God of Destruction

Chapter 4716: Festival End Avenue

Chapter 4722 The End Avenue

At this time, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not know that the Twelve Ancestral Witches had already cut off Pangu's bloodline and supernatural powers, and their strength had fallen. If they hadn't demonstrated the Dao Primordial Primordial before this, they would have been even more unbearable. Even if they were willing to help each other, they would be helpless. At this time, if the Twelve Ancestral Witch exposed their own situation, the fate would be even worse than that of the Yin-Yang Taoist.

"What's the matter, Daoist Yin-Yang has voluntarily backed down. Could it be that he sensed the changes in the prehistoric world, so he didn't want to take risks and stopped?" Seeing that Daoist Yin-Yang suddenly disappeared into the world of Xiaoqian, he did not destroy this Xiaoqian. In the world, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help but be puzzled. With his understanding of Yin-Yang Daoist, it was impossible to retreat without a fight, unless he encountered an irresistible force, but he did not feel any attack on Yin-Yang Daoist. , Could it be that there is a problem with the cultivation of Yin-Yang Daoist himself, and the solution he deduced is not complete, and it is impossible to devour the origin of Xiaoqian World without limit?

"If the Yin-Yang Daoist didn't really solve his own crisis, it would be normal, but if there is really an attack on the Yin-Yang Daoist, the only thing that can keep me from noticing is the soul attack, and the Yin-Yang Daoist suffered a soul attack in silence. , I have to choose to retreat, if things are like this, it will be a big trouble!" In an instant, Daozu Hongjun's expression changed greatly, for him, if it was the latter, the danger would be great, and the situation in the entire prehistoric world would be terrifying. Much more, who can count the Yin-Yang Daoist in silence, can launch a fatal blow to him, and it is an attack that directly acts on the soul, the only possible one is Pangu Yuanshen, which means that Pangu Yuanshen really was startled.

"Damn, if Pangu Yuanshen is disturbed, the consequences will be too serious. The yin-yang Daoist is a lunatic who harms others and himself. It doesn't matter if he is unlucky, and he also affects everyone. This is a big trouble, Pangu Yuanshen. Recovery, I'm afraid it won't be long before those chaotic gods and demons in chaos will return, and today's flood barrier has been weakened a lot!"

As for the conjecture in his heart, for this worst possibility, Daozu Hongjun felt that it was the truth of the matter. The prehistoric world was about to usher in a terrible disaster. If three thousand chaotic gods and demons came to the prehistoric world, he did not have the strength to protect himself. It is bound to suffer a devastating blow, and it is absolutely impossible for those Chaos Gods and Demons to let themselves go!

At this time, it is not only Hongjun Daozu who has such an idea, Tiandao and Humanity also think this way. They also feel the huge pressure and the terrifying crisis. Compared with Hongjun Daozu, it is only all conjectures. Humanity has a faint feeling. They feel the changes in the origin of the prehistoric world, and feel the terrifying power that flashed by!

The Yin-Yang Daoist would not have any opinions in the unexpected world. Now he needs to be careful to deal with his own crisis. The sudden plot has caused the Yin-Yang Daoist to suffer a lot of damage, so that the Yin-Yang Daoist needs to rest, restore himself, and at the same time eliminate his own soul. The mysterious power of , which takes time and costs.

Facing the attack of the mysterious power, the first thought of the Yin-Yang Taoist was not how to remove this mysterious power, but to turn it into his own nutrients to restore the clone of the cursed king, and he needed to take risks. The power of identity is gradually introduced into the avatar of the King of the Damned, and it is wiped out with the help of the power of the world-destroying magical power, and this is likely to hurt itself, and even affect the recovery of the avatar of the King of the Damned. This mysterious power, Yin and Yang Taoists do not understand.

Time is limited, Taoist Yin and Yang do not have much time to wait, and the enemy has launched a sneak attack on him. If it is not for his firm will, if not for his strong soul, I am afraid that he would have died in this attack.

