God of Fishing

Chapter 1314: The insect king is here

The old tortoise who listened to Han Fei's fish-blowing throughout the whole process said: Just this eloquence, just this thought, it's a pity not to fall into the magical way. So grandiose, want a soul from others? This is Han Fei.

Seeing the shocked faces of Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer, Han Fei grinned and said, "Give me a strand of your blood and a trace of soul, which means that you handed your life to me. In the future, if you go against the will of the dragon king, the dragon king only needs one thought, and you will die."

Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer couldn't help but glance at each other: What is selling souls here? This is simply desperate. In other words, from now on, his life is no longer in his own hands.

Without giving these two people a chance to think, Han Fei directly threw the two jade slips in his hand.

These two great arts are "The Demon God's Code" and "Hunting Soul" respectively.

In terms of value alone, these two exercises can be described as peerless. For example, "The Demon God's Code" is a metamorphosis-like magical technique, which is close to Tao.

Another example is "Soul Hunting Road", which itself is a road in front of you. For many people who have not been able to enter the Tao for a lifetime, this is fascinating.

Of course.

Looking at it now, Han Fei actually looks down on none of them.

"The Demon God's Code" is okay, Han Fei just didn't continue the deduction. Otherwise, its level is definitely not low, it is definitely a road that is many times stronger than the soul hunting road.

However, what Han Fei can foresee is: this time he returns, he must be in charge of the Immortal Palace in the future, it is impossible to fight in places like Sea-Monster King City every day.

Is it possible that you want to confuse yourself and become the Sea-Monster King?

The moment Yu Cailing and Yu Cailing took over the jade slip, they just swept away their mental perception, and after a while, their bodies trembled slightly. This is a real great magic! This level of treasure, Han Fei unexpectedly threw it out?

Seeing that the two of them were dumbfounded, Han Fei said, "The reward, the Dragon King has already given you. Now, is it your turn to perform?"

Han Fei raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the two people who were already stunned: "Of course, it’s up to you to choose or not. Although this dragon king is arrogant, he is not going to threaten you two. If you don’t want to, this dragon king has his own means. Take away your memories from that moment. All this is as if nothing happened."


Before Yu Cailing could speak, Lan Xueer blurted out her attitude.

She thought to herself: The trial of Baibei King City is really difficult! I don't know when, I will really fall into that trial ground. Once in, it's not easy to get out. Therefore, rather than a dead end, it is better to take a gamble.

Nowadays, if you really have this great technique in your hands, not to mention that you can make a steady progress, your strength will definitely change unimaginably.

On one side, it may fall at any time and live a precarious life. On the other side, it is to directly obtain a great technique, a great technique that can be entered...

Oh no, it's two doors.

With his current friendship with Yu Cailing, the two spells can be exchanged for cultivation. She knows Yu Cailing's character very well and is very compassionate. As long as Yu Cailing is persuaded, the strength of both of them will skyrocket.

Yu Cailing glanced at Lan Xueer in surprise, and saw that the other party was winking at him. Why doesn't she understand Lan Xueer's meaning? It's just that she was very puzzled: Why did Han Fei choose between them?

Yu Cailing believes: There are many people who cannot enter the Tao. Han Fei is fully capable and chooses some stronger players.

As if seeing Yu Cailing’s mind, Han Fei said leisurely: "Of course, this dragon king can also use the method of the Great Dao to exchange two servants who seek the peak of the path. However, once the peak is sought, their moldability becomes It’s not good. Compared to you, it’s a lot worse. This dragon king focuses on the future."

Yu Cailing's expression flickered a few times, and she once again looked at the "Demon Divine Classic" in her hand, and felt that this technique was more extraordinary. Is the Yulong King betting that he two can live to the state of nobles? Once the two of them really become respected, then the two major skills now are worth giving.

After all, even if you become a venerable one, your life will be in the hands of the Yulong King. Therefore, this is a very long-term investment. This made Yu Cailing discover something wrong again!

This kind of investment does not make sense to appear in Yulongwang. Yulongwang is the kind of arrogant, quick-tempered, and somewhat irritable person.

Plus Lan Xue'er's suspicion before, and the completely different appearance from before entering the ancient realm of Qianshan to when leaving the ancient realm of Qianshan.

Yu Cailing's heart suddenly moved: Is this person in front of him really the Yulong King?

However, in this situation, Yu Cailing has no choice at all. She even wondered: If she didn't choose, she might die directly.

After all, to the powerhouses of Baibei King City, he and Lan Xueer were originally Yulong King. Even if the Yulong King killed himself, it was only natural.

