God of Destruction

Chapter 985: Jie Ming Wu

When he heard these words, Xing Tian’s face flashed with surprise. If Meng Yi hadn’t passed the first-story tower, then he really had to be more vigilant. The situation in the God of War Tower was more important than he thought. Powerful, but after that surprise, Xing Tian's heart was filled with endless fighting spirit. The more difficult this War God Tower was, the more it could arouse Xing Tian's fighting spirit!

It’s not just Xing Tian, ​​but Tongtian Guru, Jiuying, Zhenyuanzi, and Xuanming Ancestral Witch all have endless fighting intent in their eyes. They all want to enter the tower to fight, although they all have different rankings. However, this ranking is not fixed. They all understand in their hearts that people like them are not fighting day and night, and what they are fighting for is the future. Therefore, in their hearts, they are both able to understand their own situation. www. .

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, everyone, someone has come out!" Xing Tian and others looked at the voice, and saw dozens of people come out of the War God Tower in no particular order. There was one person Xing Tian knew, and that was an iron battle with Xing Tian!

When Xing Tian saw Tie Zhan, he said loudly: "Iron Zhan, come here!" When he heard the voice, Xing Tian saw Xing Tian, ​​then walked over and said hello to Xing Tian.

Xing Tian introduced the Master Tongtian, Xuanming Ancestral Witch, Jiuying, and Zhen Yuanzi to Tie Zhan, and then asked Tie Zhan, "Tie Zhan, how many floors of the God of War Tower have you passed this time?"

"Ah! Don't mention it, I didn't even get past the first floor of the God of War Tower. I just supported it for more than two hours. It's really shameful, and my opponent's cultivation base is the same as mine. The combat power is much stronger than me. I was unable to fight back, but after this battle, my understanding of the law has improved." When he said this, Tie Zhan couldn't help but sigh. In a tone, it seems that this time the tower break has dealt a great blow to him, otherwise he would not say such a thing.

After sighing, Tie Zhan said: "Okay, let’s not talk much, I have to go back and sort out the gains of this battle, fellow Xingtian, you are only in the Tower of the God of War. Only then can you understand the power of the Tower of War. No matter how much I say, it’s no use. After all, there are many situations that I cannot describe!"

For these words of Iron War. Xing Tian agrees very much that many things are indeed beyond words, and he also knows that time is precious, so he smiled indifferently and said, "Friends, please!"

After listening to the words of the Iron War, Xing Tian thought of many things, and there is nothing in this world for nothing. Although the rule of God monument is very magical. Can let oneself comprehend the law, but how magical the law monument is. What it plays is only a boosting effect, and everything depends on your own talent and understanding.

At the time of this **** space. The senior expert once said that the tower of the **** of war was aimed at the perception of the law, and that this battle of the iron war can make one further on the understanding of the law. This is only the truth. This made Xing Tian incredibly excited. He wanted to know what kind of gains he would have on the law if he broke into the tower, and the gains were directed at the power of the law, which made Xing Tian unable to help. Longing.

Just after Tie Zhan left, all the geniuses of this year received a message, "Meng Yi, through the first floor of the God of War Tower, gain 1 point of ethnic contribution point, because Meng Yi became the first among the inheritance geniuses of this year. A person who passed the first level, so the special reward is ten times the contribution point, and a total of 1 ethnic contribution point."

When receiving this message, people were a little speechless. None of them thought that the first person who passed through the Tower of Gods of War would receive such a heavy award, which made them extremely depressed. They knew that there would be such a good one. Heavy awards, then they are afraid that they will rush into the tower of God of War in the first time to compete for the first prize! …

Of course, this does not include Xing Tian. Although the reward for the first place looks very good, Xing Tian will not be moved by it. While getting the benefits, it will also put himself in crisis, because everything is There are both pros and cons. Meng Yi was originally the first among the human geniuses, and now he is the first to break through the Tower of Gods of War. If he is known by the enemies of human civilization, I am afraid that he will become those enemies. Block the target!

Before he had the ability to protect himself, Xing Tian didn’t want to be the first bird to be targeted by the enemies of human civilization. After all, he could become the enemy of human civilization. They all have powerful forces and want to stop them who have not yet grown up. Geniuses, it couldn't be easier. After all, these geniuses couldn't always be in Qiyuan God City. Once they left the Yuan God City, they would be blocked by the enemy.

Many geniuses in this session were all excited about Meng Yi’s success. They all wanted to rush into the tower of God of War, and they were all eager to seize the monument of enlightenment. Opportunity!

After a while, Meng Yi just came out of the second floor of the God of War Tower, but at this time his state, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, is outstanding in the world. It seems that he got it from the Tower of War God. A lot of benefits, and Meng Yi's performance has increased the desire of those geniuses for the Tower of War God.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, everyone, someone has come out of the second floor."

