God of Destruction

Chapter 961: Festival collapse

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The 961th crash

For those who supervised the team, when they saw Xingtian and the others, an evil fire was involuntarily raised in their hearts. They wanted to kill the lunatics like Xingtian, but they did not dare to do it because they had no reason to do it. , So they didn't want to see Xingtian these lunatics, so they didn't even think about sending them away immediately. They didn't want to see Xingtian's crazy cheeks.

After Xing Tian and the others succeeded in getting the results they wanted, they all left quickly, but none of them were stupid, and they didn't show their true inner thoughts. There was only one appearance they showed, and that was momentum. Going back to his camp loftyly, put up a stance to fight the enemy?? 3W...

≮After returning to the camp, Si Ba Ke couldn’t help but said: “Friend Xingtian is clever, so we can finally have the initiative, and we can have more vitality in this battle of life and death. We must all be grateful to fellow daoists. Without fellow daoists, we are afraid we will all be killed here by the **** of the Sky Cloud Sect!"

↓At this point, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Friends of Daoism are serious. I am also self-protecting. There is nothing to be thankful for. After all, I don't want to be killed by those **** of Tianyun Sect, so this is just instinct!"

"No, you can't say that. If you don't have people like me, with the wisdom of Daoist Xingtian, you can think of other ways, and you don't need to work so hard. We all underestimated the viciousness of the **** of the Tianyun Sect. The **** has clearly made arrangements and wants to push us on the road to a dead end. If it weren’t for the help of a fellow Daoist, we people would have to die in this battle. They are really vicious. of!"

"Enough, I'm not talking about these things now, Fellow Xingtian, we have now got the consent of the **** in the supervising team. We can take the initiative to attack. I don't know what arrangements you have for this?"

↓At this point, Xing Tian nodded involuntarily. There are still people who can see the situation clearly and understand what should be paid attention to in this situation. Xing Tian took a deep breath and said: "I don't have much arrangement, only One requirement is to save your life, but while saving your life, be brave and fearless as much as possible. After all, we can’t let the **** who supervise the team see the flaws, and you must remember one requirement, that is no matter what. We can't beat the enemy back. We have to fight them continuously. Understand, it's a continuous battle, not an rush to end the battle!"

Enough for people sitting here. They weren't fools, after hearing Xing Tian's request. They all understood Xing Tian’s intentions, so they nodded and said, “Friends Xingtian, please rest assured. We understand what we should do. We will never miss the arrangements of fellow daoists, and we will not damage everyone’s lives. The battle will be more fierce. This is nothing, everyone can understand. After all, if you want to survive, you have to pay some price, or you can't hide the **** who supervise the team!"

In an instant, everyone understood Xingtian’s intentions. In Xingtian’s position, he was embarrassed to speak too clearly. After all, some things could not be explained, otherwise once there was a traitor among them, then The consequences are unimaginable, and people have to pay a heavy price for these, so some words can only be vague and understood by everyone, so that everyone can have a retreat, and they will not push themselves above the road. …

Xing Tian nodded and said, "It's fine if you can understand. Then everyone will arrange everything. After all preparations are made, we will act immediately. Time waits for no one. No one knows what will happen next. , If you attack earlier, everyone will have more chances. After all, anything can happen in this battlefield. If we take the initiative to attack, we can attract the attention of the orc army and take the lead!"

Xingtian’s arrangement is difficult for some people to understand. They don’t understand why the initiative can take the lead and attract the attention of the orc army, and in some people’s hearts they feel that doing so is completely self-defeating. I'm afraid it will cause the orcs to fight back insanely. In fact, it is not true that the orcs can take down the mines of the human race in one fell swoop. Of course, they are not fools. There are also wise men among them, so it is impossible for them to take the initiative to attack Xingtian And they counterattack with all their strength, even directly giving Xingtian a devastating counterattack, because they are worried that this is a conspiracy of the human army, in order to sacrifice a small number of people to attract their attention, waiting for them to cast all their power. In the presence of this small wave of people, the human army rushed into action again, giving them a devastating blow in one fell swoop, so when the orc army faced the challenge of Xing Tian and the others, it would definitely not invest much force. It's just equivalent to Xingtian and the others, at best it is slightly stronger than Xingtian and the others, and there will be no crushing forces and terrorist forces.

