God of Destruction

Chapter 960: Festival fight

PS: Watch the exclusive story behind "Crazy God Xing Tian", listen to more suggestions from you, add friends-add-input, just tell me quietly!

The nine hundred and sixtieth challenge

The Grand Canyon, this time Xingtian and the others came to a Grand Canyon in the war city. This time Xingtian and the others came not many people, but only two to three million people, about one-tenth the number of people in that camp. , This is still added to the number of supervising teams, and among the two to three million people, about one-third of them are newly arrived cultivators, that is, those who have not participated in a war, all of them seem very impressive. The arrogance and excitement, as if they are the masters of the world, they are completely Yifutian boss, their second child, for such a person, Xing Tian and those who participated in a life and death battle are very disdainful. Because they all know that these people are cannon fodder, it is difficult to survive such war money.

For these newcomers ===3.==, no one reminds them what to do, because everyone is counting on these one-third of the newcomers to be cannon fodder to protect themselves from disasters. After all, dead friends do not die poor, let alone These newcomers are not even Daoists at all. It is a great thing to use them to protect themselves from disasters. With these one-third of the newcomers, Xing Tian and the others couldn't help but feel relieved. In a tone, I hate the **** of the Sky Cloud Sect. After all, this time the Sky Cloud Sect didn't push them on the road to absolutes, and gave them some cannon fodder. This is a very rare thing.

There are huge mineral veins in the Grand Canyon, and Zhen Yuanzi noticed this as soon as he set foot here. And Xing Tian also felt it, but when he arrived in the Grand Canyon. Xing Tian and the others clearly felt that there was still blood that hadn't dissipated here, and it was obvious that there had been a battle here not long ago. However, it seems that the human race has lost, because the orc army is guarding in this grand canyon. Although the number of opponents cannot be detected, everyone's mood has become extremely dignified. Everyone is not a fool. In the heavy mining area, the orcs definitely have a large army garrisoned, and the danger they have to face this time is not worse than the previous one, or even worse.

When I think of this. Xing Tian's expression became gloomy involuntarily, but fortunately, they did not go directly to the mining area, so they had not yet been attacked by the orc, and they finally had a little time to prepare.

Soon, everyone formed dozens or hundreds of teams according to their own wishes, and Xing Tian and the others gathered together. At this time, Xing Tian said in a deep voice, "Dear fellow daoists, this time only I'm afraid our situation is very dangerous. I thought it was a duel, but I didn't expect it to be a fortified battle. If we are all soldiers baptized by a great battle, then there is not much danger. But this time we were caught again. The **** of the Tianyun Sect are overcast, and one third of the recruits are in such a tough battle. I am afraid that they will become a fatal threat to us, once they are scared and retreat madly. Then our morale will be bound to be. It will be greatly reduced, and I don’t need to say what the result will be, everyone should understand!"

↓When Xingtian said. People’s faces became extremely pale in an instant. They were originally excited that these recruits acted as shields this time to prevent disasters for themselves, but in a blink of an eye these recruits turned out to be a hidden danger that threatened them. How about this? Can they not let them lose their minds and frighten them!

Si Ba Ke took a deep breath and said, "Friend Xingtian, we are all grasshoppers on a rope now. Please speak up if you have any solution. We will not object to it. After all, this is related to Our lives are alive and dead, if anyone dares to oppose, that would be an enemy of us, without you speaking, we will get rid of him!"...

Si Ba Ke's words were immediately recognized by everyone. All of them looked at Xing Tian eagerly, hoping to get Xing Tian's answer, so that they could have more life in this upcoming battle. After all, Xing Tian gave Their perception is very good. They believe that under Xingtian's command, most people can survive.

Seeing the eager gazes of the crowd, Xing Tian took a deep breath and said: "Now our only option is to take the initiative and take the initiative to give orders to the **** of the supervising team to separate from the others, so that we can It can avoid the shock that those recruits give us when they are defeated. Of course, this also means that we have to bear the pressure from the orc army alone. After all, the other side is on the defensive, with many defensive restrictions and assistance. Have an advantage over us, now everyone talks about how we should choose!"

As soon as Xing Tian’s words fell, the court fell into a silence. People were thinking about what they should do and whether they should listen to Xing Tian’s words and take the initiative to ask the supervising team to fight. After all, this is not a trivial matter, but rather It is related to their lives and deaths that they cannot be careless, so they are thinking carefully and repeatedly. For all this, Xing Tian is not in a hurry, and is quietly thinking about them.

