God of Destruction

Chapter 4725: Festival day and people leave the flood

Chapter four thousand seven hundred and thirty-one

"Bastards, you two **** bastards, you should know what the consequences will be if the lunatic Daoist Yin-Yang hits the gate of the world and affects the operation of the prehistoric world, do you really want to live? It will be you two **** who will fight back, you have the power of authority in the prehistoric world!"

The original will of the prehistoric world roared angrily, hating the Dao of Heaven and Dao of humanity incomparably. In its view, these two **** didn't even understand the most basic situation. Once the world-annihilation catastrophe broke out, the first to be attacked It's them!

"Hehe, this is already the old yellow calendar. Now the times have changed, you can no longer look at us with the old eyes. At least for me, I don't care about the backlash of the world. Life and death, you think too much!" Tian Dao sneered disdainfully, and did not shake his mind at all because of the threat of the original will of the prehistoric world!

Yes, they are fully prepared for the current heaven and humanity. Even if the world's backlash can no longer threaten their lives, the original will of the prehistoric world still wants to use the world's backlash to threaten them. It can only be said to be a joke. , they can't get their panic and surrender at all. As Tiandao said, the original will of the prehistoric world thinks too much.

Think about it, even Sanqing was able to get rid of the threat of Pangu Yuanshen with such a crazy and domineering means of dividing the Yuanshen, and let himself get rid of the bondage, how could there be no results with the means of heaven and humanity, and the tunnels are directly How can the Dao of Heaven and Dao of Humanity sit still and wait to escape? In this catastrophe of heaven and earth, any idea of ​​despising the opponent is not allowed, and now it is clear that the original will of the prehistoric world has not changed from the original concept.

"This is your own cause and effect, it is the end of your greed and madness, if it weren't for the fact that you have too many calculations in your heart, there is endless darkness, and you always want to control everything, how can things go out of control? After this world-destroying catastrophe, all the cause and effect and all the responsibility must be borne by you, don't try to use us as a shield, we are not fools, we will not be calculated by you again and again, now it is you When you face all this yourself, it is when you will bear the anger of this lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, we will not interfere in all of this, you should give up completely!"

When the cold voice of humanity fell, it made the heart of the primordial will of the prehistoric world sink, let it be afraid, everything was beyond its plan, everything was out of control, out of control, everything was out of control, no People are willing to stop disasters for the prehistoric world again. No one is willing to stand up to resist this terrible storm. The disaster is coming, and all this must be borne by the original will of the prehistoric world. This is his own responsibility.

All beings in the prehistoric world have serious dissatisfaction with the will of the world. In their hearts, all these disasters are caused by the greed of the original will of the prehistoric world. It should bear all this by itself, not let them as victims. To prevent disasters, the most important thing is that in the eyes of the original will of the prehistoric world, they are just pawns, which makes them even more unacceptable!

"Okay, this is your answer. It seems that you are really arrogant enough to think that you can fight against the world. You are too ignorant. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you. He should be deprived of the tribulation of proving the Dao, causing this natural disaster and man-made disaster, then you should just sit on the sidelines, I hope you will not regret it!"

Facing the rejection of the Tao of Heaven and Humanity, the heart of the primordial will of the prehistoric world was completely chilled. Although it was selfish for it, it always wanted to grasp the general situation, and did not put the life and death of all beings in the prehistoric world in mind, but the origin of the prehistoric world. The will is all for the survival of the prehistoric world, and now the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of humanity must give up the prehistoric world, and all the creatures in the prehistoric world are unwilling to fight for the life and death of the prehistoric world, so why should I care about it? Well, the deity's primordial spirit will be completely recovered, and then I will return to the deity, and everything will be resolved by the deity, even if the world destroys me, don't worry!

When thinking of this, the aura of the primordial will of the prehistoric world is shrinking, no longer paying attention to the changes in the prehistoric world, let alone the impact of the Yin-Yang Taoist on the prehistoric world, letting the situation develop wildly, letting the prehistoric world face everything At this moment, it really has to let go of it completely, regardless of the life and death of the prehistoric world!

Dumbfounded, for a moment, both Heavenly Dao and Human Dao were dumbfounded. They did not expect that the original will of the prehistoric world would really let go, that they could really ignore the life and death of the prehistoric world, and that they could ignore the impact of this lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist on the prehistoric world, which greatly exceeded their expectations. Imagine that once this situation is really allowed to continue, the entire prehistoric world will inevitably accelerate towards extinction, and the world-destroying catastrophe will come quickly. At that time, all living beings will face the strangulation of the world-destroying catastrophe!

"Damn, how dare this **** do this, everything is caused by it, it caused this natural disaster and man-made disaster, but now this **** wants to let go, and he wants to disregard the life and death of the prehistoric world, and he wants to take everyone to bury him, this Damn you bastard!" Tian Dao is madly cursing the origin of the primordial will, once this happens, it will be a devastating disaster for him, although he has made comprehensive preparations before, but his own The preparation can only be aimed at Pangu Yuanshen, and it is impossible to withstand two devastating blows in a row. Once the world-destroying catastrophe breaks out in advance, he will inevitably face death!

"Tian Dao, what do you think we should do now, this **** really has to let go, let the prehistoric world go to destruction, let the yin and yang Taoist maniac attack the origin of the prehistoric world, this **** clearly wants to drag us to the end, and wants to use this The most extreme method is to force us to take the initiative and face the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist!" Human Dao was also furious at this time, and in his heart he could not wait to drag out the original will of the prehistoric world and beat him up so that he could stop the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist!

"What should I do, how do I know what to do, now this **** is obviously crazy, and he wants to drag us to death. He will use this crazy method to force us to take action, use us as scapegoats, to resist the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist!"

