God of Fishing

Chapter 1316: Mysterious island

Yang Ruoyun never dreamed that he would still see Han Fei one day. It was not until he came to the waters of Shuimutian that Yang Ruoyun gradually learned about the forces in this waters and the existence of such things as the Wall of Death.

It stands to reason that Han Fei should never be able to come to Shuimutian in this life.

But this is only a few years? How did Han Fei become the supreme arrogant of Shuimutian?

Venerable Yunchu of the Blood Sea God Wood City said: "Pay attention to all. The person Shui Mutian standing in the forefront, named Han Fei, has passed the Forty Nine Kingdoms Tribulation. Whether it is speed, strength, physique, or spiritual strength, all are very good. Strong. If you meet, you will either be in groups or just run away. Don't face it alone."

In Yang Ruoyun's heart, there was a sudden sudden change at that time: Han Fei, is he still that strong?

Yang Ruoyun also thought that his growth was extremely fast, and Han Fei had already been thrown out by himself and didn't know how far.

The result is good, as soon as they came out, they had survived the Four Nine Kings Tribulation's decision, Tianjiao, that was the realm of explorers!

He saw Han Fei's eyes, glanced at the square formation of the Blood Sea God Wood City, and saw himself, but he quickly moved away and looked towards the Baibei King City.

and many more……

Yang Ruoyun feels: something is wrong! Han Fei doesn't know himself? impossible! It has only been a few years, Han Fei's memory, isn't it that bad?

Moreover, when Han Fei looked over just now, his eyes didn't stop at all. This is not like deliberately pretending not to know yourself, it seems to really not know yourself!

Yun Chu seemed to perceive that Yang Ruoyun was a little strange, so he couldn't help but glance at her and asked, "Why is the spirit fluctuating so much?"

Yang Ruoyun quickly regained consciousness: "Master Yunchu, because he saw the Yulong King who hurt me so much."

Yun Chu hummed: "When you meet the Yulong King alone, don't have to be one-on-one. Not surprisingly, you are not his opponent."

Yang Ruoyun replied respectfully, but began to figure it out. Han Fei came to Shui Mutian, did he bring it here accidentally? Or did he find a way to come?

If it's the first type, that's it.

But if it's the second kind, it involves a big secret, a big secret connecting the Yin and Yang sky. Once the blood sea **** Mucheng and Baibei Wangcheng learned of this news, they might be ecstatic! It is even possible for both parties to join forces.

Yang Ruoyun was certain: Whether Han Fei knew him or not, this was a handle. But if met on the island, this information can be a big killer.

When Yang Ruoyun's mind was shaking, Han Fei in the Baibei King City square also frowned slightly.

He has been watching! Not surprisingly, Yang Ruoyun definitely recognized himself on the other side of Shui Mutian. Even guessed that I had a problem.

Unfortunately, the Queen of Life naturally does not know this information. Therefore, the fake insect man has no feelings for Yang Ruoyun.

Han Fei's heart was upset: Yang Ruoyun, don't make a mess! Don't tell their Lord now. Otherwise, the news from the Yin and Yang Tian could no longer be concealed. What are the consequences? Han Fei can't figure it out either.

However, after seven or eight breaths of time, Venerable Yun Chu of the Blood Sea God Wood City had no reaction at all. Han Fei was secretly relieved.

As Han Fei relaxed his vigilance, Zhang Xiaotian around him suddenly transmitted a voice: "You seem to be a little bit uneasy."

Han Fei responded calmly: "It's excitement. This time I was able to collide with these two arrogances, and this dragon king's hands were itchy. Especially that Han Fei, I heard that there is no one in the same realm. With one enemy and one hundred, It's easy for him..."

Chang Shuiqin tilted his head slightly, wanting to hear what Han Fei had to say?

Just listen to Zhang Xiaotian said: "I advise you not to rush. This person is only allowed to enter this exploration when one person reaches ten. Your elders, you still think so. Do you think you are a little sure of yourself. Win him?"

Han Fei pretended to have fierce eyes, licked the corner of his mouth and said: "It doesn't matter if you can't beat or not. What matters is whether you dare to beat. The Dragon King will be careful, but if he really meets this person..."

Chang Shuiqin suddenly said: "I really met, you run away."

Han Fei pretended to be taken aback, did not speak, but accepted it indifferently, as if he was still not convinced in his heart.

Go and listen to the Qingsi Ling said: "Sure enough, he is a proud person! I finally took my position, but don't be careful, you will fall into an exploration trial!"

Han Fei glanced at him proudly, with a sneer from the corner of his mouth.

Just listen to Chang Shuiqin's words: "Since the three parties are here, there is no need to wait. Although this island came out of the Wall of Death, it is on the site of my Baibei King City after all. We will log in first."

Just heard Yun Chu sneer: "Chang Shuiqin, do you believe this?"

The insect king responded straightforwardly: "No!"

