God of Fishing

Chapter 1307: God doesn’t give birth to me

When Han Fei was speaking, there was a phantom in the refining world, like a curtain, which showed the scene above the Baibei King City at this moment.

But Han Fei said, "Yulongwang, is this scene familiar?"

The Yulong King's spirit was shocked, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "This is Baibei King City, this is... Umbrella Seven?"

Han Fei grinned: "Don't panic, let's make you beautiful today, let you see how arrogant you are!"

Yulongwang looked dazed: What is Han Fei doing?


When Han Fei called Umbrella Seven, in the battlefield above, the shrimp soldiers pierced the void with their guns like a waterfall, and slammed back the clam girl with a clang.

The clam girl tried to control the shrimp soldier with a spiritual thread, but the shrimp soldier's long beard broke the law and cut off a piece of invisible silk thread.

Immediately, Prime Minister Xu Ye shouted: "Master Xu Ye won, this time the tenth place on the Tianjiao list, Master Xu Ye changed hands."

But when Prime Minister Turtle was talking, his eyes were already looking at Han Fei. Compared to the top ten battles here, the Yulong King who just came out of the forbidden trial ground is what everyone really wants to see.

Although some people are concerned about Xu Ye's promotion, more people exclaimed when they saw the Yulong King.

"What, the Yulong King came out?"

"God! Forbidden land level trial, he actually passed?"

"Hey! Some watched this battle. With the character of Yulongwang, there must be successive battles."

"I don't know what chance he got in the forbidden trial ground? This time, is he sure to win the Xiayou prospect?"

Some people guessed: "Mostly still not, after all, it was just a trip to the forbidden trial ground. No matter how great the chances are, he won't be able to improve so quickly?"

That black face umbrella seven was called by Han Fei, making the whole person bad: This bastard, when he comes out, he will challenge himself? Before putting it aside, he really didn't pay much attention to the Yulong King.

But since I came out of the secret realm, I heard that the Yulong King had even reached a tie with Xia Youwei. This surprised him, and said to his heart: The Yulong King's strength has increased so much?

Now, Han Fei is so arrogant, where does he put his Umbrella Seven's face? Co-author...Do you think you can really beat me just after passing the forbidden land-level trial field?


But I saw Umbrella Qi's body exuding a cold breath. He took the **** stick in his hand and pointed to Han Fei: "Yulongwang, want to show yourself as soon as you come out? You are too anxious."

Han Fei sneered: "This Dragon King doesn't have much time. Since you are all here today, let's take a challenge. Umbrella Seven, I would like to ask you, do you dare to fight or not?

The dignity of being a strong man, as the top Tianjiao ranked seventh on the Tianjiao list, does not allow him to refuse this challenge at all.

Therefore, the umbrella stepped into the air in one step, and the black iron rod in his hand "crashed" open and turned into a **** umbrella, spiraling upward.

Just listen to Umbrella Seven: "King Yulong, know that you have a great chance. But you should not be too arrogant, otherwise it will be ugly, and no one will take care of the endgame for you."


As soon as he saw a golden dragon surrounding him, he went straight into the sky, and Han Fei became more arrogant. Even in the Baibei King City, there was not the slightest convergence.

In the world of refining, the Yulongwang has been completely stunned: this **** not only used his own identity, but also began to challenge Umbrella Seven? This is so...Although he is mad, he is self-aware. With his own strength, there is still a slight gap from Umbrella Seven. Why did Han Fei help him compete for ranking?

Outside, among the spectators of Tianjiao, the corners of Qingsiling's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a very beautiful smile: "It seems that this forbidden trial of the Yulong King has improved his strength a lot."

Xia Youwei's face became a little more serious: "If this is the case, then I want to see, how much better is he than a month ago?"

As for the bald Zhang Xiaotian, he has not spoken. He seemed to be watching a play, and he was still curious: Which trial forbidden place did Han Fei go to?

After all, Han Fei was the only one who went to the forbidden land-level trial field in the past few years. Therefore, this return immediately attracted the attention of most people in Baibei King City.

However, even if Han Fei released his divine consciousness at this moment, he still noticed that the strong ones who perceive himself are much less.

Among them, Han Fei confirmed that Hai Tinglei was not there. The number of times the Venerable Realm powerhouse has swept himself is not more than half the time when he came to Baibei King City last time.

Han Fei said with an unmoving expression: "Lao Yuan, has the number of sages in Baibei King City reduced by more than half?"

Han Fei's heart moved slightly, and he said: If the Narcissus kills half of the sages of Baibei King City, then he can be regarded as helping the Queen of Life this time.

At least, I can pay off the debt I owed.

Otherwise, the brother owes a debt to the sister, which seems to be impossible!

Also, next time I return to Shui Mutian, shouldn't my brother throw some meeting gifts for my sister? The question is, where is there any good thing about me?

When Han Fei thought about it this way, he suddenly got a little bit troubled, and said to his heart: It's really not easy to be a brother when I am like this!

In Han Fei's mind, it was not about fighting at all. His eyes were erratic, as if he hadn't seen Umbrella Qi in his eyes at all.

Just listen to the old turtle said: "The emperor didn't think about it. The number of nobles in the Baibei King City should not be less."

Han Fei said in amazement: "How is it possible? I can perceive the perception of the Venerable."