After a while, some people woke up from the contemplation, and a trace of determination flashed in their eyes. It seemed that they had made a choice, but they did not speak. It is sitting there with the sobriety of other people. After all, this is not a matter of one or two people, but is related to the life and death of people.

"Hold it up, since Fellow Xingtian has spoken to this point, what else do we have to take into consideration? Everyone will give up their lives and fight, or fight with those rookies, and maybe they will be killed by these rookies. Even if Lao Tzu is about to die, he can only die on the charge, instead of being killed by those rookies who don’t know anything. No matter what, this time Lao Tzu originally intended to obey the instructions of fellow Xingtian!" Someone finally made it. After choosing and expressing his own aspirations, he is still willing to believe in Xing Tian compared to those rookies who attacked the camp of the orcs. After all, Xing Tian has proved his strength in the previous **** battle, so Xing Tian wants Much more reliable than those rookies.

"Yes, we believe in fellow Daoist Xingtian. We all intended to obey the command of fellow Daoists, didn’t we just take the initiative to ask for a fight. It’s not a big deal, anyway, it’s just a death. This way, we might be able to break a blood path. No matter how insidious the **** of Yunzong was that day, he had to give us a statement and reward us. What is our participation in this race war this time? It is not a reward. Don’t say that you are a race. Zhan, those ridiculous words can only deceive the group of stupid birds. Everyone knows what I’m thinking in my heart. If this is the case, why don’t we believe in fellow Xingtian once and make a **** road with fellow Xingtian!"

I have to say that Xing Tian’s strategy was successful, and his remarks quickly resonated. Instead of fighting with a group of rookies who don’t understand anything, it’s better to give up your life and make a **** path, even if that day. The people of Yunzong want to control them to death again. Don't dare to go too far, and you have to give them a statement that can give them a chance to breathe.

As the passionate words sounded, everyone soon reached a consensus. They are all willing to believe in Xing Tian, ​​willing to accept Xing Tian's command, and willing to ask the supervising teams of Tianyun Sect to take the initiative to fight. Use your own life to fight, use your own strength to smash a **** path of your own in this death battlefield. …

Under the crazy guidance of Xingtian. All of them did not hesitate, and immediately found the supervising teams of Tianyunzong. They asked the team to ask for a battle. When they heard Xingtian's request for a fight, the team of Tianyunzong couldn’t help being dumbfounded. They never thought that among these veterans, Xingtian and the others were so aggressive. The existence of dared to take the initiative to ask for a battle under this situation, which made it difficult for them to understand each of them. In their opinion, the actions of Xing Tian were completely self-defeating, and people were not optimistic that they could survive.


Although the task of the supervising team of the Tianyunzong is to command these people to die and use their power to consume the potential of the orc army, but when they see people like Xingtian and others who take the initiative to fight, they can’t help. He said, "Dear friends, I can understand your desire to fight for the race, but in this situation, the orc army occupies a favorable position. If you take the initiative to fight against the Unfortunately, one who is not careful will ruin his own life. I hope you can think about it carefully and don't make such a decision!"

I have to say that Xing Tian’s actions deceived all the members of the supervising team. For people like Xing Tian who originally intended to fight to the death for the race, they don’t want to be wasted in this way, and that is nothing to them. Good thing, so they couldn't help but persuade Xing Tian to give up such a fight! Of course, these people in the Superintendent Team of the Sky Cloud Sect were not very kind. The reason they did this was because they wanted to use good steel on the blade. They wanted to use Xingtian when the battle reached the most dangerous and critical time. The Earth'Silly Bird' took the initiative to fight and fight with the orc army.

When hearing the words of the Supervisory Team, Xing Tian said passionately: "Fighting for the race, we don’t hesitate to die. There is nothing more than the interests of the race. We are willing to die for the survival of the race, and we will not give up. Please also approve our request. We are willing to set an example for other daoists so that they can work with us to sacrifice themselves for the prosperity of the race at all costs!"

Good guy, these words of Xing Tian were really passionate to the extreme. The people in the supervising team who heard these words rolled their eyes involuntarily, and they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts: "Damn, what? There will be such a group of fools who are still so brainy. Can you **** really pity you for Lao Tzu? I don't want you **** to die too fast, and use you in the most dangerous places!"

Although they thought so in their hearts, the people in the supervising team did not dare to say anything. If they said it, the fun would be great, and it would make the entire camp turbulent, and everyone would furiously fight back against the Sky Cloud Sect. The consequences were not something they could afford, but they were still unwilling to let Xing Tian and the others play, and still wanted to persuade them.

