God of Fishing

Chapter 1324: Grassland Grave

Looking at Tang Yue, who was carrying a long knife not far in front of him, Han Fei was speechless: how could he walk around the ancient realm of a thousand mountains by himself, killing a younger brother, killing a younger sister, and then elder brother Sisters come one by one? What kind of luck is this?

However, unlike Yu Guang, this Tangyue's strength was amazing. His melee combat capability turned out to be one of the best people he currently looks like.

Faintly, Han Fei felt: This Tang Yue and Zhang Xiaotian are the arrogance of a class.

Han Fei's spear stood up in front of him: "How do you know I'm coming?"

Looking at the ancient remnant formation not far away, Han Fei remembered: Tang Yue should also be proficient in formations. Otherwise, she could not hide in the formation and attack herself.

Tang Yue said bluntly: "There are only 50 people on this island, and it is normal to meet anyone. You are here, just in time, settle the previous accounts."


She didn't seem to be ready to chat with Han Fei a few more words, Tang Yue held the knife in both hands, and there was a curse on the blade. The moment she cleaved the knife, rows of knives like waves of raging sea condensed in the air.

"Clang clang~"

Han Fei fought back with the Monkey King's three thousand sticks, and the two of them swept and ran on the grassland, their figures resembling ghosts and ghosts.

The "bang bang bang" that I just listened to kept cracking, and the battle was fought for hundreds of miles.

Han Fei became more and more sure: Although Tang Yue was not as powerful as Zhang Xiaotian, the strength he showed was actually better than the Yulong King who was disguised.

Moreover, as a woman, a thousand-year-old snapper, a race that shouldn't be good at close combat and not good at physique. This woman actually broke all the routines and was able to catch up with the power she showed in strength.

This also meant: Although Tang Yue had just entered the Taoist Realm for the first time, her strength had reached 150 waves, which was not much worse than her.

Moreover, such bloody, violent, and brutal fighting methods are definitely tempered between life and death.

For Han Fei, this is not much stronger.

However, to the Yulong King, this is the enemy of terror. After the two sides fought for more than 300 rounds, Han Fei deliberately exposed dozens of flaws, leaving dozens of stab wounds on his body.

Of course, Han Fei was not unachievable, he also left Tang Yue's body, leaving five traces of spear light sweeping.

Off the island.

Chang Shuiqin said: "Chu Yun, you are willing to pay for the capital this time. Have you dispatched all the talents of this level?"

Yun Chu said indifferently: "My Tianjiao, the **** of blood and sea, never fears anyone. That arrogant Yulong King seems to be nothing more than that."

The Insect King hummed lightly and fixed his gaze at a figure passing by the river.

Both Chang Shuiqin and Yun Chu were slightly taken aback: It seems that Han Fei's current direction is also west.

In their opinion, after the wormman Han Fei separated from the Yulong King, the ichthyosaur king went directly to the northwest, and the wormman Han Fei went to the swamp because he was too lazy to chase. Then, from the swamp to the big river, he also fought with an ancient python during the period.

But now, the direction changed again and it became the west direction.

Chang Shuiqin couldn't help but be a little surprised: it seems that the distribution of personnel across the battlefield is a bit biased. I don't know when, the whole shifted toward the middle and west.

Not only Han Fei, the insect man, but also seven or eight people shifted to the west. This caused the three great masters to look to the west several times, and found that there was indeed no special situation, which relieved them.

On the western prairie.

Because the two were evenly matched, although Han Fei seemed invincible, Tang Yue wanted to kill Han Fei also unrealistic. After all, on this grassland, the proximity technique is not too limited, the void cracks are relatively few, and Han Fei has the advantage in speed.

After finally getting rid of Tang Yue with speed, Han Fei encountered another broken ancient formation.

This time, this formation is more thorough than the bad one just now. In this battle, there was a crack visible to the naked eye.

Han Fei told himself: Tolerate one more day, and tolerate again, when the queen of life comes, it is time to kill the Quartet.

At this moment, Han Fei looked at the ancient formation and said, "Old Yuan, do you think this formation can cover the secrets of heaven?"

Old tortoise said: "This array is broken, it seems to have been split by someone, what do you say? If it has not been split, it can cover a breath, and it can indeed cover the vision of the venerable. Can it block the king? Line of sight? It depends on the strength of the big formation itself."

Han Fei drilled directly into the formation, but found that the space in the formation was not large, only an ancient house was located on it. The building is a bit decayed, and the walls are broken in some places.

As one's own perception was swept away, immediately there was a sword intent born in the void, actually intending to kill one's own perception.

