God of Destruction

Chapter 4728: festival anger

Chapter 4734 Anger

"Damn, you two bastards, don't let me seize the opportunity, or I will teach you a profound lesson and let you know that I, Hongjun, are not scheming. Don't intervene and see what you can do to me, do you dare to give me a fight in the heavens!" Daozu Hongjun, who thinks he has seen the origin of the Taoist Yin-Yang and the will of the prehistoric world, cursed the Daoist Yin-Yang and the origin will of the prehistoric world in his heart. Shameless, in fact, he didn't know that he thought too much, maybe it was because Daozu Hongjun had too many calculations in his heart, so he instinctively believed that the Taoist Yin-Yang and the origin of the prehistoric world were the same, and that Daoist Yin-Yang and the origin of the prehistoric world were the same. The will wants to destroy itself before laying such a trap.

"Hongjun, if you want to master the heaven, first help me suppress the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, otherwise you will have no chance to seize the authority of the heaven, the origin of the prehistoric world will be damaged, and the heaven will no longer be perfect!" In an instant, the origin of the prehistoric world will I thought of Hongjun Daozu, and at this time, only Hongjun Daozu can stop Yin-Yang Daoist and resolve this crisis!

"Bastard, you really think I'm stupid, using such ridiculous means to plot against me, am I really that stupid, stop dreaming, I've seen through your conspiracy long ago, and it's impossible for me to throw myself into the net!" When hearing the request for help from the original will of the prehistoric world, the ancestors of Hongjun Dao couldn't help but sneer and despise the original will of the prehistoric world.

As time passed little by little, Daozu Hongjun did not move at all, which made the heart of the origin of the prehistoric world extremely annoyed, and he had already compromised, taking the authority of the heavens as an exchange condition, the **** Hongjun still refused. , This is playing the face of the original will of the Honghuang world, making it hate Hongjun's ruthlessness and stupidity even more in his heart!

"Bastard, don't fall into my hands, you bastard, or I will make you pay a heavy price for this!" The origin of the world of Honghuang cursed in his heart, but no matter how much he scolded Daozu Hongjun Using it will not solve the problem. The current situation is very unfavorable to the original will of the flooded world.

"It's now, break it for me!" When the will of the origin of the prehistoric world was distracted, Taoist Yin-Yang immediately noticed the change, and immediately attacked with all his strength, directly tearing open the defense of the origin of the prehistoric world, making the origin of the world go crazy. Influx into the source core of the prehistoric world, erode the source power of the prehistoric world, and fundamentally attack the enemy!

"Damn Yin-Yang Daoist, he actually broke my defense!" When he felt the erosion of the origin of the world, the will of the origin of the prehistoric world was completely shocked. This was the result he didn't expect. He didn't expect that the Daoist Yin-Yang would be so terrifying. It only took such a small amount of time to tear open his own defense and directly attack the core of the origin of the world!

"Hehe, it's so good, you've even used such a method. It seems that you two **** are determined to kill me. You can do such a ghost trick, but unfortunately I won't be fooled. Those who have been deceived, play your own!" When he saw that the core defense of the prehistoric world was torn apart by Taoist Yin-Yang in an instant, Daozu Hongjun believed that this was a conspiracy, or else he would use the power of the original will of the prehistoric world. How could there be no strong resistance to the attack of Yin-Yang Daoist people? The only explanation is that this is a trap. It is a trap to lead yourself into the game. If you step into it, you will die!

Daozu Hongjun doesn't think he has the ability to resist the joint strangulation from Daoist Yin and Yang and the original will of the prehistoric world. Once he is caught in the situation, he will definitely die. Facing such a 'terrifying' calculation, Daozu Hongjun is even more He sneered again and again, and directly gave up the battle against Yin-Yang Daoist and the primordial will of the prehistoric world. In his heart, all of this was fake, just to calculate himself, just to lure himself into the game and let himself fall into their conspiracy!

If Daoist Yin Yang knew what Hongjun Daozu was thinking at this time, he would laugh at it. This is not a calculation at all. This is a real decisive battle. This is the best time for Hongjun to take action. Unfortunately, Hongjun Daozu will All of this is considered a calculation, and at this time, Hongjun Daozu did not dare to take the source of the heaven with all his strength. He was worried that if he took action at this time to seize the source of the heaven, he would be calculated by the yin and yang Taoists and the origin of the prehistoric world. attack.

