God of Destruction

Chapter 4729: robbery

Chapter four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five

"These two **** really have a tacit understanding. This method is one set after another. If it is replaced by someone else, I'm afraid that these two **** will really conspire. It's just that you are too arrogant and self-righteous, thinking that Can such a method stop me, ridiculous, stupid, let you see how powerful I am, the three thousand avenues are condensed, the seal of origin is now!" With the deep shout of Daozu Hongjun, a terrible burst of terrifying bursts in the origin of the heavens This is the backhand of Hongjun Daozu, who directly sealed the origin of the heaven with the power of the three thousand avenues, so that the will of the origin of the prehistoric world could no longer seize the origin of the heaven and let the heaven be free from the influence of the prehistoric world, although the heaven is not independent Existed, but now the connection with the prehistoric world is the weakest!

"Damn, Hongjun really didn't follow his good intentions. No wonder he can ignore the Yin-Yang Daoist attack on the core of the primordial world. He wants to separate the heavens and the heavens from the primordial world. It's a sinister calculation. I don't want to. It will make his conspiracy succeed, and wanting to take it from me is delusional, you **** must pay a heavy price!"

The primordial will of the prehistoric world who hated Shang Hongjun Daozu was cruel this time, and he wanted to teach Hongjun Daozu a profound lesson. It is not impossible to calculate Hongjun Daozu, it just has to pay some price. Under normal circumstances, he would not do this, but now it is different, because of repeated misunderstandings with Hongjun Daozu, the original will of the prehistoric world is Determined to make a big move.

When he saw that the heaven was sealed by Hongjun Daozu, Yin Yang Daoist couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. No matter why Hongjun Daozu did it, or he was trying to fight the heaven, he wanted to learn the way of heaven to split the heaven, or maybe it was to protect himself. , but not only under what circumstances, Hongjun Daozu's move completely made the Yin-Yang Daoist not have to worry about his threat!

"Open it for me!" With a deep shout, the Yin-Yang Taoist quickly gathered his breath and cut off the connection with the origin of the prehistoric world. Even the trace of the origin of the world-annihilation in the world-annihilating supernatural power that he broke out has not been withdrawn. The source is integrated into the calamity of the great calamity of the prehistoric world, and the time is limited. Daoists of Yin and Yang do not want to be targeted by the will of the source of the prehistoric world for this little bit of world-annihilation, and let themselves fall into a huge crisis.

After severing a piece of the world origin from the core of the primordial world, the Yin-Yang Taoist quickly eliminated the connection between himself and the primordial core of the primordial world, and directly retreated! In the eyes of Daoist Yin and Yang, the reaction of Daozu Hongjun now really stimulates the original will of the prehistoric world. Even the Dao of Heaven has not been able to complete the feat of splitting the heavens. How could the original will of the prehistoric world allow Daozu Hongjun to do this? See you now It’s the right way to retreat with this source of flood and desolation!

"Hey, the madman of Yin-Yang Daoist actually stopped. Could it be that this madman has encountered a crisis, or that he has cut down the origin of the prehistoric world and forcibly seized this trace of origin power and suffered the backlash from the origin of the world?" When the retreat was so fast and so decisive, the source will of the prehistoric world couldn't help but be puzzled. This was a huge gap from the previous behavior of the Yin-Yang Daoist, so he couldn't help but wonder if the Yin-Yang Daoist had a problem himself!

It's just that the original will of the prehistoric world gave up its attention to the Yin-Yang Daoist. Just as the Yin-Yang Daoist thought, not even the Dao of Heaven did the feat of splitting the heavens. How could Hongjun Daozu Yang do this? They have all failed in cooperation. Now there is only one Taoist Hongjun. The most important thing is that the Taoist Yin and Yang have also withdrawn. The external threat of the original will of the prehistoric world no longer exists, even if the retreat of Taoist Yin and Yang is only temporary, right It is also a good thing for the original will of the prehistoric world, and you can devote yourself to the attack on Hongjun Daozu!

