God of Fishing

Chapter 1313: Buy the soul

Han Fei accurately grasped some words.

Chang Shuiqin, will they watch the game in person? That means: Shuimutian and Blood Sea God Mucheng will come, and there will also be venerables to watch the battle in person.

By then, what will I do with my identity as the Yulong King?

However, Han Fei changed his mind: The Queen of Life already knew that she had mixed into the Baibei King City, so she should have a guess about the town demon tower.

After all, the Queen of Life is very aware of the power of Narcissus. Here, the battle of kings took place again, and with his ass, I knew that it must be the water nymph's body that had revived.

Now, Shui Mutian is participating in this island battle. What would the queen of life think about? Have you escaped? Or guess that he is still in Baibei King City and will participate in this battle? Or, she once again regarded herself as Shui Mutian's biggest follower?

If it is the second case, Han Fei is in trouble: this battle is not very easy to fight!

Han Fei was also a little surprised: it was obviously just a battle between the Narcissus and the Baijia Emperor, and the Town Demon Tower didn't really break the wall of death, why did an island pop up?

But on the stage, Chang Shuiqin said: "You each have three days to prepare. This time, we are only expelling or destroying the powerful creatures on that island. However, there are still many dangers. This time, it is not only the island's chance. Struggle is even more a contest between the three forces."

Facing Chang Shuiqin's words, Han Fei had always remained eager, and showed a hint of arrogance. It seems that he is looking forward to this kind of battle very much.

When Han Fei returned to the mansion, he went directly to the Geren's throne and closed his eyes to practice.

Of course, Han Fei is not really practicing, but thinking.

You must consider the results for the worst.

If the queen of life just has no backs, and thinks that she can save even the narcissus, the entire team's battle will be maintained on her own body. If this is the case, then it is really difficult for me.

Now, he just showed up in front of countless people in Baibei King City. Strong all the way, almost reached the top. It's hard for people not to pay attention to themselves.

In this battle, there are bound to be many people watching their own play.

If, in that case, you expose yourself. Even if the Queen of Life personally saves herself, I am afraid it will be unpleasant. Because once you expose yourself, the things about the Town Demon Tower may be associated with yourself.

Moreover, his own way of reaching the sky has also been exposed.

"Three days, only three days."

Han Fei frowned. He needed to think about a sure-fire way to protect himself without hurting himself under the eyes of many venerables and even kings.

Of course, if within these three days, he could escape from Baibei King City, that would be the best. But as far as the current situation is concerned, this probability is unlikely.

For the realm of the king and even the noble one, his escape speed was too slow. Unless one can escape from the Baibei King City unconsciously.

Otherwise, if you are sensed, you should not be able to escape.

Even if you hide in the refining world, it is difficult to escape.

After all, would a powerful person in the Venerable Realm give himself a chance to enter the world of refining? That's impossible.

Moreover, Han Fei actually didn't want to escape. The islands that came out of the Wall of Death might have a lot of opportunities. Otherwise, why would the three parties send so many top talents?

While Han Fei was racking his brains, the old turtle suddenly said: "Theoretically, you are still cultivating on the sacred tree of Yunhai."


What does Han Feigang want to say? But immediately, it reacted.

Yes! I am now acting as the Yulong King, and the name Han Fei has disappeared for more than half a year. Since the battle in the Dark War Harbor, he has never appeared again.

What would you do if you were the queen of life?

This kind of battle that Tianjiao almost all dispatched, he has already broken through to the path-seeking state, but it is also among the personnel sent. That means: the selection of personnel is recognized.

If we speculate based on this, the Queen of Life really wants her true self to appear in this battlefield. At that time, he can appear upright.

Its purpose, self-evident, is to steal the sky and change the day, allowing oneself to easily escape from Baibei King City.

Han Fei couldn't help sighing, "Is the layout of the king hidden so deep? Isn't she afraid that she didn't understand what she meant?"

The old turtle hummed: "Don't be too happy. If there is no hidden place in that place, and it is completely exposed to the vision of the deities and kings, it will not be easy for her to rescue you."

Han Fei grinned: "It's okay, as long as she has a back hand. Having a back hand means that there is a way out."

Just when Han Fei had a sense of relief and was relieved, his heart moved: Is this Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer back?

Han Fei's mind changed immediately. After finally breaking into the Baibei King City, did he just wave his sleeves and not take away a pearl?

But I heard Han Fei's heart move: "Lao Yuan, you said that the king of Baibei King City is already injured, shouldn't he spy on us?"

But the old tortoise said: "I! You say the king? Right now, it doesn't seem to be in the city."

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised: "Huh? Do you know this too?"

