God of Fishing

Chapter 1341: Dragon Ball

There is no such thing as the two shiyans falling away, and Han Fei's line of nothingness did not get a little bit of spirit from them.

After it shattered at this moment, Han Fei picked up a stone and squeezed it casually, only to see the stone burst into pieces.

Just listen to the old turtle: "Don't pinch, it's just an ordinary stone."


Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath, ordinary stone? How can I not cut ordinary rocks with Snowmourne?

Old tortoise: "This stone is too strong. These are just two ordinary stone statues. It must be under the aura of the strong to be so strong. Even if the emperor comes in person, I am afraid that they will do it all. Not that much."

Han Feixin said what you are, there is another name called Wangdigui, so idiots should know what level the owner is.

It's just that Han Fei was a little frightened. There is even the ruins of Emperor Zun on this random island?

Perhaps the old tortoise was right. Under the influence of the strong spirit, even ordinary stones can be strong to such an abnormal degree. It is probably related to the heart that the old tortoise said.


Just as Han Fei wanted to ask questions about Daoxin, suddenly the center of the cave began to collapse. However, there was only a small area collapsed there, and there was a scorching force floating out.

Seeing that there is abnormal heat, there is pressure rushing out. Han Fei didn't dare to neglect, after fighting this Shi Yan, he knew that this might be the relic of the emperor, and if he was not careful, he might fall on the spot.

This has nothing to do with Invincible Road, being crossed over countless realms by others, no matter how arrogant you are, and you are a shit?

But seeing Han Fei's eyebrows flashed, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai appeared, Han Fei was about to ask Xiao Bai what was going on there, and he saw Xiao Hei "swoosh" and jumped out.

"Hey hey! Er smash..."

Han Fei looked speechless, this little guy is getting more and more disobedient now, is that a place where you can rush in?

But the old tortoise said: "Come in! It's so hot, I'm afraid it's a strange fire."

Han Fei's thoughts moved, it's possible that the female ghost had been burned by abnormal fire all the year round. The question is where is the abnormal fire?

Now, Xiao Hei slipped into this hole, fearing that there was pure Yang power inside.

No, Han Fei moved into the refining world, and followed Xiao Hei directly into the cave.


No, when Han Fei stepped into the cave, he immediately felt a burst of heat, almost without any moisture.

In front of him, it was like a scaly cave with a small area, only a hundred meters in size. In the center of this cave, there is a golden yellow, but occasionally glowing red bead hanging there.

Before Han Fei could identify what it was, he saw that Xiao Hei had gotten closer to the thing, spinning around it.

Han Fei yelled: "Son, don't move, let me see your daddy first."

Han Fei's first reaction was that it was definitely a treasure that could be compared to watching sea ice sand. Because the temperature here has surpassed the temperature of the previous lava lake, the terrible high temperature of more than 4000 degrees is similar to the original blue sea ice sand.

Faced with such a temperature, Han Fei still doesn't panic, where is this? I dared to pierce the bottom of the lava lake in front of me. The temperature at that moment was comparable to the surface of the blazing sun. How could I be afraid now?

Xu is that Han Fei’s hot kang is higher, or it may be that the space of this cave is relatively small, so in fact, except for the bead within 10 meters, the temperature difference is not very big.

When Han Fei took a closer look, there was information in his eyes.

【Name】Fire Dragon Ball

[Introduction] The natal pill bead of the Fiery Dragon clan, when the flame dragon falls, the pill bead cannot be stored, and it will evolve into combustion by itself until it burns out. Fire Dragon Ball can be used as a fire repairing treasure, for refining tools, and repairing fire resistance. Do not repair by fire, and do not eat lightly.

【Effect】Horse repair can be worn for a long time and can repair the body of flame, fire eyes and golden eyes.

[Remarks] In the state of decay, this fire dragon ball has been burning for a long time, and the effect is not one.

As soon as he saw this information, Han Fei's heart froze at the time. Is this still a power display with less than 10% effect?

Dragon Ball? I drop it, I don’t know if I can summon a dragon and come out to make a wish.

Of course, Han Fei wouldn't be so stupid.

Although this is not a treasure of heaven and earth, this fire dragon clan doesn't know what it is.

However, they are known as dragons, not other creatures such as flood dragons and giant dragons, they are real dragons.

The old tortoise didn’t know the dragon clan at all, so naturally he didn’t know the fire dragon ball. He only said: "This thing is a strange treasure with fire attributes, which looks quite extraordinary. But it is still a lot worse than blue or smoothie. Otherwise, now, It's impossible for you to observe closely and nothing happens at all."