There is no choice. No matter what kind of danger you will face next, you must face it. This is the only way to get rid of the crisis, and it is also the only way to get rid of the crisis. Only with the ability to confront the enemy can we face this terrible crisis.

With a thought, the Yin-Yang Taoist began to guide the power of the soul, and little by little, he directed this mysterious power to the clone of the cursed king. Although the Yin-Yang Taoist was very careful, this mysterious power was not as easy to guide as imagined. I'm afraid that just a slight fluctuation will cause the explosion of this power, and the soul of the Yin-Yang Daoist will be instantly impacted!

"Damn, this power doesn't even give me a chance to divide it. The power of Yin-Yang Avenue is very difficult to divide it. Could it be that I want to take the risk and introduce it into the chaotic world, with the help of the power of 'Destruction of the World' To complete its obliteration?"

Facing such a predicament, the Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help but think of the world-destroying treasure, the Great Destruction. I really have to use the power of the World Extermination, will there be a greater crisis? Before, I had to use the 'World Extermination', which attracted a spiritual warning!

After thinking for a while, Daoist Yin-Yang decided to give it a go. He didn't have much time. Although he was hiding in the Xiaoqian world, he used the power of chaos gods and demons to block the attention of the primordial will of the prehistoric world, but he stayed for a short time. There is no danger, and it is hard to say after a long time. Daoists of Yin and Yang do not think that the original will of the prehistoric world will turn a blind eye to him hiding in the small world and allow himself to recover, so he must get rid of the crisis before the enemy's next attack.

After making a decision, under the full push of Yin-Yang Avenue, this suppressed mysterious force was finally guided into the chaotic world. After entering the chaotic world, it seemed to feel the 'world-destroying mill'. The threat of the World Destruction Treasure, the suppressed mysterious power is frantically exploding, trying to break free from the shackles of the Yin-Yang Dao, but unfortunately, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not give it this opportunity, and directly extended it to the shrouded area of ​​the 'Destruction of the World'. Down.

When the Yin-Yang Daoist took back the source power of the Yin-Yang Dao, this mysterious power broke out in an all-round way, and the terrifying power madly impacted the field formed by the 'Destruction of the World', but unfortunately it was useless no matter how hard it struggled. The power of Damo directly suppressed it, and the power of destroying the world began to frantically wipe out this mysterious power!

auzw.com "Yi, **** you! How dare you master the forbidden power!" A low roar suddenly came from the mysterious power. When this voice appeared, the Yin-Yang Taoist There was a flash of shock in his eyes. This sudden shock was something that Daoist Yin and Yang did not expect. In this mysterious power, there was such a terrible crisis hidden.

"Damn it, it's no wonder that when I wanted to use the Great Grind of Worlds, there would be a warning from my mind. In this mysterious power, there is actually a part of the power of the enemy's mind hidden. It is impossible to detect its existence, whether this is the power of the primordial will of the prehistoric world, or the power of Pangu Yuanshen!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist was thinking. If it is the former, the danger is not too serious, but if it is the latter, the trouble is big, which means that Pangu Yuanshen has already set his sights on him. Once Pangu Yuanshen has completely recovered, the first thing to do is to The goal of liquidation is oneself.

Although Daoist Yin-Yang really wants to get the consciousness hidden in this mysterious power and wants to find out the identity of the other party, Daoist Yin-Yang dare not take risks. This is his inner world. The chaotic world in the chaotic world will be in danger, and it will even be eroded by this mysterious power. If you let your chaotic world suffer trauma, the trouble will be even greater!

"Destroy me!" With a deep shout from the Yin-Yang Taoist, the power of the world-annihilating treasure was fully activated, and frantically began to wipe out this mysterious power. Sounding frantically in the chaotic world, that consciousness seemed to feel the threat of death, and was madly cursing the Yin-Yang Daoist.

