God of Fishing

Chapter 1305: War ended

In fact, Han Fei wanted to give himself a prophecy of "I can pass this passage smoothly". However, as soon as this idea came up, he knew it wouldn't work.

Although his own avenue is somewhat similar to the power of prophecy, some rules can be changed in a small area. However, it cannot exceed a certain scope.

Obviously, directly predicting a safe result is completely beyond the ability of one's own avenue.

At this moment, Han Fei was full of body with invincible will, and King Kong glared at him. At his feet, he stepped on a sixty-four elephant fish-and-dragon dance with Tianxu Shenxing technique.

In this darkness, Han Fei was like a golden dancing elf, and only a ray of golden light remained.

It's different from the way it came. When he came, Han Fei entered directly through the weak point of the void. However, when he returned, the Narcissus body exploded, and the power of terror swept across the country. Yu Wei was afraid that it would last for years. Under this circumstance, Han Fei crossed the void, and the danger was naturally heavier than before.

Even if Han Fei's speed is fast to the extreme, almost every breath, there are hundreds of spatial cracks cutting into his body. The body of the King Kong persisted for about five breaths, and it was almost unsustainable.


The King Kong phantom disappeared, and the invincible will "chilling" constantly, as if countless small knives were cutting his body surface. Although the invincible will was also split, Han Fei didn't panic at all. Under his feet, the turtle formation appeared one after another, and the large turtle formation fish skin map in his hand was seven or eight.

This is the case, Han Fei also spent a full twelve or three breaths of time before he barely surpassed the spatial turbulence and reappeared in the forbidden land of the royal city.

At the moment when he landed on the forbidden ground, Han Fei was covered with blood, and golden blood was printed on his skin. This made Han Fei look like he had been washed by gold powder.

Han Fei swept across and saw that there was no one around here, controlling not to let a drop of blood fall. A flash, sank into the thunder prison.

When Han Fei appeared in Thunder Prison, he saw "boom boom boom" and thunder crashed down.


Although he was hacked several times, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

When he returned to God, a holy light technique came, and the thousands of small wounds on his body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As Han Fei flashed again, the whole person appeared directly in the refining world.

At this point, Han Fei had enough time to recuperate. There should be one month left.

At this moment, Han Fei's soul was greatly damaged, and he needed to come in first and swallow the masterless soul.

The Yulong King has been trapped in the refining world for a long time. Seeing Han Fei did not appear in his own face, he immediately warned: "What are you going to do?"

Han Fei ignored him, but bluntly said: "In my place, other people's words are forbidden."

Too lazy to listen to the nonsense of the Yulong King, Han Fei directly blocked the small space where the Yulong King was. In the refining world, Han Fei's will is above all else.

Han Fei's faith moved again, and continued to block the Yulong King's vision. After doing this, Han Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the ghostly blue soul fire floating in the refining world.

Just listen to the old turtle saying: "Fortunately, you return from the same way, otherwise, the emperor will have to control the turtle Sanqing and escape quickly."

Han Fei pouted, "I don't know what happened to the Town Demon Tower?"

The old tortoise sneered: "What can you do? Your teacher blew himself up. That's enough for the king to drink a pot."

Han Fei suddenly said, "Old Yuan, when I entered the passage, I seemed to hear the three words Mu Wuhua, did you hear it?"

The old turtle said: "You heard that right. If the emperor didn't guess wrong, it should be the queen of life from Shui Mutian."


However, when Han Fei escaped from his birth, in fact, at the wall of death, the battle outside the Demon Town Tower was only halfway through.

After seeing the stunning blow of the Narcissus, Emperor Bai Jia finally realized that something was wrong. Where does the Narcissus seem to come out? This is more like killing your life.

If the previous white lotus flowers were mentioned, he thought it was a way of fighting. However, when the 27 white lotus smashed through the void in the end, the horrible vitality made him feel flustered: Is that a fate?

At that moment, the stunning big shell reappeared, and Emperor Bai Jia drilled into the shell and tried to escape.

And nearby, those Venerable Realm big monsters who are fighting, how can they fight when they see it? But seeing them directly tore through the void and fleeing frantically, for fear that they would run slowly.


The world is fierce and mighty, covering thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Above the four seas, squally winds swept; above the sky, blood was raining, pouring down.

No matter how fast those venerables ran, there were a total of five or six people who were overtaken by the self-detonation, and even their bodies and spirits were directly blown into dregs, and there was no way to resist them.

There are more people, but their hearts are full of shock: The king has fallen? The cry is coming?

Skyrim, that crimson crack cannot be faked.

Because Emperor Bai Jia was in the middle of the storm, the two big gongs were completely destroyed, and his internal injuries suffered. The white big shell was continuously bombarded by 27 lotus flowers, and a total of nine cracks were blasted out.

Emperor Bai Jia is speechless: What about the shock to open the sky?

He even guessed at one point: He could no longer stop the Narcissus. The other party is likely to come out!

What's more, Emperor Bai Jia is ready to open the royal city formation.

As a result, the narcissus fell?