The old tortoise immediately sneered: "Can you perceive what is the use of the Venerable's perception? The emperor sees the secrets of heaven. Your kid is still far from the arithmetic of heaven, otherwise, you will find that the heavenly luck of Baibei King City is still strong. This shows: In the battle of the Town Demon Tower, your teacher gave his last blow and did not kill a few people."

However, the old tortoise immediately added: "However, the king sacrificed his life and it was not so easy to block. Not surprisingly, half of the strong in Baibei King City should be recovering at this moment. The king, including the king in Baibei King City, should also be there. Heal. So, they just don’t have time to take care of you."

Han Fei's face changed slightly, and the Narcissus gave his life a blow, and how many people were injured?

Han Fei quickly returned to his senses and slowly said, "It's a pity, the Demon Town Tower must have blocked the teacher's action. Otherwise, half of the Baibei King City will be lifted."

The old turtle said: "No one pays attention to you, this is a good thing. You should have done almost everything you should do. This time, you have to deal with it, and then wait for the calm and the waves to find a way to go, and leave here."

Suddenly, there was a shock.

"King Yulong, let me see you, what opportunities have you got? Can you be arrogant to this point?"

Han Fei was chatting with Old Turtle, but was interrupted by Umbrella Seven. This person is holding a **** umbrella, looking very strange.

Seeing Han Fei pouted, he didn't care about Umbrella Seven too much, but looked down at the shrimp and said, "Next, you come."

Xia Youwei said indifferently: "You won't speak before you win."

Umbrella Qiyi saw that Han Fei ignored him, and his lungs exploded at the time: I was ranked seventh in the Tianjiao list anyway, so is your attitude toward me?


"Heaven and Earth Fan Cage!"

But in the sky, a black umbrella descended like a mountain, and the umbrella bones were like pillars, trying to directly block the space where Han Fei was.

However, for Han Fei, who had already realized the wonders of space, he only saw him step on the bottom of his feet, stepping into the void with the pace of a fish and dragon dance, and then shrinking to an inch.

In the eyes of outsiders, Han Fei's shape is like drawing a semicircular arc in midair, avoiding the cage.

"So fast."

An expert watching the doorway, Xia Youwei's expression changed slightly after a while: Han Fei's speed has been faster, and his understanding of space law enforcement has become more profound.

Not counting this, I saw Han Fei flashing out, with a red spear in his hand piercing the void.

At this moment, Han Fei used the moment of light, and also used it very far.

"It's a spirit attack."

Zhang Xiaotian only came to say this, and saw Umbrella Seven's hand shaking. He didn't have time to react, he saw a black light descending from the edge of the umbrella like a curtain. This layer of screen also tried to block Han Fei's attack, protecting Umbrella Seven.


I saw Umbrella Seven being bombarded for dozens of miles with a single shot, but his **** umbrella was really good quality. It had the same abnormal characteristics as Tu Fei Yuan, and it had two powers to block mental and physical attacks.

However, no matter how strong this umbrella is, there are limits. With Han Fei's more than a month of tempering in the Thunder Prison, how can it be blocked by Umbrella Seven?


Looking at the curtain of black veil, another shot was drilled out of the gun hole.

"Frightening thorn."


Umbrella Qi's body became stiff.

Han Fei shrank and exploded again at close range, without giving him a chance to react, and the Xuanjian once again got in through the broken hole.


I saw Umbrella Qi's body pierced by Han Fei's shot. The smaller half of his body was bombarded and the whole person fell straight down from the air.

In this scene, Prime Minister Turtle who was directly responsible for acting as the referee was dumbfounded.

How long is this special? This is just a meeting. Umbrella Seven was defeated without more than two breaths in the whole process?


The scene was quiet, and then buzzed.

Someone was shocked: "What is this method? Umbrella Seven's black umbrella fending off the enemy, was even pierced without even holding the two shots of the Yulong King?"

Someone was stunned: "Forbidden Land Level Proving Ground, what is the chance there?"

And there are several people with shrimp, their complexion is solemn.

Xia Youwei: "It seems that his comprehension has improved even more with his skill at hand."

Zhang Xiaotian: "Not bad. Although the law of time has not improved, I feel that his spirit attack is stronger than last time."

Shrimp is promising: "Tsk tut, it's interesting. Qingsiling, if I lose, you two will guard the top five!"

The most surprising thing was the Yulong King himself. When he saw himself played by Han Fei, so powerful and overbearing, and defeated Umbrella Seven in an instant, he was in a mixed mood.

"Is this guy so strong? Why can he imitate even my handy skills?"

Unlike what Xiayou saw for them, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com When Han Fei used the shocking stab this time, he found that he could fully utilize the power of the soul. Perhaps it was because of Jingshentu's comprehension that the Jingshen thorn in the seven-point state was even stronger than the one he used before.

However, Han Fei knew clearly: He had to find a way to leave Baibei King City.

Therefore, he cannot always win. Otherwise, if you are getting more and more attention and being cultivated as a core seed, you will be in trouble if you want to leave.

However, this is the character of Yulongwang. If you don't show up or arrogance, you may be exposed.

I have already started acting, so I have to keep acting.

But seeing Han Fei standing proudly in the void, the gun pointed at Xia Youwei and Qing Si Ling, and said: "The sky does not give birth to the Yulong King, and the gunway is like a long night. Today, this dragon king will grab it with his hands to expose your undefeated myth... Shrimp is promising, come to fight."

Shrimp is promising: "..."

In the world of refining, Yulong Wang: "???"

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