In the opinion of Daozu Hongjun, if the Yin-Yang Daoist compromises with the will of the origin of the prehistoric world and lays a trap, he will fall into a desperate situation if he is careless. He does not think that these two **** only have superficial power, and now the origin of the world has been destroyed Erosion into the origin of the prehistoric world, although the surface is like this, the actual situation is unknown, but there is one thing Hongjun Daozu must be careful about, that is the origin of the world. If you continue to seize the origin of the heaven at this time, very It is easy for Hong Nylon Socks to use the method of shifting flowers and connecting trees to convert the source of the celestial world that he devoured into the source of world-annihilation, and let himself be affected by the catastrophe of the world-annihilation.

"These two **** are really crazy, this play is really too real, if I hadn't been careful, I would have fallen into the calculations of these two bastards, this method, this scheme is really terrible! People! The trust between people is directly broken by these two bastards, no one can believe it, or else they will fall into a dead end!"

At this time, Daozu Hongjun firmly believed that all this was just a conspiracy, it was the calculation of Taoist Yin and Yang and the original will of the prehistoric world. .

"Damn Hongjun, it seems that he can't count on him. This **** really ignores the origin of the prehistoric world and is eroded by the annihilation of the world, and he is determined not to participate in this battle. Could it be that he is so afraid of Yin and Yang? Daoist is a lunatic, what a terrible power there is in the yin and yang Daoist, so that Hongjun has to give in, I can't understand!" The heart of the origin of the world of Honghuang was shouting, he really couldn't understand the thoughts of Daozu Hongjun at this time, and he didn't understand Hongjun. Jun Daozu has nothing to be afraid of.

auzw.com For Hongjun Daozu, Yin-Yang Daoist is not scary, what is scary is the cooperation between Yin-Yang Daoist and the original will of the prehistoric world. The calculation between them is precisely because of Hongjun Daozu Thinking too much about things and thinking about everything in the worst direction, which caused the current misunderstanding, and it is an unsolvable misunderstanding. It's a trap, it's a conspiracy, and Tangan thought that all this was true, but he thought too much!

Powerhouses like Hongjun Daozu, if they identify a path, they will never make changes easily. In his view, this is a conspiracy and a trap, and they will not easily shake their thoughts unless all this breaks out. Prove that your guesses are wrong, otherwise Hongjun Daozu will not let his guard down and make changes!

"Slay me, the Great Dao of Yin and Yang is revealed, and Yin and Yang will cut the sky!" After tearing apart the defense of the origin core of the prehistoric world, when the calamity of heaven and earth poured into the origin core of the prehistoric world, the Taoist Yin and Yang did not hesitate, and directly used yin and yang. The Taoist evolved the power of supernatural powers, slashed to the core of the origin of the prehistoric world, and directly used the power of the Yin-Yang Dao to cut down a piece of the origin of the prehistoric world.

"You bastard, stop me, how dare you destroy the core of the origin of the world, you can't bear this cause and effect!" When he saw the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the origin of the prehistoric world was screaming wildly, trying his best to stop the Yin-Yang Daoist's actions , to prevent the Yin-Yang Taoist from seizing a piece of the world origin from the core of the primordial world, and to damage the core of the world!

When he heard the crazy cry of the original will of the prehistoric world, Hongjun's tired ancestor even sneered and said with disdain: "What a talent, even in this situation, he is still performing desperately, he still doesn't want to give up, he wants to lure me into the game. , With the ability of the madman of Yin-Yang Daoist, how could it be possible to break through the defense of the source core of the prehistoric world, and be able to smash the core of the source and seize the source of the prehistoric world, one party is in the source core of the prepared world, and even the Daoist Yin and Yang, a small Hunyuan Daluo Jinxiandu Can't stop it, you are lying to ghosts, how could such a ridiculous situation occur."

No matter how loud and angry the original will of the prehistoric world is, in the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, this is still just a fake, just a conspiracy, and he will never be deceived and will not participate in this war, so he still ignores it. The changes in the prehistoric world, ignoring the will of the origin of the prehistoric world for help, and it is precisely because of the miscalculation of Hongjun Daozu that the Yin-Yang Daoist was given an opportunity, so that the Yin-Yang Daoist could have the ability and have the opportunity to cut down a piece of the world's origin.