"Damn Hongjun, when you pay the price, you want to take advantage of the fire and take advantage of the yin and yang Taoist to seize the heaven. It's ridiculous, how can you never think that the yin and yang Taoist will suddenly stop, let you now This **** has suffered the impact of the origin of the world, and let you know how tragic it is to be an enemy of the world! Move flowers and trees, the origin is connected, and the aura of world extinction is transferred!" With the sound of the original will of the prehistoric world, the madness poured into the prehistoric world. The world-destroying origin in the core of the origin of the world is guided to the origin of the heavens, even if it is sealed by the ancestors of Hongjun, it cannot stop this terrible means of the origin of the prehistoric world. As the master of the world, as long as the origin of the prehistoric world The will is willing to pay the price, and it can be done.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to let Hongjun go from the position of the original will of the prehistoric world. The villain Hongjun thinks that he can take advantage of the fisherman and take advantage of the fire, but he can only say that he thinks too much, how can he be in vain without paying the price? The benefits, now is the time for you to pay the price, I hope you can block the crazy counterattack of the original will of the prehistoric world!"

When he saw the primordial will of the prehistoric world launch a counterattack against the heaven, a faint smile appeared in the yin and yang Taoist. All this was really the result he wanted. This captured a share of the origin of the world, without worrying about the counterattack of the will of the origin of the prehistoric world! Everything is carried by Hongjun Daozu. Whether Hongjun Daozu is willing to accept it or not, this is inevitable. Who made him touch the bottom line of the original will of the prehistoric world.

Although Daozu Hongjun has always been in the dark, observing the general trend of the prehistoric world, he has not seen the original will of the prehistoric world, but the Yin-Yang Daoist has done it. For the origin of the prehistoric world, everything can be put down. Ignore it, but there is one thing that cannot be done, and that is the act of splitting. The failure of Tiandao and Humanity to join forces is enough to show its importance, and now Hongjun Daozu is deliberately splitting the heavens. How can this be accepted by the original will of the prehistoric world!

If Hongjun Daozu had seen through the essence of the original will of the prehistoric world, he would not have misunderstood and made this wrong decision, and it was this wrong decision that made him fall into a crisis. Under the manipulation, an endless stream of world-destroying aura poured into the origin of the heavenly world, eroding the origin of the heavenly world. It was only for a short time that the origin of the heavenly world was shrouded in the world-destroying calamity, and Hongjun Daozu was instantly caught in a dilemma!


"The original will of the damned prehistoric world, I know that you are uneasy and kind, and I know that all this is a conspiracy between you and the madman of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and now all this is finally exposed, how could the madman of the Yin-Yang Daoist be repelled by you, and The retreat is so neat, all this is just to plot against me, no wonder you have to make such a big move before, it is just for this moment, so that the Yin-Yang Daoist can have enough time to condense enough sources of world extinction, and then by You **** poured these world-destroying sources into the heaven, eroded my source, and made me a chess piece in this world-destroying catastrophe, or even a person who should be robbed of the world-destroying catastrophe. You are so vicious. !"

In the face of such a shocking change, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help ripping off Daoist Yin-Yang and the original will of the prehistoric world, believing that all this was just a conspiracy, and calculated his own conspiracy, and now that the enemy's plan has succeeded, he was accidentally tricked by them. Now, the origin of the heaven is being eroded little by little by the origin of the world. Once the origin of the heaven is completely eroded, you will inevitably fall into the conspiracy of the world-annihilation, and will inevitably become a **** in response to the calamity.

main idea? Is it really mean? No, the mistake made by Daozu Hongjun was not due to his own carelessness, but from the very beginning, he had misunderstood the origin will of the prehistoric world and Daoist Yin and Yang, and made a wrong decision, it was precisely because of this wrong decision that Step by step, he fell into such an embarrassing situation, advancing and retreating.

To fight back, Daozu Hongjun really wanted to fight back against the original will of the prehistoric world, but he couldn't do it. The influx of such an incessant source of extinction seriously affected the layout of the heavens, even if he had his own original seal, it would also block it. Without the erosion from the origin of the world, as long as you can't solve this situation, it will be difficult to get out.

