God of Fishing

Chapter 1355: Call the King

At this moment, Han Fei, in the eyes of the blood demon, was the only difference from the bully: Han Fei was more fierce and desperate.

The most arrogant, self-knowledge.

Where is the gap between yourself and ordinary people? Even, how far can I go in the future? How to deal with difficulties when facing difficulties?

They all know it in their hearts, and they won't make all kinds of things to death.

However, Han Fei at this moment seemed to be dying...This was far beyond their understanding.

For example, when Han Fei was robbing, at the beginning, no one ignored him. This is completely different from when Han Fei robbed the Seventh College.

The Tianjiao of the Seven Colleges is said to be Tianjiao, but it is only the best in the academy, and the results are not bad. Perhaps it can be called an elite, and very few of them are more outstanding, which can be called Tianjiao.

However, everyone in this group of people is not weak.

The reason why they didn't show their strength was because Han Fei's performance was too strong. So that other people's killer moves, even the hole cards, are not enough to see in front of Han Fei.

This is no longer the difference between Tianwu Tianjiao, this is the essential difference.

At this moment, Han Fei held the embroidery needle, and the Monkey King's three thousand sticks crashed down. One of the blood demon threw a banned ball, and Han Fei just smashed more than 300 sticks, but it was not broken.

If nothing happens, this should be the best weapon, the trump card of one of these talents.

That person would rather give up the best magic weapon than hand over the sun and moon shells. After all, if you give up Riyuebei, there will be nothing.

Dignified Tianjiao, run a secret realm, lose his many years of accumulation, and save his life back? Some people are not willing. After all, some treasures were only obtained after a lot of effort. How can they be easily given away?

Although the best weapon is powerful, how can such a one-time trump card face Han Fei?

But for a few breaths, that superb magic weapon was already shaky. Obviously, it can't be supported for too long!

At this time, a large wave of blood leap surging up, gradually corroding Han Fei's boat.

However, Han Fei casually tossed, it was another small boat. Immediately, with a twist of endless water, these blood leopards were crushed instantly like ants. Even though there was occasional blood poisoning that could be sprayed on Han Fei, Han Fei was totally fine, making those blood monsters dumbfounded.


On the blocked ball, dozens of cracks have been blasted by Han Fei. In fact, Han Fei felt that if they could smash their boat and make them panic, maybe they would recognize it.

However, this boat is obviously an ordinary wooden boat, but no matter how Han Fei bombards it, it has no results. These boats don't even have cracks.

Han Feixin said: This ship should also be a good thing, it seems that only blood leprosy can corrode, but the ability to resist hits is very strong!

In Han Fei's hand, he was struck by lightning, just listening to him shouting: "Give it or not? If you don't, how long can you last?"

At this time, the five blood monsters were chanting together.

At this point, they knew that this place was about to collapse, but they still couldn't. They all have their own ideas, and they feel that it is impossible for Han Fei to really ignore his death and spend it here.

After all, every Tianjiao cares about his own life. Han Fei is no exception.

At this moment, the five people worked together to summon a branch.

When he saw this branch, the old tortoise reminded: "The evil spirit is too heavy, they are taking advantage of the evil repair."

Han Fei's gaze was stunned, and he looked at the long branches sticking out of the void, the red dripping on it, which made Han Fei feel a little bit of refining the demon pot and small vines.

"No, you can't continue to intimidate."

Han Fei was thinking: The wealth of these people is definitely not bad. If it is forcibly taken, it is likely that the gains outweigh the losses. For example, if these people are really wiped out, there is no benefit to them.

Han Fei crossed his eyebrows: "Hmph! Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

"Beastmaster Art!"

Han Fei let out a low growl, and his body expanded. Even the original fat body appeared thin. At the moment when the Beastmaster Art was used, Han Fei's power had properly reached the peak of the explorer, even comparable to half.


Under a stick, just listen to the sound of "Ka Ka Ka". That banned ball was immediately blasted by Han Fei with dozens of cracks.

"What? This is not the power of the Taoist Realm at all."

The blood demon's expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "Han Fei, how about giving up?"

Han Fei yelled: "Now I know how to stop? What did you do just now? Pay the money."

While speaking, the small branch rolled up, and Han Fei hit again with a hammer. This is all brute force bombardment! Just listening to the sound of "click", the branch broke.

Han Fei sneered.

Within a few breaths, there was another combo of a hundred sticks, and the branches and leaves were blasted to wither.

Han Fei frowned, feeling this little branch swallowing and absorbing his own strength. It looks broken, but in fact it still has the power to fight.


Han Fei Dou turned to star to move, avoiding the strange branch, and smashing the blocked ball dozens of times.

This time, on the forbidden ball, it was smashed to cracks, and it was about to break.

Han Fei burst out: "Give me the money."

The three of Chong Liu Liu were not far away, and they were stunned. One hit five, you can still fight so arrogantly, the other party can't shrink back, and they don't even dare to scream, this really makes insects envy!

Several blood monsters looked at the blood sea **** Mu Zhi summoned by the joint force, and they couldn't help Han Fei. They all looked at each other: This Han Fei doesn't seem to be joking. If you do it two more times, you will be finished by yourself.

But when he saw a blood demon throw a sun-moon shell, he hated it at the same time: "Okay, I'll give you the sun-moon shell, but you can't attack anymore. Every ten miles, we throw a sun-moon shell."

