God of Destruction

Chapter 4727: festival

Chapter 4733 Battle

If it is the prehistoric world in its heyday, with the help of the powerful source power and the power of the world authority mastered by the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, it can resist the world-destroying magical power of the Yin-Yang Taoist and resist the erosion of the world-destroying origin. , but now it can't do it. Under the guidance of the world-destroying supernatural power, the world-destroying breath of the entire prehistoric world has been aroused, launching a devastating blow, causing the prehistoric world to fall directly into a huge crisis!

It is a pity that the three realms of heaven, earth and man do not exist now, and even the three realms of heaven, earth and man have suffered huge damage, and even the power to guard the three realms of heaven, earth and man does not exist. In the duel between Yin and Yang Daoists, what power can be used to stop the mad attack of Yin and Yang Daoists!

Losing the power of the three ways of heaven, earth and man is disastrous for the prehistoric world. With the three ways of heaven, earth and man, the order of the prehistoric world will not be completely destroyed, but can be maintained. When the three ways of heaven, earth and man are lost, the order It will dissipate afterward. Without order, the primordial will of the prehistoric world will lose most of its power. Under such circumstances, how can he face the impact of the Yin-Yang Daoist head-on? It can be said that the three ways of heaven, earth and human are the guardian of the origin of the prehistoric world. Without the guardian, it will be directly exposed in front of the enemy, directly facing the attack of the enemy, and suffer huge damage!

After losing the power of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, the will of the origin of the prehistoric world regretted and realized how important this power was to him, but it was too late to regret it now, the attacks of the yin and yang Daoists have been frantically causing damage to the origin of the prehistoric world. harm!

The war has already begun. Since the Yin-Yang Daoist takes action, he will not give up. There must be a result in this battle. The original will of the prehistoric world understands this deeply, so it must fully resist the attack from the Yin-Yang Daoist, but now it faces It is the world-destroying calamity that pervades the entire prehistoric world. Because of the guidance of the Daoist Yin-Yang, the world-annihilation catastrophe of the entire prehistoric world has begun. He will face this terrible disaster and face this slight carelessness. There may be a crisis of extinction!

"No, Daoist Yin Yang is crazy and powerful, but compared to the entire prehistoric world, his strength is not enough to shake the whole prehistoric world and not enough to destroy the prehistoric world. What does he want to do? Sigh, but what's the use of this, it doesn't affect the overall situation at all!" After calming down again, the original will of the ancient star region became clearer, and he began to perceive that the actions of the Yin-Yang Daoist were somewhat abnormal, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Indeed, it is impossible to shake the origin of the prehistoric world, and it is impossible to destroy the core of the origin of the prehistoric world just by relying on the strength of one person. No matter how strong the Yin-Yang Daoist is, there is no limit to how strong it is. It is only a first-time entry into Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who cannot do this, so He must have his own calculations and conspiracies, and what exactly is this conspiracy? This is what the original will of the ancient star field wants to know, but unfortunately it can't guess the idea of ​​yin and yang Daoist in attacking the origin of the prehistoric world.

"The original will of the prehistoric world, do you only have this power? It seems that after losing the three ways of heaven, earth and man, you really only exist like an ant. Even if you are Pangu Yuanshen, how much power can you mobilize now? It seems that we The battle will soon be over, come on, let me destroy everything you have with the power of destroying the world, let the entire prehistoric world enter the era of chaos, let everything return to chaos, to chaos, you should pay the price for your actions! "

The Yin-Yang Daoist sneered again and again, his eyes flashing with terrifying killing intent. Regarding the original will of the prehistoric world, the Yin-yang Daoist would not be soft-hearted. As an enemy, it is best to die. Only the dead enemy is the best enemy, the prehistoric world. The original will is best to be a dead enemy. Only when it is dead can it break Pangu's calculations and damage its primordial spirit.