At that time, Emperor Bai Jia had too many doubts in his heart and felt that he was being played with. His heart was frightened and angry, and he felt aggrieved, like ten thousand iron head fish rushing past his heart.

However, this result really exceeded his expectations.

He guessed that the narcissus would be injured, would flee to heal the wounds, would kill the Baibei King City forcefully, but he did not expect that the narcissus would fall...

Had dormant for tens of thousands of years, and finally moved, just to fall? This is unreasonable!

However, the main road collapsed, the sky was crying, and the blood rained all over the sky. It was impossible to fool him. Anyway, he was also a powerful king of the kingdom, and now he really fell! Could it be that something happened that I didn't know?

Just as Emperor Bai Jia escaped into the void, he saw that the surface of the large clam was suddenly covered with a layer of seaweed like a creeper. There are countless green vines sticking out from the cracks in the big shell.

"Mu Wuhua? How dare you leave the Cloud Sea God Tree?"


Emperor Bai Jia sprayed another blood.

Just now, Narcissus's self-detonation really caused him to suffer serious injuries, and his strength was too weak. In a decade, I'm afraid it won't be delayed.

As for the large mussels of the companion spirit, it is impossible to recover without a hundred years. At this time of partial birth, Mu Wuhua came.

Emperor Bai Jia had never thought that the Queen of Life would know the chaos of the Town Demon Tower in advance.

His first thought was: the fall of the king, shaking the entire Shuimutian. If you are Mu Wuhua, you will definitely come to Baibei King City to investigate the situation immediately.

There is no other reason, but Shui Mutian is not the king of monster plants. The blood sea **** Mucheng has the advantage of terrain. Mu Wuhua would definitely be jealous and dare not go rashly.

Just listen to the queen of life with a soft drink: "Vitality, deprivation."

In an instant, Emperor Bai Jia and Da Mu rushed out of the void. The breath of the big clam suddenly weakened by 30%. First, he was bombarded by a king and then attacked by Mu Wuhua.

Emperor Bai Jia was furious, and with a thought, he took back Da Bei. In his hand, holding a jade spear, pierced the void, and smashed the weird vitality swallowing method with one blow.

Emperor Bai Jia yelled: "Mu Wuhua, if you come to me, you are not afraid that the guy will go to you Yunhai Shenmu?"

Mu Wuhua chuckled: "You seem to have been hurt. If I were that one, I will come to kill you now."

To listen to the void, a dull voice said: "The battle between the two of you, don't involve me, this matter has nothing to do with this king! However, this king wants to ask, neither of you died, what happened? Who is it? Could it be that in the wall of death, a creature of the sea-clearing realm came out?"

Emperor Bai Jia and Mu Wuhua fought together and shouted: "Why do you want to tell you about the inside of King Baibei City? You only need to know that Emperor Bai Jia is still alive."

But I saw the Queen of Life smile slyly: "Could it be that you, Baibei King City, someone secretly broke through to become a king, but failed to resist, so he fell and caused the sky to cry?"

This is the wording that the woman of life has long thought of, giving Emperor Bai Jia an excuse.

In fact, the Queen of Life had a bit of speculation about this matter: Taking a look at the Demon Town Tower that was almost blasted into the Wall of Death, the Queen of Life finally knew where the body of the Narcissus was locked.

However, what surprised her was: Is the efficiency of that guy Han Fei too high? How long is this? Half a year hasn't arrived yet! Not to mention mixing into the Baibei King City, but also found the Narcissus, and made such a big thing!

The queen of life does not believe that the narcissus has fallen. Only Yao Zhi can understand Yao Zhi better. Yao Zhi's life span is very long. The narcissus has survived for so long and will fall without reason.

Therefore, at this moment, the narcissus has fallen, and that may also represent new life.

At this moment, even she was curious: What benefit did Han Fei get on the Narcissus side? What happened during this time?

The battle between the Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia lasted for only a short period of incense. After grasping the Baijia Emperor's injury, she said: "All the venerables who escaped from the suppression of the Baibei King City, I welcome you. Shui Mutian welcomes you. It depends on yourselves."

With that said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Mu Wuhua looked at Emperor Bai Jia: "Did that person fall in the tower? I want a copy for the chance there."

The blood sea **** Mucheng said just now that he would not be mixed.

At this moment, looking at the miserable appearance of the Town Demon Tower, he couldn't help but say: "You have a share! I have a share in the Blood Sea God Wood City."

Emperor Bai Jia's complexion was extremely ugly, and he really wanted to tear these two bastards.

In this battle, Bai Bei Wangcheng suffered heavy losses!

Emperor Bai Jia himself lost two Dinghai strange treasures.

Destroying a town demon tower, his companion spirit was severely wounded, and it was not good for a hundred years, and he could not bear the serious injury.

However, after hearing that both parties wanted the opportunity in the tower, Emperor Bai Jia sneered and said to his heart: How can there be such a good opportunity to town the demon tower? Since you want it, send someone.

However, verbally, Emperor Bai Jia said: "Yes! However, there is still a lot of prestige here. If you want to fight for this opportunity, let's talk about it in ten years."

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