God of Fishing

Chapter 1345: Heaven, Earth and Sea

Before, Han Fei was always thinking about it!

He has been thinking about Long Yuan Qi, and said in his heart: This can't be taken away by others.

Therefore, after hearing the sound of Dragon Yin, Han Fei hurriedly moved the hull without hesitation at all. He is not at all worried about not having ships, after all, there are still nine ships in the refining world!

He saw Han Fei pushing his palms together, and the surface of the **** river burst, like a jet hovercraft, pushing the hull forward in reverse.

Insect slid around watching, feeling a little speechless, and said: My sound waves are a bit loud, but I don’t see them as loud as you!

Han Fei felt that the voice of Long Yin was not close, at least a thousand miles away.

At this time, the two of them had not left the **** waters, and Han Fei's movement really alarmed the **** blood. Although their speed is not fast, Han Fei's speed is not that fast, and there are **** leptomies gathering along the way.

In a short while, Han Fei and Chong Yo Liu saw that there was a wave of blood surging behind them.

Chong Liu hummed and shouted: "Here, chase."

Han Fei: "Why are you panicking? I was shocked. What if I disturbed them? Isn't this still not catching up?"

The boat on this **** river is not a fishing boat after all.

Therefore, it is not fast. Even if Han Fei patted the surface of the river one after another, he was still gathered up by the **** blood before and after less than half the time. At this time, the two only ran about 500 miles.

At the moment when the fishing boat under his feet was swallowed by blood leopards, Han Fei grabbed the worm again and walked in the air, one step kilometer.

In other words, Chong Liu Liu only feels that people like Han Fei are indeed powerful. In such a dangerous place, they can be so tough and inferior.

Besides, Han Fei's technique is just a few minutes away, right? I heard that this is the law enforcement ability of the Yulong King in Baibei Wangcheng, but Han Fei could not even use it.

Chong Liu Liu's idea was simple, and he said in his heart: Sure enough, Shuimutian's Tianjiao is even more powerful. What Bai Bei Wangcheng? What blood sea **** Mucheng? It's all rubbish.


Han Fei and Chong Liu Liu were still controlling the boat and running rampant.

It's not just Han Fei who are attracted, naturally others are also attracted.

Thousands of miles away, Zhang Xiaotian's hands trembled slightly, he was standing on a piece of land. In front of him, there is a spirit fruit like blood jade.

This thing, even if he didn't know him before reincarnation, now he looks even more bewildered.

After picking the spirit fruit, Zhang Xiaotian looked back towards the **** river: Someone should have noticed this place, and they are coming here.

Unfortunately, this place is too weird!

If it hadn't been because of the obstacle in Longwei's mystery, which had been too much time, Zhang Xiaotian felt that he would have found the right way early. It should be said that he is the fastest person.

Although Han Fei came in directly from the entrance, the entrance is definitely not easy to walk. If there is no accident, Han Fei will meet some treasures, but it takes time to charge.

After all, Zhang Xiaotian also collected a lot of things along the way, which wasted a lot of time. But it seems that the most important thing is still ahead.

As a Tianjiao, Zhang Xiaotian doesn't have any sense of crisis, even if he is against Han Fei, he feels that he will not persuade him. This time, myself and Han Fei, who on earth got so many babies? Zhang Xiaotian is not sure yet. However, it is clear that he is faster than Han Fei in terms of speed.

As for the other Tianjiao, Zhang Xiaotian didn't care at all. In his eyes, none of the three major forces can fight except Han Fei.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaotian just glanced back, not ready to go in ambush. Time is so precious that he is not worthy to ambush a few people and let go of the possibility of getting the chance first.

Zhang Xiaotian stepped into a slightly broken ancient teleportation formation. At the moment he entered the teleportation formation, he stepped on a self-destructive formation.

Yes, he is not going to leave this path to others. I have used this teleportation array myself, then destroy it. If Han Fei finds out, who will die? Can't be sure.

Just after Zhang Xiaotian left, he only saw a woman wearing a red gauze for less than 20 breaths and appeared on the land with a "brush".

