God of Destruction

Chapter 4726: Festival vs. Honghuang

Chapter four thousand seven hundred and thirty-two against the flood

"Crazy, really crazy, the primordial will of the prehistoric world is satisfied now, under one madness, the way of heaven and humanity was forced to nowhere, forcing it to cut off all connections with the prehistoric world, and had to step on the ground of the earth. This crazy road, this road of no return, huh, this is the general trend of the Great Desolation, this is the human heart, this is human nature! It seems that Pangu Yuanshen did not think so well, and the creation of the world just changed his own transformation!" In an instant, the Yin-Yang Daoist sneered again and again, with a look of contempt in his eyes, and completely lost confidence in the entire prehistoric world!

The manifestation of the original will of the prehistoric world made the Taoists of Yin and Yang completely lose their minds about Pangu. Originally, the Taoists of Yin and Yang still remembered Pangu's kindness in opening up the world, but now all this has vanished, and Taoists of Yin and Yang will no longer have any illusions. On this evolutionary path, I no longer need to have illusions about Pangu.

"Come on, let this storm come more violently, let this natural disaster come crazier, all the three ways of heaven, earth and people have left the prehistoric world, and now there is only Hongjun left in the prehistoric world, the guardian force of the prehistoric world. It has been completely weakened to the limit. Without the protection of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, it is impossible to maintain the barriers of the prehistoric world just by relying on the power of the original will of the prehistoric world. It is time to launch a counterattack and destroy the origin of the prehistoric world. What calculation, as long as I can seize the power of the origin of the prehistoric world, I will completely improve myself, and I will no longer have hidden dangers because of the lack of Proving Dao Heavenly Tribulation!"

Yes, at this moment, Daoist Yin-Yang started the idea of ​​the origin of the ancient star field. The origin of the ancient star field is also good, but it is not worth mentioning compared with the ancient world. The Daoist Yin and Yang did not have the idea of ​​​​making the ancient star field before, because this source It is not enough to make up for his own shortcomings, but now it is different. Now is the weakest time in the prehistoric world. Daoist Yin and Yang is determined to give it a shot and seize the power of the origin of the prehistoric world before Hongjun Daozu reacts. Just a small part is enough to make up for your own shortcomings, improve your own way, and let yourself go further on the road of Hunyuan Daluojinxian!

As for whether this will disturb Pangu Primordial Spirit, and whether it will wake up Pangu Primordial Spirit earlier, this is not under the consideration of Yin-Yang Daoist. For Yin-Yang Daoist, this is not a problem. He was so great, so naturally he didn't have that many concerns in his heart, and he could finally let go of his hands and feet and fight a battle.

"Unfortunately, the Twelve Ancestors did not appear. If they helped, they might be able to get more, and even improve the defects of the Twelve Ancestors!" In an instant, the Taoist Yin Yang thought of the Twelve Ancestors, but he didn't know that now The Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan have also changed. They have abandoned the blood of Pangu, abandoned their own magical powers, and embarked on a path of independence!

"Ancient Star Territory, you can do it yourself, whether you are a star **** or not, I hope you will not become my enemy in the next time, don't block my progress, I don't want to be an enemy of you!" After the prehistoric world had an idea, the Yin-Yang Taoist opened his mouth to warn the original will of the ancient star field. When he opened his mouth, the terrifying killing intent on his body radiated unreservedly. The terrible killing intent made the original will of the ancient star field tremble. Fear it!

Daoist Yin-Yang has experienced endless killings. Starting from the small world of time gods and demons, Daoist Yin-Yang has been running madly on the road of killing. Until now, he has no idea how many killings he is carrying, when all the killing intent is released. When it came out, let the original will of the ancient star field be afraid of it, and let it really feel the threat of death!

"This **** madman, how many souls did he kill to condense such a terrifying killing intent. If he walked on the killing avenue, such a terrible killing intent would be understandable, but this lunatic is not practicing the killing avenue at all. It's a yin-yang Taoist, it's unbelievable, it's really crazy, it's horrible!"

Facing the threat of Yin-Yang Daoist, and facing such a terrifying killing intent, the original will of the ancient starfield did not dare to resist, so he just knelt down and compromised directly. For it, he didn't want to face the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, and he didn't want to let himself fall into this trap. In desperation!