"Cut!" After confirming that Hongjun Dao still had no intention of doing it, the Yin-Yang Daoist no longer hesitated, and directly slashed down. The magical power of Yin-Yang Dao directly slashed to the source core of the prehistoric world, and the power of the terrifying Yin-Yang Dao directly The core of a small part of the world was cut off. At the moment when the core was cut off, the entire prehistoric world was shaking, the world was in turmoil, and the damage to the source core caused the whole world to fall into a huge turmoil, which made all living beings feel it. The breath of death!

"Damn, these two **** are still continuing to act, even the core of the origin of the prehistoric world can be given up, the origin of the prehistoric world will, you are really powerful, you dare to use such means, but unfortunately I will not be deceived! "

Yes, Hongjun Daozu will not be deceived and will not take action, and this Qiaqia gives Yin-Yang Daoist an opportunity. When he sees that there is no one or any force blocking him, Yin-Yang Daoist waved his hands and chopped off a piece of it. The power of the origin of the world is taken away, directly into the chaotic world of oneself, and the origin of this world is suppressed with the help of the power of the chaotic world.

"Hey, what's going on, the breath of the prehistoric world has weakened. Could it be that these two **** want to play really well, and dare to destroy the core of the origin of the prehistoric world, these two **** are too crazy, what kind of deal did they do? The will of the origin of the prehistoric world actually believes in the Yin-Yang Taoist so much, and is not afraid that the Yin-Yang Taoist will really swallow the origin of this world!"

At this time, Daozu Hongjun was a little worried in his heart, and felt that something was wrong, but he still did not suspect that he was wrong all along. In the real decisive battle, the reason why the original will of the prehistoric world is vulnerable is precisely because he has lost the protection of the three ways of heaven, earth and man, and without the power of the three ways of heaven, earth and man as a guardian, the defense of the original core of the prehistoric world is very weak, and the hole shape is very weak. It is because of this that the Yin-Yang Daoist can so easily cut off a piece of the origin of the prehistoric world!

When the origin of the prehistoric world was cut off, the whole prehistoric world was shaken. All living beings could feel the sorrow from the origin of the prehistoric world, and they could feel the unease from the depths of their hearts, but they were powerless to stop this. everything.

I still haven't seen Daozu Hongjun make a move. At this time, the original will of the prehistoric world is completely disappointed with him, and I no longer have any illusions. Facing the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, I can only rely on my own strength, and no one can be trusted. Because the core of the origin of the prehistoric world was damaged, the origin of the prehistoric world also completely hated Hongjun Daozu. In his opinion, Hongjun Daozu was more hateful than Yin-Yang Daoist. The madman of Yin-Yang Daoist was originally a madman, and he did everything. The lunatic who came out, it is normal for him to attack the core of the origin of the prehistoric world, but Hong Junyi should not ignore all this.

"Hongjun, since you want to take advantage of the fisherman, I will fulfill you. If you want me and the Yin-Yang Taoist to lose both, you can't think about it, move flowers and trees, connect the roots, and swallow them!" In an instant, the original will of the prehistoric world was made. An even crazier move, directly connecting the core of the origin of the prehistoric world with the origin of the celestial world, and directly swallowing the origin of the celestial world to restore the damage of the origin of the prehistoric world!

"Damn, all of this is really a conspiracy. The will of the origin of the prehistoric world finally couldn't bear to take action against me, and it directly swallowed the origin of the heaven. It seems that what I think is right, you two **** are the heart of my death. Ah, cut it off for me!" Feeling the loss of the origin of the heavenly world, Daozu Hongjun did not hesitate at all, and directly slashed at the power of the origin of the prehistoric world, directly cut off the tentacles of the prehistoric world, and did not give it a chance to continue to devour the origin of the heavenly world. !

However, Daozu Hongjun did not fight back. He was worried about the Daoist Yin and Yang, and worried that if he launched a counterattack against the original will of the prehistoric world, he would give the Daoist Yin and Yang a chance to plot against him. I am afraid that I will be cut off by the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist, and my plans will be shattered!

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