God of Destruction

Chapter 984: Section permissions

Shocked, extremely shocked, Xing Tian never imagined that there is such a terrifying ability in this universe, and he can create such a shocking thing. This thing seems to be the network before he travels through time and space. When he saw such a situation, how could he not let Xing Tian be shocked and shocked?

Seeing that shock flashed across Xing Tian and their faces, the people who led Xing Tian and them smiled indifferently and said: "Everyone feels shocked. In fact, no one has come to this **** space for the first time. If you have such a feeling, you must know that this **** space was created by the great master of the era. It is said that the master of the era built such a powerful virtual world based on the ability of three thousand ancient gods and demons!"

When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but ask: "Oh, this **** space is actually related to those three thousand ancient gods and demons. I don't know what it has to do with it. Why don't we feel it?"

Xing Tian’s question made these leading people feel a little embarrassed, and they smiled embarrassedly: “How can such a secret be known to a small person like us? Maybe this secret is only the Lord of Epoch. There are also those powerful **** emperors that can only know. For us, it is only a little bit of rumors. Naturally, we don't know anything in detail, so let everyone down!"

In fact, Xing Tian did not expect to be able to learn the secrets of this divine space from the mouths of those leading the way. As these people said, if they and these little people can know the secrets of this divine space, then this divine space is only afraid It has long been broken by the hostile strength of human civilization, and it is impossible to exist. After all, there is such a space for gods. It is of great help to the development of the race.

A little bit Xing Tian was wrong. In his heart, he felt that the **** space of human civilization is a unique technology, but it is not. Every powerful race has such a technology. It can be said that as long as there is a master of the era, they can all Creating such a divine space can help your race develop and grow, and the secrets of this divine space can only be mastered by the masters of the era. Others cannot do it. After all, the laws involved are that. Very powerful. Only the Lord of Era can withstand the backlash from the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

Xingtian and the others are all looking at the many shops of the two emperors in the street, where the treasures of heaven and earth, the weapon of the magic weapon. There are so many treasures that there are everything, the types are extremely wide, and there are even custom-made businesses here. When Xingtian saw all this, he seemed to have returned to the original world. He couldn't help but recall whether he was there. The world through time and space. A faint sorrow flashed in his heart! but. Fortunately, Xingtian's state of mind soon woke up from the sorrow, after all, people have to look forward. What he is chasing now is the supreme pinnacle, the lord of that era. Will not be shaken by external forces, will not be changed by the momentary mood fluctuations.

Xing Tian stabilized his state of mind, and then said, "Let's go. Let's go in and take a look and see!"

In fact, many people want to know something, but they don’t want to speak, they are worried that they will be looked down upon by others. The most important thing is that they don’t have anything as a bargaining chip, so even if they are all very tempted and eager. I went in for some experience, but didn't say anything, I tried my best to restrain my mood.

However, when Xing Tian spoke, they were all relieved, so they went to a refining pavilion with Xing Tian, ​​although the owner of that refining pavilion could clearly see the origins of Xingtian and the others, knowing that they are all They are the geniuses of this year, and there can be no bargaining chips in them, but the other party is still eagerly receiving Xingtian and the others. You must know that even though Xingtian and the others are poor now, they are geniuses cultivated vigorously as human civilization. These people will become the pillars of the human race in the future, so they will not easily offend these geniuses like Xing Tian. …

"Oh, guest officer, what do you all want to buy?" The shopkeeper said to Xing Tian and the others with a smile of joy. He could not see the slightest contempt on his face, only a sincere smile.

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Let’s see, we have a long experience, and the shopkeeper doesn’t need to care about us." Xing Tian didn’t say anything false. He bluntly stated his purpose without any concealment or cover-up. Said that he could not commit such a small thing and do that hypocritical thing.

When he heard Xing Tian’s straightforward words, the treasurer was shocked in his heart. Being able to do this is not what ordinary people can do, especially Xing Tian and the others are all cultivated by human civilization. All geniuses are naturally arrogant, it is difficult to put down their face and say such words.

Although there was an immense shock in his heart, the shopkeeper's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said: "You guys, please feel free to watch, don't care, you can come to my store, that's fate, you don't need to be restrained!"

Xingtian and the others are very poor now, but it does not mean that they will be poor in the future. As a businessman, this shopkeeper naturally understands this. If you pay Xingtian these geniuses now, maybe you will give yourself more opportunities in the future!