"Do it yourself, I hope we are not enemies!" The Yin-Yang Taoist looked at the core of the ancient star field again, snorted, and directly tore open the void, and charged directly to the prehistoric world with a terrifying killing intent!

"Hey! What does this lunatic want to do? Could it be that he really wants to fight the original will of the prehistoric world?" When he saw the actions of the Yin-Yang Taoist, the original will of the ancient star field couldn't help but take a breath of air. This situation made him greatly Shocked, although he knew that the Yin-Yang Daoist was very powerful, the original will of the ancient star field did not think that this was a decisive battle with the original will of the prehistoric world, even if the three worlds of heaven and earth had already left the prehistoric world, this is the weakest in the prehistoric world. At this time, but the power of the original will of the prehistoric world is also super powerful, there is absolutely no need for the Yin-Yang Daoist to fight at this time!

This is true for the original will of the ancient star field, but it is not the case for the yin and yang Taoists. Everything that the yin and yang daoists see in the eyes of the ancient star field has a source gap, and for the yin and yang Taoists, as long as there is a trace of success. I hope, I will give it a go, because everything is different now, the Yin-Yang Taoist has a back-up to protect himself, even if this battle fails, he will not have any worries about his life, since there is no danger to his life, why not let it go Give it a go!

"Crazy, really crazy, you can't fight this madman in the future no matter what, or the consequences will be unimaginable, unless you can kill this madman with absolute power, or you can't fight against it no matter what. Enemy, this madman has no fear at all, and even the threat of Pangu Yuanshen is not enough to deter him!"


At this moment, in the eyes of the original will of the ancient star field, the Yin-Yang Taoist has been crazy to the extreme. There is no fear at all in such a madman. Maybe this madman is born without fear, no power, no creature can make him fear, What he had in his heart was just crazy killing. At this time, the original will of the ancient star field finally understood where the terrifying killing intent of the Yin-Yang Taoist came from. It is normal for such a crazy guy to have heavy killing intent!

"Come on, let us decide between life and death, end all cause and effect, destroy the world, destroy the world, destroy the world, and break it for me!" At the moment when the Taoist Yin-Yang came to the prehistoric world, a huge roar sounded. Through the entire prehistoric world, the Yin-Yang Taoist directly fought against the original will of the prehistoric world, and directly exploded the world-destroying supernatural powers he mastered!

"Bastard, how dare you be so arrogant!" Facing the undisguised attack of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the primordial will of the prehistoric world was furious. His face will be completely lost, and no creature will care about his existence again.

"Yin-Yang Daoist, you are courting death, do you know what you are doing?" Although there is endless anger in my heart, I can't wait to swallow the Yin-Yang Daoist alive, but the original will of the prehistoric world is still taken into account, madly threatening Yin-Yang Daoist, wanting to use This ridiculous method is used to make the Yin-Yang Daoist retreat, let the Yin-Yang Daoist stop, and let himself have a breath of time!

"Hehe, I naturally know what I'm doing. If you have the ability, you will fight me directly. If you want to use a nonsense word, let me retire. You are thinking too much. Today is the time for you to pay the price. No one, no one The power will not pay the price after calculating my Yin-Yang Taoist, let alone you are just the original will of the prehistoric world, even if Pangu Yuanshen is resurrected, dare to calculate I will pay a heavy price, come on, let us fight to the death, kill!"

The Yin-Yang Daoist once again inspired the origin of the world-annihilation. This time, the Yin-yang Daoist directly relied on the power of his own world-annihilating supernatural power to stimulate the world-annihilating atmosphere in the prehistoric world. The great calamity of destroying the world, destroying the source of the world, we must use the power of the source of destruction to destroy the original will of the prehistoric world and bring it to death!

"Damn madman, he is actually mobilizing the power of the source of extinction, is he really not afraid of death, does he really have no reverence in his heart, how dare he do this, once the source of extinction is motivated, the catastrophe is inevitable When it broke out, even if this madman started the world-annihilation catastrophe, he would be in danger of dying, not to mention that he was not practicing the world-annihilating avenue. Over time, it will become a puppet of the world-destroying catastrophe!"

