God of Fishing

Chapter 1357: Reiki disassembly

Just now, the Queen of Life just saw the reincarnation of Narcissus.

In fact, the reincarnated body is very different from the true body and can only be counted as part of the true body. In the future, I will return to the true body after all.

Therefore, the Queen of Life pays more attention to the true body of the Narcissus.

However, Han Fei would inevitably think in his heart: The Queen of Life, even his nominal junior sister, a majestic King Realm powerhouse. However, after all, he has little contact and not enough trust, although he thinks it may be fine.

However, after seeing people like Ren Tianfei, Lao Han, and Li Daxian, Han Fei always felt: In the world of the strong, it is a bit too much to calculate. What if, the queen of life also has her own plan?

Since then, I only heard Han Fei say: "Teacher died and wanted to live again, and find the last fertile soil of the Age of Doom. Therefore, temporarily stay in my soul. When I find a suitable place, the teacher will Wake up in deep sleep and walk on a new road."

The Queen of Life gave Han Fei a deep look.

She didn't know much about the narcissus. She just knew that the soul and body of the water fairy seemed to have lost contact, and the body of the soul had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Therefore, Han Fei's statement is not too big a problem. However, the only thing she worries about is the pattern of Yin and Yang. Is that place really suitable for the growth of narcissus?

The Queen of Life said: "You have not settled in the war between Yin and Yang, and you have not yet entered the Lord's Palace. I am afraid that all matters can not be solved in a short time. Since the teacher is lodged in your soul, what if you have something in the future?"

Just listen to Han Fei: "Don't worry, I have a back hand. Even if I fall, I will arrange the teacher in advance."

Queen of Life: "Why don't you let the teacher stay in Shuimutian now and slowly warm up with the air of the fairy palace."

Han Fei shrugged: "Teacher has fallen asleep right now, I can't call it out for the time being!"

Han Fei and the Queen of Life, after all, belong to different fairy palaces. Even if the relationship is close, the Narcissus is a king, and may even exist beyond the king.

Although Han Fei also had the help of the Queen of Life, but it was also several lives and deaths before he rescued the Narcissus. Besides, Han Fei still doesn't fully trust the Queen of Life, how can he keep the Narcissus in Shuimutian?

Moreover, the Narcissus is now in the form of the ancient big species, and even becomes a Dao species by itself. At this time, if someone takes it away, what if it becomes greedy? After all, they are all plant creatures. The Queen of Life must know how to use this kind of Taoism.

Even if the Queen of Life treats the narcissus sincerely, what about it at a critical moment? Will she gamble with water fairy? After all, whether the Narcissus can re-enter the Avenue of Kings is still unknown...

All this made Han Fei firm up his will and wanted to take Narcissus away!

Han Fei looked at the Queen of Life and smiled slightly: "I can let go of the spirit, you can try it yourself and see if the teacher will come out?"

The Queen of Life glanced at Han Fei quietly, and finally shook her head and said, "This king won't look at it. Since you are so sure, then take the teacher to Yin Yang Tian to see. If there are unexpected events, remember , Must send the teacher to Shuimutian."

The queen of life is not stupid. Since Han Fei is willing to take the initiative to let go of the spirit, he has absolute certainty that he can't find and can't wake up the Narcissus.

That being the case, if you look at Han Fei's soul again, you will inevitably have grudges in the future.

After all, Han Fei is the heir to the king. In terms of identity, he is also equal to himself, nominally his brother. This is naturally inappropriate.

Unfortunately, the Queen of Life still thinks: If the narcissus can be in Shui Mutian, then in the near future, Shui Mutian may usher in a pattern of twin kings standing side by side. At that time, on his side, he could break the threats of Baibei King City and Blood Sea God Wood City in one fell swoop.

Han Fei naturally took this into consideration, and only listened to him: "In fact, even if the teacher returns, it will not be possible to break the threats of Baibei King City and Bloodline Shenmu City in a short time. So, don't wait any longer."