It is precisely because Xing Tian can calculate all this that he dared to make such a proactive choice. Xing Tian is not a fool, he will not make fun of his life, and the reason why he is so eager to take action is because he is worried about other things. When people see all this, they will take the first step. Those who are about to lose the initiative, and the consequences are not something they can afford. That's why Xing Tianfang asked those people like this.

After seeing Xingtian’s terrifying ability, no one would doubt Xingtian’s instinct. After receiving the order, the man acted frantically one by one. Soon everyone in their group gathered together and did not wait for other teams. When they reacted, they quickly left the camp to the direction of the orc army.

When they saw Xing Tian and the others advancing to the orc army, some people said disdainfully: "Look, there are really fools who choose to take the initiative. They don't want to rely on their strength. Wanting to break through the defenses of the orc army is really a group of fools who do not live and die. But this is good, we can use this opportunity to understand the strength of the orc army and prepare for the next battle!"

In the eyes of these people, Xingtian is a fool, but whoever is actually a fool is naturally not Xingtian, but they are self-righteous bastards. They think that Xingtian people are sending to death, but in Xingtian's eyes, those who are self-righteous The **** is going to destruction step by step. Xing Tian and the others seem to be in a very dangerous situation, but they can still see a glimmer of life anyway, but these self-righteous **** can't see any vitality in them. Their situation is very dangerous. It can be said that they have reached ten deaths. The point of birth.

Although the evil beast army did not show any excessive reaction to the appearance of the human army, it does not mean that they did not pay attention to the human army. When Xingtian and the others took the initiative to attack, the orc army immediately did something. Perceived, everything is just as Xing Tian thought. Regarding Xing Tian and the others' initiative, the orc army's first thought was that it was a conspiracy. Xing Tian and the others who took the initiative were completely abandoned sons of the human race, so they were used to attract them. …

auzw.com The leader of the orc army saw all this. He sneered disdainfully: "Those **** of the Human Race are really sinister. They treat us as fools. They think that the people who made this team will take the initiative to fight against us. They can attract our attention and be able to Let us make mistakes. What a ridiculous group of fools, don’t they want to attract our attention. Then we give him this opportunity. For the people in this team, don’t pay too much attention to them. These people are just bait. A small group of people are entangled with them, I want to see what tricks the human **** can do!"

The leader of this orc army didn’t know that his decision really fell into Xingtian’s calculations. His arrangement was in line with Xingtian’s intentions. All of this was what Xingtian expected, precisely because of him. This arrangement can give Xing Tian and his team a chance to survive this big game.

The orc army quickly reacted. A small group of orcs that was slightly stronger than Xingtian and his team attacked, and Xingtian and his team soon faced each other head-on, and then there was no surprise. There was a crazy battle of life and death between the two sides. Yes, it was a battle of life and death. They were all fighting each other frantically, each of them seemed extremely crazy. They wanted to fight the enemy to the death. But in this way Although they were all **** and **** during the battle, there was no death, but this scene was so tragic that people couldn't help but feel chilled.

Behind Xing Tian and the others, there is a small team of people who have been following them. They all want to use Xing Tian’s small team to understand the strength of the orc army. When they see Xing Tian, ​​they are frantically fighting with the orc army. During the battle, each of them couldn't help but shudder in their hearts, and they couldn't help but secretly said: "Asshole, the orc army is so crazy, if we face such a tragic battle, can we persist in this way? ?".

The answer is no. No one can persist in such a tragic battle. After seeing Xingtian and theirs, they were not only shocked by the crazy fighting of the orc army, but also by Xingtian and the others. In World War I, I was shocked by the unrelenting spirit, and couldn’t help sighing: “It’s a bunch of lunatics. We are really lucky to have such a bunch of crazy people to help. Fortunately, they will take the initiative to attack. Unpreparedly, start a war with the **** of the orc army, I'm afraid everyone will die!"

Such thoughts are not only those who followed Xingtian, but the **** of the Yunzong Supervisor team also had the same thoughts that day. They were all shocked by Xingtian’s crazy spirit, seeing Xingtian They fought to the death, and when they did not retreat, they couldn’t help but shudder one by one. In fact, they didn’t know that what they saw was only the appearance, but in fact it was not like this. It's tragic, but it's just appearance, it's false. If they regard all this as real, it can only be said that they are too stupid.

