God of Destruction

Chapter 4730: Festival borrowed a knife to kill

The fourth chapter of the seven hundred and three chapters

"No, I can't anger this lunatic, this is a dangerous lunatic, he really has to let the evil in his heart break out, the consequences will be unimaginable, it has not yet reached this stage, and this lunatic has no reason to calculate the ancient star field, the reason why Hongjun Will be considered, or he is too greedy, want to capture the heavens, and if you want to separate the heavens, this is suffering from the anti-World's own obstacles, there will be this amazing changing, even if Hong Yin falls, as long as the yin and yang Daoist, the madman, is still there, the will of the origin of the prehistoric world will not attack me, and the same yin and yang daoist will not attack me. If this lunatic really wants to take my origin, he has already taken action, and there is no need to wait until now! "

Soon, the ancient star nominal will wake up, although he did not see the essence of this drama, but he understood whether Hong Yuli is dead, it will not affect its own safety, Yin Yang Taoist and flood world. Will is an enemy by nature, but now that there is a common enemy, Hongjun Daozu, they will 'jointly' strangle, and when there is no such enemy, the contradiction between them will break out in an all-round way, and naturally there will be no threat to the ancient star. domain capabilities.

In fact, in the future of the ancient star field, there is no worthy of the Yinyang people, if you want to plunder the native world, there are more people in the three rings, if you say The origin of the world, the strongest is still the prehistoric world, not the ancient star field. Although the ancient star field has endured many small thousands of worlds, the source is not so powerful, and it is not worth the Yin-Yang Taoist waste of energy to calculate, the price paid is far more than the gain need more!

"Come on, let these **** continue to make trouble, no matter what calculations or ideas they have, they will eventually end because of the disappearance of the enemy, and the annihilation of the world may be delayed because of their madness. With the hands of Daoist Yin-Yang, the world-destroying calamity of the entire prehistoric world is transferred to the source of the heavens, allowing the heavens to bear all the calamities of heaven and earth, greatly reducing the crisis in other areas, which is more conducive to delaying the calamity of heaven and earth!" Quick, the original will of the ancient star field has found a good excuse for himself, a good idea, no longer pay attention to this amazing change!

Indeed, for the original will of the ancient star field, as long as this crisis does not threaten its own safety, it is not worth paying attention to, and you can wait and see the changes, and the longer this duel drags on, the more beneficial it will be to the prehistoric world. The outbreak of the robbery of the heavens and the earth will be delayed. Hong Yaozu wants to get rid of the crisis, there is only one choice, do everything to eliminate the source of the sky is the world's death, as long as the destruction The calamity of the world was wiped out little by little, which naturally delayed the outbreak of the catastrophe, but I just don't know how long Hongjun Daozu can last, and whether he can persist.

Yes, at this moment, the ancient star field will be a tool that Hong Yaozu is a tool that is an abrasive world. As long as Hong Yulao can stick to it, the whole world of the world will continue to be eaten, It will greatly delay the arrival of the world-destroying catastrophe, allowing you to have more preparation time and more opportunities!

"Using a knife to kill people, and using the deity's knife to kill Hongjun, is a great original will of the prehistoric world. It is no wonder that the tunnel did not hesitate to give up the title of the authentic and the world of the nether world. It seems that everyone underestimated the origin of the will of the prehistoric world. Strength, underestimated his mastery of the prehistoric world, and being able to transfer flowers and trees to transfer the calamity of heaven and earth into the source of the heavens, although this is because there is no existence of heaven, it still shows that the power of the origin will of the prehistoric world is powerful, and it is very important to the prehistoric world. The grasp of authority!"

The power of authority, the king of the end has also been exposed to, especially when he was the emperor of Yama, he naturally understands the power of authority, but now the primordial will of the prehistoric world can control the authority of heaven and humanity, and can transform the yin and yang Taoists into the world-destroying supernatural power. The power to guide from the origin of the prehistoric world to the origin of the celestial world is really powerful.

"Or the authority of the three ways of heaven, earth and man has never been perfected, whether it is the way of heaven, the way of humanity, or the way of the earth, and the real way has not really grasped the complete authority!" In an instant, the king of the end couldn't help but have such an idea in his heart, although this The idea is crazy, but the king of the end thinks it is very possible, because the power of the original will of the prehistoric world is too strange!

It is precisely because the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings have never mastered the complete authority of the world, so they cannot truly grasp the power of the three realms, and there is no way to separate the three realms from the prehistoric wasteland. Although this idea is a bit inconceivable, the king of the end thinks this is the truth. Perhaps since Pangu created the world, he did not give the three realms complete authority over the three realms, and the primordial will of the prehistoric world was to restrict their existence, not to give them the opportunity to escape from the prehistoric world, or to give them a chance to detach.

It is a pity that the original will of the prehistoric world has not been able to prevent the departure of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, but only to prevent them from dividing the three realms. Today, the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings have truly left the prehistoric world and entered the gate of the world to find them. freedom, look for the opportunity for them to get rid of the control of the prehistoric world, and make themselves truly independent!

For this change in the prehistoric world, for the calculation of the heavenly world from the original will of the prehistoric world, the king of the end has seen more and has new ideas about the prehistoric world. The secrets of the prehistoric world are far more than imagined, and These secrets may be the key to their own cultivation, and they are the cover for the power that the three thousand chaos gods and demons and Pangu seek.

