God of Fishing

Chapter 1354: I will kill you

Han Fei's behavior directly fascinated all the Tianjiao here: This place is so fast that it collapses, don't you know that you are running away? Still thinking about robbery?

If it is replaced with an ordinary place, the collapse will collapse.

But here, the sea of ​​blood is surging like a tide, and there is a dome above it to seal it like Mount Tai.

There are so many ways to go out. Although these people don't know that there are as many as 94, they all came in different ways. If you want to leave, as long as you avoid the blood leprosy crisis, the problem shouldn't be big.

But now, Han Fei is blocking it. With the great gathering of spirit formations and spirit fruits, he caused the aura of this place to surge, and blood leopards came from all directions.

In this situation, everyone, including Zhang Xiaotian, felt a little scalp tingling: Han Fei, is this horrible?

Someone shouted: "Kill! Two fists are hard to four hands. Today, his Han Fei wants to try to stop people, then let him know that he is not the only one here."

Zhang Xiaotian of Baibei Wangcheng stretched out his hand and grabbed it: "Try it."

Zhang Xiaotian knew: He couldn't get rid of Han Fei. However, with so many people working together to besieged, that is not necessarily true! At least, it's not a bad idea to fight Han Fei in a hurry, so you can get out of it...

After all, among this group of people, he is also the best. Han Fei won't face so many people, can he still stay here? That's incredible!

Zhang Xiaotian opened his mouth and blinked, and the **** nine spears reappeared.

Shrimp Youwei and Umbrella Seven shot at the same time, blasting into the void and breaking every inch.

On the other side, each blood demon chanted incantations, a large number of incantations, and even wrapped the place where Han Fei was. There was also a spell, which caused a **** riot and stood upside down.

Fengtou Aqi yelled: "Han Fei, we can't beat you!"

Seeing the overwhelming attacks, the limelight Aqi, Chong Liu Liu and Chong Xiao Chong were all dumbfounded.

Even if they were left outside and faced with such a terrifying attack, they would not have the ability to resist.

Chong Liu Liu also yelled, "Han Fei, let's run away. Let's go out and grab it, it's the same."

Han Fei sneered: "Are you sure... if you go out, can you still get it? The insects slip, I tell you, you don't know what it means to be fearless if you don't go to the ghost door after five or seven or eight times."

After finishing speaking, Han Fei held Snow's Sorrow and chuckled: "Before, I had an enemy. He taught me a very powerful sword skill...Look, Fengtian Jianchao."

This was Sun Mu's secret card trick.

Under ordinary circumstances, there are many people who can block this big move.

However, today, above this blood pool, blood leopards are still pouring. The power of this move is even stronger than his own ten thousand swords return.

I saw Han Fei drawing a formation with a sword, and the blood and water behind him poured out like a huge wave.

Of course, Han Fei didn't expect this wave of Heavenly Sealing Swords to be able to block so many powerful attacks... Just Zhang Xiaotian's **** nine spears should be able to easily break this wave of Heavenly Sealing Swords.

However, this technique is very dynamic!

This movement is loud, and the blood pool is even more dangerous.

Everyone wants to go, but there are so many boats, and there are countless blood diseases. No matter which way to go, as long as you can go, just go and see...


A bombardment with a fist stamp on the body, a punch smashed Xia Youwei and Umbrella Seven's attacks. Of course, the main purpose of the fist seal of the sacrifice is to block the Scarlet Nine Spears.

Han Fei saw the spear shattered, and his voice was long: "Now, I only moved a part of it. With such a large space here, there are other ways that have not been shaken. As long as you pay, I promise you will not be embarrassed."

Zhang Xiaotian obviously felt that Han Fei had become stronger, and he had become much stronger.

Before, Han Fei's fist seal of sacrificing one's life can withstand the power of five spears at most. However, this time, the power of the sixth spear was easily penetrated.

In this way, Han Fei actually squeezed another punch and struck out again. The long sword in his hand caused the blood sea to move.

They all stared at the insects: Is this Han Fei special, what terrible power is it? With the power of one person, so many attacks smashed?

Under the Fengtian sword tide, everything was messed up, and there was water in the blood pond everywhere. The sword aura is like a tide, and blood leopards are in it.

Blood leopards are creatures in the law enforcement environment.

No matter how weak they are, they are also law enforcement. Under the siege of tens of millions, how can these people stop?

Not counting, Han Fei put away Snowmourne, and a big bow appeared in his hand.


I saw Han Fei pull the bow with one arrow, five arrows at one breath, and the arrows are terrifying.

Those spells that were meant to strangle Han Fei directly exploded under the bombardment of one arrow after another.

Someone exclaimed: "How is it possible? How could he take the aura so fast? One arrow after another, shouldn't it be aura?"

Someone was shocked: "He has a way to temporarily store Reiki."

Someone said: "We flee together. There are so many exits here, can he still seal all the exits?"


Han Fei did not stop at all.

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.