Besides, are there any more people who died under Yulong Wang?

Thinking about it this way, Yu Cailing nodded: "Okay! I agree."

Han Fei finally grinned: "A smart choice. Come, give your blood and a ray of soul to this Dragon King."

Now that the matter was decided, the two did not hesitate.

However, at the moment when they surrendered their own blood, the two of them knew: In this life, they are controlled by others.

However, the two had no choice.

The Yulong King seemed to have eaten them. Put it nicely, you have the right to choose. However, if you don't choose, will the Yulong Wang really leave him two?

However, the temptation to respect the Tao is indeed great. They don't have the idea of ​​becoming a king. Mainly, becoming a king is too difficult. Among hundreds of millions of beings, no one can become a king. Therefore, most people dare not even think about it.

On the contrary, as the accumulation of time, as long as you find the realm of Dao. With the qualifications to seek the path, the possibility of becoming a deity is naturally countless times higher than becoming a king.

Han Fei collected the essence and blood of the two people, and returned with a wisp of spirits, and said lightly: "Let go of your spirits, you can't stop them."

But when he saw Han Fei stretch out his hand, he pressed it directly on the heads of the two of them, quietly touching them. A wisp of soul penetrated through their eyebrows.


The two snorted, knowing that Han Fei must have done something to them. However, with their abilities, they couldn't feel anything.

Han Fei subdued the two men half-strongly.

At this moment, two milky white spars appeared in his hands and said: "From now on, your life belongs to the Dragon King. The Dragon King wants you to live, and you will live. If you want to die, you will die. So, don't try to betray. Otherwise, This dragon king only needs a thought, and you two will die, and your souls will disappear."

Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer were a little dazed during the whole process, so Han Fei took them.

Until this moment, Yu Cailing suddenly felt something. Or, the ichthyosaur king is wrong. Or, the former Yulong King was pretended. In fact, his city is very deep.

However, no matter what the Yulong King was like, she was now powerless to stop her, she could only admit her fate.

The advantage of recognizing fate is that you will gain two great skills. She herself didn't know if she had lost or made a profit?

Yu Cailing and Lan Xueer saluted respectfully, and Han Fei said indifferently: "Your current strength is still too weak. Even after you overcome the catastrophe, it will not be of much use to the Dragon King. Therefore, the Dragon King will not use it in a short time. You. But, don’t think that your life is not the Dragon King’s. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

"Yes! Lord Dragon King."

When the two of them left, the old turtle said, "That's it? What are you going to use them for?"

Han Fei smiled: "What are you doing? Lao Yuan! You have been alive for so long. You should know that the chess piece has its meaning. But more often, it's just as a back player. Is it useful? Not for the time being. I know. But, put it on first, that's the key."

Judging from all the layouts of Lao Han, Ren Tianfei, Bai Lao, and Jiang, they are all interlocking and far-reaching.

Today's yin and yang sky is a game of chess. I only jumped out of the chessboard temporarily, but the identity of the chess pieces has not changed.

Want to change from a chess piece to a chess player.

First of all, you must have the strength, and you must have the strength to challenge other players. In Shuimutian, the Queen of Life is her junior and sister, and here can be her own back.

At least, if there is the slightest problem, Mizuki Tian still has room to come back.

Three days later.

Han Fei and his group of 20 people, led by Chang Shuiqin and a group of Seven Venerables, crossed the void and came directly outside the so-called island.


As soon as everyone appeared, they felt a gust of wind sweeping. The terrifying wind makes the wind like a knife, which makes people feel like being added by a thousand swords.

Fortunately, this is not the wind.

Therefore, there is no such bone-scorching power. But even so, the wind alone is comparable to the strength of the Sea-Monster Realm.

This mist, Han Fei was familiar with, was in the mysterious barrier near the Wall of Death.

Just listen to Chang Shuiqin said: "Follow me. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Everyone went further a hundred miles, and the wind gradually became smaller, until the fog began to gradually become clearer. Only then did I see a looming black island.

The size of the island is unknown, and it is not visible to the naked eye.

The appearance of the island is a bit strange, it seems to be covered with spiritual plants and raised peaks. In most places, shrouded in mist, like a woman covered in gauze, mysterious and seductive.

Because the visibility becomes higher, the wind becomes much smaller.

When Han Fei and the others approached the island, they found that someone was also coming in the distant void.

From this point of view, who is not Shuimutian?

However, this time the leading figure surprised Han Fei a bit. The brawny man with tattoos all over his body, his palms, joints, and shoulders all showed the image of black thorns, and Han Feidun's heart moved for a while.

This is... the insect king?

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