Chang Shuiqin grinned and said: "If this is the case, then the three parties will choose one of them to land. After all, the clouds and mist on this island are also dangerous. It is not necessary. They collided with each other at the beginning and killed them. You die and die."

Yun Chu glanced at Shui Mutian's side and nodded slightly: "It's not right."

The insect king hummed softly and responded in a deep voice: "No."

Chang Shuiqin shrugged, "The two, what do you think?"

But the king of insects said: "Everyone chooses a place by themselves. If there is any overlap, it is their own choice. Let them fight for themselves! The three of you and I should not disclose any information to them... This king, It is audible."

But I heard Chang Shuiqin say: "Then you have the advantages of water, wood, nature, and people, don't you have an advantage? It's not easy to meet people."

The insect king sneered: "You have more people, and there are more places to explore. You only earn money."

Yun Chu pursed his mouth and smiled: "I think the insect king's proposal is good, I accept it."

Chang Shuiqin squinted his eyes slightly: Could it be that this time, the Insect King is really purely for people to hunt for treasure?

Chang Shui nodded, "That's it."

But seeing the seal descending, enveloping Han Fei and everyone, just listened to Chang Shuiqin directly sipping: "Okay, this is the topographic map of this island..."

While talking, Chang Shuiqin stretched out his hand, and a picture of the island painted by aura appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This is how Han Fei got a glimpse of the island.

What he didn't expect was that the island, it seemed, was not small at all, showing an irregular square circle, quite satisfactory. Its area is probably at least 20,000 li.

On this island, there are clusters of mountains, a side of water, a place covered with mud, a sea of ​​monsters planted, and a place that looks like an orchard.

Just listen to Chang Shuiqin said: "You choose one of your own and inform this seat of the location. By the way, this seat must remind you of one thing. On the island, do not escape into the void. This is from the wall of death. The island of the island, the void is unstable, and the turbulence is arbitrary. Once the void is torn, the consequences are unpredictable. Not only that, in the sky above the island, there may be void cracks in many places, so you must be careful. This is not an ordinary trial place. , There are many dangers here."

Han Fei's heart shuddered: That half-empty and half-real, okay? If this doesn't work, isn't it inconvenient to use my Heavenly Void God Action Technique? Doesn't the advantage of speed disappear?

Han Fei quickly scanned the map. Judging from the area given on this map, it was mostly dangerous.

At least, the mountains must be dangerous. Others may not know it, but it is impossible for me to be unclear after spending so long in Shiwan Dashan. Moreover, if there is an orc in the mountain, it is difficult to make a move.

The muddy land is a good place. The place is secretive, and most of the creatures I meet should be unfamiliar to me.

The land covered by demon plants is hard to say. I can keep some hands on some Yaozhi, but it's not that all the Yaozhi under the world can't do it by himself. After all, there are too many types of monsters in this world.

As for the place of the big river on the island, you can think about it with your ass: there must be terror in the river. The nature of life lives along the river. There, I am afraid it is also the most dangerous place on this island.

As for the orchard...

Han Fei pondered: Since it looks like an orchard, there should be a lot of spirit fruits. It's just that now I don't seem to lack spiritual fruit. However, the heart of treasure hunting made Han Fei's heart itch.

Just as Han Fei was preparing to select the orchard, the old turtle suddenly said: "From this picture, there is no place where the heavens are disordered. However, the places where the heavens are disordered must be important places on the island. Otherwise, there are The secrets of heaven cannot be chaotic. So, if you find the place where the secrets of heaven are chaotic, you will find the greatest opportunity on the island."

Han Fei immediately felt stunned: Old Tortoise made sense, he was a bit rushed just now.

Han Fei said, "Do you think, where is it like a place of chaos?"

The old tortoise buzzed: "The emperor doesn't know it, it's not visible on this picture."

Han Fei was speechless suddenly: "You can't see it, I can see it? Old Yuan, you are getting less and less reliable now."

The old turtle snorted: "This emperor is to remind you."

Han Fei stopped paying attention to the old turtle, but he didn't rush to make up his mind.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Han Fei noticed a very inconspicuous place on the picture. It was a dark area with not many monster plants around, but the overall color revealed red.

Han Fei couldn't help but froze for a moment: "Volcano?"

In this world, volcanoes cannot be simply called volcanoes. The power of the volcano is not enough to destroy most living things. Therefore, there will be spiritual plants around.

Han Fei immediately transmitted: "Master Changshui, I choose this place."

Chang Shuiqin saw the place chosen by Han Fei, and couldn't help being stunned: "It's not easy here. Are you going to train?"

Han Fei felt relieved when he heard Chang Shuiqin's words. A place that is not simple is a good place. At least, intuitively from the picture, this place is very unremarkable.

After a while, everyone selected a place one after another, the ban was removed, and the three nobles seemed to exchange information.

I saw Chang Shuiqin looking back at the people: "Remember, in a moment, this seat will directly send you to the chosen place. All the next crises will depend on how you respond to it yourself..."

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