God of Fishing

Chapter 1342: Bloody river

In the domain of Shuimutian, including the creatures on the Cloud Sea God Tree, there is no concept of "ship", let alone the Blood Sea God Wood City and Bai Bei King City.

For most practitioners, they have not even heard of it.

More often, from the endless secrets of the sea, occasionally glimpses the existence of ships.

But for things like ships, either the material is special or the place is special, otherwise it will be corroded after being soaked all the year round and eventually, there will be nothing left.

When the big bird saw the ship, he said, "Follow me."

The creatures who can come to the island are at least at the level of Tianjiao. Who would wait to die willingly? This big bird and bug are not stupid, of course it is impossible for three people to challenge a dozen others. If they were so innocent, none of these people would be sent to this island to compete for resources.

"call out!"

I saw the big bird suddenly shoot, grabbing two insects with two claws, one wings, and a violent wind, and flew straight to the boat.

For strange things, including Xia Youwei, they felt that the ship was very strange. Even if they are Tianjiao, they don't even know each other!

However, the bird knew about the ship, and naturally thought that this kind of ship was safe, so it turned on it.

"Where to go?"

"Come down."

The blood sea **** Mu City, and the people of Bai Bei Wang City, saw that the three people of Shui Mutian really dared to rush, and even flew straight to the ship, thinking this bird had found something? For a time, how can I make it?

Immediately, the Blood Sea God Mu City and Bai Bei King City were plundered by two people at the same time.

Similarly, it flew towards that ship. Although the two parties didn't know what the ship was, watching Shui Mutian and the three of them flew straight there, which at least meant that it was safe there.

Xuye from Baibei Wangcheng, the new tenth strongest in the Tianjiao list, is probably to show off in front of the Xia Youwei and get their approval; it may be that he was on the Tianjiao list, so he was a little bit proud and flew. Snatched out.

The shrimp was promising, but just threw a spear.

The remaining four people in the blood sea **** Mucheng used spells one after another. In mid-air, flame snakes appeared, and countless shadows of knives appeared, slashing towards the birds and them.

It’s just that, even the big bird didn’t even think about it. The moment it caught two bugs and flew into the **** river... After a while, the wings seemed to be filled with lead water, and it took less than a hundred feet to fly. The body drops rapidly.


Seeing the two caught insects, they immediately fluttered their wings to relieve the pressure on the big bird. This is the benefit of Mizuki's natural life, people all have their own flying function.

The three of them flew at the same time, and it was immediately easier. However, this decline is almost irreversible, and the three of them just feel that their weight is getting heavier.

Just listen to the big bird shouting: "Burning the essence and blood, all the auras are on top and fly over."


At that moment, I saw three light clusters, blood burning, flapping their wings frantically, and flying to the small boat a few kilometers away.

The people who chased the bird were different.

The problem is: they don't have wings!

Someone had discovered this problem the first time they flew out. A person from Baibei Wangcheng flew out hundreds of feet away, only to find that his body was sinking uncontrollably, and he immediately wanted to turn around and look back.

However, only hearing the sound of "clang", he actually slammed into an invisible barrier, causing Xia Youwei and Umbrella Seven to look dumbfounded: There is still a barrier here?

At this time, Xia Youwei and Umbrella Seven had already noticed: The attacks of their own and others fell in midair, and they couldn't attack the opponent at all.

Obviously, he and the others miscalculated, and there really is a problem with this long life.

The person who wanted to come back clutched the glass-like barrier desperately, but still fell straight down, and immediately shouted, "Take me!"

In addition to Xia Youwei and Umbrella Seven, one person extended a long whip to detain the person. As a result, as soon as the long whip was caught, the person who helped him found out that he had been pulled over uncontrollably.

Xia Youwei and Umbrella Seven backed up at the same time, pulled together, and only heard a "bang", the long whip broke, and this man stopped moving forward.

And the guy holding the long whip, failed to fly in the direction of the boat, and failed to get ashore, and almost dragged another person into the water. He stepped on his foot, stepped on an invisible barrier, and wanted to return to chase the boat.

Unfortunately, it is too late!


As the first guy to fall into the **** river, everyone's eyes, including the perception of the big bird in the front, fell on him.

But the moment he saw him hit the river of blood, nothing seemed to happen.

The man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "There is invisible gravity suppression here, so I can't fly for a long time. I swam through the water...no, my legs..."

Just halfway through that person's words, his expression suddenly changed, and the whole person began to struggle frantically.

Umbrella Qi shouted: "What happened to your legs?"

