from the prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu's expression changed again and again. For him, this big change is really crazy, a series of outbreaks. Let him be a little unable to withstand such an impact!

The outbreak of the primordial will of the prehistoric world is a disaster for the entire primordial world. Once the primordial will takes action, it means that the foundation of the primordial world will be shaken, and the barriers of the primordial world will be affected, which will greatly speed up the return of the chaotic gods and demons. Chacha is a result that Hongjun Daozu does not want to see, because Hongjun Daozu has not recovered his strongest strength. Once these chaotic gods and demons return, it means that he will lose his initiative and will be in crisis.

Do you regret it? No, Daozu Hongjun doesn't regret it. Although the change this time is a bit big, Daozu Hongjun doesn't regret that he didn't take action to stop Daoist Yin and Yang. Although the madness of the original will of the prehistoric world has shaken the foundation of the prehistoric world, he still has time. , I can continue to endure, but as an enemy of the lunatic Yin Yang Daoist, I am afraid that I will not have time to hide in the dark, but will be targeted by this lunatic, and there will be no time to practice.

When the whole prehistoric world was shaking, when Pangu's breath broke out, Sanqing also felt the drastic changes in the prehistoric world, and felt the breath of Pangu Yuanshen, and the appearance of this breath made their hearts feel the severe danger, as if that The appearance of Pangu Yuanshen's breath will devour them, making them fear from the depths of their souls.

"Brother, why is this happening? My soul is trembling. Could it be that Zhoushan really has Pangu Primordial Spirit, and we are only his backhand, or even its nutrients. Once Pangu Primordial Spirit recovers, we will all be Body and soul disappear?"

"I don't know, but from our own feelings, this may be true. Pangu Yuanshen really exists in Buzhou Mountain, and once it recovers, it will devour us as soon as possible. Heavenly Dao and Humanity Dao are also struggling frantically, for us, this is indeed a crisis, this breath may really prove that Pangu Yuanshen really exists!"

"Hehe, we are all just the back-hands of Pangu Yuanshen, we are all just a part of him separated, even the three worlds are like this, our background is like this, but even if Pangu Yuanshen recovers, I will not be caught. , even if he dies, he will not let his conspiracy succeed!" The eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun exude endless anger and resentment, in the heart of Yuanshi Tianzun, he has always called himself the authentic Pangu, but he didn't expect the result to be like this. It's just the backhand of Pangu Yuanshen.

"Actually, such a shocking change was caused by the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist. He was constantly destroying one small world after another, frantically plundering the source of the small world, and this behavior seriously affected the prehistoric world. However, the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Humanity, and our good teacher Hongjun Daozu had no intention of blocking, so the original will of the prehistoric world had to make such a reaction, otherwise, the whole prehistoric world would fall into a bigger of disaster!"

"The Yin-Yang Daoist is indeed a lunatic, but if it is not appropriate to attribute everything to the Yin-Yang Daoist, why is the Yin-Yang Daoist so crazy, it is not because the original will of the prehistoric world is forced into a corner, if it is not the original will of the prehistoric world. The Yin-Yang Daoist will not cause this terrible situation. In the final analysis, it is still the fault of the original will of the prehistoric world. He exalted his own strength and underestimated the madness and terror of the Yin-Yang Daoist!"

"That's the case, but it's not the two **** who are the most unlucky, but us people, once Pangu Yuanshen is revived, and we must be dead and alive, for Pangu Yuanshen, we can't resist it at all. We have no ability, we must speed up our practice, and we must prove the Dao Jinxian of Hunyuan as soon as possible. If we don’t have the strength of Daluo Jinxian of Chaos, there is only a dead end waiting for us. Now time waits for no one, we can no longer have unrealistic ideas. Imagination, we need to act, quasi-promotion and introduction, and the ancestors of Ming He and Nuwa are not the same as us after all, we should be completely separated from them, we need to walk out of our own way, and now it is us Time to act!"

"Indeed, it's time for the three of us to separate and pursue the opportunities and strengths we need. If we don't even have this belief, we're talking about detachment. Let's act. Let's each choose a small world. Even if we use all the trump cards, we have to complete our own transformation. For us, the ancient star field is not suitable, and the heaven is our goal!"

When Taishang Laojun's words fell, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master nodded and agreed. For the three of them, if they continued to stay in the ancient star field at this time, the danger was too great, and no one would Knowing whether the Xiaoqian world you have chosen will be targeted by the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, and will it be destroyed together with the world by the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist when he is looking for an opportunity, he has nothing to do with the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist. Can't do it.

The closest to the ancient star field is naturally the heaven, and there are many small worlds in the heaven, which is more suitable for them, and for them Sanqing, the heaven is not so scary, even if the way of heaven still exists, they also They think that the heaven is the safest, at least it looks like this now. In their thinking, as long as they can seize the opportunity of a small world, they can break through the Hunyuan Daluojinxian, get rid of the crisis, and have the ability to protect themselves. !

After making the decision, Sanqing looked at each other, and did not pay attention to Zhun's mention and introduction, nor bid farewell to the ancestor of Ming He and Empress Nuwa, but quietly left the ancient star field and directly Going to the heaven, they spread out, each chose a side of Xiaoqian world, and rushed directly into that side of Xiaoqian world.

Although Sanqing is a Golden Immortal of Primordial Primordial, with powerful power, their actions did not alarm anyone. Even Daozu Hongjun didn't notice their departure. Shocked by the shocking change, they were all shocked by the terrifying aura emanating from Pangu Yuanshen, and he didn't care about other changes at all!