Seeing that there was no change in Xing Tian's expressions, the shopkeeper said again: "You are all the geniuses of this generation of human civilization? It is the first time to come to this divine space, right?"

Regarding the shopkeeper’s inquiry, Xing Tian didn’t conceal it, and said in response: “Yes. We are all in this divine space for the first time and are not very familiar with everything here.” Regarding his own situation, Xing Tian felt that there was no need to conceal it. Because besides these people, there are already many geniuses and imaginary spaces, and Xing Tian believes that from the eyes of the shopkeeper, they can naturally see the origins of these people, so such inquiry is just a confirmation.

The shopkeeper sighed and said: "That's right, only in this way can you get into this **** space with this level of strength." When he said this, the shopkeeper stopped, and then said, "Do you know something? In this space of gods, there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and it can be said that the earl is walking around. The gods are not as good as dogs. Only the **** king can shake. But it is so difficult to become the **** king. There are nine hundred thousand miles above the Tianshan Mountain. Divided into nine areas, the first area has different gaps, but now we are only at the foot of the mountain, and the gods can live on the fourth area. The higher the residence, the more among the ethnic groups. The higher the status. For those of us who live at the foot of the mountain and cannot even enter the first ring, that is countless. For those of us who want to get out of the world. Then we have to have some food to eat. Ability."

The shopkeeper said very bitterly, but Xing Tian nodded his head to understand this situation. In fact, the reality is so cruel, just like their geniuses. Everyone gets different. If you want to get more and get the vigorous cultivation of human civilization, then you have to show that you have this value. . Otherwise, all that goes away. So Xing Tian naturally understood the words of the shopkeeper.

When he saw that his words were approved by Xing Tian, ​​a smile flashed across the face of the shopkeeper. You must know that there are very few geniuses who can recognize him like Xing Tian, ​​although he has also received many geniuses. Those geniuses seem to understand themselves very well on the surface, but in their bones they all look down on him, but in Xing Tian's body, the treasurer feels sincerity.

For Xing Tian. He never feels that his identity is more noble than this shopkeeper. He is just a person in the middle of the heaven. Even if he has a little talent, but does not have a genius to grow up, there is nothing worth it. Proud, they may fall away, so Xingtian's mentality is very calm, and this is something that many geniuses can't do, because they don't have Xingtian's many experiences. …

"For those of us with ordinary talents, and want the first few links, there is only one choice, and that is to achieve dazzling achievements in other professions. I am a master craftsman who can refine the seventh rank. It is precisely for this reason that I can cultivate to this point, but after being absorbed into the center of human civilization, after obtaining the God Ring, I discovered that a master refiner like myself is not even considered in human civilization. What, at the core of human civilization, the real favorite is the refiner above the refiner, who can upgrade the ninth rank to the ancient treasure. Therefore, as an apprentice, I worshipped a refiner. Under the master's sect, learn the method of refining tools." The shopkeeper told Xing Tian with half emotion, his expression was full of vicissitudes of life.

auzw.com Although these remarks sound nothing, they are very common, but this is a reminder from the shopkeeper to Xing Tian that Xing Tian can be in this divine space, even in humans There are few detours in civilization. Others want to know this, but the shopkeeper is not willing to say it. After all, this is his experience.

Among the people of Xing Tian, ​​only a few people, such as Xing Tian, ​​Tongtian Hierarch, Xuanming Zuwu, and so on, took this treasurer’s words in their hearts, and most of them did not regard it as the same thing. His eyes were looking at the many magic weapons in this refining pavilion, and he didn't treat this shopkeeper as the same thing.

After a while, Xing Tian and the others walked out of this refining pavilion. Walking on the road, Xing Tian felt a lot in his heart, so he asked the person who led the way specifically for himself: "Kongming, you are also like that. Is the situation the same as the shopkeeper?"

Kongming shook his head and said: "The subordinates are not. The ancestors of the subordinates were once the elites of human civilization, but they have fallen. After the ancestors fell, we waited for the descendants to be taken care of by the upper echelons of human civilization. He has no talent for cultivation, but he has always received relevant training since he was a child. Therefore, his subordinates are proficient in many auxiliary abilities and can serve His Highness the best. His Highness can focus on cultivation."

It’s not just Kongming, but those who lead the way for many geniuses. In fact, these people are the stewards that the high-level human civilization has given Xing Tian and their geniuses, so that Xing Tian and the geniuses can devote their energy to cultivation. Without distracting him, he can practice with all his strength!