"Huh? No one?"

The blood demon looked around and found that this so-called land, which was no more than a kilometer in length and breadth, was not the end of the **** river at all.


Just when this woman was about to leave, she heard the roar of blood and energy.

The woman's face changed immediately: Who is so crazy? In this long river of blood, there are creatures. Once caught by that thing, it's over.

At such a bluff, the woman jumped onto her boat, pushed the hull secretly, and continued to find her way.

When Han Fei and insects slipped in, insects yelled, "Han Fei, there is land and mud there."

Han Fei sucked his nose twice and frowned: Zhang Xiaotian stayed here just now, and it seems that there was a blood demon staying here just now.

Seeing the large patch of blood chasing him behind him, Han Fei chose to pass by without going ashore.

When passing the land, Han Fei's perception swept away, and he was surprised: Are there traces of the teleportation array?

Old tortoise: "You seem to be slow."

Han Fei shook his head: "Don't panic, go back in the same way. I'm not the only one who came in. In the front, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai took the time to devour the Dragon Ball, and they took advantage of them. However, they didn't panic. They obviously did not exceed me by much, they just need to catch up."

Han Fei moved forward.

After a while, I once again encountered some branch veins of blood and vitality that were pinched off by the mountain.

Thanks to Xiao Bai's help, Han Fei did not stay at all, and directly followed the river of blood and continued to advance.

Somewhere, they encountered a dome of a big mountain that passed through them. The two of them walked under the dome along the river of blood.

However, after entering this tributary, Han Fei found that the dome above his head seemed to be getting shorter and shorter. From a moment ago, the top was barely visible, and now a dome appeared at a distance of 100 meters, and the mountains on both sides of the **** river were also slightly narrowed.

"Hi...this seems to be the right way." Old Turtle said through a voice.

At this moment, the blood leopards behind him chased up again. Perhaps, this long river of vitality is their land boundary.

Han Fei stepped on it, just listening to "humming" seven or eight spiritual gathering formations, branded on the stone walls on both sides of the bank.

Suddenly, Han Fei reached out and took out his fishing hook, directly hooking it dozens of miles away.

"call out!"

The aura created by the Spirit Gathering Array can indeed mislead those blood leopards.

The Spirit Gathering Array was hit by this group of blood leprosy several times, and it was overshadowed for a while, and all collapsed. At this time, Han Fei pulled the boat away by the fishing line on the top of the mountain dome in the distance.

While flying in the air, the two Han Fei saw: There was only a river of blood left below. The Spirit Gathering Array was all shattered, and the blood leprosy would slowly catch up with it.

However, in terms of speed, it was much slower than Han Fei now. After all, Han Fei is flying away now, just like swinging on a swing, a swing is dozens of miles.

Therefore, the blood disease is not to be afraid of, and I will not be killed by a group of blood disease in law enforcement environment!

After returning for more than 200 miles, Han Fei flicked his hooks from behind with one hand, anchored on the rock walls on the left and right banks, and moved forward.

This method is quite labor-saving, and it is dumbfounded to see the bugs.

Chong Liu Liu thought: This is the correct posture for sailing. If you can only drift on the river, how slow would it be?

Suddenly, Han Fei saw a huge boulder hanging down from the top of the mountain in the distance. After a closer look, Han Fei was relieved: It turned out that there were some traces of murals carved on the boulder.

Worm: "What's that?"

Han Fei took a closer look: Those patterns are rather delicate. Right above the boulder, there is a monster with a human head and a snake body, which looks like a snake spirit, but that person is a man, not a beautiful snake or something.

Beside the snake spirit, there are standing cranes that raise their heads, and swan geese leaning over and flying...

There are only so many pictures...

The only thing that makes people horrible is that the eyes of the snake spirit seem to be watching the people passing by in the long river of blood.

Han Fei frowned: How did the snake spirit and a group of birds and birds come together?

This kind of mural is endless, it's really hard to guess.

About half an hour later, Han Fei felt: This long river of vitality should be coming to an end, because there is already vegetation on the bank.