When Zhang Xiaotian realized that Han Fei was stronger and he was bound to lose, he no longer shot, but took a few people with shrimp, chose an exit, and killed him directly.

Han Fei didn't even care about them, Zhang Xiaotian must have a hole card in his hand. Moreover, the battle spirit bow technique cannot kill a few of them.

Therefore, Han Fei's arrows are like migratory locusts, only sabotage, not killing the enemy.

Some people can stop their own destruction, they have a way to deal with blood diseases. However, most people do not!

At this moment, for more than ten breaths in a row, Han Fei did not stop for a moment, arrowing out a series.

Those people’s boats, wherever they wanted to run, Han Fei’s arrows shot them, causing **** waves to roll.

At this moment, three ships of the Blood Sea God Wood City were blocked by Han Fei's arrows. There were a total of six people on these three fishing boats, but none of them managed to succeed.

As a last resort, the three of them tried their best to deal with Han Fei.

One person also bombarded Han Fei's surroundings with a spell, with the intention of causing trouble to Han Fei. Two others are trying to open the way and rush into any tributary.

However, the idea is good, but there is no strong one among them, and there is no special hole card.

In fact, even if they can now play the power of an advanced explorer, Han Fei does not matter.

At this time, Han Fei's strength has far surpassed ordinary advanced explorers. Even if no secret method is used, there are few opponents below the peak.

Han Fei shouted: "Pay for your life. One sun and moon shell is not expensive at all. Think about it?"

But seeing a blood demon standing up in anger, his feet stepped on the void, three cyan rays in his hand shot, nailing to Han Fei.

Han Fei squinted slightly. With his current eyesight, it was clear at a glance. The three nails that can break the soul, look at the sharpness of the moment, they should be intermediate or advanced one-time magic weapons.

But seeing Han Fei's heart move, endless water twisted into one piece. Just listen to the sound of "ding, ding, ding," a few consecutive clashes, and the spikes collapsed.

The blood demon's red gauze was lifted, and there was a scream in his mouth.

One after another incantation, like a chain of imprisonment runes.

Han Fei feels: The Quartet Void is sealed, and poisons are scattered.

"Heh! The Tianjiao of Blood Sea God Wood City, but so..."

Han Fei let out a low growl, and struck with a punch. Just hearing a "pouch", the woman vomited blood and retreated. The spell ban was also pierced by Han Fei.

Han Fei rolled his hand, and the poisonous cloud seemed to be caught in his hand.


Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, Han Fei was cut seven or eight times by the Void Rift. However, only a few bloodstains were left, it was no big deal. But at this moment, Han Fei's body appeared directly beside the blood demon.

Someone shouted: No, Sister Chao, go back.


Han Fei's voice was cold, and a kitchen knife appeared in his hand. Only seeing the silver light blooming in the field, the blood demon was cut into two by Han Fei.

Han Fei reached out and grabbed her sun and moon shells and stuffed them into his own refining world.

I saw Han Fei's eyes widened: "Since you refuse to give it, then I will personally come and get it!"



Han Fei didn't even look at the falling rock on the top of the dome. He slapped his hand and slapped the gravel into powder, intending to kill him.

Behind him, Chong Xiao Chong sighed: "This is too overbearing. When will I be able to rush into the battle forcibly, with one enemy ten?"

Limelight Qi: "Don't use one enemy ten, you first blast the bloodworms around."

"Puff through."

A dome like a small hill fell, causing a surge of blood.

While controlling the boat, Zong Liu yelled, "Han Fei, stop fighting! If you fight again, we will be eaten by bloodworms! Hey, why does the water in the blood pond seem to be falling...?"


Suddenly, even Han Fei realized: In this blood pool, dozens of maelstroms suddenly appeared, and they were sucking boats frantically.

Han Fei’s voice transmission: "Stay steady, don’t panic. Running out of the tributary, that's all fools. When I kill these, I have my own way to take you out."


Outside, the entire mountain range is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye. After the collapse, only three hills remain strong. Despite this, there are also gravel avalanches on these three mountains. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At this time, everyone found that these three mountains are somewhat different. Although they are also collapsing, there is a big formation protecting them, and it seems that there are flood dragons lying on the back, with great pressure.

Suddenly, someone took a boat and rushed out of one of the blood pool exits. While impacting, while bombarding, there was a large **** blood chasing behind him.


The main reason was that the blood leprosy was too dense. Both the Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life frowned: the ship did not seem to be a strange treasure, and the blood leprosy was so many that it was beyond the scope of the trial.

Emperor Bai Jia glanced at the Queen of Life, slapped it out, only saw three hills, and a dragon shadow wanted to rush out. However, that Long Ying seemed too weak to stop such a blow.

Just listening to the sound of "Boom!", the three mountains exploded directly.

At that time, Han Feizheng stepped on the void, holding the embroidery needles in his hand, and percussing frantically.

"Hey! I'll ask again: give or not? If you don't, I will kill you immediately."

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