When he heard these words, Xing Tian was a little speechless, really speechless. Only then did he understand how much human civilization treats these geniuses. He even thought of this little thing for them. If they were these geniuses, If there is no achievement, then there is no qualification to get more training!

Xingtian's room is located above the second area of ​​Tianshan Mountain. The ranking among geniuses is also reflected in the living environment. The top 30 geniuses live in the second area, while the other geniuses are all in the first area. There is an essential gap between the two, so for those who can become the top 30 genius Butler, that's also a good job.

This is a manor-style mansion of considerable scale, with many ladies. These ladies are born similar to Kongming, but they are worse than Kongming. Even if Kongming does not have much potential for cultivation, he is proficient in many auxiliary abilities. . And those ladies are much worse in this respect, so their status is naturally not as good as empty.

For Xing Tian, ​​he didn't care where he lived. In reality, under normal circumstances, Xing Tian would not always be conscious of staying in the divine space. After all, this is not the root of Xing Tian, ​​the root of Xing Tian is his inner world. …

"Kongming, where is the God of War Tower?" Xing Tian asked Kongming. For Xing Tian, ​​the reason why he was so anxious about God Space. That has only one purpose. It came to the Tower of the Gods of War, in order to get the chance to get that time and time again the enlightenment rule **** monument. He didn't care about everything else.

When he heard Xing Tian’s question, Kongming immediately replied: “As long as your Highness meditates on the Tower of War God, you can directly transmit it. As long as you have enough authority, you can transmit it instantly in the Tianshan Mountains. It only needs a thought."

Authority, this is the foundation of the spirit space. For geniuses like Xing Tian, ​​their authority is much stronger than many people, and even some general gods do not have their authority!

When many geniuses heard such words, they couldn’t help but feel annoyed. He felt that he wasted a lot of time in vain. But Xing Tian didn’t think so. It seemed that he had walked for a while in the Tianshan Mountains, but in fact it was not. Xing Tian and the others learned about the situation in the divine space, so Xing Tian's expression was still calm, without the slightest fluctuation.

However, there are some geniuses who do not have such a good state of mind as Xing Tian. They cannot help but feel resentful towards their housekeepers. They feel that their housekeepers are not worthy and waste their time. After all, for these geniuses, time is precious. , They only have three years, every minute, every second is reluctant to waste!

It is a pity that these geniuses have overlooked the most important point. They have forgotten that the path of cultivation cannot be achieved by blindly cultivating, and if these stewards do not get the consent of the high level of human civilization, they dare to do so and waste their geniuses. Time, and is it really useless for them to do so?

With a heart move, Xing Tian appeared in front of a tall tower. This nine-nine-nine-eighty-one-story tower was exactly the God of War Tower Xing Tian was looking for. In front of the Tower of War God, there was a huge square. Xing Tian is now Standing on this square, many people have already arrived on this square at this time, and Master Tongtian, Ancestral Witch Xuanming, Jiaying, and Zhen Yuanzi are already in this square!

When he saw Xing Tian, ​​the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming was a little anxious, and asked: "Xing Tian, ​​why are you here now?"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Nothing, just touring around the street for a while, learning more about this **** space, so I came a little late! But why are you all doing it here? Wait, why didn't you enter the tower to break through?"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, Xuan Ming Zu Wu smiled calmly and said: "You think we don’t want to, the senior who guards the Tower of War God said, every time we can only enter a hundred people, we are a bit late, so now I can’t get in. I need to wait for someone to come out before I can get in. I thought I came early enough, but I didn’t expect someone to come much earlier than me!"

However, although there are a few geniuses in the same class as us have entered, no one has passed the first floor so far. It seems that the situation of the Tower of War is much more difficult than we thought. It is a chance to understand the law of the monument. It's not as easy to get as we thought, even the first few floors are not so easy to get past.

When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but frowned. He took a deep breath and said, "Did Meng Yi enter the tower? Didn't he pass the first floor?"

Ancestor Xuan Ming shook his head and said: "I don't know, I didn't see him when I came, maybe he hasn't come here yet!"

In fact, not all geniuses will come to this tower of the Gods of War the first time to break through. Some of them have gained a lot after comprehending the laws and monuments, so they all choose to retreat and practice hard. The perception of the law is integrated into themselves, so they all gave up coming to the tower for the first time. After all, in their opinion, they can go to the tower anytime. Improving their own strength is the best, so they have no choice. Break the tower in the first time! (.)

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