God of Destruction

Chapter 4715: lethal blow

Chapter 4721 Fatal Strike

For the Wu people, they can choose to strip their blood and supernatural powers, but it is very difficult for Sanqing and the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. They are part of Pangu Yuanshen. If they strip away their Yuanshen, it means their own lives. They will all be threatened. The Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan gave up the Pangu bloodline to give themselves a new life and get rid of the bloodline crisis, but they couldn't do it.

Seal their own Pangu blood in this small world, and let the power of three thousand chaotic gods and demons shield them. Even if Pangu Yuanshen recovers, it is no longer a crisis for them, and they have given up blood and supernatural powers. , they also got a new life. With the resources left by the chaotic gods and demons in this small thousand world, the twelve ancestors can easily recover their strength, but without the blood of Pangu, their most powerful strength has disappeared. The powerful power of the 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons' has nothing to do with them at all, and even when the supernatural powers were abandoned, all the information of the 'Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons' was directly cleared from their minds, and it was also true. It was because of the loss of all the power of Pangu, that the Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan could be reborn!

In the Xiaoqian world, the twelve ancestor witches are madly absorbing all the resources that can be collected. As long as the core of the Xiaoqian world is not moved, they can do their best to absorb the origin here and restore themselves. With the support of their origin, the strength of the Twelve Ancestors is recovering rapidly, but their combat power is no longer as strong as before, and the most important thing is that they have lost the power of blood and supernatural powers. They want to go further on the road of cultivation. Paying more price, at least they need more time to cultivate their Yuanshen, let Yuanshen grow stronger, and eliminate their own hidden danger!

The madness of the Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Witch Tribe cut off their own Pangu blood. All this is because of the shielding of Xiaoqian World, and the original will of the Great Desolate World has not been felt. Even if there is a little reaction, the Great Desolate World will not feel the witch. The clan and the Twelve Ancestors are so crazy, they only think that their actions have caused a counterattack from Heaven and Humanity.

The Yin-Yang Daoist Kong Xing did not know his actions, which indirectly affected the Wu clan and made the Twelve Ancestors and Wu clan make such crazy decisions, but even if the Yin-Yang Daoist knew about it, he would not feel anything wrong. The decisions made by the Twelve Ancestors have nothing to do with them. If you want to blame, you can only blame the prehistoric world for being too arrogant and self-righteous!

When the primordial will of the prehistoric world made a counterattack, the Taoist Yin-Yang naturally felt the terrifying Pangu aura from the prehistoric world, but although this aura was terrifying and terrifying, it did not surprise the Taoist Yin-Yang, nor did the Taoist Yin-Yang feel What's wrong, under his own madness, it would be too fake if the primordial will of the prehistoric world did not react at all. Now the primal will of the primordial world is reacting, which makes the Onmyoji feel relieved.

In the eyes of many prehistoric creatures, the origin of the will of the prehistoric world is to interfere with the Yin-Yang Daoist personally, but the Yin-Yang Daoist does not think so. Although the origin of the prehistoric world is very strong, the Pangu aura emanating from it is also very terrifying. , but in the eyes of the Yin-Yang Daoist, this is all just bluffing. If the original will of the prehistoric world really has to take a big shot at himself, there is no need to trigger such an earth-shattering aura, it can be done silently, just like before. Calculating oneself and blocking one's own proving the heavenly tribulation is the same as letting oneself not get the complete baptism of proving the Taoist heavenly robbery at all, so that one misses a great opportunity, the more the other party is bluffing like this, the more yin and yang Taoist feels that the other party is weak.

Facing a weak primordial will of the prehistoric world, this is a good thing for Daoists of Yin and Yang. The weaker and more restricted the primal will of the primordial world is, the more beneficial it will be for me, and the easier it will be for me to get what I want. everything you want.

However, Daoist Yin-Yang also understands that he must speed up, because he does not know when the Dao of Heaven and Dao of humanity, or even the Dao Ancestor Hongjun will not be able to bear the persecution from the origin will of the prehistoric world to kill himself, and stop himself at all costs. After all, every Xiaoqian world is the backhand of a chaotic **** and demon. The more Xiaoqian world you destroy, the more chaotic gods and demons will be disturbed. For them, this is a threat, and they are unwilling to watch it. to things.