"Maybe we have another way to go. This **** wants to use this extreme method to force us, and wants to bet on the destruction of the prehistoric world. We have been driven to a dead end, and now we only have to take the authentic way!"

"What? Are you crazy? Tun Dao dares to enter the gate of the world because he has an understanding of the gate of the world, because he devoured the origin of the gods and demons of time, has a powerful power, and has a strong understanding of the world behind the gate of the world. I understand, and we don’t know anything, and the consequences of stepping into the door of the world are unimaginable!”


"Yes, I know that the consequences of doing this are unimaginable, but do you think we have any other way now, unless you are willing to stop the disaster for the source will of the flood and desolate world, and are willing to fight with the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist. Decisive battle, use your life to block the attack of this lunatic, are you willing to do this?"

"Humanity, do you think we really have to take this road, how much vitality will there be, you must know that we don't have as much preparation as the authentic, the authentic **** has been preparing since endless years ago, he is more than we imagined. Terrible, everything behind the gate of the world may not be chance, but destruction, death!"

"Why don't I know this yet, but now we are really desperate, as long as we don't want to stop the disaster for the flooded world, and don't want to die, this is the only way to go, and even if we really can stop the disaster for the flooded world and stop the Taoist Yin-Yang This lunatic, do you think this deity will show mercy to us and let us continue to exist?"

"I don't want to entrust my life and death on the kindness of this deity. My life is up to me, and the tunnel has escaped. Maybe you are right, I should follow his footsteps and enter the gate of the world! "

At this time, Tiandao was finally moved, and life and death were controlled by others, which was unacceptable to him, and he did not think that if he stood up at this time to block the attack of the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, he could be forgiven by the deity. You can let the deity let go of yourself and give yourself a way to live. Since this is the case, why not give it a shot.

"I think so too, for us, we haven't seen any vitality for a long time. Before the recovery of the deity's primordial spirit, you can also feel the terrible aura change, unless the deity's primordial spirit continues to sleep, otherwise we will only have a dead end. , I believe that now Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestors have made up their minds, and we must do the same!"

Heaven has avatars and bears karma for themselves, and the existence of avatars is an opportunity for oneself to tolerate mistakes, and can protect themselves from a mortal disaster. Now the original will of the prehistoric world uses the life and death of the prehistoric world to force myself, not to give myself Retreat a little bit, this makes Tiandao completely give up, and no longer have any illusions!

"Humanity, I'll take a step ahead, I hope you can break free as soon as possible, don't pin your hopes on external forces, and don't feel that you can really master the prehistoric world and become the master of the world. The order has been completely shattered, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can't do it, don't put your life on that ridiculous fantasy, this is my final reminder to you, I hope you can understand!"

Speaking, Tiandao is no longer hidden, a terrible aura erupted in the chaotic void, Tiandao quickly retracted his avatar and locked the gate of the world above the heavens, although there is still a little bit of unwillingness in my heart, Reluctantly, but things have come to this point, everything is beyond your control, if you want to survive, if you want to get rid of your own destiny, there is only one way to go, this is also your only vitality, there is no other way!

"The original will of the prehistoric world, you are ruthless, since you are so crazy, you have to bet the life and death of the entire prehistoric world, and I don't want to entangle with you anymore. !"

As soon as the voice of Tiandao fell, the origin of the prehistoric world instinctively felt danger and uneasiness. It wanted to communicate with Tiandao, but unfortunately everything was too late. The breath of Tiandao instantly cut through the void and descended directly into the heavens Above, before the gate of the world, when seeing the figure of Tiandao, the original will of the prehistoric world finally understands why it is uneasy, Tiandao also wants to take the authentic road, and wants to completely abandon the prehistoric world and enter the gate of the world. !

"Bastard, stop me!" The source will of the prehistoric world is roaring frantically, trying to stop the act of heaven!

When he heard the roar of the original will of the prehistoric world, Tiandao, who was in front of the gate of the heavenly world, couldn't help showing a sneer, and sneered disdainfully: "This is the result you want, I've had enough. ,goodbye!"

During the speech, Tiandao's figure did not enter the gate of the world, and in the prehistoric world, the breath of Tiandao was instantly lost, the connection between Tiandao and the prehistoric world was completely cut off, and the original will of the prehistoric world could no longer feel his. exist.

"Hehe, you are scared at this time. What did you do before? You thought you could give up the prehistoric world and threaten us with the life and death of the prehistoric world. You don't need to care about the life and death of the prehistoric world. Why should we care? Give it to me. Cut!" Human Dao also burst out with terrifying killing intent in his eyes at this time, a terrifying aura erupted instantly, a golden light fell, Human Dao cut off his connection with the prehistoric land, and he also gave up everything in the prehistoric world.

"Damn, do you also want to follow that **** from Tiandao to give up the world of prehistoric waste?"

"Hehe, you have done this yourself, but now you are going to accuse me, what qualifications do you have to do this, in your eyes, we are just chess pieces, and we can give up chess pieces at any time, in this case, we might as well Let's say goodbye, starting from today, we will be completely cut off from the prehistoric world, all cause and effect will be ended, goodbye to the original will of the prehistoric world, goodbye to the deity!" As the voice of humanity fell, a golden light flashed, and he did not enter the prehistoric world directly. In the gate of the world of the earth, he also gave up everything in the prehistoric world and embarked on this road of no return!

When both Tiandao and Humanity made such crazy actions, when they both stepped into the gate of the world, the Yin-Yang Daoist in the ancient star field was also a little dumbfounded, all this is too crazy, the authentic one The madman rushed into the gate of the world in the nether world at the first time, and now the Tao of Heaven and the Tao of humanity have also embarked on this crazy road, all of which shocked the Taoist Yin-Yang, everything was incredible!

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