"Hey! How could it be him? He is not one of the top ten." It turned out that this time, it was not the top ten genius who appeared, but a genius Zhao Hu who was ranked out of 100. During the ranking battle, He only got one hundred and five places, but now he has completed the first level of the Iron War, which has not been passed by the top ten, which makes those geniuses even more excited!

At this moment, many of the upright geniuses in the square have recorded this little-known underdog genius, and they have strengthened their confidence and no longer have pressure on the previous ranking, because Zhao Hu has already They gave them a good demonstration and did things that the top ten hadn't done. Some geniuses even thought that Zhao Hu had the ability to compare with Meng Yi. After all, Zhao Hu also passed the first floor of the God of War Tower.

After Zhao Hu came out of the God of War Tower, he didn't hesitate. He left without even saying hello to his familiarity. Originally, some genius disciples who still wanted to communicate with Zhao Hu couldn't help showing a gloomy look on their faces. They seemed to be a little bit dissatisfied with Zhao Hu, and felt that Zhao Hu was a bit too crazy. Proud.

However, Zhao Hu had the qualifications to be arrogant. After all, he was the second person to break through the God of War Tower. He naturally had such a capital. After all, even the Iron War had already succeeded or failed before this, which was enough to show Zhao Hu's ability.

For such a scenario, Xing Tian was not surprised. Since the Tower of Wars is based on the law, the previous ranking has lost most of its effect, after all, this time it is not combat ability. It's the perception of the law, but Xing Tian doesn't think that he will be worse than others' perception of the law, so Xing Tian is not worried about himself!

At this time, the leader of Tongtian opened his mouth and said: "Xingtian, it seems that we have to work hard, otherwise I am afraid that many people will be separated. In this tower of the gods of war, the law is the most important thing. We should pay attention. !"

auzw.com Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "There is competition only when there is pressure, and when there is pressure, there will be motivation. This situation cannot be better. The previous ranking is in the next competition. There is not much effect in the middle. In the center of the sky, the law is important, and the previous combat effectiveness can no longer be the standard of measurement!"...

Xing Tian was right. The combat effectiveness of their previous rankings can no longer be the standard to measure these geniuses. Now there is only one standard that can measure these geniuses, and that is the perception of the law, and in the next practice, it is based on the law. , Only by comprehending the power of powerful laws, can they have a powerful combat power.

Not long after Zhao Hu left, the Master Tongtian and the others were in the Tower of the Gods of War. After some time, Xing Tian also stepped into the Tower of the Gods of War to face this test!

When he arrived in the Tower of Gods of War, a voice rang in Xing Tian’s ears: “This is the first floor of the Tower of Gods of War to choose its own corresponding rule!” Then, there were many choices in front of Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian felt that Surprisingly, he didn't find the existence of the law of soul in the choice of the **** of war tower, which made Xing Tian's heart startled.

"What the **** is going on, why is there no choice of soul rules in the choice of the God of War Tower?" Xing Tian couldn't help but wonder, but soon Xing Tian's mind flashed, and then he suddenly said : "I understand. The previous senior said that the magic **** heaven is a test for the soul, but I am afraid that the magic **** heaven is a test for the soul law, so this soul law is more than other laws. Mysterious, it was taken out alone!"

Xing Tian was right. The Law of Soul was indeed more mysterious than he had imagined. Only in the Illusion God Heaven was the test of the Law of Soul, and there would be no choice of the Law of Soul in this Tower of War God. .

Xing Tian did not hesitate and immediately chose the Five Elements Rule. In terms of difficulty, Xing Tian could choose a rule so that he could easily pass the first level. However, he did not do so, but directly chose the Five Elements. The law, the power of these five laws, directly exposes oneself to the power of the Five Elements Law.

If anyone knew about Xingtian’s choice, they would be shocked by Xingtian’s madness. You must know that even those geniuses of the past few years would dare not make such a choice. If they knew of such a choice, they would definitely I think that Xing Tian is completely self-defeating, and there is no chance to become a breakthrough. The power of a law is already very difficult, and the five elements are all selected. The difficulty is not one or two times greater, but hundreds of times. Even more powerful.

Xing Tian doesn’t care about this, because he deeply understands the truth that there is nothing for nothing in this world. If you want to gain something, you have to give something. Give and gain are right. The more you give, the more you give. Naturally, the more he gets, so Xing Tian directly chose the Five Elements Rule. If it weren’t for the choice of the power law in the Tower of God of War, Xing Tian would even choose the power of the power law.