Queen of Life: "Oh? Why did you say that?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "How can the Sea-Monster not understand the truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold? Although the relationship between the Baibei King City and the Blood Sea God Wood City is not good. However, once the Kings of Water, Wood and Sky stand side by side, if they are not stupid, they will unite. ……Wait for me."

"Waiting for you?"

The Queen of Life really wants to say: You are too underestimating the King Realm. Within a hundred years, if you can steadily be the Lord, it will be pretty good. Wang Jing, do you dare to think too?

However, thinking of Han Fei's so many methods, the Queen of Life felt: Perhaps Han Fei is indeed a man.

Anyway, decades of development are just a matter of seconds.

Even if the narcissus stays here, it is impossible to become a king within a few decades. How about Han Fei's growth in the next few decades?

If he can achieve half a deity in ten years, enlighten the Dao in fifty years, and steadily reach the intermediate-level venerable state in a hundred years, it will be extraordinary. That way, you can let the narcissus stay in the yin and sun.

The Queen of Life nodded slightly: "It's okay. Since the teacher is following you, that's the case for the time being. There are still two years left for your experience, and you want to return to the Cloud Sea God Tree? Or are you in the open sea?"

Han Fei grinned: "The Cloud Sea God Tree will not return for the time being. After two years, I will stabilize my cultivation base, and it will not be too late to return."

Queen of Life: "Although this sea area is large, the three forces coexist, and many venerables are watching. You have to be careful, if something can urge the venerable order, you can find tranquility. By the way, what is your true combat power?"

Han Fei has been hiding his strength. However, in the previous battle, Han Fei accidentally exposed after all. At least, everyone saw the strong physique.

Han Fei paused and said, "Half."

After hearing Han Fei's words, the Queen of Life moved her heart.

She was also very speechless. She thought: Before Han Fei, he used a certain secret method to achieve the strength close to the peak of the Explorer. However, the explorer pinnacle and the half statue are another watershed. Since Han Fei said he was a half statue, that meant he really had this strength.

However, the Queen of Life is a bit speechless: How long has Han Fei survived the catastrophe? Is the strength comparable to a half? What is the speed of cultivation?

Of course, the Queen of Life said calmly: "No wonder. This king sees that your fighting style and the use of aura are not proficient. The power that aura should have has not been able to fully explode. Think about it, you should have learned the method of aura dismantling, But it did not go to the end."

Han Fei raised his brows: "Didn't it mean that the explorer realm can better learn the Reiki dismantling method?"

Queen of Life: "This is indeed the case. The reason why the explorer realm is more suitable for learning the method of Reiki dismantling is because I have already understood the Dao at that time. Then dismantling the Reiki, if there is a fusion of Dao and rhyme, the Reiki can be used. You can be in the strongest state. In this regard, you can be taught by the King of Insects. The paths you take are all extremely domineering, and there should be similarities."


After a few days, it should be the end of the trial and the return of all forces.

Only then did the insect king send the parasitic body of the queen of life and Han Fei back to the sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds. In fact, it was not really returning to the Cloud Sea God Tree, but to the area where it could return.

Outside the flame sea.

Han Fei said to the Queen of Life: "Is the energy of the fire tree endless? How long can it burn?"


The Queen of Life didn't know what Han Fei meant, and immediately said: "The fire tree is a kind of flame characteristic, it can gather the fire element between heaven and earth. If there is no interference, it will not be a problem to burn for tens of thousands of years."

Han Fei couldn't help grinning, "Well, is there a lot of pure sun fire?"

The Queen of Life couldn't help looking at Han Fei: "What do you mean?"

Han Fei chuckled: "Well, I might be short of fire. Probably... the pure Yang power of seven or eight different fires is enough."

Queen of Life: "..."

Insect King: "..."

The Queen of Life responded directly: "No, the movement is too loud. If the fire tree loses so much power at once, the wall of flames will be unstable immediately. A weak fire will definitely attract the attention of the two kings. At most, this king can Provide you with the power of a strange fire. No matter how much it is, it won't work."