With a thought, Han Fei directly retracted his perception, and pierced out of his hands with shock. The invisible wave burst, but the shock wave didn't crash the building.

Han Fei stepped into the building. The Remnant Array can only exert a little defensive power. It has been explored here, and its strength is naturally weaker, and of course it cannot stop Han Fei.

Sure enough, inside the building, Han Fei discovered: This is like a place for ordinary people to practice and live. All good things are gone. On the wall, some murals have been handed down.

Han Fei glanced away, as if he was describing: In the ancient times, a strong man led a group of people and swept across Tianyu...

and many more……

Han Fei's pupils suddenly shrank: What did he see? However, among the nine clouds, a huge dragon head protruded out of the clouds. Behind is a scene of a lot of strong men fighting against the blue dragon. Moreover, they weren't two ancient blue dragons, they seemed to be a group.


Han Fei suddenly took a breath: "Lao Yuan, are you familiar with the Dragons? What's the situation?"

The whole process of the mural is a battle with the ancient dragon. The two sides seemed to have losses to each other until the end, the dragon fought in the wild, and the most powerful leader died in the wasteland.

In the end, Han Fei could only see a dry grave, located above the wilderness.

The old tortoise was silent for a long time, seeming to be a little emotional, and said leisurely: "Dragons..."

Han Fei: "???"

Old Tortoise: "That's a terrible race. In the endless years before this emperor, there have always been dragon legends. As for the dragons that appeared here, this emperor doesn't know it."

Han Fei said in surprise: "Huh? You live longer than you?"

"Huh! This is an eternal and unparalleled family. Its history can be traced back to the ancient times, and various deeds have long been lost in the dust of history."

Han Fei was a little stunned: What is the ancient prehistoric thing? Never heard of it. However, it has a long history.

However, what surprised Han Fei was: among these ten thousand races, how come there are still dragons.

What makes Han Fei even more strange is that it seems that it is not sea monsters but humans that are fighting the dragons. Humans and dragons fighting? Is there any contradiction between the two parties?

Han Fei pondered: There should be more than one ancient formation on this grassland in order to shake such a large piece of dead grass. I should look for other ancient formations myself.

Just listen to the old turtle said: "The emperor thinks, do you want to run around? Wait for the queen of life to come over."

Han Fei: "What's wrong?"

The old turtle said, "Do you think that deserted grave is a bit weird? Will it be on this grassland?"

Han Fei grinned: "That can't be done. So many sages and even kings have swept this grassland, and even the Queen of Life asked me to come here. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years of waste tomb, if it is returned Can it be? I ate it."

Han Fei didn't panic at all. Even if you meet Tang Yue again, you will only be chasing and fighting. Tang Yue didn't have the ability to kill herself, as far as speed was concerned, she was still slightly better by virtue of the skill at hand.

Moreover, this grassland seems to have the ability to make people lost. At least, after just chasing after him, he found that Tang Yue had disappeared.

Therefore, Han Fei didn't care about being discovered by Tang Yue.

So, after half an hour.

Han Fei looked at a deserted grave a few hundred meters away, dumbfounded, his scalp numb.

The old tortoise has a long voice: "Are you going to eat it?"


Han Fei immediately wanted to retreat. Is there anything more frightening than this? The kings have swept this grassland, didn't they find this deserted grave?

Moreover, this special thing appears too casual, right?

I just want to walk around, want to continue to look for two broken ancient formations to take a look, why did I meet such a thing?

Just listen to the old turtle: "Perhaps, it's not that they haven't cleaned the grassland, but that even the king can't find it at all. The avenue is impermanent, and the king is just the beginning of the avenue. There are many things they don't see."

Han Fei withdrew in one step, UU reading www.uukanshu.com wanted to leave.

However, something even more frightening happened to him: the close proximity technique seemed to have failed. The distance between the deserted grave and me has not changed at all... Wait...

Looking at the grass under his feet, Han Fei glanced at the traces of being crushed in front of him. At that time, his heart suddenly burst: It seems that it’s not that the nearby surgery is invalid, but this deserted grave is chasing him, even the frequency is the same as himself. , I thought I was laughing at my fingertips.

Where did Han Fei encounter this weird situation? Does the one in the grave fall in love with yourself?

The old turtle said: "Han Fei, you don't seem to have to wait for your younger sister to come. The secret here has changed, and you should not see what you are doing outside."

Han Fei raised his brows: "What do you mean?"

Old tortoise: "It means that you have entered the wrong area now. It is not you who ate the grave, but it ate you. It is difficult to say clearly... Are you in the grave or Outside the grave?"

Han Fei: "..."

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