Only within a short period of time, the battlefield was stained red with blood. Although there was no death, the stumps were astonishing. Anyone who saw the scene would think it was a life and death battle, an endless life and death battle. No one would doubt that there is a conspiracy in this, perhaps it is a scene in itself.

I saw the battle between Xingtian and their team of orcs. That day, Yunzong’s supervising teams couldn’t help but have a gloomy face. The matter was much more serious than they thought. The orc army was stronger than they thought. They suddenly lost the confidence to be able to. Confront those orc army. …

"Boss, what should we do now, do we really have to launch an attack on the orc army? The orc army has shown more strength than we thought. I am afraid that there will be accidents. I care about the life and death of those people. I'm worried that those **** have no power to resist the orc army's counterattack. After all, they don't have the determination to fight to the death and never retreat from the lunatics of Xingtian. Once there is a big rout, we cannot afford the consequences!"

"I don’t know why you said so, but do you think we still have a choice? The above gave us a death order, we must retake this mining area anyway. If we avoid fighting, we will only end up There is a dead end. No matter how strong the orc is, we can only fight one battle. Now I don’t know the ferocity of the orc army, and while the hearts of the people have not broken up. We immediately launched an attack with help. With the vitality in the hearts of those rookies who have never been on the battlefield, they have given the orc army a crazy shock. Get enough opportunities for us!"

Ruthless, I have to say that the people in the supervising team of Tianyunzong are cruel and cruel. Begin to count those rookies who have not been on the battlefield, trying to use the blood in their hearts to fight the orcs. Give them the opportunity. If Xing Tian heard these supervising teams, they would surely sneer again and again. Sometimes the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Not everything will be in their grasp. Using that rookie as a forward may be possible to succeed. , Can inflict heavy damage on the enemy, but it is more likely to cause a big rout and suffer heavy damage.

Of course, Xing Tian and the others did not care too much about the external situation. At this time, Xing Tian and the others put their energy on the orc army who were at war with them, and they were working hard to do a good job that everyone could not see their true situation. Come and work hard to perform this big show without being seen through everything.

In fact, Xing Tian’s worry is unnecessary. Not only do they want to do well in this scene, but their opponents also want to do well in this scene, so they don’t need to worry about being dismantled by others, at least in a short time. This situation will not happen within, and soon the superintendent team of the Tianyunzong will issue an order for a full-scale decisive battle. After this order, they will be safe, and no one will pay attention to their existence. Up.

Under the arrangements of those supervising teams, the entire human race army soon, the millions of troops rushing to the entire orc camp like a tide, when the human race army’s attack was learned, the leader of the orc army was He said disdainfully: "I have seen it all. Humans are so ignorant. They always think why things are in their hands. In fact, it is just the result of their self-righteousness. Now they have finally revealed their tails. Now is the time. Give them a heavy blow to these bastards, order the army to guard the checkpoint and give those enemies a heavy blow. The human race knows how powerful we are!"

Following this order, the entire orc camp acted frantically, a powerful ban was fully opened, and the human army’s attack directly hit the iron wall. Their attack was suddenly hit. Blocking, those who acted as strikers are a group of rookies. Although they have a lot of blood, their mood is very fragile. After all, they have not experienced a real cruel blood battle, so when they start to charge, they can still Persevering, but over time, as the companions around them continued to fall down, their moods could not help but be broken, and they could not help but become afraid of such a **** battle.

When the heart of fear was alive, their attacks themselves were greatly affected. They couldn't help but have the idea of ​​wanting to retreat and escape. No one dared to do so at the beginning. They took care of it, but as time went by, as more and more people fell by their side, the hearts of those rookies finally collapsed. Suddenly someone took the initiative and fled, and when someone made Such a move immediately affected people, and the worst aspect finally appeared, which made the supervising teams feel heavy.

"Charge Laozi, if anyone dares to take a step back, there is only one dead end. People will go back to fight as many times as they dare to escape, and there will only be one end that is dead!" Under such circumstances, the **** who supervised the team did not have the slightest bit of himself. He was soft, and immediately killed those who retreated and wanted to escape. They wanted to use such killing methods to force those rookies to turn their heads and fight to the death with the orc army, but the more they were like this, the more results they got. It's the opposite. (...)

The 961th collapsed.

The 961st collapse:

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