God of Fishing

Chapter 1312: Open up wasteland

The next day, Han Fei was practicing one by one.

He didn't immediately go to the sea map to find Bai Suzhen and the others, nor did he enter the refining world, but simply ate some spiritual spirit fruits.

But the old turtle said, "Come out, someone has brought you something."


He saw Han Fei chuckling, and came to the door, with a straight look and an arrogant posture, and then walked out with his head held high.


What came was a great demon in the primary path-seeking realm, and this person said: "Lord Dragon King, in accordance with the order of Lord Chang Shui Qin, I have sent you 12 third-level soul crystals and a bottle of the soul of no master."

Han Fei gave a soft "um" and said lightly, "Sanqing, take it."

Old Turtle said in his heart: "You have no hands?"

Han Fei despised: "Yeah, are you cruel now? It seems that you still haven't let go of your royal dignity!"

Old tortoise: "..."

After teasing the old turtle, Han Feigang wanted to ask, he had to make an appointment for Chang Shuiqin, so that he could think of a way for himself in the future, so he could get away with this guy on leave.

However, before Han Fei asked, he listened to this humanity: "Lord Dragon King, Venerable Changshui also said. Because you are good at this time, you are ranked fifth on the Tianjiao list with your strength, and there should be room for improvement. So, let you prepare. After half a month, something big will happen. Let you heal your injuries, consolidate your strength, and improve your cultivation."


Han Fei was stunned: What's the big deal? I'm already going to leave, are you going to talk to me about important matters?

Han Fei raised his head and said, "Do you know, what's the matter? This dragon king has a lot of insights recently, and may need retreat or other experience in the near future. So, I still ask first."

Just listen to this humanity: "It's not clear what the specifics are. However, it seems that the Wall of Death has appeared recently, and it may be about this."

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "I! Could it be that the Wall of Death was smashed? But it seems that it was only half way in."

Han Fei was also a little confused: Nima, my lotus root body is still there! It doesn't matter if the wall of death is broken, the town demon tower can't be broken! That is the narcissus with great difficulty, giving himself an external incarnation condensed! He also caught half of the power of the soul.

Han Fei nodded slightly and said, "This Dragon King knows."

After seeing off the guests back to the house, Han Fei re-entered the mansion.

Because I was in control of the entire mansion, I immediately found out: Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer were preparing to go out. He seemed to know that he was back, and quickly retracted.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: Am I a scourge? So courageous? How did you get in Baibei King City?

However, Han Fei didn't even notice it, and took the old tortoise back to the house.

After confirming that Han Fei had returned to the lobby of his mansion, Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer held hands and walked surreptitiously to the door.

Looking at this scene, Han Fei couldn't help touching his nose. After thinking for a long time, he said calmly: "Lao Yuan, do you think there is any unconscious way to control these two people quietly?"

The old tortoise couldn't help but exclaimed, "Didn't you keep ignoring my magic technique? Why are you asking like this now?"

Han Fei rolled his eyes and said: "When did I say I didn't like the magic way? Besides, is this the magic way? Control the individual, even if the magic way?"

Just listen to the old tortoise grinning: "As far as the emperor is concerned, this is naturally not counted. This is just a very common technique. As long as the strength is enough, anyone can do this. Just like your soul control method, strict In a sense, it is even more magical than mine, and you are also applying it."

Han Feixin said: My **** controls, when does the magic way work? What a nonsense.

Han Fei said impatiently, "Is there anyway?"

The old turtle said: "Yes. However, no matter how good the control method is, it can't be enough to control the human heart. For example, your method of controlling the Yulong King is very good. Although the effect is slow, it is much better than direct control. Especially when you are strong enough to open the sea and open the sky, you will find that direct control of the method of the soul can only restrict them, but can not restrain their true thoughts. A slight mistake may lead to backlash."

Han Fei curled his lips: "If you have it, let's listen to it. I will use it temporarily. You said that the sea and the sky have been opened up. They haven't overcome the catastrophe yet, and it will work."

Old tortoise: "That's true. If it's just controlled by force, it would be easy to deal with them. You only need to take the essence and blood and a ray of soul seal. Then pass a ray of soul into their bodies, and you can break between thoughts. They live and die."

Han Fei was stunned for a moment. This familiar path seemed to be the same routine he had always used when he had threatened Master Six.

Han Fei asked with some doubts: "Is this so simple?"

Old Turtle: "How difficult do you think? You want to use it casually, then this is the easiest way to use it. Of course, if you don't use it casually, there are many other methods. Soul methods, such as spell spells and great soul-suppressing methods, can control others. However, there is also the possibility of invalidation or suppression."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Then I will directly take their blood and get into a ray of soul, is it possible that it will fail?"

