God of Fishing

Chapter 1356: Where is the teacher

What sounded at the same time as Han Fei's words was the response of the Queen of Life, who only listened to her: "This is how the trial is, the blood sea **** Mucheng, can't you afford to lose it?"

Han Fei held the embroidery needle in his hand, smashed the blood sea **** wooden branch, and used the stick as a knife to hit it hard.

Suddenly, Han Fei's eyes flashed, and a burst of blood burst into light. It seemed that the twig that had been swept away by him just now blew up.

Han Fei couldn't react, and blocked it with a stick.

Just hearing a "bang" sound, half of the mountain was blown up.

The force of horror crushed the blood leprosy in the blood pool to death. The water of the blood pool sank several tens of meters.

The Queen of Life Qinghe: "Humph! Old Blood Demon Ancestor, are you when this king doesn't exist?"

Han Fei should have been swept into the blood pool by that power, but a few broad leaves appeared out of thin air, wrapping Han Fei. In the sea of ​​blood, glide for dozens of miles.

Han Fei then took advantage of his strength and returned to their boat.

"Huh! Blood Sea God Mu Zhi's self-destruction didn't hurt him?"

"This son is so strong."

When everyone was amazed.

Just listen to the Queen of Life: "The ban has been opened, you can fly away directly."



I saw Fengtou Aqi, soaring into the sky, straight into the sky.

Chong Liu Liu and Chong Xiao Chong followed closely.

They really can't stand the blood leprosy. In order to stop the blood leap from attacking, Limelight Qi's hair is almost lost.

But it was Han Fei, who couldn't make a single blow, fortunately the Queen of Life helped.

At this moment, I can't help thinking of a way to get out. Immediately, Han Fei rose to the sky, but a fishing hook appeared in his hand. With such a hook, even the boat in the blood pool was hooked by him and stuffed into the refining world.

At that moment, everyone was dumbfounded: You are also a genius arrogant, how come you want this ship?

Even the old tortoise was fascinated and couldn't help asking: "What do you want this boat for?"

Han Fei's face was indifferent: "This is a baby. It's a strange thing to be able to withstand my repeated beatings in the pool of blood. How can you let this baby go?"


The old tortoise sighed faintly: "That...forgot to tell you...The reason why this ship can withstand your bombardment is because the ship bears the power of the Great Dao on a pool of blood, and floats with the rhyme of Dao. After leaving the blood pond, it is just an ordinary ship."

Han Fei was taken aback: "Isn't it?"

Old Turtle: "In the blood pool, if you look at these ships with weapons or exotic treasures, how can they float and sink in the blood pool for thousands of years? Therefore, these are just ordinary wooden boats that exist only for the purpose of crossing people. So there are blood pools and ferry boats, but to eliminate the fittest and weed out some people."

Han Fei's mouth twitched: Hey, did I treat a pile of ordinary wood as a baby?

After a while, Han Fei's expression turned ugly. At this moment, how many people are looking at themselves? At this moment, it's a shame!

The Queen of Life watched this scene, her mouth trembling slightly, and her heart said: This is not my brother. If he does not become a king for a day, this brother will not recognize him.


Above the sky, there are cracks in the void.

Han Fei is not fast and wants to fly to other places. In his eyes, he just saw the wild beasts running rampant in the mountains, some fleeing, and only a few birds circling, devouring some of the escaped dragon's vitality.

Just now, the blood demons flee in the air.

Zhang Xiaotian and the others have not been seen, but they must have gone out.

At this moment, seeing the entire mountain range collapsed, Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless, saying: It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

However, Han Fei just flew in the direction of the Spirit Orchard, only listening to the sky above, there was a voice saying: "Han Fei is too strong. It has affected this trial, so we should withdraw."

After Bai Jia saw Han Fei's ability, he naturally knew: This person cannot stay. At least, I can't stay on this island now.

Therefore, he shot directly, preparing to set the tone first. Han Fei shot the blood demon just now, the blood demon ancestor would not stand on the side of the queen of life.

The Queen of Life said: "I'm Shuimutian, ten people are missing."

Sure enough, as soon as the Queen of Life's voice fell, the blood demon ancestor's voice was lingering: "I'm throwing a path-seeking peak here, is the queen willing?"

The blood demon ancestor had roughly measured Han Fei's strength through the explosive power of the blood sea **** Mu Zhi just now. Even if there is no search peak, the gap is definitely not far.

Many people were shocked to hear that.

Especially those who participated in this trial felt their scalp numb: a peak of seeking path, got into the trial team?

The Queen of Life frowned, and Emperor Bai Jia said indifferently: "This one alone has already caused many disasters. There is no flower, so don't be unsatisfied."

In the sky, there was peace for a moment, and no sound came out.

When Han Fei saw that the Queen of Life hadn't gone back strong, he knew this, and he was afraid it would not be easy. Suppressing the twin kings, he immediately secretly said: No, this is not the time to be tough!

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "I can quit, but Zhang Xiaotian is so strong that he is not weaker than me. If I leave, he must also leave."