When he saw this choice, Xing Tian also had a hint of comprehension in his heart. He understood why the Iron War did not pass the first level, but Zhao Hu, an unknown genius, was able to pass it because they chose The roads are different, so the difficulties they face are also very different. This means that even if Zhao Hu passed the first level, it does not mean that he is really stronger than Tie Zhan, because they choose between The degree of difficulty varies.

Xingtian no matter how others choose. He himself wanted to challenge the high level of difficulty. After Xing Tianyi made his choice, a monk with the same strength as Xing Tian appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​and his body was entwined with the power of the powerful Five Elements Law, and those five elements Under the laws, a powerful five-body combat body was formed.

When he saw this monk, Xing Tian's eyes flashed with excitement. This was the opponent he wanted to fight against. Only by fighting against a powerful opponent could he understand his own shortcomings. Only then can I deepen my understanding of the Five Elements Principle. …

With a thought in his heart, the power of the Five Elements Rule in Xing Tian's body ran wildly, and the comparison began. As soon as Xing Tian made a move, he directly used the powerful and supreme magical power of the five-color divine light, and he did not leave a backhand when he shot, and directly attacked the monk!

When Xing Tian made a move, the monk he was facing also moved. This monk shot almost at the same time as Xing Tian, ​​and the attack by the other party was the same as Xing Tian. The same is the ‘five-color light’. This powerful supreme supernatural power instantly faced a bang between Xing Tian and this monk. The powerful force directly forced both of them back at the same time!

After this blow, Xing Tian's heart was extremely horrified. He couldn't help but secretly asked, "What's going on, why does this monk derived from the Tower of the Gods of War also use the powerful innate five-element magic power?"

Nothing is impossible, you have to know that this divine space was created by the Lord of Epoch. If there is no such means, how can it be possible to reflect the power of the Lord of the Era, let alone the'five-color magic light' supernatural power displayed by Xing Tian, ​​no matter how strong it is, as long as Xing Tian can display it It can be concluded that as long as the five elements are magical powers, the enemies he faces will be able to use employment, and only in this way can the people involved in the breakthrough can clearly realize their own shortcomings.

For an instant, Xing Tian immediately concentrated his entire sum in this battle of the God of War Tower, not daring to be distracted any more, and within a short time, Xing Tian suppressed the doubts in his heart. He began to look squarely at the monk in front of him, and began to gather strength to prepare to give the enemy a fatal blow.

Yes, it was a fatal blow. This time Xing Tian was really moving. He began to condense the incomparably crazy and powerful innate five-element great supernatural powers. The big five elements exterminated the divine light. This time Xingtian is the power to move the true quality. When challenged, the five elements were also reversed on the monks opposite him, and the power of the powerful Five Elements Rule crazily condensed into a powerful and incomparable light of extinction during the reversal.

Crazy, Xing Tian's hand is too crazy. This is completely desperate and does not leave him a way out. Under this blow, if Xing Tian cannot defeat his opponent, then his only result is failure.

Is Xing Tian crazy? Crazy, indeed very crazy, in the eyes of many people, this is exactly what a lunatic did. He is joking about his own future, but Xing Tian agrees, because what he pursues is not immediate interests, but long-term interests. Crazy things have only allowed Xing Tian to understand the Five Elements Law more clearly from his opponents, understand the power of the Big Five Elements to destroy the divine light, and understand the essence of this innate great Five Elements magical power.

Kill, Xing Tian screamed, and the Great Five Elements Extinction Light condensed in his hand was frantically killing the enemy, trying to give the enemy a fatal blow. And when Xing Tian issued this fatal blow, the monk who stood opposite him also blasted such a terrifying blow, which was also a great five-element extinction light.

However, the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light that the opponent bombarded was obviously much stronger than Xingtian’s Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light. If it ends in a tie, then as soon as the great five elements are extinct, it is an endless ending, an ending that no power can change.

When the opponent’s Great Five Elements Extinction Light blasted out, Xing Tian did not immediately test how he should face this Great Five Elements Extinction Light blast, but instead devoted his energy to comprehension. The change when the opponent issued this attack Xing Tian took the most advanced step in his grasp of the extinction light of the five elements.

A blast came out, Xing Tian couldn't help but snorted, and his body couldn't help but go backwards madly. If it weren't for Xing Tian's powerful physical body, he could keep Xing Tian in the most critical machine, I'm afraid Now Xing Tian has been directly beaten out of this War God Tower, and he will end in defeat! Fortunately, Xingtian has a powerful immortal body. Although the other party’s Great Five Elements Extinction Light is much stronger than Xingtian’s Great Five Elements Extinction Light, it is unable to kill Xingtian with one blow. Directly blasting out the tower of War God, Xingtian still has a chance to comeback! (.)

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