God of Fishing

Chapter 1306: Yulong King is out

This time, the battle of the town demon tower was not actually a battle of kings in the true sense. Although the power that broke out in the end was entirely the power of the king, this power was not enough, as can be seen from Emperor Bai Jia's injury.

If the king is facing a confrontation, even if it is a battle between Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life, if a life and death battle occurs between the two sides, the result will only be more serious than it is now.

Although the Emperor Bai Jia still didn't understand: Why did the one in the tower force a shot? In other words, the other party is actually still possible?

When the battle was settled, Emperor Bai Jia had some guesses, but only stayed on the level of guessing.

In the town demon tower.

Han Fei lowered his head and looked at his lotus body, only to see that his shoulders were bright. After just listening to "pupu" twice, he actually gave birth to two heads and four arms in his body.

"Hey! There is no sense of disobedience at all. In this way, I don't need soil, fat and circle, I can watch all directions and cut all directions."


In the distance, there was a silver octopus, like a long sword struck across it.

In other words, this time the town demon tower shook, and only the big demon on the sixth, seventh, and fourth floors ran out. The seventh and third floors are all top powerhouses, and the number is only five or six, which also includes the narcissus.

The rest are all the Venerables in the sixth floor.

However, not all of them ran out, about half of the time. Then, the passage was shattered by the battle between Emperor Bai Jia and Narcissus.

As for the sixth floor, perhaps one or two spatial cracks broke open occasionally, and a spatial gap appeared. However, the creatures who can seize the opportunity to go out rely entirely on luck. Add up, it may not be the number of hands.

Because most of the creatures saw the hope of going out, but they couldn't really go out, so this will riot. Even said that it is a bit crazy now.

For example, at this moment, Han Fei, as a stranger, has long been spotted by many creatures.

Although Han Fei had been here before as a fish and dragon king.

However, these creatures don't know, they don't feel that Han Fei and Yulongwang are the same person at this moment, so naturally they will kill again.

Han Fei grinned: "What a stupid creature. It seems that the long-term imprisonment has made you lose your intuition about danger."

He saw Han Fei stretch out his hands, holding two sledgehammers in his hands.

Han Feigang wanted to use "Hundred Wars Hammer", but with this shot, he immediately discovered something was wrong. The Hundred Wars Hammer is not as easy to use as before.

However, when fighting, you can't control so much. Even if it didn't go well, Han Fei didn't forget how to fight. With basic operations alone, none of these creatures can compare.

"Boom bang bang!"

In the water, the iris of the ripples was shaking, and I saw that the silver ribbon fish was hammered three times by Han Fei, even the body was smashed. In an instant, it was bombed.

Han Fei yelled: "From now on, wherever Han Fei I have gone, please stay away. Otherwise, kill it..."

Han Fei was extremely arrogant, completely disregarding what these creatures thought.


Baibei King City, forbidden trial ground, thunder prison.

Han Fei reappeared, his injuries fully recovered, and some kind of arc flashing. There are not many joyful expressions on his face.

I saw him solemnly said: "At any rate, it is also a powerful spirit of some years. The power of the spirit is so small, it is really sad."

This time, after Han Fei swallowed all the masterless souls, he only increased the power of the souls by about 1200 points. Now, his power of the soul totals 15,788 points.

Weak is naturally not weak, but strong is not strong.

At least, in Han Fei's opinion: this number may not be as powerful as some so-called peerless arrogance.

Just listen to the old tortoise: "Sell good after getting cheap? It is not difficult to make up for the soul. This time, you have to act rashly and come out safely. It is already precious."

Although his spirit weakened, Han Fei did not deliberately cultivate his body even though he was in Thunder Prison. On the contrary, he was visualizing the "Frightening God".

This time, a part of the Jingshen Tu was unlocked, and the power and charm of the Jingshen Thorn needed to be improved.

After waiting a few days, I had to leave the forbidden area for the assessment, so I had to find a way to run away.

Although there are still two forbidden places waiting for him to go in Baibei King City, it is mainly that the ancient species that the daffodil has now turned into is still here. The war on the yin and yang sky is more tight.

If he strayed into a forbidden secret realm similar to the Town Demon Tower, no one would help him at that time. Can you come out by then? It's all a problem.


this day.

Yu Tianxin re-opened the forbidden land level secret realm, and his first reaction was to look in the direction of the town demon tower.

After seeing the cave leading to the town demon tower, there was no change, Yu Tianxin was slightly relieved. A few days ago, I heard that the War of Kings broke out, and I heard that the Town Demon Tower was almost blasted into the Wall of Death.

Originally, none of the creatures who guarded the town demon tower survived. Thinking about it this way, Yu Tianxin couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "It seems that this secret realm is abandoned!"