Just listen, some people said: "Dear friends, we can understand your kindness, but you are all elites of my human race, and should be worthy of protection. Such trivial things should be done by those who have just entered the battlefield. You must raise your spirits first for the beginning of the final decisive battle. After all, only then will you be able to show your strength!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian and the others could not help cursing in their hearts: "Assholes. You **** really have no good intentions. You can really be a fool for Lao Tzu or a fool. It is really possible for Lao Tzu to fight for race, for race. And die? Lao Tzu is just talking about it at will. If you want Lao Tzu to die for the race and make your spring and autumn dreams, it is impossible to push Lao Tzu on the road to absolutes, and Lao Tzu will not be arranged by you!" …

Xing Tian's expression changed, and he roared angrily: "Assholes, you assholes, how can you do this. Those who are new to the battlefield don't understand anything. At this time, if you let them attack, isn't it driving them to the end? Have you ever thought about it, if they are allowed to take the initiative, once they are beaten down by the orc army, it will be a total collapse, then can you bear the responsibility, even if you can be responsible for it, but the race will lose? Who will make up for the benefits. We will not let you do this. This time we will take the initiative to let those who are on the battlefield understand the cruelty of battle, and let them understand what they have to face!"

Xing Tian's words fell. All the members of the Tianyun Zong Supervisor team couldn't help being annoyed by it, and they never thought that Xing Tian would say such a thing, it would be to such an extent. There is no way to collude with someone like Xing Tian. If they had to act according to their own intentions, then if they were not careful, they would irritate Xingtian. These lunatics at this level are afraid that everything can be done. Faced with such a situation, they have to give up their previous ideas and have to agree to Xing Tian's request.

"Well, since you insist on asking for a fight like this, then I have nothing to say. I hope you can win a battle and fight for the benefits of the race. Go!" The leader of the supervising team roared very annoyed. The expression is as cruel as he is, and he has already hated Xing Tian these two things in his heart.

Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "We fight for the race at all costs. Even if we cannot win, we will fight to the death. We will never lose a step back. Even if we die, we will die on the road of charging. We will fall on the way to defeat. There is no such thing as retreat in our lives. We are willing to use our lives to defend the interests of the race!"

Good guy, what a crazy word. This is like saying that he is a saint, who can be racially and voluntarily sacrificed. Unfortunately, Xing Tian said all these are just his one-sided words, in his heart His thoughts are completely contrary to what he said. They are not thinking about the interests of any race, but their own lives, the reason they say so, is completely trying to escape in this race war. That's it.

Regarding Xing Tian’s words, all those who followed him were convinced by him. They were all stunned by Xing Tian’s moving words. They all stood there stupidly and motionless. Stupid in the eyes of the supervising team, they all think that these people are lunatics, and their brains are abnormal. If they can know what these people are thinking, they will not make such an arrangement. , They would not agree with Xingtian's suggestion of asking for war.

In any case, Xing Tian's plan was successful. They succeeded in defrauding the approval of the supervising team of the Tianyun Sect, and they were free to play. It seems that their initiative to ask for a battle like this is a dead end, but in fact it is not. He died from the ground, and Xing Tian also laid an ambush for himself, but he said that he was willing to fight to the death for the race, even if he died, he would die on the way of charging, not on the way back. This gave him enough Room for maneuver.

If you die on the way to the charge, it is a battle, but you won’t retreat. If you put it well, you will never retreat. If you don’t say it well, you will have to stalk and spend time with the enemy, but those who supervise the team do I couldn't say anything, because Xing Tian had already expressed his intentions before, and his original intention was to fight to the death of the race and never retreat. In this way, Xing Tian had enough autonomy to allow himself a very safe retreat.

I have to say that Xing Tian’s arrangement is too powerful, and everyone else was shocked by Xing Tian’s arrangement. Those who came with him never thought that Xing Tian could make it in such a short time. With such a precise arrangement, after Xing Tian’s remarks, they no longer have doubts one by one. They all believe that Xing Tian can lead most of them to live. Of course, no one would think that Xing Tian can save them. Life, as to how many people will be lost in this battle, it is already under their consideration, because they all understand that if they are really lost in this battle, they can’t blame others, they can only blame His own fate is not good, not because Xing Tian is not strong, but because of his own destiny! I have to say that Xing Tian was able to pull so many people into his chariot in such a short time. This is something that many people cannot do. This fully demonstrates Xing Tian's ability! (...)

The nine hundred and sixtieth fight.

The nine hundred and sixtieth battle:

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