The three ways of heaven, earth and people have all escaped, and the situation of Sanqing is unknown, but the yin and yang Taoists believe that they are not fools. When the catastrophe of the world is about to break out, they will do whatever it takes to get rid of their own danger and cut off their own destiny. , without the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, without the primordial spirit of Sanqing, and destroying the original will of the prehistoric world, Pangu’s primordial spirit can regain a bit of combat power. If the twelve ancestors and the ancestors can also make a choice, Give up the blood of Pangu, even if Pangu is going to return to the prehistoric world, can he return to the peak of his strength? Daoists of Yin and Yang don't think this is the case. It is not easy to get back the power that has been lost. No matter how strong Hu Pangu is one day, he must face the suppression of the rules of the Dao!

In the eyes of Taoist Yin-Yang, the Daoist rules cannot make it so easy for Pangu Yuanshen and the three thousand chaos gods and demons to regain their power in their heyday. After all, Pangu is here to create the world. You bastard, how could the Great Dao give them another chance to regain their full power, or even go a step further, so as to transcend the prehistoric world, transcend the Great Dao, stand above the rules of the Great Dao, and ignore the existence of the Great Dao.

No matter how selfless the Dao is, the Yin-Yang Taoist will not think that the Dao will really allow these ignorant ants to grow and develop, break their own rules, and threaten their own safety. This is human nature, and even the Dao is no exception. , all have a common choice, and they will instinctively suppress any creature that threatens them.

evolution? No, even if the prehistoric world is going to evolve, it is good for Dao, but the power of evolution is not under Dao’s control. How could Dao give these ants-like existences a chance to evolve, so Yin-Yang Daoists are not optimistic about such people. I don't think that someone might break this suppression, even the Yin-Yang Daoist has no such idea.

"Damn yin and yang Taoist, so vicious, so vicious, the world-destroying magical power, where did he get this world-destroying magical power, and he realized the power of world-destroying so much, does it mean that this **** still has what I have. I don't know the secret, if I can't find the selfishness of this lunatic, it is impossible to stop this lunatic's attack, what should I do now?"


The original will of the prehistoric world also takes into account the influence of its own environment, and is also worried that its plan will have a huge error in the understanding of the strength of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and this error can easily lead to a desperate situation. I have always been passive, and one mistake may cost my life!

"Yin-Yang Daoist, it's too late for you to stop now, before you have an impact on the general situation of the prehistoric wilderness, and before you cause damage to the origin of the prehistoric world, or else when the catastrophe really comes, you will definitely be liquidated by heaven and earth!" Facing the crazy offensive of the Yin-Yang Daoists, the original will of the prehistoric world had to threaten the Yin-yang Daoist once again, otherwise it would not take long for the calamity of the world-destroying catastrophe led by the Yin-yang Daoist to break through its own defenses and erode into the prehistoric world. The core of the origin, and this is the most unwilling result of the primordial will of the prehistoric world. Once such a situation occurs, it means that everything will be beyond one's control, and the entire prehistoric world will be affected by the destruction of the world. Shijie Qi will change the world!

"Haha, at this stage, you still have such ridiculous fantasies. What do you think you are, and you dare to continue to threaten me. It's a pity that you haven't seen through the most basic situation. Come on, use whatever you have. Come out, let me see how powerful you are, you are not very arrogant, you even dare to block my Dao Dao Tribulation, why are you backing down now!"

Daoist Yin-Yang sneered and looked directly at the source core of the prehistoric world with disdain. With the help of the calamity of heaven and earth, the Daoist Yin-Yang felt the core of the origin of the prehistoric world and clearly felt the changes in the origin of the prehistoric world at this moment. The core of the origin of the world is broken by the calamity of heaven and earth, and you have the opportunity to capture the origin of the world you want. Even if you can only capture a small part of it, it is enough to make up for all your shortcomings, and you can strengthen your origin and let your potential. Go one step further!

"End, get ready, carefully comprehend the power of the world-destroying catastrophe, and realize the real world-destroying avenue!" After making the decision, the Yin-Yang Daoist contacted his own clone of the King of End in his heart, wanting to break the prehistoric world with one blow The defense of the core of the source must be done with all one's strength, and the source of the calamity of the whole world must be stimulated. This is a great opportunity for the king of the end who cultivates the end of the road. Although the road of destruction is not the end of the road, but his own avatar The Dao of the End is the source of the end that is merged with the source of the world as the core. If he can perceive the power of the Dao of the world, it will be very beneficial to his practice!