Unwilling, Hongjun Daozu has endless unwillingness in his heart, but it is a pity that now he is wrong, and he is unable to return to the sky. Even if there is a seal of origin, it cannot stop the erosion from the calamity of heaven and earth, unless it can be forced now. The will of the origin of the prehistoric world has to let go, or let the sky above the yin and yang stop, stop the calamity of the evolution of this heaven and earth catastrophe, so that the origin of the heaven will no longer suffer from the erosion of the origin of the world, and this is obviously difficult to do. arrive.

For all sentient beings in the prehistoric wilderness, this battle has changed again and again, so that they have no time to react, so it has become so unbearable. It was originally a duel between the yin and yang Taoist and the original will of the prehistoric world, but in a blink of an eye it became The original will of the prehistoric world is aimed at Hongjun Daozu in the heavens. As long as the heaven and earth calamity cannot be removed from the origin of the heavens, it will be a disaster for Hongjun Daozu. The natural and man-made disasters that must be eliminated. Heaven is bound to fall into desperation!

"What's wrong, such a change happened in an instant, the source of the heavens suffered such a terrifying impact, if we don't clear the world-annihilating aura entangled in the source of the heavens, no one can use the source of the heavens, and even if we enter the heavenly world The Xiaoqian Worlds left behind by the Chaos Gods and Demons are in danger, how should we face them!"

"How to deal with it, for us 'ants', we can only give up. Is it possible that you still want to participate in the war between the original will of the prehistoric world and Hongjun Daozu, for those of us, in front of them are just ' Ants', don't think that you used to be a saint of the Tao of Heaven before, but that was just a false name. Now even the Tao of Heaven has disappeared from the prehistoric world. What qualifications do we, the saints of the Tao of Heaven, have to face such a disaster? Give it up, no matter what. What thoughts and calculations do you have in your heart, you can only give up at this time, unless you are willing to face death and destruction!"

Facing this sudden crisis, the former saints of the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world could not help discussing countermeasures in secret. For them, the Xiaoqian World left by the gods and demons in the celestial realm is very tempting. After all, they used to both For the saints of heaven, they have a little understanding of the heavens, but now they have to give up. In front of their own lives, this little benefit is not enough for them to sacrifice their lives to fight, not to mention that a little mistake will become a prehistoric world. Victims of the battle between Yuanyuan Will and Hongjun Daozu will be directly plunged into the abyss of eternal redemption, and there will be no chance to come back!

At this time, it is not only the living beings in the prehistoric world who are shocked, but also the original will of the ancient star field. It is also shocked by this sudden change, and I don't understand why such an amazing change happened in a flash. , Daoist Yin-Yang compromised with the original will of the prehistoric world, and the power drawn by the world-destroying magical powers condensed by Daoist Yin-Yang was manipulated by the original will of the prehistoric world to launch an attack on the celestial realm and attacked Daozu Hongjun greatly. Could it be that the two of them joined forces? already?

Yes, at this time, the original will of the ancient star field also has such an idea. After all, all this is too unreasonable and crazy. Not only is Hongjun Daozu who has doubts, but also the original will of the ancient star field. It seems to them that only this one explanation can explain everything, but now all this is just suspicion, and they can't make a decision.

In fact, when there is such doubt in the heart, the original will of the ancient star field is full of fear, afraid that the original will of the prehistoric world and the yin and yang Daoist will attack him in the next moment. You must know that once the Hongjun Daozu falls, they are the biggest The enemy of his became his own existence in the prehistoric world. In the face of the terrifying attack on the origin of the world, the origin of the ancient star field has no confidence to resist it, especially the lunatic existence of the Yin-Yang Daoist.

Expel the Yin-Yang Taoist? In an instant, such an idea was born in the heart of the original will of the ancient star field, but this idea was quickly pressed by him. He knows how crazy the Yin-Yang Daoist is. If this madman is angered at this time, A person who is not careful will become the target of a lunatic. Before he is not fully capable of resisting the attack from the Yin-Yang Daoist, the original will of the ancient star field will not anger this lunatic and let himself fall into crisis!

This is the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the catastrophe of the world. Although I have a little bit of information left by the origin of the stars and gods in my heart, this information is not enough to let me truly understand the relationship between the three thousand chaotic gods and demons and Pangu. What arrangements have been made, or what preparations have been made.

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