God of Fishing

Chapter 1325: Human orthodox, pure blood

Standing outside the grave, Han Fei felt all horrified.

I should have listened to the old tortoise just now. What kind of ancient formation was going out to find? It's alright now, the ancient formation didn't find it, but found the waste tomb that shouldn't exist.

Now, I can't even shake it off.


Han Fei took a breath: "Don't panic, I think I can stand here for a while and wait for the queen of life to come over."

Han Fei did not intend to approach the deserted grave. If we can maintain the current situation of non-compliance, it is not bad, at least it can delay time.

The old turtle said: The secret here has been concealed. That means that he can already call Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai.

Seeing Han Fei's eyebrows twitched, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai came out.

But seeing Han Fei's heart move, Xiao Hei was collected into the refining world. Now that Han Fei is clever, he must be stable in such a dangerous place.

It is best that only one of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai appears outside.

Han Fei looked at Xiao Bai, who was close to his cheek, and couldn't help saying: "Girl, can you perceive the danger in this place?"

The little white fish leaned his head and stared straight at the deserted grave, but finally said, "Dad, I can't feel it."

"Huh? Can't feel it?"

Han Fei was surprised: This was the first time there was a danger that even Xiao Bai could not perceive.

With a thought, Han Fei called out Tu Feiyuan and threw it into the refining world to take precautions.

Han Fei subconsciously, unconsciously, glanced into the refining world.

This is a habit, anyway, perception can observe the outside at any time. Therefore, Han Fei closed his eyes and glanced at Refining World, as natural as blinking.

As a result, after Han Fei "blinked his eyes", he suddenly saw the barren tomb and didn't know when he appeared 100 meters away.


Han Fei was frightened: Nima, when did it come?


Han Fei's face is ugly: I have been watching my own perception! How did this barren tomb deceive my own perception? It suddenly moved from hundreds of meters away to 100 meters away?

"Could it be that I just diverted my eyes?"

People say that "it is talent that kills," and so does Han Fei. It seems that Han Fei blinked his eyes again in order to confirm his conjecture.

This time is extremely short, and it won't even affect one's external visual experience at all.

However, with just such a blink of an eye, Han Fei suddenly discovered that the barren grave was only about 30 meters away from him.

Han Fei: "..."

At this moment, Han Fei only felt a sudden cold sweat on his forehead, and shouted in his heart: "Lao Yuan, Lao Yuan, what's the situation? How can this grave still run? It's still running so fast."

The old turtle said: "The emperor told you just now, although you saw it now, in fact, you should have been eaten by it. What you see now seems to be true and illusion. Or, you walk in. Take a look?"

Han Fei's mouth twitched: "I'm fart? I can stare at it for seven days and seven nights without blinking."

Old tortoise: "..."

Sure enough, Han Fei stared at the barren grave without a stele for half an hour, and saw that the barren grave hadn't taken a step closer, and he was relieved, saying: Sure enough, as long as you stare at it, you will be fine.

But the next moment, just listening to the gasp of "hu" made Han Fei get goose bumps all over his body. Because, the deserted tomb suddenly cracked a hole, and a cold breeze blew from it.

Han Fei: "???"

At that moment, the shadow area in Han Fei's heart was huge, as if ten thousand iron-headed fish were running around in his heart.

"Hey! You close it. What are you doing with the split? We are not familiar with it!"

Suddenly, feeling as if attracted by the void in the crack, Han Fei wanted to take a closer look. But, looking around, Han Fei was surprised to find that the crack seemed to have become bigger.


"Wait... there seems to be something wrong."

Han Fei suddenly returned to his senses. He was attracted by the crack just now, but he was taken aback. Although his reaction was already extremely quick, his tears fell so quickly as soon as he recovered. Because at this moment, the barren tomb was three meters away from his eyes.

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not good: You are so capable, what are you going to do while I'm out of sight? What are you going to do?


Han Fei took a deep breath. Although it was a little frightening, there was no fear. At this moment, he is a little bit emotional and curious: What is emotional is that there should be a lack of girls around him. Otherwise, maybe the two of them go in hand in hand, and then they become two butterflies and fly out.


Knowing that avoidance is inevitable, Han Fei felt: I should try to use Yin and Yang divine eyes.

It's just that this time even the yin and yang eyes are not good enough.

Han Fei's eyes changed, just to calm down his mood quickly. What are fear and horror? Han Fei has long known it.

With this emotional state, Han Fei stepped into the deserted grave.


However, Han Fei's eyes were a barren or even reddish soil.

The wind is dry here, and the wind is accompanied by heat waves. The mud under my feet didn't feel wet at all. The dust appeared extremely heavy and somewhat reddish.