Han Fei: "I know."

After speaking, Han Fei confronted the little underworld and said, "Son, can you eat this? Let's eat if we can."

Xiao Hei responded coolly: "You can eat it."

He only saw Xiao Hei open his big mouth and grinned at the boss, the surrounding hot fire suddenly got into Xiao Hei's belly.

The fire dragon ball was naturally swallowed by Xiao Hei.

I saw the surface of the small black body, the fire was steaming, and the fire was scattered from time to time.

Immediately, Han Fei's heart moved, and Xiao Bai in Refining World seemed to have a reaction.

Immediately, Han Fei released Xiao Bai quickly, so the two small fishes, black and white, circled around again. If the yin and yang of Tai Chi were spinning while swimming, this was a symbol of their promotion.


Sure enough, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai's body flashed, and he was promoted again without stopping. From this posture, after this fire dragon ball, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai was promoted to at least level 65.

Han Fei wondered that it would take some time to advance this time. There was no danger here, so he sat cross-legged and started to recover from his injuries.


When Han Fei was sitting and practicing, the pot was already fried.

Zhang Xiaotian, who was defeated in a battle with Han Fei, did not really leave. As a strong reincarnation, knowing that there are strange treasures hidden under this mountain range, how could Zhang Xiaotian give up casually?

The road that was snatched by Han Fei just now should be the best road, and it was the place that was originally left. But now, you need to open up a new path yourself.

As long as the place is basically determined and the specific path to take, you will know by trying it, and you can go through it.

So Zhang Xiaotian blasted away several other peaks.

No, after blasting through three mountain peaks in a row, Zhang Xiaotian really blasted his way away.

When the last mountain was reopened, the blood rushed into the sky like a beam of light.

With this movement, the other creatures that had gathered crazily, if they had no goal before. But now, a moment has a goal.

Outside this land of dragon veins, various creatures are gathering. There are already tens of thousands of beasts who shuttle between the mountains and the wild. Some Yaozhi drilled out of the ground and moved to the depths of the mountains. There was a big bird in the sky. At this moment, he was also hovering at low altitude, scanning the mountains.

Shui Mutian, Blood Sea God Wood City, Baibei King City, not to mention gathering together, but at least half of them came.

Without exception, these people all rushed to the mountain that was blown away by Zhang Xiaotian. Not only these people, but the messy creatures, are all going to that place.

This is a typical example of someone opening the way and a latecomer.

About three hours later.

The cave that exudes blood soaring to the sky is surrounded by a large number of creatures.

But, surprisingly, except for the Tianjiao of the three major forces who entered this cave, other creatures rarely entered. Instead, they were absorbing the escaped blood.

In fact, everyone, including Zhang Xiaotian, knew that this man was extraordinary.

But Tianjiao is smart and more greedy. It's so extraordinary if a little blood leaks out at random. How extraordinary is the real baby in there?

Therefore, a large group of people has already poured in.

It's just that the three parties are in an array, suddenly gathered at this moment, and they have become evenly matched.

Shrimp Youwei, Umbrella Seven, and Xuye were together, and Baibei King City had 5 people.

The blood demon in Blood Sea God Wood City is very sensitive to blood food, so there are 6 people gathered at the moment, maybe more people are gathering here.

And Shuimutian is naturally the least, only three people.

At this moment, the three parties did not take it lightly. In front of them, there is a long river. This river is not as simple as an ordinary underground river. The water here is red, and the river surface is filled with thick blood, which looks quite strange.

To be precise, this should be called a **** river.

Because no one knows where this river leads? Can you live? How did it go?

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, there are 11 people in Baibei King City and Blood Sea God Wood City, and 3 people are approaching Shui Mutian.

Xia Youwei smiled: "Aren't you Zergs always fearless to die? Why don't you dare to cross the river now?"

A one-horned worm buzzed: "Huh! My zerg is not afraid of death, but it doesn't mean stupid. This river is full of blood, perception is impenetrable, and there is no end in sight. I don’t know where to go, who dares to cross lightly. ?"

Umbrella Qi sneered: "Do you think you still have a chance to choose? Either go now or die."

A spell flashed under the blood demon's feet: "There are three people in your door area, do you think it can block a dozen of us?"

Just as the two sides were arguing, they suddenly turned their heads and looked at the river of blood.

I only saw a small boat dangling over there.

The big birds in the sky of Shui Mutian are quite knowledgeable. He has seen Han Fei use this kind of thing, it seems to be called-"boat"?

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