Time is limited, I must complete my plan, complete the plunder of Xiaoqian World, and revive my own cursed king, so that I can no longer face this terrible natural and man-made disaster alone. You can have more time and freedom, so that you can have more choices.

Time is life, Yin-Yang Daoists dare not entrust their lives to others, although Yin-Yang Daoists have also thought about the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Humanity, and even Daozu Hongjun would not make a move, but this is only his own conjecture, Daoists of Yin-Yang can't believe this. Just a guess, after all, you only have one life, failure is the end of your life, and now you have no clone to prevent disasters!

In the hesitation of everyone, when the terrifying Pangu breath broke out in the prehistoric world, the Taoist Yin-Yang still did not stop his actions, and continued to frantically destroy Xiaoqian World, and it was faster than before. In the prehistoric world, the original will Before a counterattack was made, the Yin-Yang Taoist destroyed another small thousand world and devoured the origin of another small thousand world.

"Damn, as I thought in my heart, this source is still not enough to wake up the avatar of the cursed king. With the recovery of the source, the nutrients needed will be more!" At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist's mood was extremely heavy, Although I had prepared before, but this preparation was still not enough. Perhaps the complete destruction of the Xiaoqian world I marked was not enough to fully revive the avatar of the cursed king. This greatly exceeded the plan of the Yin-Yang Daoist and also affected the cultivation of the Yin-Yang Daoist. !

Although there is endless pressure in his heart, Daoist Yin-Yang understands that no matter how dangerous the situation is, no matter how much pressure he has to face, this is not the reason for him to give up. You must persevere. Only by persevering until the last moment can you truly know whether you will succeed or not!


The Yin-Yang Daoist turned to another Xiaoqian world again, and was still not blocked by external forces. Without any obstruction, he once again destroyed a small thousand world and devoured the origin of this small thousand world, and at this time The pressure on Yin-Yang Daoist is even heavier, even if there is a clone of the King of Curses to bear the power of backlash, but the origin of a small world is still a huge impact on Yin-yang Daoist, which devours the origin of Xiaoqian world one after another. The Yin-Yang Daoist himself was also faced with enormous pressure and impact, and his body gradually couldn't bear the speed of the source's increase.

"Damn, accidents always happen when I'm in trouble. There was originally the pressure of the original will of the prehistoric world, and I have to face many dangers. Now there are such changes, do I really have to put it down for the time being and stop digesting it. These gains, but once doing so, will inevitably give the primordial world a chance to breathe, and will inevitably bring myself into more crises, and can I bear such crises?" The Taoist Yin-Yang thought in his heart. Constantly guessing and contemplating.

With all his strength, he can still devour the origin of one or two small thousand worlds, but the power of these two small thousand world origins is not enough to complete the breakthrough of Yin-yang Daoist origin, and if you continue to persevere, you will have terrible pressure on yourself. If you make a mistake, you will lose your life, and you will be overwhelmed by the force of violence. But if you give up, you will definitely lose this opportunity, and it is almost impossible to get a better choice. After all, you have to pay to get something. The Yin-Yang Taoist is not naive enough to think that he is invincible and can safely cross the world. robbery!

"Kill! I have to persevere. It may be stressful to swallow two small thousand world sources, but swallowing one small thousand worlds shouldn't be a big problem, and it's not too late to devour another small thousand world sources, and wait for digestion. With the source of Fang Xiaoqian world, he will have the opportunity and the ability to dissipate all the treasures he has obtained."

Soon, the Yin-Yang Daoist made a choice, even if this choice was a bit crazy and a little unacceptable, but the Yin-Yang Daoist did so, once again condensed the powerful force in his hands, and once again the terrifying divine power of destruction condensed. The yin and yang Daoist thought, this destructive magical power slammed into the Xiaoqian world in front of him, and the terrifying shock wave erupted like a huge wave!