Fortunately, this is in one's own inner world, and there is the suppression of the world-destroying treasure, the 'Damaging of the World'. No matter how much this consciousness resists, it will not be able to escape the power of the field of 'Damaging of the World'. It can only be wiped out bit by bit by the power of destroying the world, and transformed into the nutrients of the cursed king's clone, speeding up the recovery of the cursed king's clone.

Soon the Taoist Yin-Yang was surprised and shocked. The source formed after this mysterious power was wiped out was even purer and stronger than the source power of Xiaoqian World, and it had a stronger effect on the recovery of the cursed king's clone. , After absorbing the nutrients formed by the extinction of this mysterious power, the clone of the cursed king began to recover, and a trace of soul fluctuation appeared!

"Okay, very good, this is really great, it really is a blessing in disguise, I didn't expect this mysterious power to have such a powerful source, if it can be wiped out and transformed into nutrients, curse it. The clone of the king can be fully recovered, the original will of the damned prehistoric world never thought that this sneak attack would give me such a big benefit!"

Under the frantic refining of Yin-Yang Daoists, this mysterious power was finally wiped out bit by bit, becoming the nutrient for the avatar of the King of the Damned. Soul fluctuations appeared, and the clone of the king of curses woke up completely, but at the moment when the clone of the king of curses woke up, the Yin-Yang Taoist felt not the breath of the origin of the cursed avenue, but the chaotic breath, as if there were too many messes. The power of other sources!

"Damn, what's going on here, why is there a problem with the power of the source of the King of Curse clone?" For a moment, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help shouting, and it was unacceptable for him to accept such a result, because the clone of the King of Curse had a problem. The power of the source is condensed by himself, and there should be no problems, but why is the result different from what he imagined?

"My deity, your plan is feasible, but there are too many problems in actual operation. The curse of the world is not just the power of the curse, the destruction of Xiaoqian World has a terrible aura of destruction, and it has the power to end. , and you used the power of annihilation to evolve the supreme annihilation supernatural power to destroy these small thousand worlds, and the origin of annihilation was also integrated into the curse of the world, so your plan failed, my origin is not only curse. Power!"

"Failed? Then has your own potential been affected? For you, will this chaotic source become a hidden danger in your practice? Can the power of the cursed avenue absorb these chaotic powers and become the nutrients of the cursed source? ?"

"No, although the source of the cursed avenue is good, it cannot absorb the power of these sources, because their essence is too powerful and the quality is too pure, it is impossible to use the source of the cursed avenue to devour and digest these sources. It will become a hidden danger in my own practice, which is hard to say, it depends on what Dao I use to recast myself!"

Hearing these words, Daoist Yin-Yang's expression condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "Could it be that you have other ways to eliminate the source of these chaos, or that in this drastic change, you have seen another way? "

"Prince, have you forgotten the previous clone of the King of End, in fact, for me now, the best source road is not the curse road, but the end road, if I can fuse all the sources, I may be able to rebuild Create the avenue of the end, and it is more powerful than the original source of the end of the road, but it is also more dangerous!"

There is nothing wrong with what he said. The origins of the final avenues condensed by different avenues have different qualities. The quality of the final avenues condensed by the power of destroying the world, the power of destruction, and the origin of the curse can be imagined. Yes, but one thing is very difficult, the power of destruction and the power of destruction are too violent, not so easy to integrate, a little mistake, it will cause a terrible backlash, not only the clone will be impacted, even severely damaged , even the deity will be affected!

"Danger, for us, when did we not face danger? What is this danger? Since you have this idea, then take action. For us, it is not that we have no experience at all. Since we want to gather the most powerful The origin of the end of the world is based on the power of destroying the world, with a trace of the origin of the world-annihilation as the core, condensing the most powerful end force!"

"Okay, the deity is really happy, this is exactly what I want, or don't do it, do the best, there is a chance to end the avenue, why choose a weak force like the cursed avenue, come to me It is the most suitable way to say that the Dao of Ending is the most suitable, but this time I need the full help of the deity, and I need the deity's perception of the three thousand avenues. The most powerful end king!"

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