God of Fishing

Chapter 1315: Is that Han Fei?

Han Fei wondered who the leader of Shui Mutian would be, and he should be a venerable he is familiar with. But I didn't expect that it was the insect king who had only one side.

When crossing the catastrophe, from beginning to end, there was not much intersection between himself and the insect king, and there was no communication.

Therefore, Han Fei was only slightly surprised when he saw the Insect King.

Apart from the insect king, no other venerables followed. In other words, the other Venerables did not stand up. For the trilateral hostile forces, respect for facelessness is a kind of hidden restraint. If all of them show up, there will be one party who will take the risk and make a strong move to strangle the venerable. It will be more than the gain.

For the insect king, Han Fei's feeling is powerful. This is a very powerful, the most unique figure among the Zerg, and the road is extraordinary.

Han Fei glanced at the Insect King, but the Insect King did not pay attention, but hummed softly. With terrifying power, North Korea and Han Fei came over.


It exploded in midair, and Chang Shuiqin smiled softly: "Insect King, anyway, you are also an extremely strong person in the half-king realm, why are you still angry with the junior?"

The insect king snorted without speaking.

This is naturally not even a temptation, it can only be said that the insect king deliberately.

Just listen to the old turtle said: "Han Fei boy, the king can't look directly at it, do you see other people watching the insect king?"

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: "Isn't the Insect King just a title? The current Insect King, doesn't it really become a king?"

The old tortoise sneered; "Although it is a half-king now, this half-king is not simple. It is an outlier among the Zerg, a super strong who has walked out of a unique road. It is different from the queen of worms who burst into force. The combat power will be very strong. Therefore, he is also the strongest Zerg race who is most likely to break the sea. It is really only one step away from the realm of the king. Therefore, he needs to raise the spirit of the king now."

Han Fei's heart moved: "What do you need to raise the spirit of the king?"

Old tortoise: "Some people need to be raised, some people understand quickly, but they don’t need to be raised very much. It varies from person to person and from race to race. As for you... the emperor thinks that if you follow the path of the devil, you should It doesn't need to be raised, it can be a matter of course."

"go away……"

Only then did Han Fei understand: The Insect King should use this method to tell himself that he has to be like others. I looked at him directly, he must react a little!

Chang Shuiqin doesn't matter, anyway, the insect king can't really kill the people in Baibei King City in front of him. What's wrong with looking at him? It's best to watch him get angry.

Han Fei no longer looked at the insect king, because behind the insect king, Shui Mutian creatures came one after another.

Suddenly, Han Fei's pupils shrank: The whole person was taken aback! Who do you see? The guy who looks incompatible with other people, isn't handsome enough, and doesn't wear a kitchen knife, isn't that himself?

At this moment, in the minds of Han Fei and others, Chang Shuiqin's voice sounded: "Everyone, remember it for me. The one with a short knife on his waist is Han Fei who has survived the Forty Nine Kings Tribulation. . This person is extremely fast, good at flashing, stealing vitality, very strong in flesh... In short, just a word, just run away when you encounter this person, don't fight. In order to let this person come in, Shuimutian was a whole lot less. Ten people were sent."

At that time, Han Fei, the whole person was bad!

Shui Mutian, where did another Han Fei appear? Moreover, that appearance, that temperament, and that blood-drinking knife, clearly looks just like himself.

However, this kind of surprise only lasted for a very short time, and Han Fei immediately figured it out: Why this time, it was the insect king who came to town? I'm afraid the Han Fei opposite should be related to the Zerg.

Considering that the Zerg can breed infinitely creatures, Han Fei already has a clear understanding in his heart: Which worm queen is this, who sacrificed a lot of time to specially bred a creature that looks like his own?

As for... why do you look like an adult?

That should all depend on the mind of the queen of worms. And, who said that people are not bugs? Looking at it from another angle, isn't human being a bug in this world?

In an instant, Han Fei understood the methods of the Queen of Life. She knew that after she entered Baibei City, she might not be able to leave easily. Therefore, taking this opportunity, the queen gave birth to a creature exactly like herself.

When the time comes, take advantage of the venerable or the king's not paying attention, come to a new day, let yourself change back. And this conceived fellow fell here, and he could follow the Insect King back with integrity. After all, this kind of life of Zerg is very special. They regard death as a kind of return, which is really not caring about life and death.

The so-called Fang Sheng Fang death, Fang Zheng Fang Sheng. The Zerg has its own way of life and death.

At this moment, I have to say that even Han Fei was amazed by the strategy of the Queen of Life.

If on this mysterious island, there is a real chance to switch a role, then he will infiltrate the Baibei King City perfectly once.