"Understood, this deity can start at any time, I'm ready, but this deity has to be careful of the backlash of the original will of the prehistoric world, beware of that **** Hongjun, he has no reason to not know that you made such a big move, he wants to seize The origin of the heavens must be able to feel this drastic change, I'm afraid he has the heart to plot against the deity!"

When he heard the King of End mentioning Hongjun Daozu, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help but sighed. Although there were three ways of heaven, earth and people in the prehistoric world, the defense of the origin of the prehistoric world was flawed, but he secretly still had one A terrible enemy, this is Hongjun Daozu, and Daoist Yin Yang Daoist Hongjun dare not be careless.

Don't look at the fact that Hongjun Daozu is now devouring the origin of the heavenly realm and wants to seize the heavenly realm, but if this **** sees an opportunity to value his Yin-Yang Daoist, I am afraid he will not let it go. After all, to Hongjun, the origin of Yin-Yang Daoist is also huge. Temptation, if he can capture the origin of the Yin-Yang Daoist, it will also be of great help to his own cultivation, not to mention that the Yin-Yang Daoist still has a big secret, a big secret related to the time gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu has no reason to give up this secret temptation!

"In the end, I will hand over the authority of the chaotic world to you. If Hongjun dares to plot against me, you will use the origin of the chaotic world as a driving force to activate the world-destroying treasure, the 'Destruction of the World', and give him a fatal One blow will obliterate his source, I would really like to know if I am attacked by the source of extinction in the grinding mill, will I be locked in the catastrophe!"

For their own safety, the Yin-Yang Taoist also let go of all concerns, handed over the authority of his own chaotic world to the king of the end, and handed over the world-destroying treasure of 'Destruction of the World' to him to defend against Hongjun Daozu's sneak attack to protect his own safety, we must know that the existence of Hongjun Daozu is a big threat to Yin and Yang Daoists.

In fact, just as the clone of the King of the End said, Hongjun Daozu was devouring the origin of the heavens, and the Yin-Yang Daoist attacked the core of the origin of the prehistoric world. How could he not be aware of such a change, and he has never appeared, only One possibility is to watch the showdown in secret, wanting to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

When Hongjun Daozu wanted to plot against Yin-Yang Daoist, and wanted to seize the source of Yin-Yang Daoist, his heart palpitated, and his heart was warning him that if he did so, he would inevitably have life worries, but Hongjun Daozu I don't know where this threat came from, what kind of backhand does the Yin-Yang Taoist have to give him such a feeling.

If it is the world-destroying supernatural power, now the Taoist Yin-Yang is obviously doing his best to deal with the original will of the flooded world, and it is impossible to be distracted and plot against himself, and no matter how strong the world-annihilating supernatural power is, it is impossible to be contained by the core of the original source of the flooded world. In terms of their own safety, could it be said that this is a game, the Daoist Yin-Yang and the original will of the prehistoric world deliberately set up the game, the Daoist Yin-Yang has compromised with the original will of the prehistoric world, or that they have reached some kind of agreement and want to introduce themselves into the game , once I make a plot against the Yin-Yang Taoist, I will fall into the trap they carefully arranged, I will face the crazy strangulation of these two bastards, and only with the strength of the two of them can I have a chance to threaten my life!

"Insidious, these two **** are too insidious, and they set such a trap. If it wasn't for the mental warning, I'm afraid that I would really be plotted by them and pulled into a desperate situation. These two **** put the whole All beings in the prehistoric desolation have been deceived, and even the original will of the ancient star field has not seen their conspiracy, these two **** played really well!"

In an instant, Daozu Hongjun thought of a conspiracy. Yang arrived at the Yin-Yang Daoist and cooperated with the original will of the prehistoric world to clean up himself, or even destroy himself directly in the prehistoric world. They do have such ability and motivation. Because their existence is a threat to them, and they have the power and secrets they want. As one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons in the past, he has the secrets of the chaotic gods and demons. For the original will of the prehistoric world, and the yin and yang Taoists, this is a huge temptation, a temptation that is hard to let go!

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