God of Fishing

Chapter 1344: Bloody leprosy

When Han Fei came to the place where the fighting broke out just now, he discovered that a bug turned into a human form, holding a weird weapon such as a vajra, and was fighting dozens of blood pythons.

Han Fei was stunned when he saw those blood pythons: Is this the blood in the blood pool? Half of their bodies are in the blood pool, and half of their bodies are outside the blood pool. Looking at his posture, it is about 20 meters long, so many pieces appear all at once?

Obviously, the bug has been killed very hard.

When it saw Han Fei coming, it suddenly exclaimed: "Han Fei? Quick, get a hand."

Han Fei made a fist, bang bang bang, just a series of golden fist imprints bombarded out. A little endless water, a thousand swords returned to the sect swept away, and in an instant, these blood pythons were bombarded and killed.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Why are you alone? Is there anyone else?"

Just listened to the bug "buzz", and sat on the boat and said, "It's a diversion! When we came in, a total of three people discovered that this long **** river actually has many tributaries, which flow to different places. It just so happens that we can still On this **** river, I saw other boat shadows, so I proposed to disperse and find the way. In this way, the chances are greater."

Han Fei frowned: "Many tributaries?"

Han Fei was stunned: Why didn't I see the tributaries?

However, Han Fei didn't panic, and asked quickly, "What about these big pythons? Are there many blood pythons under this blood pool?"

The bug nodded again and again: "Yes, there are too many. I'm afraid of snakes, but I'm afraid of what will come, and such a big one will scare the bugs to death."

Han Feigang wants to say: You may just be out of luck...

However, suddenly, Han Fei realized something was wrong: What are you afraid of?

Han Fei couldn't help taking a deep look at the bug, and suddenly said, "No, there's another snake here."

With a "buzz", the bug picked up the weapon and stood beside the ship: "Where is it? Where is it?"

Han Fei hurriedly said, "You see clearly, haven't you seen it?"

The worm shuddered slightly, but in the next moment, he saw a dark red shadow passing by the bottom of the water.


The blood broke open, and a huge head stretched out.


The blood python roared, there was no fishy wind in its mouth, only blood gushing.

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly: Isn't there something wrong with this place?

In fact, when Han Fei just called out that there were snakes in the pool, there were no snakes in the pool at all. Only because the worm stared at the blood pool, then, a blood python appeared inside.

At the moment when the blood python appeared, there was no information in Han Fei's eyes.

In this way, Han Fei determined one thing: the creatures in this blood pool were completely thought of by people's inner fears.

This worm is afraid of snakes, so when on the boat, wandering alone, he will worry about whether there will be any creatures in the pool. That is the snake...

Therefore, all of this actually originated from his fear.

Han Fei did not rush to help kill the blood python, but just let the bug and blood python do it. I saw the vajra-like weapon in the insect's hand, the brilliance flashed. In the void, the horns of insects are also hitting.

Just listen to "Boom Boom Boom", the blood python's defense power is very unusual, and it completely blocked the insect's full attack.

The old tortoise said in amazement: "So that's the case. It's not that this bug is not powerful, but that this blood python was created by him. Therefore, the true strength of this blood python was completely thought of by the bug himself. If he can't beat it, he can't beat it. If he thinks he can beat it, then he can."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "That's why I think this place is very peculiar, even with this weird technique."

Han Fei immediately thought, thinking that in front of him, he was flying full of sun, moon and shells...

As a result, it has never appeared.

"Cut, not reliable."

Han Fei was still wondering: Can a lot of spirit springs and spirit fruits emerge from this blood pool! As a result, this idea may be too advanced and there is no response.

The worm was still fighting, and seeing Han Fei motionless, he immediately became anxious: "Han Fei, this big snake is extremely ferocious, help me."

Seeing Han Fei's thoughts move, the endless water curled up, the vigorous serpent collapsed directly.

The worm was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed: "Hi...Han Fei, is your strength already so strong?"

Han Fei couldn't help rolling his eyes and said: "Strong fart? This blood python is something you have imagined. Actually, there is no particularly strong power. You think it is very powerful, so it is very powerful. I think it is unbearable. One blow, so it is naturally vulnerable to one blow and can be destroyed easily."

The worm froze for a moment, as if his mind hadn't turned around yet.

After a long pause, he said, "I came up with it?"

Han Fei shrugged: "Why don't you want to try another one?"

I saw the bug shook his head like a rattle, and buzzed his mouth: "I don't like snakes. There are no big snakes in this river of blood. They are all fake and illusory. In fact, there is nothing in it..."

Only after listening to the worm's muttering for a long time, did he try to calm himself down.

Han Fei then asked, "Well, who are you? How many people came with you?"

This worm is not a fool, either, he is the arrogant arrogant of the Zerg, and when he recognizes the problem here, he naturally has a way to control his thoughts.