Without any accident, this Fang Xiaoqian world was once again destroyed by the Yin-Yang Taoist, and at the moment when the world was destroyed, a terrible pressure fell on his soul from the void, and the Yin-Yang Taoist's mind was shaken in an instant, as if It is the terrifying power from the void space that wants to destroy the Yin-Yang Daoist from the soul and kill him.

"Damn, how could this be? Could it be that the primordial will of the prehistoric world has taken action, or is it the way of heaven and humanity, or Hongjun?" Facing this fatal blow, the Yin-Yang Taoist instantly thought of these enemies. In such a crisis Underneath, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not hesitate, and immediately activated his own world-destroying power, directly slamming into this terrifying power.

When the power of destroying the world cooperates with his own magical powers to destroy the world, and hits this terrible power above his soul, his soul is shaking, his body is shaking, and even his own origin is shaking. , This is a crazy contest, a contest of life and death, Yin Yang Taoist understands that if he can't hold on, he will surely die.

Persistence, despite facing terrifying dangers and bearing terrifying shocks, the Yin-Yang Daoist is still insisting, no matter how crazy the contest between the world-destroying power and the mysterious power is, and how terrifying the shocks are. How powerful, the Yin and Yang Daoists are insisting, not allowing themselves to be threatened by this terrifying power to their souls.

Once the soul is lost, there is absolutely no life. No matter where the power comes from or who is calculating against him, the Yin-Yang Taoist has no time to think about it. The most important thing for him is how to survive this deadly crisis. , If the mysterious power can be wiped out, the Yin-Yang Taoist has not thought about using the world-destroying treasure, the 'Destruction of the World', but whenever he wants to do this, his mind is madly warning himself.

The 'World Destruction Grind' can't move, and if you don't move, you still have a chance of life. Once you activate this world-annihilating treasure, you will die without life. Does this danger come from that mysterious power, or is it behind this mysterious power? The existence of yin and yang is not clear to Daoists!

"The Great Dao of Yin-Yang is now, fortune-telling is great, suppressing the ancients, suppressing!" Facing such a terrifying crisis, when the 'Destruction of the World' cannot be used, the Daoist of Yin-Yang can only use his own source road, and can only activate his own source. The treasure suppresses the sea of ​​consciousness of the soul and protects his soul from any harm. For Yin and Yang Taoists, even if they destroy this treasure of origin, they cannot damage their soul. If the treasure of origin is gone, they can be re-refined. If the source is damaged, it can be recovered as long as there is time and resources. However, if the soul is damaged, the trouble will be big and it will be difficult to recover. When the soul is damaged, the situation will be very dangerous!

"Go!" After suppressing the sea of ​​consciousness with his own Yin-Yang Dao to protect his soul from being damaged, the Yin-Yang Daoist continued to hesitate in the slightest, and immediately activated his magical powers, rushing directly into the other side of Xiaoqian world. This time The Yin-Yang Taoist did not take action to destroy this small thousand world, but hid in it to block the attention of all beings in the wild.

Before determining who is plotting against him, the Yin-Yang Daoist dare not expose his situation to the public, and dare not let the enemy see his weak side. Once the secret is known to the enemy, the waiting for him must be endless. Chasing and killing, not only Heavenly Dao and Humanity will take action, Hong Jundao, the enemy who has been hidden in the ancient star field, will also attack, and even those prehistoric powerhouses will kill themselves, and they have everything they want!

In the face of a crisis, Taoist Yin and Yang dare not take risks, let alone test people's hearts. They take the opportunity to examine the thoughts of the Twelve Ancestors, Old Ancestor Ming He, and Empress Nuwa. In the face of such a crisis, survival is the most important thing. Taking life as the top priority, as long as you give yourself a little time, you have the confidence to break through this crisis, cut off the mysterious power, let yourself escape from the crisis, and even give yourself a chance to swallow this crisis. The mysterious power turns this power into its own nutrients, so it is the best choice to enter the world of Xiaoqian and protect yourself with the power of chaos gods and demons!

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