Han Fei shrugged: "Okay! I will figure out the other things by myself."

Suddenly, only the Queen of Life said: "You owe a lot to this king, the Great Demon of the Path-seeking Realm, the Great Demon of the Venerable Realm, and the Misfire... You must keep it in your heart and you have to pay it back.

Han Fei: "..."

Han Feixin said: A woman is a woman. Even if he cultivated to the realm of kings, she was still a woman, very stingy.

And this scene, in the eyes of the insect king, can be described as overwhelming.

Although he knows that Han Fei is extraordinary, he communicates casually with the queen, impatiently... Are you the king or the queen?

The Queen of Life left first, and the matter of the strange fire had to be discussed after she went back, and she couldn't rush.

The insect king grabbed Han Fei and stepped into a certain secret realm.

I saw the insect king turned into a bald man: "Try to disassemble the spirit?"

When Han Fei heard the words, he burned his hands and used the method of refining to strip the aura.

He is already quite skilled in this trick. It's just that the Insect King wants to see it, so naturally it is better for him to look carefully.

When the insect king saw it, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Your aura dismantling method is strange. It turned out to be a refining method that makes the aura structure unstable and then peels it off."

Han Fei: "But this method becomes more difficult as you go back. Because a spiritual energy is too small, this method will cause more spiritual instability in the later stage, and it is difficult to proceed."

The Insect King said a bit stiffly: "Do you know, what are the conditions for becoming a deity?"

Han Fei's heart moved: I really don't know this, and the old tortoise has never told himself.

Han Fei immediately said: "Old Yuan, don't you tell me this?"

The old turtle said: "This is something that you should consider only after the peak of the explorer. When the realm is reached, the emperor will tell you about it. Now he tells you that it is nothing more than allowing you to do something good and let you remember some favors. That's it."

Han Fei's thoughts moved: Old Turtle made sense. Otherwise, why did the Queen of Life take the initiative to raise this matter?

Han Fei's mentality changed, and he looked at the insect king again, only smiled slightly and shook his head slightly: "I don't know."

The insect king didn't notice Han Fei's change, and only said: "First, the degree of aura dismantling needs to be more than 70%, which is the basic requirement for enshrining. This number is naturally higher and higher."

Han Fei thought: Seventy percent, it doesn't seem to be too much.

Just listen to the old turtle: "That is the most basic. Under normal circumstances, it can be dismantled to 80%, which is considered a small talent. Ninety% is a Tianjiao. If it exceeds 90%, it is an absolute Tianjiao."

Han Fei couldn't help asking: "How taller?"

The old turtle sneered: "Can you try?"

Just listen to the king of insects: "If the spiritual energy is dismantled to 80%, it is already considered an extraordinary talent, a rare arrogant talent in a thousand years."

Han Fei's mouth twitched: What the insect king said is a bit different from what the old turtle said! Maybe, this is the gap of vision! The 80% of the old turtle's mouth can only be regarded as a small talent.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Master Insect King, how much can you disassemble?"

The Insect King glanced at Han Fei lightly, but said indifferently: "More than half of 80%, and less than 90% of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, there is still a slight difference."

Han Fei muttered in his heart: Good fellow, that is more than eighty-five percent. The insect king said that it was still a little bit worse, and it was estimated to be at least 88%, or even 89%. In the mouth of the old turtle, it can be regarded as a arrogant!

Sure enough, the old tortoise said: "Well, it's not bad. This aptitude does have the appearance of becoming a king."

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Old Yuan, how much did you dismantle?"

Old tortoise couldn't help feeling proud: "This emperor? Oh, I'm afraid you don't believe it when I say it. That's ninety-five."

Han Fei said in his heart: Shameless, if you want to say that you are the most arrogant among the arrogant, just say it.

Han Fei couldn't help but leisurely: "Cut! How much do I think? If you want to come 100%, I admire you."


The old tortoise said angrily: "No one in the world can be 100%, even the gods can't do it. If the spiritual energy is completely dismantled, isn't the remaining empty?"

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