Three thousand chaotic gods and Pangu are calculating, what is the bureau in the flood world? What is the ancient times? What is the three thousand chaotic gods? Although their goals are super off, It is to break free from the shackles of the Dao and open up their own Dao, but their needs will never be the same, and their needs are the key.

auzw.comAlthough the king of the end is thinking bit by bit, carefully studying everything he has seen in this change, but still can't find any useful clues, everything They are hidden in the fog, the king of the end also wants the ancient star field of the source, I feel that he may know what, but if you think about it, if you really have a secret, you will not know some secrets. As it is now, the three thousand chaotic gods and demons will not be stupid enough to let other creatures understand their secrets, especially the living beings in the heaven and earth nurtured by the prehistoric world, so the Yin-Yang Taoist believes in the origin of the ancient star field and the origin of those small thousand worlds swallowed by their own deity. It is the same, there is no secret of chaos gods and demons at all, all secrets have been cleared.

For the change of the heavens, the king of the termination is a little want to insert one hand. If you want to take the opportunity to let the world, you will feel the changes in the native of the heavens, just soon this thought is forcibly driven, this is not a common contest Instead, it is a concession of life and death. Although the king of ending is confident on his strength, but if you want to face Hong Yudu and flood world, his strength is still insufficient, and the king of the end can not guarantee When they showed themselves, the two **** would not turn around and target them. After all, they were the existence of the taboo and held the power of the taboo, an existence that none of them could accept.

At this time, intervening in the battle between Hongjun Daozu and the original will of the prehistoric world will only lead to a dead end. Don't look at the fact that these two **** are in a frantic duel. They can't kill each other, but they really have to intervene. For the first time, they will join hands to strangle the enemy, and then decide to fight again. For them, the unknown enemy is not allowed to exist.

"Forget it, don't have such crazy thoughts. I am not the deity, and I don't have the strength of the deity. The most important thing is that my origin and my true body are the result of the deity paying a huge price. If it is because of my own greed, Impulsive and damaged, the impact on the deity is too great, I do not have the ability of the deity, and now I will continue to hide, strengthen myself first, and wait until I have the power to regenerate from a drop of blood, and have inextinguishable magical powers, and then think about these Crazy ideas are not late! "

Under the terrible pressure from the outside world, the King of Ending still gave up the idea in his heart, and no longer had any idea about the showdown between Daozu Hongjun and the original will of the prehistoric world, even though there are huge benefits, but everything is still his own The life is more important. If you are in a desperate, you are killing, although there is abilities that you have the ability to resurrect themselves, you will need to consume more resources, which will seriously affect the practice of the present, and even interrupt the provenance of this respect.

It's not worth taking such a big risk just for the sake of a momentary impulse, for that little benefit. Although the temptation is amazing, no matter how big the temptation is, it is not as important as your own life. In this duel, you only need to quietly watch the battle in the dark, and understand your own way from the opponent's battle!

Under the guidance of the origin of the flood world, the death of the world is incorporated into the native of the Tianjie, and there is more changes in the native of the Tianjie, and there is more changes in the city. Next, one after another, the origin of the world-annihilation true talisman appears in the origin of the heavens. Each of these straight talismans is the manifestation of the world-annihilation catastrophe, and it is the source of the power of the world-annihilation avenue!

"How can it be like this, the death of the world can even condense the truth in the Tianjie. Is it that the world is not the surface is so simple? I know this secret, but why do I know nothing about the Great Dao of Destruction, and the deity who possesses the Treasure of Destruction doesn’t know anything?”

For such an abnormality, the king of the end is puzzled, but it is impossible for anyone to ask the reason. In the entire prehistoric world, perhaps only the original will of the prehistoric world and Hongjun Daozu, and even if In the face of such a crisis, Hong Hao Daozu has not given up the confrontation of the future of the world. It is still insisting that it is still counterattack. It is only the power of Hong Yulu.

"This is what is going on, Hong Yao's ancestors are also one of the three thousand chaotic gods. If you can't think so, he should not hide any secret, why do you face such a crisis, facing Under such pressure, he still doesn't want to attack with all his strength, what exactly is he trying to do, what is he covering up?"

The more observed the murder of Hong Kong Daozu and the Flood World of the Source of the World. The end of the Trinity is able to find more problems, and the emergence of these problems does not help but make some doubts in the heart of the end, let him vaguely Anxiety, Hongjun Daozhusong can hide secrets, even power, supernatural powers, etc., does the original will of the prehistoric world really reveal all its trump cards? I am afraid that it is not necessarily true, the original will of the prehistoric world also has hidden power.

Under such circumstances, it is not a good thing to face these two dangerous bastards. I am afraid that these two **** have their own ideas and calculations. Anyone who dares to take part in the war will surely perish. Dangerous, I can deeply feel the threat of these two bastards, the threat of death, maybe the nether world is not as safe as the deity thought.

The more you think everything go deep, the more you have an uneasy, although you have mastered the authority of the Nether World, but you are afraid that Rui is in the second world, you can't feel the heart, in the middle of the world There is a power that threatens his own life, and this power is likely to be in the hands of the original will of the prehistoric world, or the gate of the world!

Is there any danger of the Nether? Now the king of the end can't act rashly or expose himself. If his identity is exposed, the consequences will be disastrous. The king of the end doesn't think that if he shows up, the original will of the prehistoric world and the ancestors of Hongjun will not be able to detect the problem. Knowing their origin, once they know that they are the avatar of the deity, it may make the whole world-annihilation catastrophe break out into a more terrifying crisis, and make everything more terrifying.

In any case, your identity cannot be revealed. If you are not very sure, you can hide everything about yourself, and you can avoid anyone's detection. The King of End will not persuade lightly. This is not a trivial matter, and it is not only related to yourself. The life and death of the deity is also related to the practice of the deity. I can't put myself and the deity into a desperate situation because of a momentary carelessness. No matter what, they will fall into huge disasters and dangers. This is a consequence that the King of Ending is unwilling to bear, and a consequence that he cannot bear. No matter how good the opportunity is, no matter how much the interests are, they are not as important as themselves!

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