Han Fei frowned: "Don't bother so much. I swear in the name of Queen of Life. As long as you give money, Han Fei will not embarrass you. After all, I, Shui Mutian and your blood sea **** Mucheng, are not very hostile."

When several blood demons heard that they were all moved out in the name of Queen of Life, this should not have gone away. However, they didn't know that Han Fei didn't regard the Queen of Life as a belief at all, and he always regarded it as his junior sister. Therefore, Han Fei's words have no credibility at all.

Immediately, several people shouted: "Remember your words, otherwise, even if we desperately die, we still have one blow."

Han Fei scolded coldly: "You just talk a lot of nonsense, but just grab a little bit of resources from you, mother-in-law. Do you think, I am willing to spend with you here?"

But I saw the blood demon glance at each other: this time, seeing the scene of this apocalyptic collapse, it is possible to press them into this sea of ​​blood at will. Several people gritted their teeth and threw Riyuebei out unwillingly and unwillingly.

Han Fei caught five sun-moon shells with one hand, and a few people were envious of seeing the bugs: It's done? Did Han Fei really grab it?

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Everyone has to be worth the resources of Million Spirit Springs, otherwise, I will let a few people if I add up to a few shares."

Hearing what Han Fei said, some people gritted their teeth: "Han Fei, you Shui Mutian and my blood sea **** Mucheng are not here. Million Spirit Springs, do you know how much it is? How many people can there be? Wanlingquan, why need to look for resources regardless of life and death?"

Han Fei curled his lips: "I don't care! I take a look..."

Seeing Han Fei flipping through it, he quickly counted. It's just that there are too many things in these sun and moon shells, and it's really not easy to calculate.

Han Fei glanced at it roughly, and it was only 3 million jins of Lingquan's resources that died. Among them, the amount of spiritual spring is actually only 800,000 jin.

Han Fei weighed it up: 800 million auras, counting the spiritual fruit, it's almost a billion, and counting his own, it's about 1.2 billion.

If you count the guy who was cut off by yourself before, you have to count up, but it doesn't exceed 1.5 billion Reiki.

The other resources are basically nothing to be worthy of. At that time, taking it back to expand its armaments can be regarded as one's own future master of the cloudy and sunny sky, for the welfare of others.

Sure enough, this is Tianjiao, a hot character in a royal city. The speed of this money is too fast! It is indeed the same sentence: special chance depends on luck! If you want resources, you must rob. These principles are correct.

However, Han Fei shouted on the surface: "Hah! You are deceiving me, Han Fei does not know how to count? These resources add up to no more than 2 million spiritual springs. I promise you that you owe a little bit, but you are too much. , Actually gave me a half discount. Do you want to leave?"

These words stunned a few people to hear the insects.

Chong Xiao Chong lay his claws and said, "Is it more than 2 million catties of spiritual springs? God, with so many spiritual springs, how many Zerg tribes should the queen raise?"

Fengtou Qi, the bird's eye is like a cockfighting: "Han Fei, is this not enough? This is really about to collapse!"


The sky was full of birds, and countless falling stones were chopped up.

No matter how the three of them control the ship, a lot of blood sticks to it. Fengtou Aqi's bird feathers are almost stripped in order to clean the blood leprosy.

Han Fei's shadow swept away the twigs, but the blood monsters had already begun to drift towards a tributary with no blood.

Just listen to Han Fei and drink again: "Stop. Don't stop, Xiaoye, I shot! Where's my remaining money?"

Han Fei chased him out, but he didn't plan to let these blood monsters go. Want to go now? Just kidding! Have you ever seen an enemy speak credit? Han Fei, I am not that kind of person!

A blood demon shouted: "Han Fei, don't make an inch of it, this is all our wealth."

Han Fei scolded: "You are talking nonsense! All the net worth, that's it? How come you are the arrogant pride? Are you embarrassed?"

Several people cursed in their hearts: What is this special, who is it?


Han Fei was about to smash his stick, suddenly felt a roar on his head, and suddenly his eyes lit up. When I looked up, I saw a giant palm pushing horizontally, and I actually saw the sky.

Han Fei looked dumbfounded: "???"

The old turtle said: "No, it must be that there is too much movement here, which has attracted the attention of people outside. Pushing this place horizontally with a palm, I am afraid that the king will make a move."

Han Fei thought: "Then you have to kill these people. The three kings are on the side. If you kill one of the princes by yourself, there must be two kings happy."

"Die to me!"

Han Fei stepped out of the boat, UU read www.uukanshu.com, and when he appeared, he drew his sword and cut the blood.


Han Fei was taken aback, that little branch was still following. Can it keep up if you use it yourself?

Suddenly, only listening to the heavens and the earth, there was a voice trembling: "Shui Mu Tian Han Fei, the strength you just displayed has completely exceeded the limit of your ability trial. Now, you want to cut my blood sea **** Mucheng in front of this king. Isn't your arrogance?"

"Fuck! King?"

Han Fei's thoughts moved: Didn't it mean that the heavens here are in disorder?

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "The ban has been pushed horizontally, where is there any chaos?"

Han Fei gritted his teeth: There is still the Queen of Life anyway! What kind of king, can it really be shot?

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "It's all here, it's useless to say this. If you have the ability, don't send your blood sea **** Mucheng people to come! Kill!"

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