God of Fishing

Chapter 1317: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Han Fei understood: Isn't this just being a remote island hero? PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds! Lose some people on a desert island and see who is the final winner?

The only difference is that this island is a bit big and dangerous. However, compared to Han Fei and their strength, the difference is not very big.

Han Fei observed the past towards Shui Mutian, his eyes were not lingering on the worm who resembled him, but he was surprised: this time, no acquaintance came. For example, Shu Xiaoman is not there.

Otherwise, he would be able to find the insect man through the tree Xiaoman.

Now that the two sides are far apart, they have to find a way to find the location of the worm.

Naturally, Chang Shuiqin had heard: Before the Yulong King, he had eaten it on a woman in Shui Mutian.

He saw Han Fei's eyes peering around, and he couldn't help saying: "Don't look. This time, there is no woman in Shuimutian. The tree is small and full, so it should not have come."

Han Fei glanced at those people last.

Just as he was about to withdraw his gaze, his eyes lit up suddenly: The worm man's kitchen knife handle was actually made of Wannian Dahongye!

Han Fei immediately turned his head, and then aimed at the blood sea **** Mucheng.

Han Feixin said: Wannian Dahongye is convenient for tracking. However, in the Blood Sea God Mu City, which one has not survived in the Ten Thousand Years Red Shirt?

It's still a bit difficult to find that bug man.

But at least, the Wannian red shirt gave Han Fei a signal. Through Xiao Bai's ability, he can guarantee that the most people he meets are the people from the Blood Sea God Wood City.

Han Fei still wanted to observe and observe again, but he heard Chang Shui sigh in a low voice: "Okay! The deity will send you there. Remember, this time for the treasure hunt and the island is only seven days. When the time is up, it will be three thousand feet away. But if you want to evacuate early and vacate the sky, it will be considered a waiver."

Seven days?

A hunting battle with only 50 people but involving three forces.

This kind of high-level competition, unless there is a last resort, there is a reason to have to give up completely in advance, otherwise, if anyone really withdraws, I am afraid that the strong will be hopeless in this life.

After all, so many big guys are watching.


The space crack ripped apart.

In a moment, Han Fei and everyone saw the chaotic void marks in the cracks in this space, overflowing from the cracks.

Chang Shuiqin said: "See? This space, don't mess into the void. Otherwise, the probability of falling is extremely high."

After speaking, Chang Shuiqin stretched out his hand, and the bodies of Han Fei and others shook and disappeared in place.

Han Fei only felt that the eyes were dark and bright, and there was power to push him.

When he opened his eyes again, he only felt the surrounding temperature suddenly change, rising by several hundred degrees. Before, the raging wind disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Han Fei knows: He has arrived.

"Sure enough, it's PUBG Mobile. I don't know if anyone has chosen the same destination as me?"

Han Fei immediately swept away the perception and found that the perception can spread out more than 20 miles. In the underground, there seems to be a kind of power absorbing perception, preventing perception from spreading further.

This perception distance is not large, Han Fei can only get a glimpse of the landform of one side. The land of the volcano that I had requested was barren, and naturally there were very few creatures.

Han Fei looked around, and didn't feel panic. It is better to be able to perceive more than 20 miles, which is better than the ineffectiveness of the soul perception.

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, I have limitations in my perception. How are you? Show me the way?"

The old turtle said: "At this moment, this island is attracting attention. If the emperor perceives it for thousands of miles, someone will immediately find that something is wrong with you. Therefore, for a few hundred miles, the emperor can perceive it, but not."

Han Feixin said: I forgot this. King, where might the cat watch the show...

However, Han Fei did not panic either. Yulong King, anyhow there is a way to shrink the ground. In terms of speed, I still have to be faster than others.

I saw Han Fei stepping in one step, one step kilometer.

As a result, when this step was taken, three void cracks appeared immediately. He quickly avoided using the fish-and-dragon dance style, and this was just enough to avoid it.

"Hiss! The close-up technique is also abolished?"

outside world.

But I heard that Venerable Yunchu said: "Heh! It seems that the Yulong King of Baibei King City has a little low consciousness!"

Chang Shuiqin smiled and said, "Actually, it's okay. After all, he used to kill many arrogances in the Blood Sea God Mucheng."


Han Fei escaped the disaster seemingly.

In fact, even if the spatial crack slashed on him, he didn't care. The speed is so slow, at most, a few bloodstains will be cut out on his body.

No way!

After one attempt, Han Fei immediately gave up the technique.

This is no, giving up the close-knit technique, Han Fei directly chose to fly into the air until the sky was a thousand feet away. This should be the first thought of most people. After all, vacating will be regarded as giving up. What's the point? You can see far by flying high.

At this moment, Han Fei realized that the place he was in was a barren land. As far as I can see, there are mountains.

Han Fei flew to one of the hills, standing on a huge rock, his ears moved slightly, Shunfeng's ears began to listen with the wind on the top of the hill.