Just listen to this worm saying: "I’m a worm! Come with me, there are worms and phoenix Aqi. The three of us found this place, but were chased and killed by more than ten people in Baibei King City and Blood Sea God Wood City. .

As a last resort, we entered this **** river.

Later, when we were floating on this river, we found that the long **** river was clamped by the mountains, and many tributaries appeared. Because no one was chasing them, so we scattered and explored. "


Han Fei couldn't help but sigh. He was not surprised that two silly bugs and a bird had escaped from so many people. They are all extremely arrogant, nothing is impossible.

There are many roads here...

Then the question came: Why didn't you encounter any mountain when you came by yourself? How can I find it?

Han Fei immediately said, "You follow me now."

With a move of Han Fei's mind, through Xiaobai's perception of danger and sensitive tracking of treasures, he only paused for a while before he began to rush towards a certain direction in the mist.

I don't know if it was instilled in the mind by the insects. Han Fei encountered the mountain just after driving for a hundred breaths. Within the visible range of the mist, Han Fei discovered three tributaries.

Just listen to the insects buzzing: "Look! I didn't lie to you, there are many ways."

When he saw this road, Han Fei immediately shouted: "Shut up, close your eyes, I will control the boat."

Han Fei suspects that there is a problem with this road, which is illusory. So, I simply closed my eyes and drove with Xiao Bai's perception.


It took less than a stick of incense to drive and nothing happened. Above this **** river, it seems to be very safe.

But at this moment, Han Fei suddenly opened his eyes and stepped onto the bow. Chong Liu Liu opened his eyes when he heard the sound, and immediately appeared beside Han Fei.

Chong Yo looked at the blood pool, a layer of black pressed, and didn't know what it was swimming past, and immediately felt all over.

Chong Liu Liu: "This is not what I thought, Ben Chong has a clear mind now."

Han Fei: "I know, this time it is not an illusion. It seems that there are real creatures in this blood pool."


I heard the sound of the hull.

Han Fei and Chong Yoo turned their heads and saw that on the side of the boat, they did not know when they climbed onto many palm-sized, soft, abalone-like things.

In Han Fei's eyes, information emerged.

【Name】Blood Leopard

【Introduction】A kind of plankton that feeds on rot poison and blood gas. High temperature and highly poisonous can't kill them. Their bodies can withstand high temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees; their poison sacs are even effective for beings in the Venerable Realm. Once the blood leopard sticks to the body, it will turn into a pool of blood water, become highly poisonous, and merge into the body of the adsorbed person. It will not leave until the energy of the adsorbed person is lost.



【Contains Reiki】7943 points

【Edible effect】Not edible

[Can be collected] blood poison


[Remarks] For group creatures, the greater the movement, the easier it is to attract their attention.

As soon as he saw these creatures, Han Fei's whole body was not well.

I saw that worm slid and stretched out a big hand like a hook, seeming to want to directly hook these blood leopards.

Han Fei shouted: "You can't let them touch your physical body, they can only attack from the air."

Chong slid for a moment, then immediately withdrew his hand, only to see his mouth: "Ah", and he called out a sound wave.


I saw a blood leopard, and it was directly shocked to burst.

However, the blood leap in the water surged. More and more blood leopards have bulged the surface of the **** river.

Han Fei cursed secretly: This idiot, he didn't even know what he was, so he used this kind of scope attack...

The sound attack has a very wide range. Or, you can make infrasound waves! It only needs one shock wave to directly smash these blood leprosy.

But you just yelled out when you took a look? I'm afraid it's the blood leprosy around, people didn't want to come, but I was attracted by you!

Han Fei shouted: "Stop screaming, you idiot?"

With a move of Han Fei's heart, a thousand swords flowed out. A large amount of blood leprosy was cut with a single knife. However, the water around Han Fei and them has been thoroughly agitated.


I saw a bulging water bag exploded, and the blood leopard burst out like a fountain.



It's too late to say, it's fast, even if the bugs are slipping, this bug has been accustomed to the bug sea tactics, seeing this movement, I was a little panic.

Only seeing Han Fei grabbing the worm's big horn, UU read www.uukanshu.com and "swipe" it, and he appeared thousands of meters away. The two boats behind him were directly lost.

At the moment Han Fei left the ship, both ships were lifted up. A large amount of blood leopards crawled directly over the hull, cramming the ship full.

He saw Han Fei standing proudly in the air, one step a kilometer away, and Han Fei quickly jumped away from this space.

Chong Liu was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "No, our boat is gone."

Han Fei took seventeen or eight steps in a row, and then with a wave of his hand, a new boat reappeared on the river of blood.

When the two of them landed on the boat, Han Fei immediately cursed: "Sound waves are not allowed to attack, shut up for me. All day long, you are the Zerg, the best..."


Soon after they got off the boat, they heard a faint voice trembling from a distance.

Han Fei wrinkled his brows, it seemed to be... the voice of the dragon's roar?

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