The man was horrified, and while trying to swim back with his hands, he shouted, "My legs are completely unconscious..."

It's just that no one chats with him anymore at this moment.

Because everyone can see: On the hands of this person swimming, the flesh and blood are melting, and the bones have been exposed. With the power of his hands, he made part of his body a **** river.

However, this scene is even more frightening: he saw that below his chest, the flesh and blood had melted, and only the bones were left.

Shrimp Youwei's face solemn: "It's not saved."

Umbrella Qi and the other person looked ugly, especially the person who had just helped out, the cold sweat came out all over. What the **** is this? Just soaking in the blood and energy for a while, the flesh and blood are gone? It's so creepy!

The big bird and two insects in front of them panicked.

Nasuya was panicked too: What the **** is this? Is this **** river so scary?

Among the two blood demons, a large number of curses appeared on one of them. I saw the void flicker, and the whole person swept forward for kilometers.

At this time, the big bird rushed into the boat first.

I saw him flutter his wings suddenly, and hundreds of long feathers shot out like sharp arrows.

There was a bug that was about to smash into the river of blood and energy, but fortunately a large feather shot under his feet.

As he stepped on and jumped, he finally flew onto the ship. The other insect is better, even with its own power, it can rush to the boat.

When the two insects came up, only the big bird shouted: "Blast!"

"Boom bang bang!"

I saw blood and water across the sky, ripples and huge thrust, directly shaking the boat and starting to drive away quickly.

Originally, the few people who still had some hope were dumbfounded at this time!

Just listen to Nasuya and yelled: "Stop going..."

The other two blood demons, one of them was not strong enough, and cried out strangely: "Sister Wolf, save me..."

However, the blood demon in front that could cross the void didn't care about her at all. At the moment of life and death, you are not capable of yourself, who is to blame? You can only blame yourself for having no means.

The wolf sister looked at Xuye and said, "Baibei King City, you and I will cooperate and fight with the three of them. Otherwise, none of us will work."

Xu Ye heard this and directly agreed. At this time, as long as he is not a fool, he will agree.


The wave of the river of blood exploded by the big bird was blasted, and one of the bugs buzzed and said: "It really scared the bugs to death, and the blood demon fell."

Another insect buzzed: "What are you looking at? Didn't you see those two people, have you chased them?"

Two insects bickered: "Poke them down too."

"Ask the big corner of the sky, I am!"

"I will give you the lungs!"

The big bird raised its wings, "hula", a gust of wind, and hundreds of big feathers flew directly towards the blood demon who had escaped suddenly.

"Boom bang bang!"


It's all a fatal blow, who doesn't have any means?

The blood demon wanted to block with rune armor. As a result, she underestimated the power of the bug. That big horn is on top, a hundred feet in the air, and the strength of her body is all in this corner, can she just stop it casually?

Only hearing a "bang" sound, the woman was also directly knocked into the river of blood.


The Xu Ye, who also flew towards the big birds, suddenly changed color.

Those who can come to the island are all Tianjiao-level figures, and they are just forcibly on the top. After all, the positions from eighth to twelfth were all wiped out by the Yulong King. It was Xuye's turn.

In fact, Xu Ye is still a long way from the tenth real arrogant list.

The Yulong King has the skill at hand. If this kind of ship seizure is handled by the Yulong King, it only takes a few steps to get there, but what about him?

A big horn struck across, and hundreds of flying feathers swept over. For the guys Shuimutian, they were always willing to sacrifice, as long as they could kill themselves.

If you want to fight hard, Xu Ye is really not sure.

However, if you can't get on the boat, you will die.

This forced Xuye to fight. But just when he broke the horns with a long whip, and then tried to forcefully rush the flying feathers, he saw a ship again in his eyes.

Suddenly, UU read www.uukanshu.com's face with joy.

But immediately, his whole person was not good: the boat was more than 2,000 meters away from him. But now he is less than six meters away from the **** river, it is impossible to fly over.

Suddenly, Xu Ye's heart moved, and his suit was thrown on the river of blood. I saw him click on it, leaped hard, and shouted: "Blast!"


As the **** waves hit, the birds and insects had no time to attack Xu Ye, so they could only shout, "Keep the boat."

Xuye crossed this way, and in a blink of an eye, he landed on another ship.

The shrimp Youwei and Umbrella Qi and the others on the shore quietly watched the **** river.

Xianyou looked at Xuye, who was going to control the ship in the distance, and said lightly: "Don't panic! Since there is a second such weird thing, there will be a third and a fourth..."

At the other end, the remaining blood demons were also discussing, clearly stating: If the ship does not come, never leave.

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