Old tortoise Youyou said: "That is. Although the emperor's strength has not recovered, it is less than one billionth of what it used to be. However, the emperor's pattern is still there. The strong can see the secrets, especially the kings. Unless deliberately Hidden, otherwise it’s not difficult to detect. It seems that two days ago, the king's vitality disappeared, which most likely indicates that something happened."

Han Fei listened: That's good! Without the king, no one can observe what happened here.

Just listen to Han Fei suddenly shouting: "Yu Cailing, Lan Xueer, you two come here."

Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer, who had just gone out to exchange supplies, gave a similar look, revealing a hint of panic.

Especially Yu Cailing, several times before, the Yulong King ignored them. That's because Yulongwang is in a special situation and has no time to take care of them.

By now, the Yulong King's injury should have healed, and both of them are nominally followers of the Yulong King. Therefore, no matter what the Yulong King did to them, no one would say anything, and even everyone would think it should be.

Lan Xueer's eyes widened, her teeth secretly gritted, and the voice transmission said: "It's over, doesn't he want to eat both at the same time?"

Yu Cailing's heart trembled: Really? I was once a dazzling arrogant talent, how can I be here to become such a plaything that can be played by others?

As the saying goes, no matter how the Yulongwang treats them, they must bear it. Therefore, I can only bite the bullet and walk to the house of Yulongwang.

That is, Han Fei didn't know the thoughts of these two people, otherwise he would have spewed a mouthful of old blood, and said in his heart: Give you a face? Have to put gold on your face?

The old tortoise was at the door, welcoming the two people into the house blankly.

Even if there were formation seals around, Han Fei still laid down numerous formations.

This is the first time the two have entered the training room of the Yulong King.

When they first saw it, the two said in their hearts: This is too simple, right? And, what the **** is this throne? What the **** is the dragon on the wall?

However, the two of them didn't dare to show the slightest strange look, but respectfully said: "Lord Dragon King."


Han Fei hummed proudly. It seems that these two people should respect themselves so much.

Han Fei’s gaze stared at them for dozens of breaths, and when they saw that they felt like they had been skinned, they only listened to Han Fei’s words: "The Dragon King promised to take you back to the city. , I promised to take care of you, and I will never break my promise. But..."

Seeing both of them shaking slightly, Han Feixin said: I haven't said anything yet, why shaking? Am I so scary?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "In this world, there is no free spirit fruit. Although you two are the key training objects of Bingshen Gorge, since you have been taken care of by the Dragon King, in a sense, you two are the Dragon King. People."


Yu Cailing and Lan Xue'er trembled again, and even Yu Cailing's face was red, and she lowered her head and bit her lip slightly, making Han Fei look bewildered.

What kind of expression is this? What do you want me to do, Xiaoye?

As if discovering the meaning in the words, it may cause misunderstanding, Han Fei immediately said with a cold voice: "This dragon king will not accept people at will, nor will he take care of people at will. Now that you have the help of this dragon king, then you can serve the dragon king. Lord. From now on, whether in Baibei King City or Bingshen Gorge, the Dragon King will be your master."

Yu Cailing and Lan Xue'er suddenly looked up, and the two showed unexpected expressions. Although you are under the fence, when will you recognize you as Lord? Although I am not talented, why should I recognize you as Lord?

I only saw Han Fei sneered and sneered: "You two think that the Dragon King is not qualified? I am not afraid to tell you the truth. If it is not for the Dragon King to make too many enemies, you will also try to become the servant of the Dragon King based on your two qualifications? It's just wishful thinking. Now, the Dragon King gives you this opportunity, and gives you a chance that you can definitely enter the Dao and break your respect. Do it or not? It's all up to you."

While talking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Han Fei had two jade slips in his hands.

In the shocked eyes of the two people, Han Fei raised the corners of his mouth: "We all know that the Dragon King has great opportunities, but no one knows how deep is the chance of the Dragon King?"

Han Fei weighed the two magic methods in his hands: "This is the art of the two avenues. Although the possibility of becoming a king is not high, it is not impossible to become a venerable and even the peak of a venerable in the future."

Lan Xueer was confused, or Yu Cailing calmed down, and just listened to her: "Lord Dragon King, I am of equal talent. I don't know where Mr. Dragon King is after us? He gave such a treasure?"

Han Fei smiled contemptuously: "A person is worthy. A venerable person is always worth a lot more than a Tianjiao. You want to survive the trials of Baibei King City, and want to rise quickly, think If you want to stand out among the 100,000 strong, without paying a price, who will give you this opportunity for nothing?"

Yu Cailing couldn't help raising her head and looking straight at Han Fei: "I don't know Lord Dragon King, what do you want us to give?"

Seeing Han Fei's mouth curled up, he said lightly: "Soul."

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