In just a few dozen breaths of effort, Han Fei was certain: Within a thousand miles of himself, there must be an active volcano.

Taking a look at the sky, Han Fei flew all the way, although he did not reach the fastest speed, but it was only a moment away.

It's just a pity that Han Fei, the hunt for the narcissus, is over.

Now, my so-called exploration of a new island can only be under the gaze of others, which is actually very detrimental to myself.

For example: I have no way to release the fire from the Dinghai Chart. Under the circumstances that the king and the deities can see, he can't hide his little trick.


Han Fei in flight suddenly saw the thunder appearing in the air.


Han Fei shot and blocked quickly. At the moment when the two touched and separated, Han Fei saw the real appearance of the thunder.

"Hi! Leopard?"

Han Fei was stunned at the time: This island is definitely not a hundred thousand mountains. Otherwise, on this island, there will be absolutely mountains and mountains, it can't be like now.

This also means: I met a wild Leopard. Regardless of whether the appearance of this Leopard has anything to do with Shiwandashan? But at least he saw the orcs. This also proved: there are still orcs survived.

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: What is going on in the wall of death? How come a piece of island randomly appeared, and there appeared orc creatures that should have disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years?

Thunder Leopard is extremely fast and can be transformed into Thunder.

However, Han Fei knew this creature too well. Therefore, when Lei Bao turned into lightning again, Han Fei pretended to fight dozens of times tentatively.

After more than ten breaths, Han Fei looked at the thunder in the sky, and looked at the place where Lei Leopard was: "The end of the world is close."

It's just that Han Fei didn't go out this time when he performed the technique within a short distance, but instead directed at Lei Bao. Five void cracks appeared in the void, and Lei Bao was seen flashing rapidly in the void cracks. In the blink of an eye, the distance was stretched. After a reaction, Lei Bao still suffered two thunders.


Han Fei roared, and a dragon shadow appeared, heading straight towards Lei Bao.

Lei Bao, who had just received a slight injury, was slightly stunned when he heard the roar of Hundred Beast Soul Town Soul. This may be the difference between the Orcs and other races.

When other people heard Han Fei's roar, they probably thought it was a kind of inheritance power of the Dragon King bloodline in him.

However, in the ears of the orc creatures, Han Fei's roar, there is another power. That is the sound of beast roar!

Lei Bao even heard a little roar of his own. Although it was rare, it heard it, so it felt unexpected.

Just listen to Han Fei yelling: "Dare to attack the Dragon King? No matter what creature you are, die..."

Seeing that the Art of the End of the World was activated again, he saw Lei Bao "swipe" and disappeared above the sky. The figure was like thunder, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the vast void.

Han Fei did not chase.

He can use the proximity technique, but he cannot use it to drive his way. Those who watched the theater understood that Han Fei couldn't chase it. Once he chased it out, it was an endless space crack.

Moreover, Han Fei did not want to chase.

Otherwise, what can you do if you catch up? Is it possible to kill Lei Bao?

Han Fei is naturally unwilling.

Both himself and the ancestors of Leopard Leopard had learned how to beast. Now, running to kill the blood that has been handed down with great difficulty, what is this?

As for Han Fei's performance, the three big masters have seen it.

Chang Shuiqin smiled faintly and looked at Yun Chu and said, "Look, okay, right?"

Yun Chu did not speak, but instead set his gaze on the other people in his family.

The insect king's eyes are like an abyss.

He was thinking in his heart: Chang Shuiqin is an idiot, your fish and dragon king has long been dead outside, and now you still scream?

However, the Insect King didn't care what Han Fei did, but the fake Han Fei had cast the wrong place!

Based on the choices of Tranquility, Wushangxue, and Queen of Life, they placed the insect man Han Fei in the spiritual orchard.

After all, Han Fei's time in the Cloud Sea God Tree was short, but his greedy personality was unanimously recognized. God knows, why did this guy choose a crater with nothing?

After scoring Lei Leopard, Han Fei quickly came to a volcanic crater with no grass growing around.

Han Fei even glanced at the past and saw a lot of diamond crystals on the ground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and traces of weirdly colored, dark lava flowing through.

Look at the volcano, about 3,000 meters in diameter, with a funnel shape inside.

More than 800 meters down, there is a lava lake stirring.

Han Fei couldn't help frowning slightly: In theory, it's a big volcano! However, in this world, it seems a bit small!

Standing in the crater, the temperature is about a thousand degrees.

This temperature has no effect on Han Fei. But seeing Han Fei's perception swept away, and within a kilometer of invading the lava lake, he realized that his perception could not continue to dive. It's hot there!

Just listen to the old tortoise: "You can go to the bottom of the lake to try. When the temperature reaches a certain level, it can be burned into the void and unstable, and it has a certain effect of blocking the view."

Han Fei was speechless: "I jumped into the magma when I came up. I'm afraid I was the first one."

Having said that, Han Fei did not stop at any step. I saw him leaping in the air, headed into the lava lake.

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