Talking about awe with the Yin-Yang Daoist, it can only be said that the primordial world thinks too much about the original will, and the Yin-Yang Daoist is not as simple as what he sees. What he sees is not all the power of the Yin-Yang Daoist. The Yin-Yang Daoist is more powerful than he imagined. Even crazier, for many people, the source of extinction is indeed an unsolvable threat, but for the yin-yang Taoist who has the treasure of "destroying the world", this is not without solution. As long as you master the time, the source of extinction The erosion of their own will not be a threat!

"You lunatic!" Facing the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the primordial will of the prehistoric world was filled with incomparable remorse. If he had known that this lunatic was so crazy, he should not have tried to block it. At this time, the primordial will of the primordial world finally understood why the Tao of Heaven and the Tao of humanity. He would rather give up everything in the Great Desolation than be an enemy of a lunatic, the Daoist Yin-Yang. Such a lunatic who doesn't even care about his own life should be afraid of three points. After all, this lunatic can do anything!

Seeing Taoist Yin-Yang unscrupulously bursting out the world-destroying supernatural powers, triggering the world-destroying origin of the prehistoric world, the source will of the ancient star field who has been watching the battle couldn't help but sighed lightly: "This time, the origin of the prehistoric world is finally for its own stupidity. Having paid the price to fight against such a madman, it is in great trouble. I hope it can block the attack of this madman, the Yin-Yang Daoist. Otherwise, the whole prehistoric world will usher in terrible natural and man-made disasters, and the situation will be out of control! "

When it came to this, the original will of the ancient star field couldn't help but sighed again, shook his head and sighed: "I don't know when the small thousand world will recover, and what will happen to the power left by the three thousand chaos gods and demons? Recovery, if you don't recover, I'm afraid it will be too late. Daoist Yin-Yang is too terrifying. If we continue, the entire prehistoric world will inevitably usher in a catastrophe in advance. At that time, the consequences are really unimaginable, and I only have the power to protect myself. , unable to shelter these fellows!"

For the surviving small thousand worlds in the ancient star field, once the world-destroying catastrophe breaks out, if their origin does not recover, there must be only a dead end. Just like the Xiaoqian World, as long as their origins are not revived and the world-destroying catastrophe breaks out, they have only one way to die!

Stop the madness of Yin-Yang Daoists? No, the original will of the ancient star field does not dare to think like this, let alone take such actions. It deeply understands how terrible and cruel this lunatic is, the Taoist Yin-Yang. It really has to offend this lunatic, and he has only one way to die. , this lunatic doesn't care if there will be death in the future! However, even if the Daoist Yin-Yang will die in the future when the three thousand chaotic gods and demons return to the prehistoric world, he will already be dead by that time, and he will never see the arrival of that moment!

"With the three ways of heaven, earth and people, I may still be afraid of you. After all, the three ways of heaven, earth and people are in charge of the authority of heaven and earth. Without their existence, there is only your mere world's original will, what qualifications do you have to threaten me, death Well, today is your day of death, no one will come to save you, I will use your death to destroy the entire prehistoric world, and make everything return to nothingness and chaos, this is the price you have to pay!" The Yin-Yang Taoist stared at him. The core of the origin of the prehistoric world is located, and there is endless killing intent in his eyes. The origin of the world is frantically condensed in his hands, and under the guidance of the world-annihilation supernatural power, he bombards the core of the origin of the prehistoric world, and wants to directly destroy the origin of the prehistoric world. The core, directly kill the will of the world!

Once the core of the origin is eroded by the origin of the world, and attacked by the supernatural powers of the world, as the world's original will, it will inevitably face death. Even if the original will of the prehistoric world is part of Pangu Yuanshen, it will not be able to resist such a death. , there is only one way of death, the world-annihilation catastrophe is so terrifying, it is so terrifying, with the world-annihilation catastrophe fully opened, any creature, even the world, will face death and destruction, this is the cruelty of the world-annihilation catastrophe With domineering! In the face of the Great Tribulation of the World, any power, any life, is weak, and is like an ant. The Great Tribulation of the World can destroy everything and attack everything. This is the power endowed by the Great Dao, and it is the rule of the Great Dao!

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