Even the old tortoise froze for a long time before speaking.

Just listen to it: "Han Fei, you must let the Yulongwang have a reasonable exit method. Otherwise, the body of the emperor and the turtle will not have to run. You must know that the emperor's recovery It’s only good for you, no harm. As long as you give the king a little time to re-enter the deity, it’s not a problem at all. If it takes a little longer, you may not become a king so quickly, but it’s definitely a half-king. no problem."

Han Fei thought in his heart: "I know. But, I'll talk about it all on the island. You used to be the emperor, you know how to avoid the perception of the emperor and the king..."

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "The secret of heaven, as long as the secret of heaven is confused, you can drop yourself. Since the queen of life has let the queen of life breed a you, you will definitely think of this. Therefore, on this island, it must be You can find the place where the secret of the secret is in disorder. At that time, you only need to be there with the worm, find a reason for the Yulong King to leave the field smoothly, and then replace yourself naturally."

Hearing what Old Turtle said, Han Fei was relieved immediately.

Sure enough, there is still a way!

Even if there is no opportunity on the island, presumably the queen of life will create an opportunity. Therefore, Han Fei is not worried at all at this moment.

Scanning the remaining people, Han Fei found that among the people who came this time, there were only 9 people in total, except for one "worm" who looked like himself.

Only then did Han Fei understand what Chang Shuiqin said. What is a Han Fei top 10 people? There are only 10 people from Shuimutian, so naturally they are weak.

If the bug man is really himself, then he is not weak at all.

But the point is that the bug man is just a dummy conceived. Even if all aspects are exactly the same as Han Fei, that is false. Fake can never become real. Moreover, the newly bred, even if the strength is enough, the realm is still insufficient.


Only saw a red leaf floating out of the void.

The crack in the space broke open, and a glamorous woman was wearing a long ankle-length gauze. On her head, she casually pulled a bun, and walked out of the void with her slender thighs.

Behind this woman, just like the special draft, came out one after another beautiful young women. They were all thousand-year-old snappers, blood demon who swallowed blood and soul.

When the last blood demon appeared, Han Fei's eyelids trembled slightly: Yang Ruoyun?

The old turtle was surprised: "This little girl, she was not beaten to death after returning?"

Han Fei smiled inwardly: "I knew that this woman is not so easy to die. In this world, I think she can draw out any excuses she can draw out."

The old turtle couldn't help saying: "If this little girl is so powerful, isn't she? There are many ways to keep you from killing her?"

Han Fei disdainfully said: "I am different, I don't make sense."

The old tortoise was speechless: Is it so special? It's the first time I heard from my tortoise. Someone said unreasonably unreasonable. Co-authored... Are you unreasonable and reasonable?

This time, the blood sea **** Mucheng was no longer **** and bloody. If nothing happens, the strength of this person is probably on the same level as Chang Shuiqin or the Insect King.

Han Fei didn't know their strength, so he could only roughly estimate from Hai Tinglei's half-king state, Chang Shuiqin was either half-king or pinnacle. Anyway, the difference is not much worse.

The insect king, according to the evaluation of the old turtle, is also a half king.

In that unknown corner of the void, there should be many venerables. It is even said that even the Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia are watching all this in secret.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Old Yuan, you are observing the secrets of heaven, and seeing if there is a king here?"

But the old tortoise said: "There is a king watching. You know this kind of thing with your ass. A group of top princes in a city have all been pulled over, so many sages are waiting around, how much attention should it be paid? Do you think: the king will not take it seriously?"

When Han Fei heard this, his heart shuddered: It seems that if he didn't find the chaotic place of the day, he had to play the role of Yulong King~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chang Shuiqin glanced at the void and stepped. The glamorous woman who came said lightly: "Chu Yun, the behavior of Blood Sea God Wood City that only takes advantage, this time is not feasible."

Just listened to the woman with a contemptuous smile: "So that you can also see, my Tianjiao of the blood sea **** Mucheng is equally peerless."

While the venerable was talking, they saw Han Fei and Yang Ruoyun's eyes, and they met again.

Yang Ruoyun frowned slightly, and said to her heart: Why did you meet this **** again? Last time, I managed to take care of it a little better, and it is still crowded out. As a result, the Yulong King appeared again?

Moreover, what made Yang Ruoyun a little speechless was that the corners of Yulong King's mouth were slightly aroused.

Is he laughing?

Yang Ruoyun's mood directly fell to the bottom, and he sneered: "This time, I will definitely kill you."

However, when Yang Ruoyun looked at the Shui Mutian camp, suddenly, his body almost exploded. Is that... Han Fei?

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