As for the sky? There is no sky here at all, it's like red and hidden, it can be far away.

"Huh! What a big grave."

Han Fei looked around: This doesn't look like a grave, it's more like a primitive Gobi.

In the distance, a red haze was circulating, which was a symbol of the formation enchantment.

Since Han Fei had already entered, he naturally stopped being afraid and walked directly to the depths of the grave.


Han Fei had just walked a few steps out, and when he looked down, he found that a hole had been cut in his suit that belonged to the Yulong King.

Han Fei: "???"

"The battle suit was cut?"


Han Fei took a deep breath and air-conditioned: No matter how bad this suit is, he is a low-grade magic soldier at any rate.

Han Fei continued to take a step forward, feeling like he had been cut in his arm. From the corner of the light, I can see that between my actions, there is a red light knife passing by.

"Sword Intent?"

Han Fei walked a few steps quickly, only to hear the sound of "chichichi" sounded beside him. However, this level of power cannot shake oneself.

So, walking around, Han Fei ran.

At this moment, Han Fei could see countless red lights like knives, slashing himself. It was like sprinting with sword current in the abyss of the third-level fishing ground. Here, it was just replaced by knife flow.

I don’t know how long I ran. Although the power of this cutting is not weak, it is not very strong. It seems that these sword intents hidden in the void were not deliberately laid. But like air, it exists naturally.

Even with the eyes of Yin and Yang, Han Fei could only roughly feel: This place is a little weird.

When Han Fei walked past several entrapped red light barriers, he suddenly stopped.

He saw that there were several graves.

Han Fei's mouth twitched, and suddenly turned to look at a dark corner of the dirt slope, and saw a dry figure with long hair dragging something in one hand, and something like an arm in one hand. Nibble.

At that time, Han Fei had a "thump" in his heart: Nima, what kind of boss is this?

Fortunately, Han Fei had better eyesight, and found that the sloppy figure was holding a lotus root.

"Huh! Scared the baby to death."

However, Han Fei felt wrong again: Is the lotus root juice red? What... On the hair in the hands of the sloppy figure, red liquid is dripping?

Suddenly, Han Fei saw: The thing dragged by the figure moved.

Waiting for Han Fei to take a closer look: At that time, his eyes were round. Isn't it Qingsiling?

Yes, Qingsiling is still alive now, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. Both arms were gone, and at the moment, the figure was holding an ankle and dragging it on the ground.

Only then did Han Fei remember: Qing Silk Ling, it seems that he was born from a demon plant, and uses invisible silk thread. After contacting the lotus root in the figure's hand, Han Fei seemed to have discovered something.

This Qingsiling is also a lotus flower!

"Yulongwang, save me!"

At this moment, in Han Fei's mind, he thought of Qingsiling's voice, and his voice was terrified.

It seems that Qingsiling is already here and has been eaten for a long time.

Before Han Fei could speak, he heard a hoarse voice, but saw the sloppy figure tilting his head and looking at Han Fei: "Fish?"

Han Fei's eyelids twitched, thinking of the person in the mural, and his heart said: This should be Human Race?

Just listen to Han Fei hurriedly shouting: "Senior, don't get me wrong, I'm a human, I'm a human race, with an orthodox bloodline, and a person of integrity."

Qing Siling is almost speechless: Are you a human being? Except you look a bit like a person, where else do you resemble a person? You are a fish, who are you pretending to be?

The figure tilted his head again, then glanced at Han Fei again, and said a certain hoarse voice: "Fish."

Han Fei was in a cold sweat all over his body: "Don't move, I will become a human to show you."

At this time, where did Han Fei pretend to be the Yulong King? If this Nima is installed again, it may be eaten.


The figure took a bite of the lotus root, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked down again, and the lotus root in his hand seemed to be running out. So he took another bite and stuffed the lotus root into his mouth.

At the same time, he saw his big dry hand pulled, and Qing Silk Ling's thigh turned into a large lotus root, which was caught in his hand by the sloppy figure.

Han Fei: "..."

Qingsi Ling trembling: It's over, this is over.

She said to her heart: It's okay if the Yulong King doesn't come. When he comes, the monster feels that the food has increased and the speed of eating has also increased!

And Han Fei saw that his appearance changed rapidly. His figure is slightly distorted, his demonic energy is quickly dissipating, and his spiritual energy is quickly returning.

In this scene, seeing the sloppy figure was a little stunned, and it was even more dumbfounded to look at Qing Silkling directly: What is his method?

I saw Han Fei quickly transforming into a human appearance, and then he said, "Junior Han Fei, the human race is orthodox, he has the blood of the king, the blood is pure, and he is the eternal pride of my human race."

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