The old tortoise nodded: "Yes! For example, if the king takes a shot and directly blocks the opportunity between you and them, you can't judge their life or death."

Han Fei asked, "Where's the Lord? Is there a way to block this opportunity?"

The old tortoise thought for a moment: "Some half-kings are also okay. However, it is generally difficult for the noble state. You must know that the great methods in this world are common to the king. However, under the king, there are Very high limit. This is a difference in life level, you still don’t understand."

Han Fei curled his lips: "Okay, give me things! Just in time, I want to restore the power of the soul."

The resources that Chang Shuiqin sent, the so-called Unowned Soul reward, turned out to be only about one-third of Bai Suzhen's will.

After Han Fei completely swallowed these masterless souls, he deeply despised: "This is too little, not enough!"

The old tortoise has been leaning against the door frame and practicing in secret. After all, although this mansion is safe, the king can still peek. It cannot be said that if the king recovers from his wounds, he will definitely give up various secret observations of the Baibei King City.

Therefore, Han Fei and the old turtle are talking in their hearts. On the surface, it looks like a master and a servant, and it seems that there is no disobedience.

Hearing Han Fei's complaint, the old turtle said: "It's not that he gave less. You can imagine: If you get so many masterless souls in the ordinary seeking realm, what would it be?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: That is naturally overjoyed. It can enhance more than 400 points of the power of the soul, for ordinary people, I am afraid that it is not so much to promote to a small level.

Thinking about this, Han Fei just shrugged his shoulders casually. There is better than nothing! After all, we are not an ordinary seeker realm.

In addition to these masterless souls, there are also 12 third-level soul crystals. Han Fei had used second-level soul crystals before, but soul crystals still had a little effect on the early stage, but it was not very useful in the later stage.

At this moment, the third-level soul crystal did not surprise Han Fei. After all, this is Baibei King City, the sacred land in the eyes of the sea monster, there should be a peerless treasure house.

Only in these trial grounds, there are not a few strong people who fall every year. Therefore, Baibei King City should not lack such things as soul crystals. At least, there should be no shortage of the third level.

Sure enough, the combined effect of the 12 soul crystals was only about the same as that of the masterless soul. The two add up to only a thousand points less than the power of the soul, and neither is as strong as a strand of consciousness in Bai Suzhen's mind.

Of course, Han Fei doesn't dislike it at all. No matter how little mosquito meat is, it is meat.

These rewards seem to be few, but they really have to be increased tenfold. I am afraid that within a few days, I can slowly make up for the power of the soul that I lost.

At this time, Han Fei looked at his 16,684 soul power and wondered: There is a long way to go! As far as the current situation is concerned, I'm afraid that I still need two to three venerable spirit powers to make up for myself.

It’s just that, now you want to hunt the Lord? For Han Fei, it was too far away.

Seven days later.

Han Fei did indeed consolidate his soul power. Regardless of the fact that the soul of no master eats fast, it still takes some time to digest it if it wants to be truly used for its own use.

On this day, someone came to preach, Chang Shuiqin preached, and the place was the place of trial.

When Han Fei arrived, he found that the top ten of Tianjiao, including Zhang Xiaotian, were all present. There are also some other people outside the top ten, plus nearly 20 people.

But I heard Chang Shuiqin say: "Well, the number of people has come. Next, I announce your new assessment next month."

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised: New assessment? Is it difficult for so many Tianjiao to go together?

Just listen to Chang Shui Qin said: "A few days ago, the Baibei King City forbidden area, the town demon tower changed. For some special reasons, a seal was exposed in the Wall of Death. Near the Wall of Death, an island appeared. I checked and explored with many Venerables, and most of the crises have been wiped out. However, there are still many opportunities for you to wait for a chance to explore."


When everyone heard the words, they all lifted their spirits: the island that came out of the wall of death? This is like listening to the heavenly book. UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com the island thing, they can understand it naturally, but they have never seen it.

However, whether an island is an island is not the key.

The key is: it comes from the wall of death!

This is fascinating! How many people in ancient and modern times have peeped into the wall of death? No one can really benefit from it.

Now, I never thought: Such an opportunity would fall on myself and others.

Even Han Fei was quite surprised: Has the wall of death been broken?

Just listen to Chang Shuiqin's words: "Don't be too happy, you will go with you, and the people from Shuimutian and Blood Sea God Mucheng. This is still a tripartite exploration."

While speaking, Chang Shuiqin looked at Han Fei, and seemed to have some warnings: "The Yulong King may know that when I was in the Qianshan Ancient Realm on the front line, that time I did not take advantage of Baibei King City. Or, it was yourself. I got the chance, but most people fell there. This time, the deity made it clear: this trip, everyone must work together. The chance is in your own hands! The deity and the deities will watch the battle in person. My request Yes: You are not allowed to lose..."

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