"It is the breath of God the Father. It seems that God the Father has not fallen. Everything we know is just fake and deceitful. Maybe we are only chess pieces in the eyes of God the Father, only the backhand of his return. , the change of bloodline is enough to explain everything!"

"Brother, what should we do now? If God Father returns, we will only have a dead end. Not only us, but the entire witch clan will be destroyed. We must resist!" At this time, there was a trace in the eyes of the twelve ancestor witches. Hate, but also a little bit of loss, after all, no one wants to be calculated, although they all vaguely understood in their hearts before, but everything has not been confirmed, and now all this has finally been confirmed, which makes the Twelve Ancestors unacceptable!

"Hehe, everything is really what the yin-yang daoist said, but it's nothing, since we have proven the Dao Primordial Primordial, we can be considered to have walked out of our own path. For us, the bloodline is originally imprisoned. Take back our bloodline power, then give it back to him, and return it to him together with the magical power, we will go our own way!"

"Hey!" For a moment, the other ancestor witches gasped, and no one thought that Emperor Jiang Zuwu would say such crazy words and return blood and magical powers, this is crazy, this is to take away himself The origin of the bloodline, this has devastating damage to oneself, and most of the strength will be lost, and the price is too great!

"Is there really no other way, eldest brother, do we have to use this extreme method?" Gong Gong Zuwu asked, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, after all, paying such a large price is enough to hurt himself and affect his own health. Practice!

"There is only one choice, not only we have to do this, all the witches in our world have to do this, give up the power and supernatural power of the bloodline, or else the gods of the father will recover, we have no right to choose, and if If we give up the power and supernatural power of our bloodline, we also dissipate the power of the curse. Perhaps our primordial spirit will no longer be a weakness! It is difficult to tell the difference between gains and losses. And survive!"

Choosing between life and death, the twelve ancestor witches naturally understand what to do, even if they know how serious the consequences of doing so, they can only acquiesce in order to survive, and as Emperor Jiang Zuwu said, they have already It is the golden immortals of Hunyuan. Even if they give up the origin of blood and supernatural powers, it is not fatal. On the contrary, without the imprisonment of blood, they may be able to cultivate their primordial spirit to make up for their shortcomings, improve their own shortcomings, and make themselves no longer. There are any hidden dangers!

"I agree with eldest brother's suggestion, it's nothing to give up blood and supernatural powers, after all, we still have life in this way, if we don't give up all of this, only death and destruction awaits us, I don't seem to be a chess piece, even if it is God Father! "At this moment, Houtu Zuwu stood up and agreed with Emperor Jiang Zuwu's decision. It is not difficult to choose between life and death.

Soon, the other ancestors nodded in agreement. For them, survival is the most important thing. Today, they are no longer the original state of ignorance. They can be fearless and can regard Pangu as the supreme father and god. They have their own They don't want to be anyone's pawn, and they don't want to see the destruction of the Wu clan!

"Original essence blood coagulates, supernatural powers, cut blood! Cut supernatural powers! Peel off!" Soon the twelve ancestors moved frantically, because they were in the world of Xiaoqian, and they had the aura of chaotic gods and demons, even if they made No one can know about this crazy move. Even the original will of the prehistoric world cannot cross the defense of Xiaoqian World. Feeling the crazy move of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, it is not only them that are doing it, but the entire Witch Race. doing so.

One after another muffled groans sounded, the faces of the twelve ancestors turned pale in an instant, and the witches in their inner world were also screaming madly, stripping blood and magical powers. In order to survive, they had to do this crazy self-mutilation. Only in this way can they completely cut off everything between them and Pangu.

Everything is just as Di Jiang Zuwu said, when the bloodline was cut off, the power of the curse that originally existed in the bloodline was also cut out, the magical power was cut off, and all the cause and effect of itself and Pangu were also cut off. , their evil spirits were completely cut off!

Soon the blood pool condensed by the twelve pools of blood appeared in this small thousand world. This is the blood of the twelve ancestors and the witch tribe. They completely cut out their own blood, and when the blood was cut, the magical power cut off. After they came out, their bodies all felt weak, but their primordial spirits were refreshing, and a trace of primordial spirits was condensing. Without the shackles of blood and supernatural powers, they finally saw the condensing of primordial spirits and made up for their own shortcomings. The opportunity of Pangu's blood made them and the Wu clan, and also bound them and the Wu clan. After cutting off all this, they saw another world.

"Seal these blood pools in this small world, they are already the past for us!" Said Emperor Jiang Zuwu, regardless of his own weakness, began to seal the twelve blood pools, and other ancestors saw this. They all took action, and soon the blood they cut out was completely sealed in this Fang Xiaoqian World, and with these twelve blood pools, this Fang Xiaoqian World has also undergone different changes, only ten. The Second Ancestor Witch didn't notice this change at all, after all, their Primordial Spirit is still very weak!

"We give up searching for the inheritance of the chaotic gods and demons, and fully collect resources to restore our own damage. At least before leaving this small world, we must restore the power of the heyday, and we cannot let anyone feel our changes. The exposure of blood vessels and supernatural powers will lead to terrifying disasters!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu stared at everyone and made this decision to give up the chaotic gods and demons inheritance in front of him and choose to restore himself. This is a huge shock to him and the twelve ancestors, but they Everyone understands that this is the price that must be paid. If the inheritance of the chaotic gods and demons is collected, no one knows what will happen to the Xiaoqian world. Once the Xiaoqian world is destroyed, the bloodline of the seal will inevitably be exposed. This trouble can be solved. When they are big, they will fall into a huge crisis, and they will even be directly destroyed by the original will of the prehistoric world. After all, this is the bloodline of Pangu, and their existence is the chess piece of Pangu!

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