Han Fei's voice trembled, and he spoke openly. Zhang Xiaotian is actually not far away, only a few hundred miles away. Hearing this, he was suddenly angry: What is so special that he is not weaker than him? Han Fei's strength is probably beyond him.

But now, how do I explain Han Fei's toughness? Speaking of Invincible Road, this should not be hidden from the kings, everyone has already known it. But other things, I can't talk about it.

Why is Han Fei so strong? His physique? Soul? Combat skills? Speed...These, Han Fei has almost no shortcomings. But Han Fei didn't have an extremely prominent place, which made him somewhat uncertain.

But Zhang Xiaotian didn't know: The Han Fei he knew was just the Han Fei who was not at his peak. How strong is Han Fei at this moment? He has no idea.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaotian still feels that Han Fei is better than himself, but he is stronger than him by about 20%, which is not too outrageous. This made him feel that what Han Fei said was not really outrageous.

It's a pity that this time I didn't get all the chance, but Han Fei took advantage.

The Queen of Life continued: "That's good. Tangyue of the Blood Sea God Wood City is the first to leave. Han Fei and Zhang Xiaotian leave one after another. Then it will be fairer next. Since you must do this, so be it!"

Han Fei only felt: a big hand appeared in the void in front of him, and when he grabbed it in the air, the next moment he appeared on the distant clouds, no longer on the island.

Han Fei turned his head to the side and saw the insect king with his hands hanging naturally beside him.

Han Fei: "I have seen the insect king."

The insect king swept Han Fei: "Hey, is the elementary peak?"

The elementary pinnacle was the level that Han Fei showed, and it was also deceiving others. Otherwise, if his true strength is revealed, even the king will be shocked.

Even now, Han Fei is showing the pinnacle of junior explorers, but everyone knows that Han Fei's peak combat power is more than that. Even if there is only the elementary peak, it has already moved many people.

How long has this passed since Han Fei's crossing of the robbery? Is this already the primary pinnacle? Not in a year!

Chang Shuiqin frowned slightly: For this Han Fei, Shui Mutian was afraid that he would not spare any effort. Zhang Xiaotian is actually at a disadvantage? The Yulong King died in this person's hands. All of these gave him a bad feeling.

As for the Blood Sea God Wood City, Yun Chu didn't seem to feel anything, as if he had received some small news secretly.

At the moment Han Fei was taken away from the island, Zhang Xiaotian also appeared next to Chang Shuiqin, who said lightly: "I can do nothing, it can only be so."

Zhang Xiaotian nodded slightly, like a sound transmission, talking to Chang Shuiqin.

At this time, I just listened to the Queen of Life: "Take Han Fei back first! Avoid trouble."

The insect king's voice was cold: "I will deliver it myself."



I don't know how far it has gone, the insect king took Han Fei and walked through the void several times before standing proudly on the surface of the sea.

Just listen to the king of insects: "Okay, no one should catch up. Now Mutian is easy to be ambushed directly back to Shui, and I will wait a few days here. When the trial is over, the queen will personally come and take you back."

Han Fei handed over: "I'm in trouble, Lord Insect King."

But I saw that the insect king looked at Han Fei rather strangely: "Your performance is too dazzling. I am afraid that your portrait will spread throughout the Baibei King City in a short time. Even the Blood Sea God Wood City will take you Keep it in your heart. So, during the next period of time, are you going to return to Mutian, or are you out? Or, return to Yin and Yang?"

Han Fei's heart moved slightly: Return to Yin and Yang immediately? This is not your own style. What's more, he still has pieces not laid. Therefore, now, it is impossible to go back immediately.

However, I am afraid I will not be able to do things like Bai Bei Wangcheng again in a short time.

This time, how big a circle he had traveled before he escaped from Baibei King City!

Going again, I still don't know how to escape from Baibei King City?

Suddenly, Han Fei seemed to think of something, and his heart moved: phantoms of mountains and rivers appeared, and only the insect man Han Fei, the queen of life, also appeared on the sea.

The insect king nodded slightly: "Queen."

The Queen of Life did not change her face, UU read www.uukanshu.com but continued to stare at Han Fei's face, as if Han Fei had a twin.

The moment the Queen of Life appeared, she immediately closed her eyes.

After more than 30 breaths, she nodded slightly: "What happened, I have already learned from the body, what do you want to say in particular?"

Han Fei immediately said: "There are some. First of all, Zhang Xiaotian, he is a strong reincarnation and rebirth. But if there is a chance, he must die."

The insect king frowned slightly, and the Queen of Life was slightly surprised: "The reincarnated strong man? This is surprising. No wonder he went to a strange place with you, and he has not died yet, so he is the reincarnated strong man."

Han Fei: "The rest is gone, nothing more than some chance or something."

The queen of life glanced at the insect king: "Trouble the insect king banned this place."

With a "swipe", the insect king disappeared.

The queen of life, only then took a deep look at Han: "Where is the teacher?"

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