Sure enough, after only a hundred breaths, Han Fei discovered a huge stone gate in the distance. Under the stone gate, from the shore to the gate, it turned out to be a wide road.

In the middle of the road, there is a person walking at this moment, and he takes a closer look: it is not Zhang Xiaotian, who can it be?

Just listen to the insects snarling and shouting: "It's Zhang Xiaotian, the strongest of the Baibei King City."

Han Fei: "Shut up, I know."

Zhang Xiaotian also realized that Han Fei and the others were coming, but they didn't even look back. It seems that it is not his enemy at all.

Chong Liu Liu just wanted to jump ashore, but was pulled by Han Fei and shouted, "This road is not easy to walk."

Han Fei looked at the road that was only a kilometer long and 100 meters wide.

On both sides of the road is a row of thorns.

Because they were too regular, Han Fei realized that the monsters on the two sides should be a kind of homicide prohibition.

Moreover, Han Fei felt a strong pressure here, as you can see from the trembling legs of the insect. Although Chong Liu Liu didn't realize it, how could Han Fei not perceive the strong dragon here?

Han Fei immediately aimed his gaze at the T-shaped stone gate several hundred meters high. On the stone gate, it is still the painting that I saw on the boulder just now. However, the painting on this door is more complete.

Han Fei just scanned it and found that the painting was divided into three parts. One part is the part of the T-shaped horizontal line, which is a hundred feet wide and more than 50 meters high. This part of the picture is above the sky.

Beside the snake spirit, the standing cranes with their heads up and the swan geese leaning over and dancing are the birds and celestial birds in the sky.

There was a sun to the left of the snake spirit, and a creature familiar to Han Fei appeared in the sun, which was actually a three-legged golden crow. Naturally, I have never seen it before, but I have heard it anyway?

On the right side of the snake spirit, they came out in March. There is a fish shadow in the middle of the month, Han Fei doesn't know what it is?

The second part is the part 100 meters down from the T shape. It should be the middle part of the painting, about 100 meters wide and 200 meters high.

If you talk about the first half, Han Fei can still understand. It seems to be above the nine heavens, a powerful person with a very noble status, it is very likely that the so-called emperor.

So, Han Fei couldn't understand the following part. This part obviously talks about the ten thousand races on earth. On the land, there are all living things, but not many manifestations.

Among them, humans, beasts, and some strange creatures are offering sacrifices. Above the sky, there are three halls.

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Old Turtle, do you know what those three halls are?"

The old turtle was silent for a long time: "The legendary three temples."

Han Fei was stunned; "Three Temples? Which Three Temples?"

The old tortoise said in deep thought: "This question, don't ask again. That is a place that even the emperor is not qualified to ask. Few people know where they are? I just know that these three temples are very powerful. Except for these three Outside the temple, there are some special forces that are not shown in this picture. But once the temple is involved, no matter how small the forces are, they are all giants to you. Even if you have become a king..."

The old tortoise's voice was rather heavy, and he didn't seem to want to discuss this issue. This is the first time Han Fei has discovered that the old tortoise talks about a problem so taboo.

Han Fei didn't ask much.

Obviously, this three temple is still far away from him.

After all, even the old tortoise is secretive and does not want to mention it. I have never even heard of it!

No, Han Fei continued to look down.

The last part of this T-chart is the sea. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com In the sea, there are no cities, but there are many giants. The picture depicts a variety of marine creatures, from sharks to seaweeds, octopuses, shells, and so on.

Among them, there is a row of more illusory figures.

Among them, the one that Han Fei knew was the Shark Race. Their tails are very distinctive and beautiful.

In the end, in the deep sea, there seems to be a huge shadow, which makes the scalp numb when looking at it. Is this the real world? The king is not a problem?

A picture, from above the nine heavens, to the three temples, and then to the sea. The existence of the so-called fairy palace and the royal city was not even mentioned at all.

Han Fei even suspects that the history depicted in this picture is far before the Age of Domination. The existence of temples may be the so-called age of the gods.


Han Fei frowned slightly: "Perhaps when I enter the Immortal Palace one day, I might be exposed to this more obscure history, right?"

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