Behind Yutian's mind, Chang Shuiqin suddenly appeared with a calm expression.

Chang Shuiqin said lightly: "Has the Yulong King come out?"

Yu Tianxin shook his head: "Not yet out."

Chang Shuiqin let out an "um" and looked towards the town demon tower: "It's a pity that not many people can get in, it's a pity."


Just as Chang Shuiqin sighed, in Thunder Prison, Han Fei walked out of Thunder Prison with thunder arcs on his body, seemingly exhausted.

Seeing Han Fei coming out, Yu Tianxin's heart was shocked first, and she was a little surprised: "You stayed inside for a full month?"

Han Fei did not respond to Yu Tianxin, maintaining a cold posture.

It was Chang Shuiqin who discovered the problem first, and only listened to him: "Your spirit seems to be unstable. What happened inside?"

Han Fei pretended to narrow his eyes, and then respectfully said: "In that heavy thunder, I met a small snake that could control the thunder. The Dragon King almost fell by the snake's hand. Although he escaped by chance, his soul was damaged."

When Han Fei spoke, his expression was very ugly, as if he had suffered greatly.

However, Yu Tianxin said in amazement: "You actually met the spirit of thunder veins?"

Han Fei was puzzled, tilted his head, and looked at Yu Tianxin: "Huh?"

Yu Tianxin said: "A creature that lives in the depths of Thunder Prison is extremely rare. It is a great tonic for tempering the flesh. Of course, the premise is that you can hold it."

Han Fei frowned: "It can also hurt the soul."

Just listen to Chang Shuiqin's faintly said: "The spirit of thunder veins is the power of pure yang, dedicated to conquering spirits and other things. However, since you have survived, it also shows your potential. This time, I can help you. Receive a soul crystal, a little masterless soul."

Han Fei listened: Is there such a good thing?

I saw Han Fei's spirit lifted: "Thank you, sir."

Chang Shuiqin said indifferently and nonchalantly: "Don't thank me first. You will definitely get a lot of attention when you go out this time. Everyone is waiting to see where you can get? Including this seat.

Han Fei smiled softly: "I want to see too, where can I be?"

Chang Shuiqin nodded slightly: "Go!"

It was not until Han Fei left the forbidden area that Chang Shuiqin shook his head slightly: "It's a pity that I couldn't break through the ninth-level demon vein."

For Chang Shuiqin, how much Han Fei's strength has grown and how much his body has grown stronger are all trivial matters. If Han Fei's demon vein goes further, that's something worthy of his focus.

Unfortunately, Han Fei failed to do it. This has eased the expectations of many people.

Baibei Wangcheng.

Above the sky, Tianjiao is fighting.

Because of the top ten on the Tianjiao list, two people were eliminated.

So, two people came in to fill the seats.

However, the strength of those who have come in does not get everyone's approval at once. As a result, people continue to challenge.

Until today, the ninth place was barely confirmed.

The tenth place has changed hands three times.

At this moment, there is a shrimp demon and clam girl fighting to win the tenth place.

Below, there are many people watching the game. Xu is boring. After all, this is Bai Bei Wangcheng's Tianjiao list, so there are not many people watching.

Except for the top three, basically everyone on the Tianjiao list is there.

Of course, Dudu lacks a fish-and-dragon king, and naturally it has become a talkative among the people.

Someone said: "How long has the Yulong King been in? It's been more than a month. It's been a long time, right?"

Someone shook his head slightly: "I don't think so. If the Yulong King falls, then this Tianjiao list should be empty three places. Then it is not fighting for the ninth or tenth place."

Someone sneered: "Don't care if he can live? Of the top ten arrogances, I am most uncomfortable with the Yulongwang. Obviously the status is not that high, but whoever owes him is like owing him 80,000 catties of spiritual spring."

The other end.

Xia Youwei yawned and said, "The Yulong King is not dead. It seems that this breakthrough is not small!"

Qingsiling: "If he breaks through, wouldn't you be suspended?"

Xia Youwei said, "I don't really care, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you and Xiao Tian hang up."

When Xia was talking, a black-headed half-mermaid carrying a black iron rod said: "This time, the Yulong King comes out. Should I come?"

Qing Siling couldn't help laughing: "Umbrella Seven, don't underestimate the current Yulong King. From this girl's point of view, you seem to have no chance of winning."

This person is the seventh guy on the Tianjiao list, and another **** fish is born.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the distance.

Someone exclaimed: "Look, the Yulong King is out."

When Han Fei came out, he noticed that someone was fighting. I even noticed that Xia Youwei and others are standing together.

This battle of Tianjiao will have to be fought sooner or later. According to the character of the Yulong King, he will definitely have to fight once he comes out.

Therefore, Han Fei took the initiative to provoke, with a distant voice: "Umbrella seven, do you dare to fight?"

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